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Bangkok siege set for Jan 13


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My wife told me the other week that on some social media groups like pantip, facebook, that after the comment by some elitist hi-so groups north people are stupid and should not have the same vote as those in BKK as they are far more superior and more educated etc,etc, etc, a lot of the northern people have commented, ok we wont sell our rice to them and let them eat dog sh*t, 5555, she used less vulgar language.sick.gif

Wont help the rice stock pile situation but I get their drift.

did she say maa kee?
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Not all of the reds have to "come to town" from the north and the east - don't forget there a million plus red supporters living in Bkk wearing civilian colors ...

Don't you think they would have already thought about this?

How many do you think are going to come up from the south not to mention all the anti government supporters in the north too? If this is going to be a war on the streets, then they will be ready for any amount to hit Bangkok. They only need to close the roads entering the city. Jatuporn is using words of war and handing a very clear advantage to the folks in Bangkok.

This time it will be different, they won't wait to be attacked first before responding. They will likely be heavily armed and protecting each rally site and if anyone dares to attack, I doubt they will simply be able to ride away after, there will be people stationed in strategic positions ready to intercept them.

Edited by NF1000
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That last photo of Suthep he has his skinny little finger pointing skywards, just like Bin Laden always did in his speeches. Just saying. And in earlier Suthep photos he had other fist / palm type raised-hand gestures. I personally never trust any leader who uses grandiose hand gestures in political speeches, it is usually accompanied by some really tunnel-visioned rhetoric, and often hiding a lack of actual substance in the content of the speech.

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I find so much dangerous and illegal what Suthep is doing, in any other westerner civilized country he and other leaders would have been arrested on multiple counts...

But we have to remember we are in Thailand, and things does not work that way. Let's brace on 12th and hope everything will go well.

I see possibility of military coup before that day growing exponentially...

But in any other country, the government would never be allowed to be owned by proxy by a fugitive, the government would be held to account for their populist policies and lack of fiscal discipline and those in the jobs would have to be suitable for the jobs, not appointed by a fugitive to serve his own ends. Can't really compare to any other country, this situation is unique.


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That last photo of Suthep he has his skinny little finger pointing skywards, just like Bin Laden always did in his speeches. Just saying. And in earlier Suthep photos he had other fist / palm type raised-hand gestures. I personally never trust any leader who uses grandiose hand gestures in political speeches, it is usually accompanied by some really tunnel-visioned rhetoric, and often hiding a lack of actual substance in the content of the speech.

Yunla, I'm starting to agree with you.


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That last photo of Suthep he has his skinny little finger pointing skywards, just like Bin Laden always did in his speeches. Just saying. And in earlier Suthep photos he had other fist / palm type raised-hand gestures. I personally never trust any leader who uses grandiose hand gestures in political speeches, it is usually accompanied by some really tunnel-visioned rhetoric, and often hiding a lack of actual substance in the content of the speech.

I think these photos speak for themselves:



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I wonder how many supporters of Suthep here live in Bangkok and will suffer from his legal protest blocking streets, cutting off power and water, stopping government workers from working. How many of you Suthep supporters are going to need to go to immigrations during this period. Hope you enjoy yourself in Bangkok, stock up on food, beer and cigarettes, it's going to be a fun time for you to protest with your hero.

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a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling the surrender of those inside.

I thought given that the stated majority support base was Bangkok they might have a go at the 'hearts and minds' of the city first before trying to woo the populace with 'siege'.

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Its just simply a power struggle. YL is clinging on to power, but most of Bangkok want them to resign. Army clearly support Suthep and they want to show its a peoples coup and not the military taking over. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

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Can't someone bring it forward? Why wait until 13th?

The sooner the Baht hits 70 to the £ound again (where it should be), the better as far as I'm concerned.

A simple message to the Democracy cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif Party...............Please, please, please keep screwing up the country (but hurry it up, fer cryin'-out-loud).

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Not one to condone outright murder but, if ever anyone ever deserved a bullet with his name on it then that loathsome KAK Suthep has to be the most deserving!

Now now, you are starting to sound like a red shirt. Follow Ghandi's peaceful protest tactics and you will achieve much more.

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So what would be the best date to exchange my dollars for bahts. Just prior to the 13th or after the 13th

Whatever date you land.

Rarely is it better to exchange in your home country.

Best to exchange in your destination country if its currency is less stable or of lower prestige to the US Dollar.

Only GB Sterling and European Euros compete (to my knowledge) so, anywhere else, wait until you get there.

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Protests etc. wont be a day, or a week, or a month. It will be all of 2014, plus the following years/decades, factoring in the backlash / counter-revolts etc.

Thais love soap operas, and many of my Thai friends view politics as little more than interactive soaps. This particular soap is Larry Hagman and Linda Gray, in Dallas, as the tycoon and the alcoholic wife, ranting over and over about family feud land deals etc. from 50 years ago and the "Digger Barnes" affair. As with all soaps, nothing gets resolved, lots of shouting and petty ancestral hatreds, and in the case of Dallas it turned out to have been a dream.

And viewers always tune in next week, and the show's producers make a fortune, and keep spinning out the same JR vs. Sue Ellen drunken rants, and people love it, right now Suthep is like Sue-Ellen after two bottles of gin, demanding to know where her tycoon husband has been spending his nights and she wants new shoulderpads too.


I guess that would make Thaksin the Cliff Barnes of Thailand.

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Not one to condone outright murder but, if ever anyone ever deserved a bullet with his name on it then that loathsome KAK Suthep has to be the most deserving!

That is just about what my Thai wife said which made me think as she is a lifelong Democrat voter.

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I find so much dangerous and illegal what Suthep is doing, in any other westerner civilized country he and other leaders would have been arrested on multiple counts...

But we have to remember we are in Thailand, and things does not work that way. Let's brace on 12th and hope everything will go well.

I see possibility of military coup before that day growing exponentially...

But in any other country, the government would never be allowed to be owned by proxy by a fugitive, the government would be held to account for their populist policies and lack of fiscal discipline and those in the jobs would have to be suitable for the jobs, not appointed by a fugitive to serve his own ends. Can't really compare to any other country, this situation is unique.



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Not one to condone outright murder but, if ever anyone ever deserved a bullet with his name on it then that loathsome KAK Suthep has to be the most deserving!

That is just about what my Thai wife said which made me think as she is a lifelong Democrat voter.

Suthep has already warned Korn to keep his mouth shut, effectively silencing the only credible senior Democrat left standing.

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Can't someone bring it forward? Why wait until 13th?

The sooner the Baht hits 70 to the £ound again (where it should be), the better as far as I'm concerned.

A simple message to the Democracy cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif Party...............Please, please, please keep screwing up the country (but hurry it up, fer cryin'-out-loud).

post-9891-0-62856600-1388761204_thumb.jp My preciousssss money..... The sooner the Baht hits 70 to the £ound again (where it should be), the better as far as I'm concerned.

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Ahhhh the good old final, final, final, , extra final, ultra final, last one I promise push for victory laugh.png

A bit like this one a month ago http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/12/06/thailand-protest-idINDEE9B505T20131206 and the many D Days since I guess?

Do you remember at the end of November he called for full scale parallel government and a volunteer police force to be formed in place of the real police! Hows that working out for you Khun Suthep? cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

To think people on this board continually talk of how he is out smarting the current government w00t.gif when he comes out with this pish and talk of 6 million protestors whistling.gif

The guys not the full shilling as they say here in the UK, mai tem baht as they say in Thailand.

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