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UK visit for the first time in 7 years - what to do?


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Cadbury's Roses or Quality-Street, scotch-pancakes, hot crumpets, blackcurrant jam & Rose's Lime-Marmalade, sherbert-lollies for the kids, boxes of Maltesers for a quid at any pound-shop, Sugar Puffs, M&S swiss-rolls with buttercream, Stone's ginger-wine for Christmas, PG-Tips, sherbert-lemons, seaside-rock, gingerbread men, rock-cakes ...

Edited by Ricardo
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You wont get anywhere unless you are registered with a GP, for which you need ID and a utility bill for your address.

ER etc will only give you "Emergency" help, the first question you will get is "who's your GP" ?

If you havnt been back for awhile, you are in for a shock, I go every year and still get shocked at the rapid changes but mostly by the dam_n cost of anything !

£108 for a bus ticket !

2 sandwiches and 2 bottles of water £10

Fish & chips £6.50

1 Bottle of water 500ml £1.20 ( 45 baht for 12 bottles in Thailand)

You need to start shopping in tesco mate 1 sand which,drink and packet of crisps £3 or less than 150 bht

Called tesco meal deal.

Meal deal more like snack deal. Two slices of bread with next to nothing inside. The drink is tiny one gulp and it's gone:-)

Still that s**t sells a lunch that all you can afford.

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Your right. The cost of things is an absolute joke. Trains on the day London to Derby £208!

Water is usually £1.20 for a bottle anywhere convenient. Yes we are flooded by benefit scrounging foreigners from as far afield as Iraq and Afghanistan. They couldn't find anywhere closer to seek asylum? Really? It's the welfare state that draws them like flies to ____.

I wish I was in your position. The only good thing here is the education. I'm 31 and I don't have kids. Came back to the UK in 2010 for work. The weather is killing me! Quality of life is not great back here. sad.png

You could always catch the bus for 12 quid.

Try £65 with a nice 4 to 5 hour journey time.

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I went back in 2008 with a fantastic job offer, circa October 2008. You know what happened then. I went back after having never lived there.

It was a shock to me. A Pakistani lady at the job centre (where you have to interview for the NI number) told me that I was not entitled to one. I told her off, spoke to the manager and all was approved after a few weeks.

Then after a visit to a doctor, showed my passport and was issued the NHS number.

You are in for a shock. From my first visit back in 98 for family issues, then 2000 and 2003, going back in

2008 was a shocker for me. I came back after 6 months, of which 3 months was homelessness (credit crunch killed the job prospects as well as ageism).

Bring back some murray mints, some allsorts and a huge jar of marmite.

The rest, the somalis and iraqis can keep!!! It ain't my country anymore nor is it what my grandparents lived in.

What a fuc_king sad thing for someone to say who lives abroad in a country that is NOT HIS OWN.

Yes terrible isnt it ,lives in a country that is not his own ,and has the cheek to bring all his own money into it ,pay for his own medical care ,housing and god forbid if he gets married and has kids ,then has the cheek to pay for their education and doesnt even claim benifits ,what a rotter,can see why no country would want his sort.

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as for foodstuff to bring back. what a strange question to ask someone else - very odd

Hardly odd - I'm looking for inspiration smile.png There may be some item that I won't remember to buy unless someone else suggests it to remind me of that item.

bring back some twiglets , liquorice and Caramel waffers, loads of cheese , rich tea biscuits, teabags..... well thats my list anyway....

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I went back in 2008 with a fantastic job offer, circa October 2008. You know what happened then. I went back after having never lived there.

It was a shock to me. A Pakistani lady at the job centre (where you have to interview for the NI number) told me that I was not entitled to one. I told her off, spoke to the manager and all was approved after a few weeks.

Then after a visit to a doctor, showed my passport and was issued the NHS number.

You are in for a shock. From my first visit back in 98 for family issues, then 2000 and 2003, going back in

2008 was a shocker for me. I came back after 6 months, of which 3 months was homelessness (credit crunch killed the job prospects as well as ageism).

Bring back some murray mints, some allsorts and a huge jar of marmite.

The rest, the somalis and iraqis can keep!!! It ain't my country anymore nor is it what my grandparents lived in.

What a fuc_king sad thing for someone to say who lives abroad in a country that is NOT HIS OWN.

Yes terrible isnt it ,lives in a country that is not his own ,and has the cheek to bring all his own money into it ,pay for his own medical care ,housing and god forbid if he gets married and has kids ,then has the cheek to pay for their education and doesnt even claim benifits ,what a rotter,can see why no country would want his sort.

Yes, my son is expensive. lol. Do not bother explain it to him. He is a sad and lonely person. Probably has portraits of Blair hanging in the toilet.

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I went back in 2008 with a fantastic job offer, circa October 2008. You know what happened then. I went back after having never lived there.

It was a shock to me. A Pakistani lady at the job centre (where you have to interview for the NI number) told me that I was not entitled to one. I told her off, spoke to the manager and all was approved after a few weeks.

Then after a visit to a doctor, showed my passport and was issued the NHS number.

You are in for a shock. From my first visit back in 98 for family issues, then 2000 and 2003, going back in

2008 was a shocker for me. I came back after 6 months, of which 3 months was homelessness (credit crunch killed the job prospects as well as ageism).

Bring back some murray mints, some allsorts and a huge jar of marmite.

The rest, the somalis and iraqis can keep!!! It ain't my country anymore nor is it what my grandparents lived in.

What a fuc_king sad thing for someone to say who lives abroad in a country that is NOT HIS OWN.

Yes terrible isnt it ,lives in a country that is not his own ,and has the cheek to bring all his own money into it ,pay for his own medical care ,housing and god forbid if he gets married and has kids ,then has the cheek to pay for their education and doesnt even claim benifits ,what a rotter,can see why no country would want his sort.

I can see why most civilized countries wouldn't want racists including Thailand regardless of the amount of money they flash around down the local bar.

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Razor Blades and shaving cream are the first thing in my shopping basket....way cheaper than LOS, then I'll add some Fray Bentos Pies and some corned beef for around 25% of the Thai price

I disagree with you about the Fray Bentos pies, there is hardly any meat on them anymore. I was shocked when I had one when I was in the UK only two years ago.

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Make the most of your visit.

Connect with old friends and family.

It may be your last time,back home.

Bring back what tickles your fancy.

Have a good trip.

I will be in a similar position in April,(can't wait)

A drink in the local,a bet on the horses Saturday lunchtime,fish and chips (Scarborough or Bridlington.)plus fresh cold water crab.

A night as guest chef,at my friends restaurant.

Most of all my Mothers company.


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"what to do?"

Shop for clothes and eat real fish and chips.

and a decent Rubby (Indian Curry)

What about a decent potato peeler? I have looked everywhere, even in Bangkok, and cannot find one.

Find a Robison (we have one in CM) and the cooking sales area - they do ceramic potato peelers - bought one before xmas (for xmas spuds) - very sharp and good :)

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£108 for a bus !!

Sounds cheap to me - I'd imagine they were more than £100k !! smile.png

I'm still registered with my local surgery - I just never had an NHS medical card.

Are you sure ? Because they update annually and anyone who doesnt reply or hasnt visited the surgery in the previous 12 months is removed from the register now.

Incorrect. I did not visit nor speak to my doctor for 2 years and am still registered. I know that because I went to see him for a check up.

Dentists are another matter though and they will often remove you.

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You wont get anywhere unless you are registered with a GP, for which you need ID and a utility bill for your address.

ER etc will only give you "Emergency" help, the first question you will get is "who's your GP" ?

If you havnt been back for awhile, you are in for a shock, I go every year and still get shocked at the rapid changes but mostly by the dam_n cost of anything !

£108 for a bus ticket !

2 sandwiches and 2 bottles of water £10

Fish & chips £6.50

1 Bottle of water 500ml £1.20 ( 45 baht for 12 bottles in Thailand)

£108 for a bus. That is a joke, right? Lands end to John O'groats?

London to Darlington £32 - abt 230 miles booking for tomorrow on the internet with National Express

Rail travel booked in advance under £38 for same trip.

Tesco Chicken n Bacon sarnie £1-50p

Bottled water @ Tesco from 50p - 500ml

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I just returned after 27 years with my Thai wife and 2 kids what a supprise you will have. I was preped for the worst but..... OK after a three month run about we are now sorted and that is super fast as as l k ew what to do. Good luck if you can walk in and get past the HRT and pop in for a quick free med check up.

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You wont get anywhere unless you are registered with a GP, for which you need ID and a utility bill for your address.

ER etc will only give you "Emergency" help, the first question you will get is "who's your GP" ?

If you havnt been back for awhile, you are in for a shock, I go every year and still get shocked at the rapid changes but mostly by the dam_n cost of anything !

£108 for a bus ticket !

2 sandwiches and 2 bottles of water £10

Fish & chips £6.50

1 Bottle of water 500ml £1.20 ( 45 baht for 12 bottles in Thailand)

£108 for a bus. That is a joke, right? Lands end to John O'groats?

Lands End to John O'Groats is 92 quid with National Express.

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"what to do?"

Shop for clothes and eat real fish and chips.

Visit the charity shops for shirts. 'Real' fish and chips are overpriced and not as good as I remember.

Unless you go to Grimsby...

Or the North East...

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"what to do?"

Shop for clothes and eat real fish and chips.

Visit the charity shops for shirts. 'Real' fish and chips are overpriced and not as good as I remember.

Unless you go to Grimsby...

Or the North East...

Grimsby's in the North East neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3.gif

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Can't you remember your NI number? I find stuff like that impossible to forget. Have a look at this page here for getting it mailed to a UK address; people forget it all the time. Btw, there are certain bank accounts that can be opened as a foreign national, like HSBC's 'Passport' or summat... might be worth looking into.

Gotta go back just now, but been a year longer than you Simon. Passport, driving license (still got the old pink paper) etc will get renewed.

With the incessant price rises here, I can't believe it'll be horrendously different there, esp' for stuff like wines, breads and cheeses. Proper Guinness in a real pub ain't much more than that Malay crap they serve in dives here and the supermarkets just have so much choice... Tesco being an entirely different animal as you know. Looking forward to it, but not getting too comfy.

Bring back some pork scratchings, Walker's cheese & onion crisps, Jaffa Cakes, jammy dodgers and a kilo slab of Cadbury's Chocolate.licklips.gif

Yes, we all like to knock it, but at the end of the day if sh1t happens, there are not many countries in the world I would like to have to fall back on. For one, your passport gets you everywhere. Be proud to be British no matter how crud you think it is. thumbsup.gif

Why do you need to renew your driving license? You can drive in the UK on a Thai one for 1 year. Passport is a good idea as it's much cheaper than doing it from Thailand.

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"what to do?"

Shop for clothes and eat real fish and chips.

Visit the charity shops for shirts. 'Real' fish and chips are overpriced and not as good as I remember.

Unless you go to Grimsby...

Or the North East...

Grimsby's in the North East neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3.gif

South of Darlington is London in my book...

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You wont get anywhere unless you are registered with a GP, for which you need ID and a utility bill for your address.

ER etc will only give you "Emergency" help, the first question you will get is "who's your GP" ?

I'm sorry but this is completely incorrect.

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