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Security tightens amid threats to detain PM Yingluck


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Not worthy, Suthep, to dirty your hands or your supporters hands to detain a puppet like Yingluck.

Instead try to catch and bring to justice her criminal brother as he is the mastermind behind all wrong doings in Thai politics.

The "mastermind behind all wrong doings in Thai politics.".

You might want to rethink that one. I'm definitely no fan of Dr. T, but corruption and "wrong doings in Thai politics", was going on before Thaksin was anything more than a lustful gleam in his father's eye.

It's extremely annoying to hear time and time again that corruption was going on long before so that somehow justifies it to continue.

The question I have for you is when then should it stop if not now?

If it's that annoying to you, then perhaps you should stop posting as if all of Thailand's political problems started with Thaksin. They didn't, and any intelligent person knows that.

As for when it should stop? It should have stopped a long time ago, but Thai people being what they are (70% saying corruption is ok as long as they benefit), that wasn't likely to happen.

Originally I agreed with Suthep in regards to the "whitewash amnesty bill" that PTP tried to force/sneak through, but the man let the power go to his head, and now, in my opinion, he's no better than the man he claims to want to rid Thailand of,

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Short memories the ex-pats do have. 2010, Abhisit assaulted by redshirts at government house, shoulder is injured. 2012, in Chiang Mai, 30 redshirts prevent Abhisit's car from leaving, say they will detain him, and then throw stones at car. It doesn't justify what Suthep threatened, but a little history lesson seems warranted under the circumstances.

Yes your quite right,,, the difference is there was no such threat made by the party leader of the day were in this case Suthep has.....

exactly, that was the lunatic fringe.

in this case, the lunatic fringe is the leader!

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No one seriously expects Yingluck to be " apprehended ", no more than they seriously expect Chalerm to " apprehend " Suthep. Yingluck will doubtless emerge from this as safe as houses, and destined to a life of fun in clothing stores, which - if any of them are owned by Thaksin - she can act nobly as a proxy CEO, which would be far more suited to her capacity. At least she knows something about clothes. Her ability to govern under the control of Thaksin, however, will most definitely cease - at the end of the day - to the immense relief and joy of the people of Thailand.

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Short memories the ex-pats do have. 2010, Abhisit assaulted by redshirts at government house, shoulder is injured. 2012, in Chiang Mai, 30 redshirts prevent Abhisit's car from leaving, say they will detain him, and then throw stones at car. It doesn't justify what Suthep threatened, but a little history lesson seems warranted under the circumstances.

Yes your quite right,,, the difference is there was no such threat made by the party leader of the day were in this case Suthep has.....

Well perhaps worth remembering that in 2010 several senior red front men strongly encouraged the masses to burn down Bangkok, etc.

And let's not forget the paymaster openly egging them on, even saying something like 'i'll be there along side you in the fight'.

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Let's be fair. Yingluck has been in the custody of her brother now for around two and a half years much the same as the Thai people have been too.whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18>

snarky, failed attempts to be clever aside....

seriously, threats from the LEADER of the protest to detain the PM of a country are so far over the line AND... nobody bats an eye.

in ANY country, that is grounds for immediate arrest. free speech, right to assemble- sure. threats to the police HQ to take down barricades or they will be stormed, threats to detain (read: take hostage) PM and cabinet members should not be tolerated by anyone- including people like Abhisit.

although i'll be attacked- i am neutral on this whole thing except i am always on the side of democracy and elected officials vs people appointing themselves leaders.

so, a yellow supporter- please.... tell me.... what action, in your opinion, would be stepping over the line? killing her? torture? just curious. please keep in mind, SHE WAS ELECTED!!!

i am far from thrilled at who the elected 'leader' of my country is- he's a bad joke and terrible for the nation. but, somehow, my fellow citizens were stupid enough to elect this clown. so be it. that's democracy.


if the privileged minority want to win elections in Thailand, then do what party's do in any democracy- broaden your base. let some wealth make it to the people 'beneath' you, and you'll pull from the other side. seems to me Thailand needs 'orange' not yellow or red. but seizing power and appointing yourself and committee or your cronies as leaders to change the .constitution in your favour.... really?

something tells me all the farang on TV who feel all this craziness is ok, would not feel the same if a minority crackpot was threatening to take the head of state in their home country hostage. yes or no?

c'mon, be honest.

In any other country you would be 100% right, But TiT

Though I wonder how much of a head of state Yingluck is, when she seems absent most of the time.

but seizing power and appointing yourself and committee or your cronies as leaders to change the .constitution in your favour.... really?

It seems there are as many cronies in the government as well? And who was it that tried to change the constitution in their favour< which has lead to the current situation?

Suthep himself...though people seem to forget that somehow.

The man should be arrested already.

Where is that warrant for his arrest?

It was issued, but not exercised...why?

They talk about change, and getting rid of corruption,

when corruption is obviously what's keeping Suthep from being arrested on an outstanding warrant.

Warrant for murder non the less,

so what gives here.


Time we can't get back?

Revenue we can't make up for?

Since 2000, the only politicians that have stayed in power long,

were the ones that paid for it...paid the people to support them,

and continued to do so.

So now they figure unless they are getting rewarded continuously,

they need to change the government,

hoping to find the one with the deepest pockets. Lol

A lot of time is spent pointing to Thaskin for doing this,

but in the hearts of the locals that's what they want.

They won't go out to vote unless they are paid 1,000 bht to do so,

and in some area's it's as low as 500 bht,

but the point is they won't vote unless they are paid to.

The locals mind is set to be rewarded for their interest,

otherwise they have no interest,

other than getting to the next day,

and enjoying this day.

Which is great, until they decide that now they've had enough of not being rewarded,

and demand to be heard.

Taking over a city...only in Thailand.

Did Egypt take over the city,

or did they just demonstrate in mostly one centralized area?

Media portrayed it to be in an isolated area,

but I wasn't there, so it's a question?

In my eyes they asked to be heard,

and at times were still punished for their requests,

but Thai's demands it,

while they should be punished for their overreaching approach for their version of democracy,

they are not,

and so they gain even more assumption on how to go about getting what they desire for the moment.

Given a year or two they will want to change again.

We can't all have the best leaders of our country,

as several countries have to wish they could somehow.

But we are usually stuck with what the majority has voted in,

on their own free will,

without any compensation for the vote.

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Not worthy, Suthep, to dirty your hands or your supporters hands to detain a puppet like Yingluck.

Instead try to catch and bring to justice her criminal brother as he is the mastermind behind all wrong doings in Thai politics.

It should be Yingluck who is detaining Suthep. He is after all a wanted criminal who refused to turn himself into the police to answer charges (and here it comes.... Thaksin is the criminal etc)

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Short memories the ex-pats do have. 2010, Abhisit assaulted by redshirts at government house, shoulder is injured. 2012, in Chiang Mai, 30 redshirts prevent Abhisit's car from leaving, say they will detain him, and then throw stones at car. It doesn't justify what Suthep threatened, but a little history lesson seems warranted under the circumstances.

Yes your quite right,,, the difference is there was no such threat made by the party leader of the day were in this case Suthep has.....

Well perhaps worth remembering that in 2010 several senior red front men strongly encouraged the masses to burn down Bangkok, etc.

And let's not forget the paymaster openly egging them on, even saying something like 'i'll be there along side you in the fight'.

You're talking like a kid. You're saying because there was some stuff with the "red shirts" in 2010 this is justified? 2 wrongs make a right? 2010 was 2010, this is now. Grow up and live in the now like a normal person

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Not worthy, Suthep, to dirty your hands or your supporters hands to detain a puppet like Yingluck.

Instead try to catch and bring to justice her criminal brother as he is the mastermind behind all wrong doings in Thai politics.

The "mastermind behind all wrong doings in Thai politics.".

You might want to rethink that one. I'm definitely no fan of Dr. T, but corruption and "wrong doings in Thai politics", was going on before Thaksin was anything more than a lustful gleam in his father's eye.

It's extremely annoying to hear time and time again that corruption was going on long before so that somehow justifies it to continue.

The question I have for you is when then should it stop if not now?

I make you right, you can't undo what was done in history. Stop the corruption NOW! and start with Suthep. Talk about his land shennanigans. He has warrants for murder, who is paying the piper to keep him from being arrested? Is that not corruption? Start at the source. Suthep. Now.

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I understand the concept of not using brutal force against peaceful protesters in accordance with international law as they have stated before; however, they are starting to cross the line into becoming terrorists with threats of kidnapping. At some point brutal force may be the only option to calm the streets.

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That is really beside the point. The mere threat to detain PM Yingluck should be enough ground for locking up Mr. Suthep and his cohorts.

The stupid part of this is, do you really believe the PM and her ministers are sitting around at home watching TV and waiting for the protesters to come to there homes and capture them.

DETAIN ? ARREST (which I just heard on CNN)

The correct word should be


Suthep has no power to arrest anyone or detain anyone if they take Yingluck it will be KIDNAPPING pure and simple

When is this guy going to be dealt with according to the law its ridiculous the threats he is spouting, without any recourse.

Edited by DiamondKing
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Let's be fair. Yingluck has been in the custody of her brother now for around two and a half years much the same as the Thai people have been too.whistling.gif

In what civilized country would this threat not illegal and the perpetrator not immediately arrested?

Suthep cries out corruption But wait a sec, Just what corrupt actions has Yingluk had charges filed for?

Now how about Suthep? can you tell me what corrupt actions he has been caught doing? EZ take a look in Wikipedia,

  • Shady land deals
  • Election commission to request to Disqualify as MP for due constitutional violation
  • Many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior
  • 2013 protestor deaths
  • Threats to detain political rep's, the caretaker PM, and veiled threats to M's children and wives.
  • Demanding Yingluk to step down as caretaker PM, which is against the law and then she could be charged with abandoning her post,
  • and to leave Thailand, By what divine right dose he have to tell another Thai person to get out of the country???
  • Wow what a fantastic representation of Thai politics too the rest of the world.

Remember that Suthep killed the amnesty bill. He didn't need amnesty i guess.. I heard that somebody in the Shin family really needed it. While you are at Wiki you could have a look at the master corrupter who almost had a beautiful Christmas if Suthep hadn't killed his Christmas present.

By the way, that's a boring CV for a Thai politician. 2/3 of it is even added by you.

I recall he had 2 cases + the trumped up charges from the DSI in the last 18 years.

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All the people who have been hailing Suthep as Thailand's saviour (even though he has no identifyable future plans for the country) from corruption and enforcer of democracy (by trying to overthrow a democratically elected goverment and replacing it with a non-elected "people's council" of his choosing) how do you feel about this man now. Now he's telling his minions to capture and detain (hostage) the Prime Minister of the elected government. How do you feel now? Are you proud? Do you think the international community now sees Thailand as the cutting edge in democracy? Are you proud of the way this shaping up now? Just asking. (I think I know what the replies will be... her fault.. Thaksin's fault... etc but probably no direct answers to the questions)

Meanwhile in the real world,corrupt politicians almost received amnesty and THB 800,000,000,000 is gone the rice industry is collapsing and the farmers have no money.

You need more examples why the Shins have to go?

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The stupid part of this is, do you really believe the PM and her ministers are sitting around at home watching TV and waiting for the protesters to come to there homes and capture them.

Agreed. Surely the PT clan is busy cleaning up their traces before more corruption investigations are launched in to their practices.

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All the people who have been hailing Suthep as Thailand's saviour (even though he has no identifyable future plans for the country) from corruption and enforcer of democracy (by trying to overthrow a democratically elected goverment and replacing it with a non-elected "people's council" of his choosing) how do you feel about this man now. Now he's telling his minions to capture and detain (hostage) the Prime Minister of the elected government. How do you feel now? Are you proud? Do you think the international community now sees Thailand as the cutting edge in democracy? Are you proud of the way this shaping up now? Just asking. (I think I know what the replies will be... her fault.. Thaksin's fault... etc but probably no direct answers to the questions)

Meanwhile in the real world,corrupt politicians almost received amnesty and THB 800,000,000,000 is gone the rice industry is collapsing and the farmers have no money.

You need more examples why the Shins have to go?

There you go, first answer not answering my questions regarding Suthep but the usual deflective answers. Well done.

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The stupid part of this is, do you really believe the PM and her ministers are sitting around at home watching TV and waiting for the protesters to come to there homes and capture them.

Agreed. Surely the PT clan is busy cleaning up their traces before more corruption investigations are launched in to their practices.

Nick stop quoting me. I don't like you bah.gif

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Let's be fair. Yingluck has been in the custody of her brother now for around two and a half years much the same as the Thai people have been too.whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18>

snarky, failed attempts to be clever aside....

seriously, threats from the LEADER of the protest to detain the PM of a country are so far over the line AND... nobody bats an eye.

in ANY country, that is grounds for immediate arrest. free speech, right to assemble- sure. threats to the police HQ to take down barricades or they will be stormed, threats to detain (read: take hostage) PM and cabinet members should not be tolerated by anyone- including people like Abhisit.

although i'll be attacked- i am neutral on this whole thing except i am always on the side of democracy and elected officials vs people appointing themselves leaders.

so, a yellow supporter- please.... tell me.... what action, in your opinion, would be stepping over the line? killing her? torture? just curious. please keep in mind, SHE WAS ELECTED!!!

i am far from thrilled at who the elected 'leader' of my country is- he's a bad joke and terrible for the nation. but, somehow, my fellow citizens were stupid enough to elect this clown. so be it. that's democracy.


if the privileged minority want to win elections in Thailand, then do what party's do in any democracy- broaden your base. let some wealth make it to the people 'beneath' you, and you'll pull from the other side. seems to me Thailand needs 'orange' not yellow or red. but seizing power and appointing yourself and committee or your cronies as leaders to change the .constitution in your favour.... really?

something tells me all the farang on TV who feel all this craziness is ok, would not feel the same if a minority crackpot was threatening to take the head of state in their home country hostage. yes or no?

c'mon, be honest.

In any other country you would be 100% right, But TiT

Though I wonder how much of a head of state Yingluck is, when she seems absent most of the time.

but seizing power and appointing yourself and committee or your cronies as leaders to change the .constitution in your favour.... really?

It seems there are as many cronies in the government as well? And who was it that tried to change the constitution in their favour< which has lead to the current situation?

Suthep himself...though people seem to forget that somehow.

The man should be arrested already.

Where is that warrant for his arrest?

It was issued, but not exercised...why?

They talk about change, and getting rid of corruption,

when corruption is obviously what's keeping Suthep from being arrested on an outstanding warrant.

Warrant for murder non the less,

so what gives here.


Time we can't get back?

Revenue we can't make up for?

Since 2000, the only politicians that have stayed in power long,

were the ones that paid for it...paid the people to support them,

and continued to do so.

So now they figure unless they are getting rewarded continuously,

they need to change the government,

hoping to find the one with the deepest pockets. Lol

A lot of time is spent pointing to Thaskin for doing this,

but in the hearts of the locals that's what they want.

They won't go out to vote unless they are paid 1,000 bht to do so,

and in some area's it's as low as 500 bht,

but the point is they won't vote unless they are paid to.

The locals mind is set to be rewarded for their interest,

otherwise they have no interest,

other than getting to the next day,

and enjoying this day.

Which is great, until they decide that now they've had enough of not being rewarded,

and demand to be heard.

Taking over a city...only in Thailand.

Did Egypt take over the city,

or did they just demonstrate in mostly one centralized area?

Media portrayed it to be in an isolated area,

but I wasn't there, so it's a question?

In my eyes they asked to be heard,

and at times were still punished for their requests,

but Thai's demands it,

while they should be punished for their overreaching approach for their version of democracy,

they are not,

and so they gain even more assumption on how to go about getting what they desire for the moment.

Given a year or two they will want to change again.

We can't all have the best leaders of our country,

as several countries have to wish they could somehow.

But we are usually stuck with what the majority has voted in,

on their own free will,

without any compensation for the vote.

Judging by the amount of money Suthep is getting from protesters, It seems the yellow shirts are paying him as opposed to Thaksin's rent a mob which is being paid to vote!

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I myself am sympathetic toward the protesters, however it's crap like this that makes a movement lose its legitimacy. Why does practacly all these idiot leaders on any side come up with ridicules not to mention completely criminal ideas like this. Keep it peaceful please.

great that you like them! This is what Dr. Seri has to say on stage about "white" foreigners to the loud cheers of the crowd - if he says this on stage then you can imagine what he says in private about "foreigners"!

at the Asoke protest stage, media "personality" and wannabe part time (lousy) actor Seri Wongmontha veers into anti-foreigner rant to the cheers of the crowd

"Do they (foreigners) think we're stupid?"

"It's proven people with yellow skin are smarter than people with white skin... Thais who study abroad get better marks than their classmates."

"They think they're better than us."

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Suthep's minions best be careful, if one of the more radical factions of the PDRC actually tries to take Yingluck hostage they will end up dead no questions asked and any actions taken to protect the PM from this sort of terrorist action will be entirely justified in the eyes of the world.

Can't stand Thaksin or any of the Shin clan and PTP lackeys but you are absolutely right. Any attempt to forcefully seize Yingluck or any minister in her caretaker government would be a monumental error of judgement and would cause severe fragmentation within the protesters, let alone the eyes of the world. It could well also amount to the catalyst for severe violence.

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Suthep's minions best be careful, if one of the more radical factions of the PDRC actually tries to take Yingluck hostage they will end up dead no questions asked and any actions taken to protect the PM from this sort of terrorist action will be entirely justified in the eyes of the world.

Can't stand Thaksin or any of the Shin clan and PTP lackeys but you are absolutely right. Any attempt to forcefully seize Yingluck or any minister in her caretaker government would be a monumental error of judgement and would cause severe fragmentation within the protesters, let alone the eyes of the world. It could well also amount to the catalyst for severe violence.

judgement? These are Thais; there is no such thing as judgement.

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If they let anything like this happen Thailand will be the complete laughing stock of the world.

And a question posed in another thread as to whether Thailand is mature enough to be a member of the AEC will have been answered well and truly

Hello where have you been. This administration is a laughing stock of the world already. The world will come to know of their crimes soon.

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It's proven people with yellow skin are smarter than people with white skin


Bet that went down well with the Casper The Ghost shade Sino-Thai element of the crowd. Though after observing Khun Seri's drivel as he "bested" that Channel 4 reporter he does come across as a slightly camp hair stylist who's recovering from a mild stroke.

Funny, accurate...exactly like that. But apparently he was having a go at foreigners?

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