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what's the reason for alcohol restriction hours at 7-11?

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Because it's the law.

(Note purchase of more than 10 litres of alcoholic beverage is allowed at any time if the shop has a wholesale licence.)

no shyt sherlock just wanted to know the logic behind it.


You really are new here.......a genuine newbie.......welcome. thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1443177670>

that would have been some measure of an insult if i was truly a long time member of this forum or a long term resident in thailand which i am neither.

I believe what was referred to as logic,

is that most people who reside in Thailand realize there is very little logic if any,

for why things are the way they are.

Don't know why you would consider it an insult though?

For someone who doesn't wish to be considered a long time member of TV or a long term resident of Thailand,

you sure post a lot of comments...I've been here for 14 years,

and you have more post than I on TV.

So carry on as you are...

and perhaps you can worry less about the logic of why alcohol is sold during certain hours,

and just learn as most of us do... stock up,

if that's what you wish to spend your limited time in Thailand doing...?

I for one have never found the purchase times to be an issue,

but I'm also not one to run to the store often.

That's what a fridge is for, last I checked.

To each is is own, I guess.


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...I believe what was referred to as logic,

is that most people who reside in Thailand realize there is very little logic if any,

for why things are the way they are.

Don't know why you would consider it an insult though?

For someone who doesn't wish to be considered a long time member of TV or a long term resident of Thailand,

you sure post a lot of comments...I've been here for 14 years,

and you have more post than I on TV.

So carry on as you are...

and perhaps you can worry less about the logic of why alcohol is sold during certain hours,

and just learn as most of us do... stock up,

if that's what you wish to spend your limited time in Thailand doing...?

I for one have never found the purchase times to be an issue,

but I'm also not one to run to the store often.

That's what a fridge is for, last I checked.

To each is is own, I guess.


I suppose it depends if you go to the shop with the sole purpose of buying drink, or if it is an adjunct to your normal weekly shop. Personally, I find it irritating to be unable to add a few cans of beer to my weekly family shop, and instead have to make a separate trip down to seven-eleven to buy more expensive beer from a more limited range.


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The restrictions especially suck when I'm shopping groceries with the wife and after an hour of feet killing wandering around BigC I see a bottle of ice cold German beer in the fridge just calling my name .. and it's the bloody hours. Can look but can't touch.

In Pattaya Friendship seems to be the only one from the larger markets which still doesn't have restrictions. Best supermarket jumped in last year, if I recall correctly.

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It is a great and sensible law...should be more just like them in this great and sensible country.

Ah but there are. Let me get you a real pearl from the Immigration Act:

Section 37 : An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the following :

4. If the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer than twenty – four hours , such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within forty – eight hours from the time of arrival.

Sure, sure, all tourists do that ... not. It's packaged together with the wonderful 90 day reports. One is enforced, one not. If all laws of Thailand would be strictly enforced it would be quite a grim country.

I think the onus is on the premises owner to report the alien's stay - Hotel or landlord. I remember a while back there being some hotels criticised by the police for not reporting the foreign guests (think it was in Phuket - maybe 1 or 2 years back - can't remember exactly).

The UK still has alcohol purchasing times (although they made it easier for pubs/clubs to extend their opening times beyond the traditional - and once legally enforced - 11pm closure, but even this is still enforced unless a specific license is gained)- all supermarkets stop selling at 11pm until (I think) 10am - as do off-licences.

I think the mid day one should be phased out, but the night time one kept - few people really need to go shopping after midnight for booze - only usually drunks out a closed bar/club wanting to carry it on - nothing ahead on that but trouble.

Pizza Hut also used to enforce it, which was annoying - but now they don't sell beer at all anymore.

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It was explained to me at the start of the 'law' being implemented. If you recall it only applied to the big stores such as Tesco and Big C. You could still buy alcohol in 7-11. It was expleined to me that K Thaksin had implemented this law to help his franchise (apparently he owned over half the 7-11s at the time) People couldn't buy in Rasco etc so bought from 7-11 (pretty genius really) The nonsense about making it less available to the kids is obviously nonsense as the kids are in school at 11 in the morning, they might get out at lunch (when the booze could be bought) and back in school from 2 til 5 and could buy beer as soon as the schools were out by 5 again.

I'm not saying it's true as I was told this by another person, not by Thaksin. What a great idea though! Of course when he was gone the law included the 7-11s (the one that weren't contributing the tea money nyway!)

My memory is equally misty - but if I remember right, I think it was the other way around - that the then PM (Mr Thaksin) used an old law that had not been enforced for a decade or 4 to hit 7-11 specifically (and maybe Lotus too - not too sure on that one) - something to do with the franchise owners backing the opposition or refusing to back TRT or something like that.

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Well that didn't take long to descend into (yet another) Thaksin bash by the usual suspects, eh?

Do you chaps have TV configured so it sends you an SMS or email alert whenever the word Thaksin appears in a new post?

Quit it, I keep getting SMS alerts.

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I have never felt this restriction...alcohol usually available , it is just totted up on paper and not put through the till..... though the No Alcohol law is applied on Buddha days and royal birthdays/ election days..... then i need to go to the small soi shops.... and it is put into plastic bags...... though thinking people should stock up if there are problems.??

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I also heard it was to make it difficult for school kids to purchase alcohol. A bit of a joke as every Mom & Pop shop will have no qualms selling outside hours. And obviously restaurants and hotels can go on selling.

And the kids are on Yaba anywaywink.png

That is not completely true... at MK restaurant for example you would not get alcohol after 14:00...

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Post #32, bingo! The law was made in the 1970's. It is also true that strict enforcement started during the Thaksin era.

For those that weren't here at the time, you better hope a guy named Purachai never, ever rises to power. This guy is the moral crusader from hell. He completely destroyed the fun from Thailand. Enforcing this law was just the tip of the iceberg. When he was done you couldn't have a new years eve beer garden or put a waitress in a beer uniform, have a karaoke booth in a shopping mall, or have anything open late night. Police forced urine testing raids were common at night establishments. I won't even talk about what was enforced inside the bars. And remember his law that massage parlors couldn't open till 5pm to keep people from slipping out of work to go to them? His final solution he wants to implement is a belief that since other western countries often have just one night district that Thailand should be the same and that probably means RCA will survive and everywhere else will vanish. You should fear what Purachai was able to accomplish and I have met Thai people who think he and his moral crusade is needed to shape up the people. He is a political figure lurking out there. And so before we all go back to bashing Thaksin note the military junta, the Abhisit government, and the Yingluck government have all more or less kept the status quo established by that man.

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this law was implemented under Thaskin's govt. if i remember well, it was meant to put people back to work...

None of the above.

This law was implemented so it can make Farangs like me start swearing and cursing.

How do I always manage to go to the supermarket during restriction hours?.....I don't knoww00t.gif width=18 alt=w00t.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1451809591>

That once happened to Suthep too.

It explains the current political situation in Thailand.

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no shyt sherlock just wanted to know the logic behind it.

Well then why did you reference only 7-Eleven? The law applies to all liquor sellers, not just 7-Eleven, although it is ignored by many sellers even if they do post the sign to inform customers.

As someone else said, it's meant to curb workers from extending the lunch time break to an afternoon of non-productive inebriation. It's probably not that effective, but then attempts to limit or prohibit liquor sales even in places like the US and UK were pretty much failures as well.

Well because i only saw that sign in 7-11 i never saw that at tops market for example. Your way of asking why i only mentioned 7-11 is so odd.

that would have been some measure of an insult if i was truly a long time member of this forum or a long term resident in thailand which i am neither.

I believe what was referred to as logic,

is that most people who reside in Thailand realize there is very little logic if any,

for why things are the way they are.

Don't know why you would consider it an insult though?

For someone who doesn't wish to be considered a long time member of TV or a long term resident of Thailand,

you sure post a lot of comments...I've been here for 14 years,

and you have more post than I on TV.

So carry on as you are...

and perhaps you can worry less about the logic of why alcohol is sold during certain hours,

and just learn as most of us do... stock up,

if that's what you wish to spend your limited time in Thailand doing...?

I for one have never found the purchase times to be an issue,

but I'm also not one to run to the store often.

That's what a fridge is for, last I checked.

To each is is own, I guess.


I don't get how the number of posts makes me a new or an old member. My join date should be the indication. As for staying long term in thailand i have never ever stayed in thailand longer than 2 weeks, 10 days in fact. I started flying more often to thailand in 2010 but still it was many months apart before i flew over there again staying for mostly a week to say 10 days and that was it. I would also travel around various parts of the country staying there for a couple of days. I don't think that even qualifies me as being a regular visitor much less a long time resident.

On your advice on me a short term stayer stocking up. That doesn't make sense at all. If i'm a tourist it means that i have limited time to visit the store correct? Also some hotels don't have a nice big fridge cos i have stayed the entire gamut from budget hotels to 5 star ones but yes each fridge can store a few bottles/cans of beer.

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The biggest point I see in your post is that alcohol is very important to you.

Now that you know the score, you know how to work within reality as it has presented itself to us here in Thailand.

It is very easy to get what you want, you just need to look at your watch, plan ahead a little, or consider spending a little more time or money to get what you need when you need it.

Really not rocket science. . .

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The biggest point I see in your post is that alcohol is very important to you.

Now that you know the score, you know how to work within reality as it has presented itself to us here in Thailand.

It is very easy to get what you want, you just need to look at your watch, plan ahead a little, or consider spending a little more time or money to get what you need when you need it.

Really not rocket science. . .

How did u come to such a conclusion? Do you work for your local gypsy camp doing mind reading and fortune telling?

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Which point are you saying isn't true?

>alcohol is very important to you.

Lots of time and energy spent on a topic long after complete information was provided?

>easy to get what you want, you just need to look at your watch, plan ahead a little, or consider spending a little more time or money to get what you need when you need it.

Are you disputing that?

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To the OP,

Please learn how to reduce your pictures so that the rest of us don't have to scroll right and left to see the first page of responses

You must be mad i am using the resize feature of my hosting site to display in huge thumbnails rather than the full image that's why the picture isn't as clear as when i post on other sites.

no problem here, my browser's auto-resizing it to suit the viewport even below good old VGA width

My pics have already been resized this forum somehow doesn't auto resize images the fact that he needs to move his screen back and forth must be cos he's using a super tiny screen. I have no problems seeing my pictures on my ip4.

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  • 9 months later...

OK, then if you can buy alcoholic things at 7 eleven, from 5 until 12 midnight, What can you buy in a 7 eleven, in BKK, and for how much.

For example, I might want to fly down to BKK and I noticed that there is a 7 right next to my hotel.

I also wanted to buy 1 liter of about 45 percent alcohol spirits.

What does a BKK 7 sell that would be closest to this?

I do not care THAT much about taste, but I would prefer the best that they have at a 7.

So, what would that be? And how much? Please...

Thank you!

(And, does 7 also sell cigarettes from 5 until midnight? And, is this the same every day, even on weekends?)


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Beer and wine coolers are stored in the fridge (low alcoholic drinks),

Behind the counter they would have things like Whiskey, Thai Whiskey (actually rum), Gin, Vodka and some other higher percentage drinks. Nothing that fancy.

I would expect a markup of around 25% to 50% over prices from high-tax countries like Canada (I don't know the prices but the wine was around 25% to 50% more than Canada). A bottle of Sang Som (Thai Whiskey would set you back 300 baht, I think a bottle of gin would be closer to 1000 baht).

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Bottle of Thai rum like Sangsom is around 300 baht, 700 ml bottle. 700 ml of Gilbey's vodka or gin is 400. Some stores have a 1L bottle for 500. You can get Smirnoff and Absolute at some 7s, but they are a lot more expensive. All these are 40%, although some Thai rums like Blend 285 are only 35%. I've never seen anything stronger than 40% at a 7-11, you'd have to go to a big grocery store like Villa or Foodland if you want a better selection

Cigs are sold 24/7, there is no restriction on them

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It's one of the few laws IMO that works pretty well. They should probably move it to coincide with rush hours a little more though... although fewer drunks on the road while kids are getting out of school can only be a plus. The law isn't for the good of the drunks who will drink anyway... it's for those they might affect. Like those smoking boxes in Japan and Korea.

p.s. I say this as a former frequent drunk driver. In my younger days I was all 'heck yeah, this is the old west... I'm starting at 10am... well the most common starting point for me was the local JET or PTT 7-11.... which you'll note that alcohol sales no longer fly there any more either (another good idea)... collect some rent and some interest, hit the massage parlours or steakhouse, shoot a couple of posts over to ThaiVisa.... and then pretty much blotto by 2-3pm looking for a refill wherever I could get it. Now I'm older and much more responsible and have hired a driver for years now. "Car stays clean, no eating or drinking in the car, no speeding. Drive friendly (that took awhile to explain). No napping with the air on."

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