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Why so many unhappy farang in Bangkok / Pattaya bars?


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So now you've managed to take your eyes off the ladies; you have looked around and seen that shopping for prostitutes does not, in fact, fill a man's soul with genuine happiness. Welcome to reality!

What a load of crap! I personally know many girls that go out to these clubs and are in no way a prostitute.

Some girls actually enjoy going out and meeting guys - imagine that. Why the automatic response that they are prostitutes? Are you somehow familiar with prostitutes in Thailand? Last girl I met was a beautiful girl from Nakhon Sawan who worked days as a massage girl. No hint of money and just genuine smiles.smile.png

Perhaps you are one of these sad, lonely old men? That would explain your attitude towards Thai girls who go out to nightclubs.

A massage girl,lol.

Kangawallafox....You have stunned me........... I have just read, and enjoyed, reading your OP "Good hearted Thai people with real decency..."

But after reading what you have just said above makes me want to puke...It's a pity you couldn't take a leaf out of the books of those nice Thai people you were writing about in that OP.

Your remark to Whereustay after he told us about meeting a nice Thai lady (I'd say he enjoyed her company as much as you enjoyed your's, maybe even more) caused you to have a good old "laugh out loud" about her because she was a massage lady....not up to your University friend's standards...... Eh! ....Pathetic.

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Maybe the older farangs you see look so sad because they remember how great the nightlife used to be and how, in comparison, it is so shit nowadays. I am happy I got to experience the place 15, 20, 25 years ago, and feel a bit sorry for the young guys who don't know any better because they were to young to see it.

I still go out because sometimes I can still have a little bit of fun and I'm still young enough to not want to sit at home watching TV and go to bed at 10 o'clock. Sometimes what I witness, experience and hear in the bars makes me sad, but not always.

As for the young guys who stare at girls and approach them without even a smile, I don't know what that is about - they are probably just idiots, a lot of them around these days I find - another reason I get a little sad sometimes.

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Why so many unhappy farang in Bangkok / Pattaya bars?


I am not making this up , I was scrolling down the general topics page and I see this Title, I laughed so hard I sprayed soda all over my lop-top, my wife who is sitting next to me wanted to know what happenedlaugh.pnglaugh.png

Then I read The helsmans reply "The staring routine is basic mind control, it never fails".and almost lost my soda again

Say what you want about TVF it is certainly entertainingclap2.gif .

You're very easily amused...

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Come on wait for some years than u will be one of us. All the older guys that their attractiveness has shifted from the front part of their trousers to the backside where their purse is.

It still does not justified that guys are running around in sleepless shirts shorts etc. when they are going out into a restaurant discotheque or for a matter of fact even a bar and that is regardless of their age

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So now you've managed to take your eyes off the ladies; you have looked around and seen that shopping for prostitutes does not, in fact, fill a man's soul with genuine happiness. Welcome to reality!

What a load of crap! I personally know many girls that go out to these clubs and are in no way a prostitute.

Some girls actually enjoy going out and meeting guys - imagine that. Why the automatic response that they are prostitutes? Are you somehow familiar with prostitutes in Thailand? Last girl I met was a beautiful girl from Nakhon Sawan who worked days as a massage girl. No hint of money and just genuine smiles.smile.png

Perhaps you are one of these sad, lonely old men? That would explain your attitude towards Thai girls who go out to nightclubs.

Defenses are up ! But the sheer number of girls for rent shifts the odds in their favor.

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So now you've managed to take your eyes off the ladies; you have looked around and seen that shopping for prostitutes does not, in fact, fill a man's soul with genuine happiness. Welcome to reality!

What a load of crap! I personally know many girls that go out to these clubs and are in no way a prostitute.

Some girls actually enjoy going out and meeting guys - imagine that. Why the automatic response that they are prostitutes? Are you somehow familiar with prostitutes in Thailand? Last girl I met was a beautiful girl from Nakhon Sawan who worked days as a massage girl. No hint of money and just genuine smiles.smile.png

Perhaps you are one of these sad, lonely old men? That would explain your attitude towards Thai girls who go out to nightclubs.

A massage girl,lol.

I'm sure there are some legitimate massage girls, but I've yet to meet one that didn't solicit for 'extras'. When she's not on the job, she may not be hooking, just out for the night, and possibly trying to find a guy who can actually get her off the game, and give her a better life??

My guess is that most/many of them are just grumpy old men, on an aged pension from home, living on the cheap, and there's nothing enjoyable about that. Maybe if they just took a bit of care with their personal grooming they'd look a lot better, and may even attract a girl/woman closer to their own age.

Personally I'm embarrassed to be seen with an 18 yo because everybody knows the terms of engagement, and that's an image of myself I'm not comfortable with. Hookers have never been my thing.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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So now you've managed to take your eyes off the ladies; you have looked around and seen that shopping for prostitutes does not, in fact, fill a man's soul with genuine happiness. Welcome to reality!

Speak for yourself, pal. They're my no means all prostitutes. I actually find chatting/flirting with and picking up Thai girls a lot fun and it makes me very happy indeed. As for filling my soul ... I do that elsewhere.

Edited by HerbalEd
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It's because they are bored.

If they're bored in Thailand there's no hope. The problem sure ain't Thailand. If you can't have fun here you are a very sad case indeed.

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Yet another post were the OP has to take a swipe at what people are wearing or how old they are.

Get over it buddy. Worry about what your doing and how your life is and STOP be so self righteous about others.

You post comments like this and get smashed and then wonder why it has happen.

Oh and by the way, looks don't account for too much if you have a wallet full of thousand baht notes... TIT

In the world of prostitutes you are correct ... it is about the money. But in the world of young non-pro modern Thai girls who are out for a fun night, you are dead wrong. These girls very much appreciate a well dressed gentleman who has a genuine smile, is personable and upbeat, and especially who can make them laugh.

And, actually, so do the pros. Yeah they will (usually) go with the money, but their disdain for the ill mannered, sloppy farang is evident on their fake-smiling face, and their customer is going to get short changed in bed. However, for the upbeat, fun & friendly, non-slob farang who makes her feel good about herself she will give her very best, actually like him, and even ask to see him again. Yes, it's about the money ... but not ALL about the money.

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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yes—take a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

You are the man. Thanks, bro. There's nothing better than making a prostitute come.

Edited by HerbalEd
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So now you've managed to take your eyes off the ladies; you have looked around and seen that shopping for prostitutes does not, in fact, fill a man's soul with genuine happiness. Welcome to reality!

What a load of crap! I personally know many girls that go out to these clubs and are in no way a prostitute.

Some girls actually enjoy going out and meeting guys - imagine that. Why the automatic response that they are prostitutes? Are you somehow familiar with prostitutes in Thailand? Last girl I met was a beautiful girl from Nakhon Sawan who worked days as a massage girl. No hint of money and just genuine smiles.smile.png

Perhaps you are one of these sad, lonely old men? That would explain your attitude towards Thai girls who go out to nightclubs.

I like your post.

The world, and Thailand in particular, needs more people like you.

If foreigners didn't regard Thai women who go to bars as prostitutes - then they cease to be prostitutes* - and can exist simply as individuals ...free from commoditization as sex objects.

Yes! that's it! In this "new age" women can be free until marriage, free to date men of any skin colour, until after marriage they then become the chattel of men. Happy days I feel like I'm living in the 1950s already! Someday Thailand might be as advanced as the west. Who knows? In the future Thai men might become the chattel of Thai women and Thai men might flock to the west for fun-filled holidays... of course I'm talking about the year 2100 at least.

*that is until they shyly utter the words "You know I'm working?" and the other golden oldie "how much you pay me?".

That also depends on the bar and where it is. Better be in a quality bar with more expensive drinks and classy women with jobs.

Anyway, I think a lot of people here and in general need to redefine what they think a prostitute is and what is accepted as


I know at least two successful business women in Sydney Australia. That do it "on the side" so to speak.

Others that have funded their businesses with it.

At the end of the day, its the men who are looking, the men who are paying and the men with the nasty descriptions of women

who know our weaknesses and exploit them.

Good luck to them and they deserve respect and when you give respect you get a lot more back. Usually.

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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yestake a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

I'm out of 'likes' but excellent comments.

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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yes—take a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

You are the man. Thanks, bro. There's nothing better than making a prostitute come.

Come where?

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My my little Mary sunshine - you have a chip on both shoulders and are still unbalanced.
I have no idea why they are unhappy - whenever I'm out drinking, I am generally very happy but then my days of being on the prowl for some female action are over since I am happily married.

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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yes—take a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

You are the man. Thanks, bro. There's nothing better than making a prostitute come.

Come where?

Mine did come, put I had to pay for it. The problem is, that she would not go.

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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yes—take a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

Very well said! I liked talking to them about their lives, families and had a pretty good time and fun with them.

Edited by sunnyk
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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yes—take a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

You are the man. Thanks, bro. There's nothing better than making a prostitute come.

Come where?

Mine did come, put I had to pay for it. The problem is, that she would not go.

Where did you want to take her?

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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yes—take a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

You are the man. Thanks, bro. There's nothing better than making a prostitute come.

Come where?

You wouldn't understand.

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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yes—take a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

You are the man. Thanks, bro. There's nothing better than making a prostitute come.

Come where?

Mine did come, put I had to pay for it. The problem is, that she would not go.

One of my favorite Thai stories: My friend is having a hearty romp with a Thai girl when she starts yelling "I GO, I GO!

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All true joy and happiness in life comes from our relationships with other people. Sometimes from animals too I suppose. And perhaps high-quality audio equipment. But mainly other people!

Sex, booze, drugs, money, cars, fancy houses, or whatever it is that you crave, are just temporary fixes. Those things can be nice, but they won't actually make a fellow happy.

I think too often the kinds of people that the OP's stereotype describes have inadvertently cut themselves off from what really matters by focusing too intently on some of these temporary fixes.

It's unfortunate really, because Thailand seems so full of friendly folks happy to make new friends. Chiang Mai is anyhow. Perhaps it's not like that everywhere.

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I am one of those "Old Farang" men. Sixty-six. I love Walking Street. I engage. I buy drinks and talk to the women. That's why I go there in the first place. I speak some Thai and if I take them short time or long time, I honor them as human beings who are doing their job, usually to help their family. I prepare for sex, don't drink too much before, yes—take a Viagra--and give them 100% attention - which they deserve. They all say that I am like a young man. My reward is their orgasm. They never guess my age to be over 50. It's all about attitude. It's not about young or old - its about honoring and respecting these women for the great service they provide. You can't find this in Kansas. Let sad old men be sad old men, and cocky young bucks be cocky young bucks - it's none of your business. Your business is to be the best You can be, no matter if its at your paying job or having a good short time sexual experience with a beautiful Thai woman. Bottom line - Have Fun and go for the Bliss.

You are the man. Thanks, bro. There's nothing better than making a prostitute come.

Come where?

You wouldn't understand.

It should be an easy question to answer, just say to her, "you can come with me to my room", or wherever you want to take her, but if you take her to your room, be sure and check under the bed, you know, for ladyboys.

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I usually see............dozens of unsmiling, frowning, morose looking (older) farang Thais .....during the day as well

And then I need plenty of alcohol (if on a night out) to prevent from turning a bit into a unsmiling, frowning, morose looking older farang.

Sometimes to no avail.

And I usually start out as a smiling friendly approachable etc farang. But all the unsmiling, frowning, morose looking people mess up my mood.

I'm working on it.

OP could always ask the older unsmiling, frowning, morose looking farang why that farang is an older unsmiling, frowning, morose looking farang,

but what older unsmiling, frowning, morose looking farang would appreciate being asked that......it would only turn that farang into an older

more unsmiling, frowning, morose looking farang.

My guess though: maybe they think they can't beat the competition, or the ladies are not responsive, or

it's late and they are tired but no deal sealed yet or the drinks bill is getting higher than intended but no deal sealed yet.

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It should be an easy question to answer, just say to her, "you can come with me to my room", or wherever you want to take her, but if you take her to your room, be sure and check under the bed, you know, for ladyboys.


Maybe under her bed ... or yours ... but no worries about ladyboys under my bed. 555

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