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Rats in the 31. floor?!


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arnestockholm, on 10 Jan 2014 - 08:07, said:arnestockholm, on 10 Jan 2014 - 08:07, said:

Can any one recommend a company who could take care of the issue?

I would recommend the OP to call some Buddhist monks to do some blessings.

It's definitely bad spirits or ghosts......often found in Thailand.w00t.gif

<deleted> Are you for real ,or flipped out??????

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Yes they work great, as long as you don't mind hearing the rats screaming for 24 hours as they try and free themselves (biting their limbs off if necessary). Illegal in some western countries.

Utter nonsense, it's a silent process, there is no sudden pain, unlike reading your posts!

I agree that it is usually a silent process. However, there is a view that you ought to make the rat scream before you kill it because the scream frightens other rats away. You could tape the rat screaming and play it now and again to keep rats away. I have never tried this method but some people swear that it works.

The most likely situation is that you have a female rat with young in either the space between the floors or in some ducting.

The female will need to get access to food. That means that she has to use a pathway to get to the food source - this they do at night when there are fewer people around. You need to identify the food source and the pathway used by the rat to get to it. You place your traps in the rat run - often along walls if you see any signs of rats moving along those walls.

If you use a metal cage or snap trap, make sure to place the bait inside and set it first and then hang it over a fire (gas stove is good) to get rid of your scent. If you use sticky sheets, you have to be very careful of pets, children and other animals. Stick sheets are great if there is one female rat and the young are really tiny. Cage traps are good if you have more than one rat - sometimes the cages have "runners" or entrances with no exits so that a rat outside can get inside to find out what is going on inside. Snap traps are good if you have only one rat.

A lively cat would be good - better to have two and feed them in the mornings so that they are up and awake at night when the rats are lively - cats hunt out of instinct, not hunger. Get a pair of spayed females as she is most likely to stay at home and not wander. Cats usually do not actually kill adult rats as the latter are just to big and can bite. Instead, they make it difficult for the female rats to come and go with food for babies and the rats move on to an easier location.

Another choice is to poison the rats - you must use proper rat poison and not the local stuff that someone made privately. Apart from being really careful with such substances as they also kill humans and other animals too, it would be best to get the version that makes the rats very thirsty. But then you have to be very careful to make sure you have access to water sources that the rat will use. If a rat dies in some inaccessible place, the stench will drive you and your neighbours out of your homes really quickly.

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I had a very challenging time when I took a trip and left the house - with some rats inside. Came back to a nightmare.

So, I learned about rats extensively... 1. rats are very smart; if you catch them and set them free they can find their way back. 2. rats can be deadly, they can carry a deadly respiratory disease (I forget the name) that is incurable - although rare (?) 3. they poop and piss while the run, thus leaving a trail of their shit everywhere they go - i.e. all over your house 4. various traps can work - for a time or two anyway - but like I say, they are smart. My favourite - the only one that worked was a big bucket 1/3 full of water and a newspaper covering with a cut out and hidden "trap door"; put some cheese on the covered hole. 4. rats love to make love; get rid of the problem before they start a colony 5. girlfriends don't like rats so get rid of them fast 6. snakes love rats so get rid of them faster 6. after a few weeks of hell and trying all of the above and researching extensively I found a solution.... a little kitty cat - smaller than the rats - ... the rats, all of them were gone permanently within the hour. Meow ;) P.S. If you've had rats around your house, it is important to sterilise the area effectively... something like this... spray the entire area with dish soap detergent and scrub and clean, then spray with vinegar water solution, sweep up the droppings, then spray the area thoroughly with bleach. A professional face mask not the cheap ass kind) is highly recommended. Then spray the area with bleach. The dish soap detergent (Dawn if possible) neutralizes the chemical components of the nitrate in rat shit. If you simply add the bleach to sterilize the area over the rat shit you create mustard gas (nitrate and ammonia). Betcha didn't know that part, eh? Good luck though... it can be a serious problem, not to mention the snakes. ;)

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You can also get metal traps in the "plastic" shops(not suitable for you) that catch the animal but doesn't kill it. I had to use it myself two times. I had got some traps posted from Europe because I thought the sticky types were cruel, mine just kill it, but my good wife would have none of it, had to trap them alive and drive about 5 kilometers away to an open field and release them there. It turned out to be a nice ride in the country and herself, myself and the two rats were all feeling very pleased with ourselves afterwards.....job well done.

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Watch where the rat is comming and going, put a rat trap in the pathway it uses; u need to put peanut butter on the flat device that holds the plunger from firing. The rats love the smell and taste of peanut butter. Has a 99% success rate in catching/killing the buggers with the trap.

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We live in a house in a country village, every now and again we heard scurrying sounds up in the roof area, above the ceilings. The problem got worse and worse until it sounded like a small army marching around up there. I opened the trap door and put our cat in, 24 hours later complete silence.

Occasionally the same thing happens, scurrying noise, in with the cat, quick time problem solved.

Now I often find the cat sitting on the floor gazing up at the trap door, obviously wanting to go back for some more fun.

I say get a cat.

Unless the cat retrieves the dead bodies, you are going from one problem to another, IMHO, worse one. There are few thngs worse than a decaying rat carcass that is inaccessible to you. It is the big drawback with using poison for vermin as they will seek out a place to die.

The sticky baited mats are good in this respect..............wink.png

Cats in my area believe in pride of ownership. What they kill, bird, rat etc they bring home to show master.

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Yes they work great, as long as you don't mind hearing the rats screaming for 24 hours as they try and free themselves (biting their limbs off if necessary). Illegal in some western countries.

Utter nonsense, it's a silent process, there is no sudden pain, unlike reading your posts!

it is not silent, the rats struggle frantically to get free. I've heard it. They don't starve to death without a fight.

IMO if you are going to kill rats, poison is more human than this. At least it is a quicker death.

Getting a cat is best suggestion, the rats will sense/smell the cat and simply migrate away from your apartment.

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You can buy rat traps very inexpensively here, they comprise a mat that is coated with a very sticky substances which traps the rat after a short while the rat will die. Our previous landlord used them in a house we stayed in and they work very well.[/quote

Called rat glue comes on a round plastic disc size of dinner plate piece of bread in the middle go to bed it will stuck there in the morning, cost in hardware store about 40baht for box of two.

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Use "Stun" rat bait (Green) sold in Tesco Lotus. The rat will have to drink water before the poison activates. Therefore, it won't die in your ceiling, but somewhere near the drain. Works better than Ars (pink).

Be careful if you have pets or kids around.

Yes .... I have used something similar from another retailer. Ideal as they die away from the property.

Once when I was living up country I had a cheeky rat that used to sit watching me from the roof beams in a thai style outer kitchen in the knowledge that I could not reach him. I invested 2,000 THB in a small but extremely deadly crossbow. Once it was sighted correctly it was accurate to a centimetre up to 20ft. An hour of practice with an old tree stump and the rat was gone at his next sit-in. Also good for fishing with an attached line in shallow water. Less noisy than a hand gun.

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It is probably Suthep and his merry bunch of vermin running around and checking out places to cause chaos and disruption. Hire the services of some "reputable" monks, if you can find some, get them to chant "Och Bai Kak!" that should do the trick, however, you will probably have some extremely dangerous and toxic health issues as Suthep tends to leave a considerable amount of Rat Faeces everywhere he scurries! ( You could try Rentokil to perform a clean up, but they will probably refuse, if so, give Abhisit a call, he usually cleans up shit that his pets leave behind, like a good mother cat.

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Sorry for you... for 1 rat you can see, there are 100 you don't!

Check if your neighbours do have the same visits, because treating only your appartment is not a long time solution.

You're never more than six feet away from a rat (the four legged type) in the UK, in the City the numbers are seriously scary, makes you think what Bangkok must be like by comparison:



The article you link to says 'Assuming you're standing at a given spot in an urban area you would be at most 164ft (50m) away.

Saying you're always 164ft away from a rat doesn't have quite as much of a fear factor as 6ft away, but it's much more of a realistic estimate.'

But you failed to count the Brits. cheesy.gif

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Doc46, on 10 Jan 2014 - 17:57, said:
Costas2008, on 10 Jan 2014 - 14:54, said:
arnestockholm, on 10 Jan 2014 - 08:07, said:arnestockholm, on 10 Jan 2014 - 08:07, said:arnestockholm, on 10 Jan 2014 - 08:07, said:

Can any one recommend a company who could take care of the issue?

I would recommend the OP to call some Buddhist monks to do some blessings.

It's definitely bad spirits or ghosts......often found in Thailand.w00t.gif

<deleted> Are you for real ,or flipped out??????

Definitely real and also flipped out looooooong time ago!

Suggest you acquire a sense of humour!

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I once caught a fair size rat in a metal cage. The wife did want to kill it so I put the trap with the rat in a large plastic bag and put it in the chest freezer. Next day emptied the trap in the bag and took it off. She was none the wiser.

Snakes and rats should never be turned loose outside again. They should only be returned to that great green pasture in the sky.

Edited by BillyBobThai
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Yes they work great, as long as you don't mind hearing the rats screaming for 24 hours as they try and free themselves (biting their limbs off if necessary). Illegal in some western countries.

Utter nonsense, it's a silent process, there is no sudden pain, unlike reading your posts!

it is not silent, the rats struggle frantically to get free. I've heard it. They don't starve to death without a fight.

IMO if you are going to kill rats, poison is more human than this. At least it is a quicker death.

Getting a cat is best suggestion, the rats will sense/smell the cat and simply migrate away from your apartment.

I agree it is not silent, but poison is not painless either.

The big downside to poison, is that the rats carry it back and end up dying in your wall or ceiling, and they can stink for a long time. The traps are great, but people should check them frequently. And kill the rats once they are trapped.

I agree that a cat is the best option, and while I love cats, many people hate them.


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This is Thailand... Rats have probably scurried over the beer you drink, the food you eat and the house you live in

as if there are no rats in other countries. i have rats in my greenhouse/and in our shared ceiling in our apartment. i see the rats. one or two also try to come in thru our screen in the window but the dogs go berserk. there will always be rats. and they bring friends. they communicate with each other. and the sticky traps are not very good for large rats, better for mice. either poison or regular live/steel traps/or several cats, because even a cat will not stand against a large adult rat. btw, dont knock rat/fox terriers or even some of the smaller yorkie types. that was their job up until 60 or so years ago...

getting rid of rats is a profession. rats are intelligent and learn new ways of getting in to small small areas, they can climb, leap, slither under and over small openings, manage to eat thru light metal screens, wood, plaster, etc.

a big python would also do the trick.

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This is Thailand... Rats have probably scurried over the beer you drink, the food you eat and the house you live in

as if there are no rats in other countries. i have rats in my greenhouse/and in our shared ceiling in our apartment. i see the rats. one or two also try to come in thru our screen in the window but the dogs go berserk. there will always be rats. and they bring friends. they communicate with each other. and the sticky traps are not very good for large rats, better for mice. either poison or regular live/steel traps/or several cats, because even a cat will not stand against a large adult rat. btw, dont knock rat/fox terriers or even some of the smaller yorkie types. that was their job up until 60 or so years ago...

getting rid of rats is a profession. rats are intelligent and learn new ways of getting in to small small areas, they can climb, leap, slither under and over small openings, manage to eat thru light metal screens, wood, plaster, etc.

a big python would also do the trick.

the problem with a snake is rats would outnumber it ,a python eats every 11 days on average

the rats would breed faster than the snake could eat them so you would need multiple snakes

which leaves you with a roof full of snakes instead of rats

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try sit at a bar in kao san rd, lthe <deleted>**s are running under your feet. i walked down kao san rd one night when the bars were emptying, the bar owners had bin bags full of rubbish in the middle of the rd, it was getting daylight , there was one particular heap of rubbish, about 10 bin bags, i seen on that heap about 20 big rats and about 5 cats eating together. rats are not afraid of cats , cats are scared of rats or at least dont even flinch at a rat, i know i have seen it many many times in bkk. FACT

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Well, next day the pest control install some traps over the ceiling. Also doing a video inspection to see if some traces of rats are available. But all seems clear and I don't hear anything more. But maybe it's just to loud outside from the Bangkok shutdown ...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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  • 3 months later...

This is Thailand... Rats have probably scurried over the beer you drink, the food you eat and the house you live in.... Get a cat and be done with eat.... My mousers did a great job till my cat hating Norwegian neighbor took it upon himself to kill them....

Off topic.

No rats where I live, the snakes ate them all.

I do regularly see a mongoose crossing the road, so still plenty of snakes around.

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I had a very challenging time when I took a trip and left the house - with some rats inside. Came back to a nightmare.

So, I learned about rats extensively... 1. rats are very smart; if you catch them and set them free they can find their way back. 2. rats can be deadly, they can carry a deadly respiratory disease (I forget the name) that is incurable - although rare (?) 3. they poop and piss while the run, thus leaving a trail of their shit everywhere they go - i.e. all over your house 4. various traps can work - for a time or two anyway - but like I say, they are smart. My favourite - the only one that worked was a big bucket 1/3 full of water and a newspaper covering with a cut out and hidden "trap door"; put some cheese on the covered hole. 4. rats love to make love; get rid of the problem before they start a colony 5. girlfriends don't like rats so get rid of them fast 6. snakes love rats so get rid of them faster 6. after a few weeks of hell and trying all of the above and researching extensively I found a solution.... a little kitty cat - smaller than the rats - ... the rats, all of them were gone permanently within the hour. Meow wink.png P.S. If you've had rats around your house, it is important to sterilise the area effectively... something like this... spray the entire area with dish soap detergent and scrub and clean, then spray with vinegar water solution, sweep up the droppings, then spray the area thoroughly with bleach. A professional face mask not the cheap ass kind) is highly recommended. Then spray the area with bleach. The dish soap detergent (Dawn if possible) neutralizes the chemical components of the nitrate in rat shit. If you simply add the bleach to sterilize the area over the rat shit you create mustard gas (nitrate and ammonia). Betcha didn't know that part, eh? Good luck though... it can be a serious problem, not to mention the snakes. wink.png

Yes. Delightful fact about rats & mice is they have a urinary tract and no bladder. So everywhere they go they are dribbling urine. Not sure about the number 2's. Thought they had control over them but maybe not.

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With the glue traps and poisons, nobody has mentioned that when the rats in those difficult to get to places inside your walls die, their rotting flesh will stink up your condo for months. Turn on the AC, and smell dead, rotting, putrid rats. So, not a good option.

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With the glue traps and poisons, nobody has mentioned that when the rats in those difficult to get to places inside your walls die, their rotting flesh will stink up your condo for months. Turn on the AC, and smell dead, rotting, putrid rats. So, not a good option.

Actually, I think someone did mention that, but it is only an issue with poison, not traps.

You put out poison, they eat the poison, go back in the wall and die.

You put out a trap, the get stuck in/on the trap and your dispose of them. They don't carry the trap away.

In my opinion, spring traps that kill them quickly are the most civilized.

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