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Watching American Football in Chiang Mai


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Play without armour like real men and this game might be enjoyable.

Stating they play with "Armour" is ignorant. A helmet and plastic shoulder pads are hardly "armour"

Cricket players wear nearly as much gear as American footballers.

And I can assure you, these are "real men" as well as some world-class athletes playing the game, thus the high salaries.

BTW, the NFL randomly tests for Steroids as well as illegal drugs. A first offense is a 4 game suspension, without pay, which in some cases is more than a Rugby player makes in an entire season.

Subsequent violations result in longer suspensions and outright, lifetime bans.

As I had mentioned, American Football was nearly banned at one time due to the numerous on-field deaths caused by the violent nature of the game.

I suppose those weren't "real men", eh?

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BTW, there was a post by Chicog that has been since removed stating that I have a "hankering for big, muscular black men"

Sounds more like you are projecting, and you still have no argument other than childish, trollish insults to counter the facts I have posted.

This subject has gone OT, so I will leave Chicog and others that are ignorant about how much more violent, physical the NFL game is and how the athletes are bigger, faster and stronger.

And those so-called "suits of armour" are often used to punish opponents as seen here:

The collegiate player doing the hitting is a young man named Jadeveon Clowney, who stands 6'6", weighs 270 lbs. and ran a 4.47 40 yard dash at the NFL Combine:


The NFL scouting combine is a week-long showcase occurring every February in Indianoplis, where college players perform physical and mental tests in front of NFL coaches, general managers, and scouts. With increasing interest in the NFL Draft, the scouting combine has grown in scope and significance, allowing personnel directors to evaluate upcoming prospects in a standardized setting.

NFL requires anaerobic conditioning which differs from aerobic conditioning. Different sports, different styles of physical conditioning.

The NFL requires each player to give 100% maximum effort on average of about 70 plays per game, while a Rugby player may be dozens of meters/yards away from the action and is not running down a play from that distance, so they are not running at or near full-speed the entire game, nor is the tackling/collisions anywhere near as violent as in the NFL.

Again, I have played both sports at a collegiate level and speak from experience, as does Darren Bennett, a 6'5", 250 lb. former AFL player and former NFL player that will tell you the NFL players are bigger, faster and stronger.

And yes, I know that Australian Rules Football is not as tough as Rugby.

One final thought: The great Jonah Lomu was given an opportunity to play in the NFL by the Dallas Cowboys long before his health issues with his kidneys.

Soon after Dallas made him an offer to play in the NFL, he realized he was no longer a man amongst boys as the NFL is full of guys that are his size and have his speed as well as his athleticism and he quickly turned down a reported multi-million dollar offer and returned to NZ.

It's a different story when the guys hitting you are just as big, strong and fast as you are.

Again, if Rugby players are so much tougher, stronger and superior to NFL players, why don't they come to the States and earn more in one season than most Rugby players earn in their entire careers?

Because they can't.

Edited by PHP87
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Your videos really prove your point. You clearly know your stuff. Chicog is our village idiot. Please leave him alone ; )

Thanks for your kind words.

It's not about winning or losing a debate, but educating those that deride NFL players while have little to zero knowledge about American Football.

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Play without armour like real men and this game might be enjoyable.

Stating they play with "Armour" is ignorant. A helmet and plastic shoulder pads are hardly "armour"

Cricket players wear nearly as much gear as American footballers.

And I can assure you, these are "real men" as well as some world-class athletes playing the game, thus the high salaries.

BTW, the NFL randomly tests for Steroids as well as illegal drugs. A first offense is a 4 game suspension, without pay, which in some cases is more than a Rugby player makes in an entire season.

Subsequent violations result in longer suspensions and outright, lifetime bans.

As I had mentioned, American Football was nearly banned at one time due to the numerous on-field deaths caused by the violent nature of the game.

I suppose those weren't "real men", eh?

4 games??

It should be 2 years!

Why do americans feel they are above WADA code?

Theyre only "tough" because they run for 8 seconds every 5 minutes so can weigh as much as a truck.

Real athletes dont have a belly as big as a house, or need any armour, or take banned substances.

Id take an NBA player over NFL as a true athlete on any given sunday.

And pay scale has nothing to do with athleticism.

Edited by catmaninoz
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Your videos really prove your point. You clearly know your stuff. Chicog is our village idiot. Please leave him alone ; )

Thanks for your kind words.

It's not about winning or losing a debate, but educating those that deride NFL players while have little to zero knowledge about American Football.

Still, the debates are fun. You mentioned "zero knowledge." I know that was a subtle dig at our village idiot. Good one!

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Play without armour like real men and this game might be enjoyable.

Stating they play with "Armour" is ignorant. A helmet and plastic shoulder pads are hardly "armour"

Cricket players wear nearly as much gear as American footballers.

And I can assure you, these are "real men" as well as some world-class athletes playing the game, thus the high salaries.

BTW, the NFL randomly tests for Steroids as well as illegal drugs. A first offense is a 4 game suspension, without pay, which in some cases is more than a Rugby player makes in an entire season.

Subsequent violations result in longer suspensions and outright, lifetime bans.

As I had mentioned, American Football was nearly banned at one time due to the numerous on-field deaths caused by the violent nature of the game.

I suppose those weren't "real men", eh?

4 games??

It should be 2 years!

Why do americans feel they are above WADA code?

Theyre only "tough" because they run for 8 seconds every 5 minutes so can weigh as much as a truck.

Real athletes dont have a belly as big as a house, or need any armour, or take banned substances.

Id take an NBA player over NFL as a true athlete on any given sunday.

And pay scale has nothing to do with athleticism.

Your understanding of the game is lacking and your comments full of falsehoods and pre-suppositions as well as exaggerations.

Again, I have posted numerous facts while yourself and others have responded with childish, troll-like, asinine rebuttals.

Pay scale has nothing to do with athleticism?

Then why are the best athletes usually paid the most? Sorry you fail to see the correlation between athletic skills and worth to a team.

The average NFL salary is 1.9 Million per season. How many Rugby players other than Dan Carter earn that type of money?

Very few.

And a 4 game suspension without pay can often be more than the highest paid Rugby player makes in an entire season.

And why did Lomu turn down a lucrative NFL offer? Was it because he would be getting hit by guys just as big, fast and strong, if not bigger, faster and stronger?

Lomu would have been known as a "JAG" (Just Another Guy) in the NFL

You've failed to credibly answer any of the factual evidence I've put forth, which basically translates to "I have no credible rebuttal" so I will throw out some asinine comments instead.

I'll be happy to debate this subject with anyone that doesn't engage in childish, troll-like behavior and who has a hint of knowledge about sports.

And I'll back it up with facts and logic instead of immature name-calling as I have already done in previous posts.

As I've previously stated, American Football was once played without pads/helmets and was almost banned because of the numerous deaths that occurred on the field.

But I suppose you don't think professional boxers aren't "real athletes" either because they were "padding" on their fists as well as cups and amatuer boxers/olympians wear protective head gear.

If they didn't, there would be numerous deaths in the boxing ring, just like there were in American Football before protective gear was used.

Protective gear which is often used to punish an opponent as clearly demonstrated in the YT vid I posted.

As I said, Cricket players are padded up almost as much as NFL players. I guess they aren't "real athletes" either, just like the aforementioned pro and amateur boxers, right?

Edited by PHP87
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BTW, playing Football burns more calories than playing Basketball (544 Calories per hour to 476 per hour)

Rugby & Soccer both burn more calories than Football (612 Calories per hour to 544 per hour)

Source: http://calorielab.com/burned/?mo=se&gr=15&ti=sports&q=&wt=150&un=lb&kg=68

Basketball, Soccer and Rugby requires Aerobic conditioning, while Football requires Anaerobic conditioning.


This should put to rest any silliness about Football players not being "real athletes"

Again, those pesky facts...

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Money is related to commercial aspects of a sport. You cant compare different sports because they all have different markets and different amounts of money available. Just because NFL has a higher value market than other sports and the players are paid more, does not mean an NFL player is more athletic than another sports athlete.

Aerobic conditioning is a much better guide than anerobic.

NFL is stop/start. Other sports are continuous.

Did the roman gladiators have a rest break every minute?

Also, i assume you are referring to rugby union? A game played by overweight men?

I would like to see the stats for rugby league and australian football, which your link did not list. Both games are much more brutal than union or cricket.

If playing without armour means the game should be banned, then it should be banned. Danger has nothing to do with toughness. Endurance of aerobic pain is a measure of a real athlete.

Soccer players (when not whincing for penalties) are tough.

The best measurement of how tough someone is, pull up the shirt and bare your abdomen. If you have a belly, you aint tough.

And boxing is not as tough as UFC. Yes, because of the difference in armour.

Edited by catmaninoz
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The use of the term "Armor" invalidates your entire argument.

Should boxing be banned because they are required to wear gloves?

Boxing not as tough as UFC?

UFC requires less stamina than boxing as it has 3 to 5 rounds of 5 minutes per round.

Boxing has 3 minute rounds with up to 12 Rounds.

You are contradicting yourself by basically stating UFC is tougher, yet they require less stamina, but then you claim Rugby is tougher than the NFL because you don't understand aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.

"Armor" - Typical word used by someone that knows absolutely nothing about American Football.

You have yet to refute a single thing I have written.

BTW, how many Rugby players have successfully transitioned to the NFL?

Hayden Smith tried and made the Practice Squad for the NY Jets.

The PS is basically comprised of 8 fringe players that can't make the team and are kept only for depth in case the 3 guys ahead of them on the depth chart are injured.


Hayden Smith saw little action and only had one reception for 16 yards in his NFL "career" before returning to playing Rugby.

The 6'7", 260 lb Hayden couldn't cut it in the NFL, just like the great Lomu who ran back to NZ after realizing that he would be a "JAG" (Just Another Guy) in the NFL and would be hit by guys that are bigger, faster and stronger instead of being a man among boys like he was back in NZ

If Rugby players are such superior athletes to NFL players, why aren't they coming to the States and taking those high-paying jobs from those out of shape NFL players, especially seeing how the average Rugby player salary is far below the NFL minimum salary?

Because as I have stated, they don't because they can't.

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You keep saying rugby and then referring to rugby union.

I clearly stated rugby union is different to rugby league.

You dont know the difference. Its massive.

I did not bring up boxing as i know nothing of it, nor UFC, i assumed they went for the same time. So yes i was wrong there.

You have failed to address the two sports i have mentioned. Rugby League, and Australian Rules Football.

Talking of athletes who crossover sports is irrelevant. Most dont make it.

Jarrad Hayne was one of Aus best rugby LEAGUE players and is trying out for NFL in one year. Most dont believe he will make it.

Aus has had a few retired pros become punters and be successful in NFL including playing in superbowls.

But it really is comparing apples to oranges in regards to crossovers.

And dont forget. We dont wear armour. And we still run just as fast and hit just as hard.

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So to summarized for those of you who can't be bothered to wade thru three pages of put-down of American football or suggestions about live-streaming that may-or-may-not work, the options appear to be:

The Empress Hotel, with a breakfast buffet and definite no-alcohol policy

The B & B Sugar Bar, in town

The Game, at Kad Farang, out of town

Does that pretty well summarize the options?

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You keep saying rugby and then referring to rugby union.

I clearly stated rugby union is different to rugby league.

You dont know the difference. Its massive.

I did not bring up boxing as i know nothing of it, nor UFC, i assumed they went for the same time. So yes i was wrong there.

You have failed to address the two sports i have mentioned. Rugby League, and Australian Rules Football.

Talking of athletes who crossover sports is irrelevant. Most dont make it.

Jarrad Hayne was one of Aus best rugby LEAGUE players and is trying out for NFL in one year. Most dont believe he will make it.

Aus has had a few retired pros become punters and be successful in NFL including playing in superbowls.

But it really is comparing apples to oranges in regards to crossovers.

And dont forget. We dont wear armour. And we still run just as fast and hit just as hard.

No, you/they don't. How many times does this has to be explained to you?

And the incorrect use of the word "Armor" continues to make you look ignorant.

And as demonstrated by the YT vid in this thread, that "Armor" is often used to dish out punishing hits to opposing players as the players plants his helmet in the opposing players mid-section with such force that it pops the strapped on helmet on his head backwards several yards as well as separating the ball carrier from the ball.

Do you have any idea how much strength and force it takes to hit someone hard enough to pop the helmet off of their head like a bottle cap?

Even in head-on motorcycle accidents, the helmet remains on the head in most cases.

I've seen NFL players literally separated from their shoes by such hits. In NFL jargon, a hit like that is called a "decleater" because it knocks the cleats right off of the feet.

And how many Olympic Gold Medalist sprinters have played Rugby?

Several have in the NFL, along with NCAA Track and Field stars that have gone on to play in the NFL

And Punters are usually not considered athletes, as they punt the ball about 6 times per game.

Speaking of Punters, again I defer to Darren Bennett, an exception to a punter being a non-athlete and who played AFL and NFL and stated that by far, NFL players are bigger, faster and stronger and that people "back home" simply can't comprehend how much bigger, faster and stronger.

And I have addressed AFL many times by referencing Darren Bennett who I will again defer to as he has played both AFL and NFL as mentioned above and in other posts.

This is why Rugby players can't cut it in the NFL, especially at the skill positions.

Just ask Jonah Lomu.

Like I keep saying, they would if they could, but they can't so they don't and continue to earn, on average, about 1/10th of the salary an NFL player makes.

Edited by PHP87
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Hey, here's an idea. Watch the sports you enjoy and allow others to do the same. cool.png

No problem, but if people like Chicog are going to make insulting, asinine comments, then I am going to destroy his ignorance with facts and logic instead of childish insults.

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I would recommend an App called KODI/XBMC.

It takes a little tech knowledge to setup, but I get a variety of media entertainment from a variety of sources including live sports.

Worth checking out even if you're not a sports fan as there are plenty of channels and shows from all around the world, many in HD

First tun movies and live sports included as well as current and past TV shows from around the world.

Adult entertainment as well.

I missed the final season of "Sons of Anarchy" and watched the entire final season over the weekend and without commercials.

A good broadband connection is required to prevent buffering, and you may need to edit the advancedsettings.xml file to increase the buffer size as well.

Easy to do and instructions on where the file resides and what parameters to set the .xml file can also be easily found.

Once I did this, no buffering issues, even with HD movies and other HD media running full screen with my PC connected to my 55" LCD TV via HDMI cable.


Plenty of "How to" vids on YouTube as well.

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I like the idea of being able to strip out all the unwanted content in a torrent and just being able to download the commercials.


Anyway no matter what I'm sure it will be on all the usual streaming sites if you're so inclined.

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You know PHP87, i feel that you are incredibly defensive on the 'gridiron' subject. Why not let other folks, the ill-informed if you will, have and express their opinions without your twisting your knickers? It (pro american football) is only a game played by an extremely small number of people, world-wide, and those only of an age under 30, generally. Sure those guys make bags of cash but many are very poorly educated and rather ignorant of the world outside the stadium, gym room or pimped-out Hummer.

Bags of cash coz the typical USA viewer has too much time and money on his hands and loves vicarious violence.

So, enjoy the game and support local venues by showing yourself at 6 am at one of the mentioned CM establishments. And plz wear a badge with ID # PHP87.

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I play American football with my Thai kids and sometimes with the CMU Flag league but mainly I Mt. Bike, try flying into a tree while traveling at 40+ km/hr, that can smart!

But that just a seque for my question for PHP87, do you cycle?

And that leads to my real point - GOT PATS!!!!

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I play American football with my Thai kids and sometimes with the CMU Flag league but mainly I Mt. Bike, try flying into a tree while traveling at 40+ km/hr, that can smart!

But that just a seque for my question for PHP87, do you cycle?

And that leads to my real point - GOT PATS!!!!

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Good luck with thatwhistling.gifclap2.gif

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