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Local Traders seem to think they own the road.


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au contraire

i was once treated to the same abuse on second road on the right side almost opposite soi 7

outside a massage shop, i parked nicely and was told to move by a person that came out the shop

i told her that it was the kings highway and i was allowed to park there

she said this is mafia shop

i said never mind

she said maybe you have problem with car

i took her picture and i said maybe you have problem with shop window at 4 in morning

i took some pictures of the car and left the on board cameras running and pointed to the shop front

when i returned an hour later all was well

she stayed in the shop scowling and flipped me the bird as i left

i laughed

(btw i understand Thai ways and know any Thai who says mafia is a moron)

You were lucky that time.

But it may not work out well for next foreigner who's told not to park at a spot that a local thinks he owns.

I would not take that chance, and I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to.

Blackman, you replied with a picture, a cat writing the following line:

'I didnt realise you are an expert of how how I live my life..'

When did I tell you how you should live your life? How am I an expert about anything about you? I said that maybe you got lucky, when you parked despite a Thai telling you not to, and next guy who uses your method to park a car or bike may not be so lucy. Notice NEXT GUY, that means not you.

Did you read todays news section, Jan 11th 2014 , about shots fired over parking dispute. Thankfully nobody was hurt or killed.

You advice to fellow foreigners is to ignore Thai warning, and park where you want. That is bad advice, it is terrible advice, and as todays news report shows, you can be killed over parking dispute in this country.

You have lived in Pattaya for years, yes? How can you give such bad advice? Not just bad advice , if people follow your advice, they risk having a car or a bike damaged, or worse. Living here for years you must know that! Everybody who lives here knows that.

Again, in no way did I tell you that Im an expert of how u live your life, and it not business how and where u park.

But why you twist what I said? Please point me out when did I tell u how you should live your life?

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The City Council started a campaign to stamp out this practice a few years ago. Every now and again you see a photo op. as they clear plastic chairs from the road in front of a few shops, but they never put much effort into it. I see the latest thing is a campaign ti stop baht buses stopping wherever they like. Same thing, a few photos in the local papers and then that's the end of it.

Having been visitor there I had baht buses pas me by half the time because I didn't know the certified sports for them to stop in. Not knowing the baht bus routes is another serious problem for visitors who are doing more than a trip from their hotel to the walking street.wai.gif

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I parked on 2nd road Pattaya. Told the gesticulating stall owner I was going to eat. Drove off 30 minutes later with a nail in my tyre...

You have been warned, but your ignorance and selfishness have been punished, so what?

Som nam na...lesson learned?

My wife is also pissed, when these idiots (mostly farangs), block the parking space in front of her office/shop for several hours with their cars....

Thais tend to ask, if they're allowed to park for a few minutes.....

This is Thailand, stop whining and adapt yourself.

Why do people come to Thailand and complain about the Thai way of life.

Back home if there are no parking meters I make a conscious effort to not park in front of another retailer.

It is called curtsy.

I wonder if mikebell had the curtsy to thank the owner for such a cheap lesson.

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I parked on 2nd road Pattaya. Told the gesticulating stall owner I was going to eat. Drove off 30 minutes later with a nail in my tyre...

You have been warned, but your ignorance and selfishness have been punished, so what?

Som nam na...lesson learned?

My wife is also pissed, when these idiots (mostly farangs), block the parking space in front of her office/shop for several hours with their cars....

Thais tend to ask, if they're allowed to park for a few minutes.....

This is Thailand, stop whining and adapt yourself.

Why do people come to Thailand and complain about the Thai way of life.

Back home if there are no parking meters I make a conscious effort to not park in front of another retailer.

It is called curtsy.

I wonder if mikebell had the curtsy to thank the owner for such a cheap lesson.

why do people in Chang Mai feel the need to post in the Pattaya forum?

it must be pretty boring up there

i have never once even looked at that forum never mind posted there

the word is courtesy NOT curtsy

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We live in Pattaya and never block a shop. It a matter of respect for the local small business owner. Its tough

enough for them even if someone doesn't block their shop. Why do people have to go against the grain and then

complain when locals don't like it? Its really a no brainer. Just do the right thing!

the right thing is to be able to park according to the law, not according to what some local thinks

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We live in Pattaya and never block a shop. It a matter of respect for the local small business owner. Its tough

enough for them even if someone doesn't block their shop. Why do people have to go against the grain and then

complain when locals don't like it? Its really a no brainer. Just do the right thing!

the right thing is to be able to park according to the law, not according to what some local thinks

They say "ignorance of the law is not an excuse", but actually, does anyone know what the law is in this respect in Thailand?

I was threatened in no extorted in Phuket when I parked my bike in a public street. Pay the "parking fee" or move on. And this, less than 5 metres from 4 restaurants, in one of which I had intended to have a meal. I do not know who was collecting, but none of the restaurants got my business that day, nor any other day since.

Methinks that this issue is endemic, so there may be hidden factors afoot that of which we farangs are not aware.

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I parked on 2nd road Pattaya. Told the gesticulating stall owner I was going to eat. Drove off 30 minutes later with a nail in my tyre...

You have been warned, but your ignorance and selfishness have been punished, so what?

Som nam na...lesson learned?

My wife is also pissed, when these idiots (mostly farangs), block the parking space in front of her office/shop for several hours with their cars....

Thais tend to ask, if they're allowed to park for a few minutes.....

This is Thailand, stop whining and adapt yourself.

he was warned by someone in authority?

warned by someone who actually owns that piece of road?

do they pay to maintain it?

in fact they are breaking the law by laying claim to something that belongs to government , king and country

they are lying by telling you that you can't park there

so by ignoring wrong, untruthful and often illegal ''advise'' that makes a person ignorant and selfish?

you that you think they should be obeyed

you approve of the cowardly retribution delivered to mikebell for daring to disobey a street vendor?

he broke the law and committed criminal damage to re-enforce his point

that's ok with you?

sound like you have adapted to Thai way of life just fine.......

however you and your wife should realize that people , including ''mostly farangs'' are allowed to park outside her office/shop for several hours without asking

even if you do not like it, that's the law as it stands

like her you seem to have a problem with other farangs and have taken this opportunity to ride the coat tails of other posters and exercise your right to moan about them from the comfort of your keyboard

maybe you should take the law into your own hands and stand outside the wife's shop and you be the one to tell farangs not to park there

i think you should stop listening to your wife, stop whining and simply accept the law

what are you man or mouse?

squeak up!

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au contraire

i was once treated to the same abuse on second road on the right side almost opposite soi 7

outside a massage shop, i parked nicely and was told to move by a person that came out the shop

i told her that it was the kings highway and i was allowed to park there

she said this is mafia shop

i said never mind

she said maybe you have problem with car

i took her picture and i said maybe you have problem with shop window at 4 in morning

i took some pictures of the car and left the on board cameras running and pointed to the shop front

when i returned an hour later all was well

she stayed in the shop scowling and flipped me the bird as i left

i laughed

(btw i understand Thai ways and know any Thai who says mafia is a moron)

You were lucky that time.

But it may not work out well for next foreigner who's told not to park at a spot that a local thinks he owns.

I would not take that chance, and I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to.

Blackman, you replied with a picture, a cat writing the following line:

'I didnt realise you are an expert of how how I live my life..'

When did I tell you how you should live your life? How am I an expert about anything about you? I said that maybe you got lucky, when you parked despite a Thai telling you not to, and next guy who uses your method to park a car or bike may not be so lucy. Notice NEXT GUY, that means not you.

Did you read todays news section, Jan 11th 2014 , about shots fired over parking dispute. Thankfully nobody was hurt or killed.

You advice to fellow foreigners is to ignore Thai warning, and park where you want. That is bad advice, it is terrible advice, and as todays news report shows, you can be killed over parking dispute in this country.

You have lived in Pattaya for years, yes? How can you give such bad advice? Not just bad advice , if people follow your advice, they risk having a car or a bike damaged, or worse. Living here for years you must know that! Everybody who lives here knows that.

Again, in no way did I tell you that Im an expert of how u live your life, and it not business how and where u park.

But why you twist what I said? Please point me out when did I tell u how you should live your life?

i told my story of an event that happened to me in a topic about Thai parking abuses

i do not care if you like my story or not

i did not give anyone advise about anything

how another person deals with abuse of parking regulations will be their decision

personally i would rather have a scratched car or a damaged tire than to have to consider selling my principles so cheap

i do not care to heed your advise on how to live my life:

''I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to''

i dance to the beat of my own drum


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This is not a Thai thing - it happens in virtually every city on the planet.

It does get worse. Go to any city in the US or Europe, and you will find restaurant owners who place tables and chairs right on the footpath, and if that is not enough, then they remove the traffic cones they have placed in the street to block parkers and put more tables and chairs there.

Every city on the planet? Are you serious? I don't know how shop owners in the West can claim the area out the front of their business when there are parking meters every 20 feet or so. In Australia you can't even put a billboard on the sidewalk unless you get council approval, let alone tables and chairs, and I've never had a shopowner anywhere else in the world get aggressive because I parked outside his shop.

I've seen it in many cities in Europe, and in New York it is almost considered constitutionally guaranteed. They will put orange parking cones in front of their establishment, and move them only when they are assured that you are going into their business. Ignore it at your and your car's peril. There have been multiple shootings in NYC related to these incidents.

No idea about Australia - been there many times, but never long enough to observe whether this goes on or not.

Well, I've lived in Australia virtually all my life and never seen it. Never saw it in the UK or Europe either.

Perhaps that's the problem. The OP is not in Australia, the UK or Europe. The question to ask is 'do the locals have the same problem that the OP is having'? If the answer is 'no' then it appears that the problem is confined to the OP coffee1.gif

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I was responding to the comment that it was common practice to reserve space at the front of a business in Europe and America, not whether it's common practice in Thailand or not. It's also common practice here to park in the middle of the road, ride motorbikes on the footpath, run red lights etc, etc Does that mean I have to like it? No. Is it wrong? Yes.

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i told my story of an event that happened to me in a topic about Thai parking abuses

i do not care if you like my story or not

i did not give anyone advise about anything

how another person deals with abuse of parking regulations will be their decision

personally i would rather have a scratched car or a damaged tire than to have to consider selling my principles so cheap

i do not care to heed your advise on how to live my life:

''I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to''

i dance to the beat of my own drum

I never asked you to like my story, and my advice in my earlier post

(my last post, where I quoted you, but using a mobile I accidentally typed inside the borders of your post, TV Android app crashed while was trying to post, it is now a mess, I have asked mod to fix or delete that post)

My intension was not tell you how to live your life, as you interpreted it. I simply posted that it is hazardous to ignore a Thai, who tells you not to park on a spot that Thai person thinks he owns.

Did you read last night news, firearm used to settle parking dispute, and 4 shots fired.

You dance to your drum, cool! I, as a mindless sheep, try to follow Thai rules. In my first year I spent some time in Memorial hospital, cos I wasnt aware of some Thai rules.

Maybe some readers here are not aware of Thai rules, and retribution from angry Thai may come as a surprise, my advice was intended to that reader.

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i told my story of an event that happened to me in a topic about Thai parking abuses

i do not care if you like my story or not

i did not give anyone advise about anything

how another person deals with abuse of parking regulations will be their decision

personally i would rather have a scratched car or a damaged tire than to have to consider selling my principles so cheap

i do not care to heed your advise on how to live my life:

''I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to''

i dance to the beat of my own drum

I never asked you to like my story, and my advice in my earlier post

(my last post, where I quoted you, but using a mobile I accidentally typed inside the borders of your post, TV Android app crashed while was trying to post, it is now a mess, I have asked mod to fix or delete that post)

My intension was not tell you how to live your life, as you interpreted it. I simply posted that it is hazardous to ignore a Thai, who tells you not to park on a spot that Thai person thinks he owns.

Did you read last night news, firearm used to settle parking dispute, and 4 shots fired.

You dance to your drum, cool! I, as a mindless sheep, try to follow Thai rules. In my first year I spent some time in Memorial hospital, cos I wasnt aware of some Thai rules.

Maybe some readers here are not aware of Thai rules, and retribution from angry Thai may come as a surprise, my advice was intended to that reader.

i am aware of the hazards and relish opportunities to point out just how wrong they are

i realize that one day i may well be the subject of a news item on ThaiVisa but i would rather live one day as a tiger than a lifetime as a sheep

so keep your advise directed towards that other reader

maybe they will care to accept it more graciously than i

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This is not a Thai thing - it happens in virtually every city on the planet.

It does get worse. Go to any city in the US or Europe, and you will find restaurant owners who place tables and chairs right on the footpath, and if that is not enough, then they remove the traffic cones they have placed in the street to block parkers and put more tables and chairs there.

Every city on the planet? Are you serious? I don't know how shop owners in the West can claim the area out the front of their business when there are parking meters every 20 feet or so. In Australia you can't even put a billboard on the sidewalk unless you get council approval, let alone tables and chairs, and I've never had a shopowner anywhere else in the world get aggressive because I parked outside his shop.

I've seen it in many cities in Europe, and in New York it is almost considered constitutionally guaranteed. They will put orange parking cones in front of their establishment, and move them only when they are assured that you are going into their business. Ignore it at your and your car's peril. There have been multiple shootings in NYC related to these incidents.

No idea about Australia - been there many times, but never long enough to observe whether this goes on or not.

OK. Name 3 incidents, be specific.

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i told my story of an event that happened to me in a topic about Thai parking abuses

i do not care if you like my story or not

i did not give anyone advise about anything

how another person deals with abuse of parking regulations will be their decision

personally i would rather have a scratched car or a damaged tire than to have to consider selling my principles so cheap

i do not care to heed your advise on how to live my life:

''I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to''

i dance to the beat of my own drum

I never asked you to like my story, and my advice in my earlier post

(my last post, where I quoted you, but using a mobile I accidentally typed inside the borders of your post, TV Android app crashed while was trying to post, it is now a mess, I have asked mod to fix or delete that post)

My intension was not tell you how to live your life, as you interpreted it. I simply posted that it is hazardous to ignore a Thai, who tells you not to park on a spot that Thai person thinks he owns.

Did you read last night news, firearm used to settle parking dispute, and 4 shots fired.

You dance to your drum, cool! I, as a mindless sheep, try to follow Thai rules. In my first year I spent some time in Memorial hospital, cos I wasnt aware of some Thai rules.

Maybe some readers here are not aware of Thai rules, and retribution from angry Thai may come as a surprise, my advice was intended to that reader.

i am aware of the hazards and relish opportunities to point out just how wrong they are

i realize that one day i may well be the subject of a news item on ThaiVisa but i would rather live one day as a tiger than a lifetime as a sheep

so keep your advise directed towards that other reader

maybe they will care to accept it more graciously than i

Cmon man, this is not about you! NOT ABOUT YOU!

You have said in many posts that you have lived here for years, of course you know how it is here.

But there are people reading this forum, who dont know the Thai rules. They will learn, but maybe the hard way. Is it wrong to advise them, so that they know the game, if they chose to do things their way, fine, as long as they know what may happen to them or their property.

Again, I am not trying to give advice to you. I am not telling you how to live your life, pls don't put words in my mouth, it is bad form.

Do you really consider people in Pattaya who play by Thai rules sheep? Lifetime of sheep?

Edited by valgehiir
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This is not a Thai thing - it happens in virtually every city on the planet.

It does get worse. Go to any city in the US or Europe, and you will find restaurant owners who place tables and chairs right on the footpath, and if that is not enough, then they remove the traffic cones they have placed in the street to block parkers and put more tables and chairs there.

Sorry.....I don't know where you got your information, but it's certainly incorrect. I'm not Thai Bashing but if you tried keep the taxpayers from parking on streets that their tax dollars paid for in any of the cities I am familiar with in the U.S. the police would be paying you a "not so nice visit" and quite possibly fining you.

As I said above, google "parking space argument" and you will get thousands of hits. A good number are between two people fighting over a spot, but you will also find many examples of shopkeepers and restaurants trying to block off parking in front of their place. If someone does complain, the shopkeeper will likely get cited as there are quite a few cities that have ordinances prohibiting such activity. I found it much more prevalent in various European cities, but it does happen in the US.

OK. We Googled it. Most of these are neighbors fighting over parking spaces in front of thier homes. Also many of those google stories are repeats and old news. Damn few of what your saying. I think you would get more hits searching for "Dogs with Hemoroides"

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i told my story of an event that happened to me in a topic about Thai parking abuses

i do not care if you like my story or not

i did not give anyone advise about anything

how another person deals with abuse of parking regulations will be their decision

personally i would rather have a scratched car or a damaged tire than to have to consider selling my principles so cheap

i do not care to heed your advise on how to live my life:

''I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to''

i dance to the beat of my own drum

I never asked you to like my story, and my advice in my earlier post

(my last post, where I quoted you, but using a mobile I accidentally typed inside the borders of your post, TV Android app crashed while was trying to post, it is now a mess, I have asked mod to fix or delete that post)

My intension was not tell you how to live your life, as you interpreted it. I simply posted that it is hazardous to ignore a Thai, who tells you not to park on a spot that Thai person thinks he owns.

Did you read last night news, firearm used to settle parking dispute, and 4 shots fired.

You dance to your drum, cool! I, as a mindless sheep, try to follow Thai rules. In my first year I spent some time in Memorial hospital, cos I wasnt aware of some Thai rules.

Maybe some readers here are not aware of Thai rules, and retribution from angry Thai may come as a surprise, my advice was intended to that reader.

i am aware of the hazards and relish opportunities to point out just how wrong they are

i realize that one day i may well be the subject of a news item on ThaiVisa but i would rather live one day as a tiger than a lifetime as a sheep

so keep your advise directed towards that other reader

maybe they will care to accept it more graciously than i

Cmon man, this is not about you! You have said in many posts that you have lived here for years, of course you know how it is here.

But there are people reading this forum, who dont know the Thai rules. They will learn, but maybe the hard way. Is it wrong to advise them, so that they know the game, if they chose to do things their way, fine, as long as they what may happen to them or their property.

Again, I am not trying to give advice to you. I am not telling you how to live your life, pls don't put words in my mouth, it bad form.

Do you really consider people in Pattaya who play by Thai rules sheep? Lifetime of sheep?

i did not deny knowing it happens here and have never said it didn't but it is not my duty to educate other people in how to deal with situations in their life

i told my story, in the telling of it, i did not advise anyone to do anything

no one has put words in your mouth now or then, despite your pathetic attempts to backtrack by blaming your app/phone, you did take it upon yourself to proffer advise to me on how to behave

that's simply the truth, not bad form

you said '' I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to''

sounds like advise to me........

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I parked on 2nd road Pattaya. Told the gesticulating stall owner I was going to eat. Drove off 30 minutes later with a nail in my tyre...

You have been warned, but your ignorance and selfishness have been punished, so what?

Som nam na...lesson learned?

My wife is also pissed, when these idiots (mostly farangs), block the parking space in front of her office/shop for several hours with their cars....

Thais tend to ask, if they're allowed to park for a few minutes.....

This is Thailand, stop whining and adapt yourself.

More bullocks! Thais asking to park for a few minutes? Get real.

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This is not a Thai thing - it happens in virtually every city on the planet.

It does get worse. Go to any city in the US or Europe, and you will find restaurant owners who place tables and chairs right on the footpath, and if that is not enough, then they remove the traffic cones they have placed in the street to block parkers and put more tables and chairs there.

Every city on the planet? Are you serious? I don't know how shop owners in the West can claim the area out the front of their business when there are parking meters every 20 feet or so. In Australia you can't even put a billboard on the sidewalk unless you get council approval, let alone tables and chairs, and I've never had a shopowner anywhere else in the world get aggressive because I parked outside his shop.

I've seen it in many cities in Europe, and in New York it is almost considered constitutionally guaranteed. They will put orange parking cones in front of their establishment, and move them only when they are assured that you are going into their business. Ignore it at your and your car's peril. There have been multiple shootings in NYC related to these incidents.

No idea about Australia - been there many times, but never long enough to observe whether this goes on or not.

europe no way!!!!

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I detest these buggers that try and intimidate you when you park in an already vacant spot. If they place chairs, cones or buckets to block the space, all well and good and I know not to bother. Probably illegal but this is Thailand after all. But those that can't even make the effort to 'police' their no-parking zone and try and harrass me AFTER I have parked up can bugger off. Like the lady from the massage shop in an earlier post saying her shop was 'mafia'. Bite me!

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Some of them place chairs, stools etc at the front to try and stop people parking. I have (to my wife's HORROR) got out and moved them, same with one guy who has a Jewelry Shop in Chiang Mai Land. This kind soul has A Broomstick cemented into each of two cans and places them in front of his shop.

I have moved these too, although despite my efforts my wife is intimidated and won't park there in case the car gets damaged while we are away from it.

Think I'll visit his shop one day without my wife and get him all excited about me purchasing some of his expensive stuff and then tell him I've changed my mind because he is such a RUDE "Bathplug,

got a good laugh out of this one......wifey knows the deal!

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I parked on 2nd road Pattaya. Told the gesticulating stall owner I was going to eat. Drove off 30 minutes later with a nail in my tyre...

You have been warned, but your ignorance and selfishness have been punished, so what?

Som nam na...lesson learned?

My wife is also pissed, when these idiots (mostly farangs), block the parking space in front of her office/shop for several hours with their cars....

Thais tend to ask, if they're allowed to park for a few minutes.....

This is Thailand, stop whining and adapt yourself.

Does your wife get a receipt when she pays to rent part of the presumably public road in front of her shop? Or is she paying to someone who, like her, has no right to the road either? Or is she simply not paying anyone, but just feel she should be in charge of who parks where?

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More bullocks! Thais asking to park for a few minutes? Get real.

Have you ever run a business at a busy corner, with very less parking space?

Just because you don't understand, or don't know better, doesn't give you the right to call other people liars.

However, I personally don't care about ignorant blokes sheriffs potential troublemakers, who know everything better and are more than "advisory resistant".

Park your car where you want, but stop whining at TV, when something went wrong...tongue.png

PS: Sometimes, it's just a question of decency, not to bother other people, especially when they're running a business.....

Edited by Turkleton
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There are a lot of unwritten rules in Thailand.

look around and you will see that this "claiming the parking space" is so widespread that it's obviously one of them, it doesn't matter that it's a public road.

you are not going to win anything by insisting on parking there.......you just stand a very good chance of damage to your vehicle or self by being a confrontational & aggressive foreigner.

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I parked on 2nd road Pattaya. Told the gesticulating stall owner I was going to eat. Drove off 30 minutes later with a nail in my tyre...

You have been warned, but your ignorance and selfishness have been punished, so what?

Som nam na...lesson learned?

My wife is also pissed, when these idiots (mostly farangs), block the parking space in front of her office/shop for several hours with their cars....

Thais tend to ask, if they're allowed to park for a few minutes.....

This is Thailand, stop whining and adapt yourself.

Why do people come to Thailand and complain about the Thai way of life.

Back home if there are no parking meters I make a conscious effort to not park in front of another retailer.

It is called curtsy.

I wonder if mikebell had the curtsy to thank the owner for such a cheap lesson.

Do you always curtsy to shopkeepers? I think you mean courtesy....unless the Queen of England has got a little shop near where you park...
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This is not a Thai thing - it happens in virtually every city on the planet.

It does get worse. Go to any city in the US or Europe, and you will find restaurant owners who place tables and chairs right on the footpath, and if that is not enough, then they remove the traffic cones they have placed in the street to block parkers and put more tables and chairs there.

Absolute rubbish !!!

Google "restaurant blocking sidewalk dispute" and "argument over parking space" and you will find hundreds, if not thousands of examples from all over Europe and the US where incidents similar to those I described occurred an in many cases led to violence.

I have seen it in several dozen places in Asia, Europe, the US, and Canada.

Google is DEFINITELY your friend isn`t it???

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More bullocks! Thais asking to park for a few minutes? Get real.

Have you ever run a business at a busy corner, with very less parking space?

Just because you don't understand, or don't know better, doesn't give you the right to call other people liars.

However, I personally don't care about ignorant blokes sheriffs potential troublemakers, who know everything better and are more than "advisory resistant".

Park your car where you want, but stop whining at TV, when something went wrong...tongue.png

PS: Sometimes, it's just a question of decency, not to bother other people, especially when they're running a business.....

There are many places in Thailand where it is the norm for both thais and foreigners to park along public roads without asking anyone for permission, and where there are shops and shopowners all along the roads. It works surprisingly well when everyone just follow the rules/laws, and noone has to get upset or hurt this way :-)

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My guess is the kind of shopowners who feel the public road belongs to them are the same kind of people who feel the footpath belongs to them too, so they have already extended their shop to include the footpath too, and this way a car parked next to the footpath suddenly blocks the entrance to the shop - which of course is completely unreasonable :-D

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