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Going ahead with Feb 2 poll could be waste of money: OAG


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Going ahead with poll could be waste of money : OAG

Budsarakham Sinlapalawan
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) has suggested that the Election Commission (EC) review the decision to hold a snap election on February 2, as it could end up being a waste of state funds, an adviser to the office, Pisit Leelavachiropas, said yesterday.

The request was made in an urgent letter sent to EC chairman Supachai Somcharoen on Wednesday. The OAG expressed its concerns over the use of Bt3.8 billion in state funds to hold the election. There was a high possibility that the money would go to waste, it said.

"To ensure the most efficient use of the funds and to prevent damages, we suggest the EC reconsider holding the election," the letter read.

Pisit said the OAG feared that if the poll goes ahead as scheduled, the political situation might prevent the new administration from being able to convene the House of Representatives. Alternatively, another House dissolution could end up being called within one year after the election, meaning that the state funds would be squandered.

However, Pisit said the EC was not obliged to follow the OAG's advice, as it was not legally binding.

"The OAG sent the letter to the EC because we fear the use of states funds [for the election] might be a waste of money. It doesn't mean we agree with the People's Democratic Reform Committee," Pisit said, referring to the main Bangkok-based protest group trying to derail the election because it doubts the politicians it favours could win it unless "reforms" are imposed first. A source said acting OAG director Prapee Ankinandana sent the letter to the EC.

-- The Nation 2014-01-10

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If people could vote online in the privacy of their own homes or sms their vote using their ID card and house book number to confirm their ID then the cost would be far less than the cost quoted by OAG.

As for Chainarong's comment " PTP has been wasting money since they had power" I'm sure your correct there has been a waste of money.

Would you agree Mark's time at the head of the government use all monies wisely and transparently with no one pocketing some for themselves?

Didn't he have the opportunity to eradicate corruption while he was in power?

Didn't he try to gag the media to limit information to Thai people and the world that gave negative reports during 2010?

So what happened? he had his chance and failed spectacularly, and that's why the Dem's can't win an election!!!post-4641-1156693976.gif

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One big step in the right directionwould be the option of actualy voting where one lives.

At the moment poor old Somchai and his wife who are both living and working in Bangkok but their house registarion is in Moo Bahn Bumsqueek, (Gawd knows where province) have to travel back to Moo Bahn Bunsqueek ( Gawd knows where province) to cast their votes.

A day off of work or probably two days, the cost of traveling home and back, inded a wonderful incentive not to vote is it not?

It was interesting to note whilst driving to Bangkok ( Samuy Prakarn) from Umphur Sangkha in Surin the marked abscence of election posters for all parties as may be involved in this possible general election.

Counted 8 posters. 3 for the P.T.P. and the other 5 were for 2 other parties who are contecting seats.

I am inclined to agree with the view that the election is a waste of time and money as it would seem in reality those in the political field are well aware of the upcomimg problems, financially, business wise and politically that are heading Thailands way. Nobody wants to win the political cyanide suicide pill that will be delivered to the winner (s) with this proposed election.w00t.gif

As I have stated before. ''It is time for a form of non political National Government to get Thailand back on track.''

Hopefully such a governmental process will have a better track record of both getting back on the tracks and staying on them than the S.R.T. currently seems to have.whistling.gif

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What do the PTP care about money wastage? It's not them that's paying, it's us taxpayers. We have to pay for their charade of an election even though there weren't be enough candidates to form the next parliament.

So how much tax did you pay to Thailand last year?

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What do the PTP care about money wastage? It's not them that's paying, it's us taxpayers. We have to pay for their charade of an election even though there weren't be enough candidates to form the next parliament.

So how much tax did you pay to Thailand last year?

How much did you pay?

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Well, according to my last S.M.S. (12-26:hrs) from ''The Nation'' it seems as if there is a request from the O.A.G.that has been sent to Yingluck to postpone the election.

Interesting situation.

Time for the caretaker gocernment to gain a breathing space, or time for the hour of reckoning on the rice pledging scam scheme and the tide may well roll in rapidly on the financial front esplanade as well as the busines frontage.

Perhaps the P.T.P. may well have very nasty payment demand rendered to them concerning their populist policies.

However we all know it's going to be the Thai people who foot the bill financilaly as opposed to the Thaksin clan and their ilk.

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What do the PTP care about money wastage? It's not them that's paying, it's us taxpayers. We have to pay for their charade of an election even though there weren't be enough candidates to form the next parliament.

So how much tax did you pay to Thailand last year?

How much did you pay?

REALLY... "So how much tax did you pay to Thailand last year?" "How much tax did you pay?".

WOW, such deep thinking there, well thought out, clear, Insightful, well informed.

I'm Underwhelmed.coffee1.gif

try keeping all you receipts and calculate your vat tax and you'll know exactly how much you paid

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Auditor-general asks EC to review February 2 election


BANGKOK: -- The Office of Auditor General of Thailand (OAG) has urged the Election Commission (EC) to review hosting the February 2 general election saying a large sum of money will be wasted should the election result voided.

In the OAG’s letter to EC board chairman Supachai Somcharoen, it asked that the EC to review the election reasoning that many factors are threatening the poll and may cause it to fail.

The failure will mean a waste of a massive amount of money without any returns and the expenditure will double when another election has to be held, the OAG said.

It thus urged the EC to thoroughly contemplate its decision regarding the election, pointing out that, given the current circumstances of political situation, the general election shall only be held when it is clear that the result will be accepted by the majority, in order to optimize the use of election budget.

The EC earlier estimated that it will spend more than 3.8 billion baht on the election.

Meanwhile, EC chairman Supachai Somcharoen said EC would have a meeting this afternoon to discuss OAG’s advice and also how to remedy candidates who could not register election in 28 constituencies in the South.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/auditor-general-asks-ec-review-february-2-election/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=auditor-general-asks-ec-review-february-2-election

-- Thai PBS 2014-01-10

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Well, according to my last S.M.S. (12-26:hrs) from ''The Nation'' it seems as if there is a request from the O.A.G.that has been sent to Yingluck to postpone the election.

Interesting situation.

Time for the caretaker gocernment to gain a breathing space, or time for the hour of reckoning on the rice pledging scam scheme and the tide may well roll in rapidly on the financial front esplanade as well as the busines frontage.

Perhaps the P.T.P. may well have very nasty payment demand rendered to them concerning their populist policies.

However we all know it's going to be the Thai people who foot the bill financilaly as opposed to the Thaksin clan and their ilk.

Well, as if the man in Dubai would care about OAG.

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If people could vote online in the privacy of their own homes or sms their vote using their ID card and house book number to confirm their ID then the cost would be far less than the cost quoted by OAG.

As for Chainarong's comment " PTP has been wasting money since they had power" I'm sure your correct there has been a waste of money.

Would you agree Mark's time at the head of the government use all monies wisely and transparently with no one pocketing some for themselves?

Didn't he have the opportunity to eradicate corruption while he was in power?

Didn't he try to gag the media to limit information to Thai people and the world that gave negative reports during 2010?

So what happened? he had his chance and failed spectacularly, and that's why the Dem's can't win an election!!!post-4641-1156693976.gif

why stop at Mark?

Why not compare the PTP administration to the Marcos family? Or Pol Pot? Or Saddam Hussain? You could write to the Pope and ask for beatification for them

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One big step in the right directionwould be the option of actualy voting where one lives.

At the moment poor old Somchai and his wife who are both living and working in Bangkok but their house registarion is in Moo Bahn Bumsqueek, (Gawd knows where province) have to travel back to Moo Bahn Bunsqueek ( Gawd knows where province) to cast their votes.

A day off of work or probably two days, the cost of traveling home and back, inded a wonderful incentive not to vote is it not?

It was interesting to note whilst driving to Bangkok ( Samuy Prakarn) from Umphur Sangkha in Surin the marked abscence of election posters for all parties as may be involved in this possible general election.

Counted 8 posters. 3 for the P.T.P. and the other 5 were for 2 other parties who are contecting seats.

I am inclined to agree with the view that the election is a waste of time and money as it would seem in reality those in the political field are well aware of the upcomimg problems, financially, business wise and politically that are heading Thailands way. Nobody wants to win the political cyanide suicide pill that will be delivered to the winner (s) with this proposed election.w00t.gif

As I have stated before. ''It is time for a form of non political National Government to get Thailand back on track.''

Hopefully such a governmental process will have a better track record of both getting back on the tracks and staying on them than the S.R.T. currently seems to have.whistling.gif

At the moment poor old Somchai and his wife who are both living and working in Bangkok but their house registarion is in Moo Bahn Bumsqueek, (Gawd knows where province) have to travel back to Moo Bahn Bunsqueek ( Gawd knows where province) to cast their votes.

A good idea, BUT, then people would be able to vote without pressure from their local village headmen. My wife no longer votes, for that reason and because she doesn't see a good candidate.

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If people could vote online in the privacy of their own homes or sms their vote using their ID card and house book number to confirm their ID then the cost would be far less than the cost quoted by OAG.

As for Chainarong's comment " PTP has been wasting money since they had power" I'm sure your correct there has been a waste of money.

Would you agree Mark's time at the head of the government use all monies wisely and transparently with no one pocketing some for themselves?

Didn't he have the opportunity to eradicate corruption while he was in power?

Didn't he try to gag the media to limit information to Thai people and the world that gave negative reports during 2010?

So what happened? he had his chance and failed spectacularly, and that's why the Dem's can't win an election!!!post-4641-1156693976.gif

why stop at Mark?

Why not compare the PTP administration to the Marcos family? Or Pol Pot? Or Saddam Hussain? You could write to the Pope and ask for beatification for them

If you read my post correctly you would see that I did say "I'm sure your correct there has been a waste of money" so I didn't stop at Mark...

money wastage was here before Mr T was in power and it will be after, but just think how much it could be if Suthep takes power??? and how much money as a falang will relived of if he gets his wish???????????????????

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If people could vote online in the privacy of their own homes or sms their vote using their ID card and house book number to confirm their ID then the cost would be far less than the cost quoted by OAG.

As for Chainarong's comment " PTP has been wasting money since they had power" I'm sure your correct there has been a waste of money.

Would you agree Mark's time at the head of the government use all monies wisely and transparently with no one pocketing some for themselves?

Didn't he have the opportunity to eradicate corruption while he was in power?

Didn't he try to gag the media to limit information to Thai people and the world that gave negative reports during 2010?

So what happened? he had his chance and failed spectacularly, and that's why the Dem's can't win an election!!!post-4641-1156693976.gif

If people could vote online in the privacy of their own homes or sms their vote using their ID card and house book number to confirm their ID

You mean to make it even easier to sell your vote and guarantee the vote is cast 'correctly', right? Recently a video surfaced of a Puea Thai MP using other MP's ID cards to vote 'correctly' in the Thai Parliament.

Didn't he (Mark) have the opportunity to eradicate corruption while he was in power?

No, he didn't, He was plagued by a rabble, paid for by Thaksin Shinawatra , that tried to overthrow his government. He did have a workable Rice Scheme that helped farmers stay on their land. What he didn't do was borrow hundreds of billions for vague schemes that would line the pockets of his cronies nor did he try to increase his power by changing the Constitution.

You think it unfair that "he was plagued by a rabble," and also do you think it unfair that there was an attempt to overthrow his government?

I think so many people think it was unfair that Mr T's government was overthrown, and I think a lot of people think it unfair that Mark was made PM when he was not elected by the people's vote, so yeah riots ensued as a result of a theft of government.

And now it's happening again an attempt to steal the elected government to place in power those that suite the likes and interest's of a few.

The people that voted Thaksin and Yingluk into the PM, is their vote and wishes being respected NO IT'S NOT and sooner or later they will show there anger.

As for the billions borrowed,

It was under Thaksin's government that IMF loan was paid back before the due date, a fact you either don't know due to ignorance or you choose not to admit.

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What do the PTP care about money wastage? It's not them that's paying, it's us taxpayers. We have to pay for their charade of an election even though there weren't be enough candidates to form the next parliament.

So how much tax did you pay to Thailand last year?

What's that got to do with the price of fish, mate?

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One big step in the right directionwould be the option of actualy voting where one lives.

At the moment poor old Somchai and his wife who are both living and working in Bangkok but their house registarion is in Moo Bahn Bumsqueek, (Gawd knows where province) have to travel back to Moo Bahn Bunsqueek ( Gawd knows where province) to cast their votes.

A day off of work or probably two days, the cost of traveling home and back, inded a wonderful incentive not to vote is it not?

It was interesting to note whilst driving to Bangkok ( Samuy Prakarn) from Umphur Sangkha in Surin the marked abscence of election posters for all parties as may be involved in this possible general election.

Counted 8 posters. 3 for the P.T.P. and the other 5 were for 2 other parties who are contecting seats.

I am inclined to agree with the view that the election is a waste of time and money as it would seem in reality those in the political field are well aware of the upcomimg problems, financially, business wise and politically that are heading Thailands way. Nobody wants to win the political cyanide suicide pill that will be delivered to the winner (s) with this proposed election.w00t.gif

As I have stated before. ''It is time for a form of non political National Government to get Thailand back on track.''

Hopefully such a governmental process will have a better track record of both getting back on the tracks and staying on them than the S.R.T. currently seems to have.whistling.gif

Your suggestion of allowing people to vote where they currently live is most likely unworkable. Can you imagine the chaos at polling stations with a dozen Somchais turning up and claiming that they all live around the corner. How could you verify that mindful that there would be a hundred people in line waiting for their registration to be validated

It would also open up the possibility for further corruption with voters turning up at several voting stations and attempting to vote multiple occasions.

It would also wipe out your beloved Democrats from Bangkok if Red Somchai could vote because he currently lives on a Silom Road construction site.

Hang on a minute, I think you have a brilliant suggestion.

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If people could vote online in the privacy of their own homes or sms their vote using their ID card and house book number to confirm their ID then the cost would be far less than the cost quoted by OAG.

As for Chainarong's comment " PTP has been wasting money since they had power" I'm sure your correct there has been a waste of money.

Would you agree Mark's time at the head of the government use all monies wisely and transparently with no one pocketing some for themselves?

Didn't he have the opportunity to eradicate corruption while he was in power?

Didn't he try to gag the media to limit information to Thai people and the world that gave negative reports during 2010?

So what happened? he had his chance and failed spectacularly, and that's why the Dem's can't win an election!!!post-4641-1156693976.gif

vote only on the computer system without any possible checks.....great....no government will loose any elections anymore.

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They should postpone the election for a few months. I don't want to see the laughable post here stop. I love to read these post here.

I disagree! They should waste their money and realise that it hasn't been a democratic election as several parties have been blocked in registering by their opposition. And that nothing will be fixed from an election at this stage due to many factors and the wheel will just keep turning. I think that will give us plenty to laugh and talk about.

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Not only is the EC not obliged to follow the OAG's advice, it does not have the authority to cancel or change the election date. A legal hange to a later election date would require either the abdication of Yingluck's interim government, a constitutional amendment, or a coup. None seems realistic.

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Seems a waste of time worrying about a waste of state funds, the PTP have been doing just that since they got into power.cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149>

If the cost of elections is a real concern, then Suthep has the solution: one man vote (Suthep) instead of the many. A totalitarian system is far cheaper than a democratic system of messy, time consuming, and expensive elections.

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What do the PTP care about money wastage? It's not them that's paying, it's us taxpayers. We have to pay for their charade of an election even though there weren't be enough candidates to form the next parliament.

So how much tax did you pay to Thailand last year?

Unless you are into smuggling your everyday needs then you pay tax on all purchases. If you work here (legally) then you also pay direct tax. If you ride a motorised vehicle, then you pay tax.

Wake up to the real world xminator

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Seems a waste of time worrying about a waste of state funds, the PTP have been doing just that since they got into power.cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149>

If the cost of elections is a real concern, then Suthep has the solution: one man vote (Suthep) instead of the many. A totalitarian system is far cheaper than a democratic system of messy, time consuming, and expensive elections.

Seems to work in parliament.

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Your suggestion of allowing people to vote where they currently live is most likely unworkable. Can you imagine the chaos at polling stations with a dozen Somchais turning up and claiming that they all live around the corner. How could you verify that mindful that there would be a hundred people in line waiting for their registration to be validated

It would also open up the possibility for further corruption with voters turning up at several voting stations and attempting to vote multiple occasions.

It would also wipe out your beloved Democrats from Bangkok if Red Somchai could vote because he currently lives on a Silom Road construction site.

Hang on a minute, I think you have a brilliant suggestion.

DOH! Registration for voting at your new address has to be completed at least one month before the election to be eligible, otherwise your old address will be used. ID cards must be shown to receive ballot.

There, all your petty little problems resolved.

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