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Please see above post to Sir Burr. Aside from the fact that it is female viewpoints that this thread is about, observe on this thread how women respond to other women's posts...they tend to accept and respect the subjective nature and the validity of different subjective views...men (many, not all) tend to respond to female viewpoints by asserting them to be "wrong" and trying to "correct" them to be in line with a male viewpoint.

p.s. have just properly read your criticism of what I said. I think that I did respect, even concur with your views. I certainly didn't tell you that you were wrong. If I 'corrected' you, it was because you asked a question about Keanu's intelligence and I replied with an answer that went contrary to what you previously thought.

Why this led you to believe I was a man hijacking the thread I have no idea. :D

It seems that the other thread has got people a tad over-sensitive. I didn't even find anything in what Sir Burr said particularly offensive - he was of course wrong (re: Jack Nicholson), but so what? He's entitled to his opinion, as you are then entitled to tell him to shut up: surely that's what a forum is about?

p.p.s. to keep on topic: a young Matt Dillon :o

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Patrick Swayze a la road house (cringe I know :o )

Tom Jane (google "The Punisher" a marvel comics movie) what a body, was also love interest in the sweetest thing with cam diaz, funny cause I thought he was really cute in that movie but didn't realise it was the same guy from the punisher as he had lost most of the muscle. Still would though :D

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or the baldwin brothers....

Have you noticed, ladies, that we have not once had to show photos of our so loved lust lovelies.

But our male counterparts have to put them on other threads... bikinis and all..

Goes to show that we have imaginations!!!

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So true, and is there anyone more gorgeous than Paul Newman in his youth? I am afraid even Johnny Depp would rate 2nd :o

Actually, I am pretty sure Keanu Reeves is an intelligent person, I have seen several interviews where he appeared quite well spoken and well informed.

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Keanu was what, 19 years old or so when he did "Bill and Ted's excellent adventure"

now we all know how 19 year old boys are don't we? :o

can't hold that against him since

he has grown into "excellent" eye candy

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Been a bit busy with work stuff lately so haven't been around much .... lots of new stuff to read through!

As far as older guys go, no one's mentioned Harrison Ford yet ... had a crush on him as a kid watching Indiana Jones movies, but still just as appealing in more recent movies.

James Blunt does appear to be a bit wimpy (but probably isn't) - I saw him on an Oprah show a few weeks ago and he just seems so nice!

Trying to think of younger guys in the movies but can't think of anyone specific at the moment. Most of the time it's the character they play that makes them appealing ... good movies can make even guys that aren't that great looking seem 'desirable'!!

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Ok ladies, I'm backing down. After extensive "research" on Google (in the interests of this forum, of course), I've come up with two conclusions.

1) It appears our Mr Reeves is not so dumb after all, despite a general consenus to the contrary - probably a conspiracy by male journalists :o:DHere is an archive of interviews for you.

2) Whatever his brain power, he is one fine-lookin' man. This is for you, Patsycat:


There's more (with more skin, if your brain's not working properly :D ) on the same site.

I agree with the Paul Newman thing - they don't make 'em like that anymore.

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Harrison Ford, yes, definately a keeper.

Brad Pitt is good looking,

(I think he was at his best looking in "Legends of the Fall")

but he isn't the type I find most attractive

and between Robert Redford and Paul Newman,

Paul Newman edges out Redford,

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I see nobody has mentioned my wife's favourite swoon, Nicholas Cage.

I have always had great difficulty understanding this attraction thing. Why are we attracted to this person but not that and why do some people find Mr or Ms A attractive, but not others.

As for myself, I have always considered myself to be somewhat on the less than attractive side of the scale, but I have never been out of a long term relationship for more thasn a month or so for almost fourty years. Beats me why.

Voices seem to play an interesting part in attraction. One lady I know is stunningly beautiful, but when she speaks you want to scream, cover your ears and disappear into a hole in the ground.

There was a time, quite a few years ago, that I was bothered by nuisance phone calls simply because a group of ladies liked the sound of my voice. Weird! Never understand the human condition.

As a man, I apologise for posting this, please delete if it is not considered contributory. It is, however a subject in which I am interested!

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Nicholas Cage has that "something" not really a good looking man but he has "it" whatever it is? He was best in Con Air & Red Rock West. There are a lot of people like that, you see a photo & they may not be the bestlooking of the bunch but in person they blow you away with their charisma. The eye's & smile though are what do it for me in real life. I can tell really quickly is someone is not genuine by their eyes, if they can't hold eye contact or even make it they are usually shifty IMO. And I agree p1p, a voice can make the best looking guy a real turn off :o

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As for myself, I have always considered myself to be somewhat on the less than attractive side of the scale, but I have never been out of a long term relationship for more thasn a month or so for almost fourty years. Beats me why.

Modesty? :o

Did you hear that, Donz?

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Current crush is Gael Garcia Bernal.

oooh i am with you on that. he was gorgeous in 'y tu mama tambien'.

johnny depp is irresistably gorgeous as well. james dean is my all time favorite (he looks so fragile and so not at the same time).

i just saw a movie with 'the rock', and i am embarassed to admit i think he is hot.

don't get the keanu thing, he's ok just seems dumb as a post. DEFINITELY don't get the john cusack thing, though i did like the movie 'say anything'.

anyway most of those are visual interpretations of the question. ideally in a man i would like him to have his own independence, passion, ambition, and intelligence. i like romance, spontanaiety, creativity, non-traditional values, laid back demeanor, fun. and since i have been in thailand i realized i need someone about the same age, economic status, and with about the same education as i have.

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Any interview I have seen with Keanu he comes across as very articulate & smart, just not overly opinionated or anything. I think the Bill & ted films did unjustified damage to him, I mean he can't be that stupid, he has been in 2 of the most successful films of all time, speed & matrix. :o

Thanks Boo, you've made my day!! :D:D

Lots of otherwise intelligent and/or talented actors/esses have made poor choices in film roles from time to time.

I envy you ladies for who can ract to a man's physical appearance irrespective of other qualities but it just doesn't work for me. Which may be why I have a much smaller list of hotties. For me, it's the total persona that I respond to, physical features are a part but only a part, there is also the apparent personality, brains, etc and how it all fits together (the whole being greater than the sum of its parts).

Do you happen to remember where any of these interviews awith Keaneau ppeared? My curiosity has been aroused...

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Addendum: ignore last para, and many thanks to Harry for the research and linkm which (since I have some boring work I SHOULD be doing now on the computer) I am busily perusing....

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It is an interesting discussion about Nicolas Cage, he does have something, it's not really looks though,

it's like those old time mvoie stars like Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby, they certainly weren't attractive, but I guess they had something to be bankable for so long.

Of those old time movie stars, I think Jimmy Stewart was the best,

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Adrian Paul, if he's not gay (anyone happen to know?...Like Keanu he is attractive in looks and personality, comes across as a really nice guy who isn't too full of himself.

Problem I have with some otherwise attractive looking men is that, with a lot of them, there's a sense that they know they are good looking and it's gone to their heads I get this feeling a little on John Cusack, for example; maybe it's not the case but somehow something about how he comes across gives the impression. So altho his looks and smarts are fine, I've some reservations.

Then there are the guys with definite animal magnetism but also a sort of dark undercurrent that makes one feel it's best to pass on them...Sean Penn, for example.

Brad Pitt I have never gotten, can';t see the appeal for the life of me. Aside from the fact that I don't like blond (my first deep love I think left me permently imprinted to likebrown eyes, dark hair and slight build), even if he weren't blond I just don't see anything attarctive there. What am I missing?

Have started my way through the Keanu interviews (takes time as they merit slow savoring) on the link Harry posted. Pleased to say, he comes across as everything I visualized and then some. Smart, unassuming, very nice & decent, nonconfrontative and very private. He refuses to respond to baiting and draws the line and answering personal questions...these traits plus his lack of braggadacio (?sp?) maybe why male journalists don't like him?

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Adrian Paul, if he's not gay (anyone happen to know?... Like Keanu he is attractive in looks and personality, comes across as a really nice guy who isn't too full of himself.


At www.wikipedia.org one can find a lot of info about 'Male-stars' or just type the name in 'Google'.


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You cant even pick who is who can you :o

I dont have a younger pic as this was last year when i was alittle bit more chubbier, but just pretent the cheeks shrink abit hehehhe ok i probaly look nothing like him.

I asked my gf do i look like keanu and she bursted out laughing



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You cant even pick who is who can you :o

I dont have a younger pic as this was last year when i was alittle bit more chubbier, but just pretent the cheeks shrink abit hehehhe ok i probaly look nothing like him.

I asked my gf do i look like keanu and she bursted out laughing

Whoa , who's Keanu and who's you? I say separated at birth !

Hehe just pulling a leg... kudos for the courage :D

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Guest endure
Brad Pitt I have never gotten, can';t see the appeal for the life of me. Aside from the fact that I don't like blond (my first deep love I think left me permently imprinted to likebrown eyes, dark hair and slight build), even if he weren't blond I just don't see anything attarctive there. What am I missing?

They say that a lot of Pitt's attractiveness is due to the fact that he has a symmetrical face which, in pyschological studies, are deemed to be more beautiful.

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