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Stuck with a Health insurance


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I have no health insurance and recently had to face a fairly hefty hospital bill. I want to get some but not sure what's best. Any advice anyone? I am over sixty, does that make a difference?

OBAMACARE was made to order for guys like you. kind of like buying fire insurance after your house burns down. good luck 2 u.

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I have no health insurance and recently had to face a fairly hefty hospital bill. I want to get some but not sure what's best. Any advice anyone? I am over sixty, does that make a difference?

I purchased health insurance from AIA about a year ago just after they started selling to farangs. There are 4-5 plans. I got the most highest cost one and it costs me 6,500 THB a month. It also includes 400,000 THB of whole life insurance, which is bundled with the health insurance (you have to buy it). It is pretty good coverage with no deductible or co-pays or life time limit.

You have to be 69 or younger and you can not get coverage after you are 80. I still have Medicare in the U.S., but I don't plan to return.

You should also look into the Thai government insurance that is/was being offered to farang. See attachment.

_ Foreigner Health Insurance Program MOPH Directive.pdf

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If you become a member of Pattaya Expats Club http://pattayaexpatsclub.info/ that cost 600 Baht life time you will have access to few companies offering discounted insurance for the members. They have meetings every Sunday in Merrcure Hotel the road behind the Avenue from 10:30 Am.

I heard BUPA is a good insurance but then you have to be careful to get a good coverage. The cheap one is not always the best. The offer global health insurance that will cover you everywhere in the world.

I always get a 6 months travel insurance and I can call them and extend it for another 3 months. The coverage is quite good and cost me around 10 000 Baht for a 9 months travel insurance which not only cover health but many other things as well.

Try to find the same from your country, you may even pay little extra but then you are cover for all kind of problems.

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Bupa offers health only, in Thailand with a few different plans starting about $500. u.s a year, good till 70 years I think. AIA offers only life not health, from my experience.

Have the forms here for Bupa if anyone is interested can forward PDF.

Another firm contacted me and they wanted 85,000 Baht for a one year policy. A litle pricey as is one of the foreign firms that advertises here.

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