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Thai hatred


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No K it's not clear.

I was (still am) under the impression that you are a Thai-basher.

IMO you are judging Thais and their culture based on a very limited "my culture's standards are the one true way" mentality rather than being accepting of differences.

Live and let live, learn how to adapt yourself to them while you are here, stop trying to fit what you perceive into your back-home brainwashing.

Your posting this OP just makes me think "we (try to) teach what we most need to learn".


And yes, learn how to use the forum markup to clean up the quotes, how to mark other people's words to differentieate them from your own etc.

It's not up to the reader to figure out what you mean, it's your responsibility to try to make that clearn

Are you ok, I'm defending thai people in this thread.

Oh lord it's amazing here on tv, hilarious.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Start a ridiculous thread, get ridiculous replies.

I don't see much "Thai bashing" here on thaivisa. I see a lot of ultra-sensitive people like you who can't accept a plurality of opinion. And what goes around comes around so you yourself get accused of being a "Thai basher". If you see something you disagree with just get stuck in live everyone else instead of worrying about whether a certain person is a "Thai basher" and what their reasons for being here are.

Oh come on, it's littered with thai bashing.

Absolutely every thread almost.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

"Absolutely every thread almost".

Sort of sums up the thread really, doesn't it? Generalization (or not) is great..................wink.png

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I can only say that as individuals we all have a different opinion .

Personally I do not have any anger , I do monitor posts and comments .

I , throughout my viewing have not seen , read , nor had the feeling that there is a degradation towards the wife of any man .

I cannot say that this has not been the case as you have said , just that I have not encountered it here .

I will look for more information , maybe I have missed something ,

Regards , Goompa

Simply put your comment is mind boggling! Pick any day of the week month or year and you will see dozens of

Thai bashing of all sorts by mostly people that live here.

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No K it's not clear.

I was (still am) under the impression that you are a Thai-basher.

IMO you are judging Thais and their culture based on a very limited "my culture's standards are the one true way" mentality rather than being accepting of differences.

Live and let live, learn how to adapt yourself to them while you are here, stop trying to fit what you perceive into your back-home brainwashing.

Your posting this OP just makes me think "we (try to) teach what we most need to learn".


And yes, learn how to use the forum markup to clean up the quotes, how to mark other people's words to differentieate them from your own etc.

It's not up to the reader to figure out what you mean, it's your responsibility to try to make that clearn

Are you ok, I'm defending thai people in this thread.

Oh lord it's amazing here on tv, hilarious.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Start a ridiculous thread, get ridiculous replies.

I don't see much "Thai bashing" here on thaivisa. I see a lot of ultra-sensitive people like you who can't accept a plurality of opinion. And what goes around comes around so you yourself get accused of being a "Thai basher". If you see something you disagree with just get stuck in like everyone else instead of worrying about whether a certain person is a "Thai basher" and what their reasons for being here are.

There used to be alot, until me and a couple of other people started calling them out (see sig). The difference between now and then is that back then people made no distinction and the slightest news about crime is reason enough to start labelling a nation of 65million as a nation of degenerates.

The worst I saw was something along the lines of "ALL Thais are like dogs. They attack together, live in **** and humpother dogs on the street". That comment got my blood boiling. Thankfully the mods are starting to take action now.

Another memorable one was when some idiot challenged that Thais have such poor english and are so cowardly that they'd never call him out, even online. A Thai reader promptly created an account just to PM him the words, "you're a **** mate" lol

Edited by sadhukar
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Imagine if Thais had flocked to the UK, say, or France, for vacations and as a retirement home. And every time they went out the British or French would say the word "Chinky" to each other, so that the Thais would hear that word "Chinky" all day long. And imagine if when a Thai bought something that 50% of the time the white person would charge them double the going rate or otherwise try to cheat them. And imagine if when a Thai person complained they would often get shouted at and abused as the white people considered entitled to abuse Thai people, seeing them as beneath whites. And imagine if sometimes if a Thai person got a little too upperty that the white people would all attack at once, seeing it as an opportunity to give a Thai person a beating and send them to hospital. Granted, not all white people would do these things, but a sizeable proportion.

Then, is it possible that Thais would just start disliking the locals, maybe not mixing with them at all unless necessary and may even post online about their experience and express negative feelings towards the locals?

Yeah, think about it like that and what surprises me is how little hate and negativity there actually is about Thais, because the above is for many exactly what they experience from many Thais every single day.

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I know what you mean. Why I remember reading a thread about a guy who accused all Thais of having no shame or morals because they overcharged him 5 baht on a cup of coffee. Imagine confusing a 5 baht overcharge with shame and morals and worse applying his judgement to all Thai people because of his experience.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what makes Farang so bitter. Especially over 5 baht.

A Thai woman ( ॢ◡-ॢ)

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Mr. Kangawallafox

From your OP:

".......causes them to post comments that degrade usually all thai woman.........."


"........ give each the respect they deserve........"

However, on another thread running today: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/696978-double-standard/

at post # 4, you write:

"....... I was not allowed to bang my wife until we were married......"


Is that the respect your wife deserves??

You are a screaming hypocrite!

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I think people may think this thread is aimed at tv members in general, I can assure you it's not so don't take it personally.It is what it is, an attack only on those who negatively judge all thai people, those who assume they are all the same, nothing more.So don't think hey, who is this prick attacking, just a minority of nasty people who write sometimes all Thais are this or that, if this is not you don't take it personal.One would think people who like Thais would agree.Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

People who post "ALL THAIS" are this or that, tend to have their posts deleted and get banned very quickly.

Please post a link to such a post, or have us all believe it is your comprehension skills that are lacking.

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because the above is for many exactly what they experience from many Thais every single day.

Then they're definitely doing it wrong.

I try to tell my dear old mum, early-to-mid dementia, not to watch the news, because she's getting the very worst bits of hundreds of millions of people shoved down her throat every day.

So she thinks that's the way the world is, as if these things are happening every day right around the corner.

Sure these things happen, but not to any one person day after day, and definitely more so in particular locations than others, to those hanging out with a certain category of Thai.

Stop doing it wrong and you'll see Thailand in an entirely different light.

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The most virulent anti Thai westerners Ive encountered are such socially inadequate individuals themselves with a truck full of issues that crossing the street to avoid them seems the sensible option.

Almost every foreigner i have met in thailand is either socially inadequate (majority) or a crook (minority), sometimes both. Including me.

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Mr. Kangawallafox

From your OP:

".......causes them to post comments that degrade usually all thai woman.........."


"........ give each the respect they deserve........"

However, on another thread running today: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/696978-double-standard/

at post # 4, you write:

"....... I was not allowed to bang my wife until we were married......"


Is that the respect your wife deserves??

You are a screaming hypocrite!

Gotta agree.

The OP is a hypocrite.

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This is my last post.

Because I have come to realise that for many people this forum is no more than a form of therapy; an outlet for aggression and hatred, a place

to display prejudice, bigotry and ignorance. It is not my favourite reading material and I find it profoundly depressing.

Whatever my private opinion of other people, their behaviour, their culture and religion, I always remember that I am a guest in this country

and I feel privileged and grateful for the opportunity to live here. I salute those who post in a spirit of helpfulness and good cheer.

How do I unsubscribe? Answers on a postcard please.

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This is my last post.

Because I have come to realise that for many people this forum is no more than a form of therapy; an outlet for aggression and hatred, a place

to display prejudice, bigotry and ignorance. It is not my favourite reading material and I find it profoundly depressing.

Whatever my private opinion of other people, their behaviour, their culture and religion, I always remember that I am a guest in this country

and I feel privileged and grateful for the opportunity to live here. I salute those who post in a spirit of helpfulness and good cheer.

How do I unsubscribe? Answers on a postcard please.

OK, Bye then!

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There are many things to dislike about Thailand but there are many advantages to living here as a farang. I look at it that this is Thaialand and belongs to thai people so if I don't like it f... me and get out because it belongs to Thais not me. However I just moved back here from LA and there I have a different view as I don't see California belonging to the Mexicans and yet they have taken it over and that really pisses me off. One of the big reasons to get out of California. And no I do not hate Mexicans. They should just integrate into the American society better and not create such a diverse amount of difference to the landscape. Thailand would never allow it and good for them.

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(Thailand is a third world country, most Thai ladies behave accordingly. If you think anything different you are fooling yourself, for them farangs are there for topping up their family income, you are an ATM, how dare you speak)Above is a quote from another thread, (another stated if you want love get a dog as you will not get it from a thai).These comments in brackets are not uncommon, and certainly prove my point as to people's negative feelings in no uncertain terms.I have seen my share of shady characters in Thailand however it's disappointing to see the majority get judged by the minority, even if the minority is out in force and large in number.Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

God i am truly sry I really can't resist!!! Thailand... a third world country????

Big reality check mate, what do the 1st world countries produce, and dont tell me that they dig up dirt and rocks which are shipped over seas and bought back as products!

how much mortage debt do your friends and family hold???

god please please PLEASE! they really dont deserve it, would china cut these fools off, give the purchasing power to the yuan and let interest rates cut the head off these fat, smelly and stupid farang!!

Edited by leosuntime
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"What is causing the anger." ... I'm not angry.

"Thais are individuals" ... so are the members here.

"It seems odd to me that people, would choose to live in a place that causes them to post comments that degrade usually all thai woman, sometimes all thai people," ... so you are saying ... if you don't like it, go home.

Absolutely not, however it's strange that people remain in a place that causes them such feelings, but no I would never tell people to go home,lol.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

however it's strange that people remain in a place that causes them such feelings,

Some (old farts), I suppose, would have exactly the same "feelings" in their own countries or in any places or countries, so not sure it has so much to do with Thai people or LOS bur rather with their own character of professional moaners.

Edited by Tchooptip
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This is my last post.

Because I have come to realise that for many people this forum is no more than a form of therapy; an outlet for aggression and hatred, a place

to display prejudice, bigotry and ignorance. It is not my favourite reading material and I find it profoundly depressing.

Whatever my private opinion of other people, their behaviour, their culture and religion, I always remember that I am a guest in this country

and I feel privileged and grateful for the opportunity to live here. I salute those who post in a spirit of helpfulness and good cheer.

How do I unsubscribe? Answers on a postcard please.

I hope you're not waiting for a tidal wave of folk to come out and scream ... STOP. don't go ... please?

If, however, after 12 posts and a months membership, you think that we are just a rabble, may I offer up this thought.

Think of the General Forum as a crowded Pub, 11pm on a Saturday night.

Full of bluster and bluff ... most of it good natured with intention. Sure, there is the odd drunken lout ... but the bouncers take care of them fairly quickly.

To find the real treasures here on the Forum ... walk away from the General Forum into the Sub-Forums.

If you live in Bangkok ... there's a Forum full of good advice for for the Bangkokians ... Ich Bin ein Bangkockianer*

If Isaan is where you hang your hat ... a whole Forum awaits you there.

Got a Visa issue or question, there is no better place to get free and mostly informative advice.

Ride a bike, got a car, fancy being a Farmer, your dog is sick ...

The choices are yours and the choices are many.

*It's a JFK pun


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I think this "Thai bashing" card is well overplayed. Those who were brought up in so called democratic societies believe they have a right to express a personal opinion, nothing more and nothing less. The validity of the opinion expressed is greatly dependent on the background and life history of the owner and represents that alone.

It is true that many foreigners living here do not fully understand the nuances of the Thai character and culture,myself included. however, because they react to situations that go against their grain, they are merely expressing an opinion based on their background. . Some may well indeed be more vitriolic than others but the bottom line is that it is only the opinion of one person at that particular point in time and has little impact on the price of tea in China.

There are so many things that go against what many of us believe to be the social norm that it would be impossible to reach a consensus on this country. There can be little doubt that the nature of many facets of this culture leave us in disbelief and even offend our sensibilities but I do not think that it can or should be considered as "Thai Bashing".

Many foreigners live here on the premise that they love the game but not so sure about the players.

Live and let live and if something really pisses you off then feel free to vent on TV however do not loose sight that this is simply a social media outlet which is subject to intervention from all manner of people including radicals ,bleeding liberals and the occasional tree huger

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In my conclusion I have to say I do not have as friendly and as trustworthy brothers and sisters as my wife's Thai family. The brother-in -laws you might have to watch but she has 3 sisters I would give my life for and they would give for me. Well thqat in includes one of the brother-in -laws as well.

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I hope you're not waiting for a tidal wave of folk to come out and scream ... STOP. don't go ... please?

If, however, after 12 posts and a months membership, you think that we are just a rabble, may I offer up this thought.

Think of the General Forum as a crowded Pub, 11pm on a Saturday night.

Full of bluster and bluff ... most of it good natured with intention. Sure, there is the odd drunken lout ... but the bouncers take care of them fairly quickly.

To find the real treasures here on the Forum ... walk away from the General Forum into the Sub-Forums.

If you live in Bangkok ... there's a Forum full of good advice for for the Bangkokians ... Ich Bin ein Bangkockianer*

If Isaan is where you hang your hat ... a whole Forum awaits you there.

Got a Visa issue or question, there is no better place to get free and mostly informative advice.

Ride a bike, got a car, fancy being a Farmer, your dog is sick ...

The choices are yours and the choices are many.

*It's a JFK pun


I don't know about that. I was having a problem with a septic tank (grease trap going into a septic tank) and all I got is some yokel who did not know what a home grease trap was advising me to get a proper trap (he didn't say what a proper trap was) and not put grease down the drain (well that's what a grease trap does - prevent grease from going down the drain!)

So instead of good advice I got some hooligan trying to start a fight with me, saying grease traps will impound the problem. (Even when I told him I thought he meant "compound the problem" he disagreed with me.)

Home Grease Trap
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I know what you mean. Why I remember reading a thread about a guy who accused all Thais of having no shame or morals because they overcharged him 5 baht on a cup of coffee. Imagine confusing a 5 baht overcharge with shame and morals and worse applying his judgement to all Thai people because of his experience.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what makes Farang so bitter. Especially over 5 baht.

its not the money, its the principle.

I hate being overcharged, and it seldom happens, simply because, when it happens, I pay quietly and then tell the owner that because he/she overcharged, I will never come back and tell all my frnds to avoid the place.

Exception = national parks, where I throw a wobbly (if need be), and get Thai prices without fail.

As for crumbly monuments such as the Emerald Buddha, the shrine of Thainess, I have not visited it in 22 years of residence, simply because I don't give a flying f++k about whether it crumbles or not.

Edited by eddie61
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I know what you mean. Why I remember reading a thread about a guy who accused all Thais of having no shame or morals because they overcharged him 5 baht on a cup of coffee. Imagine confusing a 5 baht overcharge with shame and morals and worse applying his judgement to all Thai people because of his experience.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what makes Farang so bitter. Especially over 5 baht.

its not the money, its the principle.

I hate being overcharged, and it seldom happens, simply because, when it happens, I pay quietly and then tell the owner that because he/she overcharged, I will never come back and tell all my frnds to avoid the place.

Exception = national parks, where I throw a wobbly, and get Thai prices without fail.

As for crumbly monuments such as the Emerald Buddha, the shrine of Thainess, I have not visited it in 22 years of residence, simply because I don't give a flying f++k about whether it crumbles or not.

Two things; 1. This is not to bash Thai people, but.

2. Its not the money but the principle.

There is no way on Thai Visa that any post which includes either of these statements should be answered.

So I won't answer. Except to say, "I won't answer."

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Yeah, OP, you need to learn how to use quotation marks- "like these"- otherwise people are going to obviously mis-read your posts as it's not always clear what you're quoting and what your opinion is.

A bit unfair to be honest Rumblecat it doesn't take rocket science to understand what the OP was meaning and saying.

Sometime you really do have to read a post a time or two to understand it, like answering exam questions, read the question three times to make sure you understand what is being asked.....or in this case said!

The OP after posters jumping on his case with the obvious (to me) mis- interpretation of what He was saying, fully explained He had been quoting but still after OP explanation t the objectors takes no notice and continues to argue what was sure a moot point!

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Don't know whether to laugh or cry. OP was clearly stating his difficulty with people living in Thailand while disparaging the women/people/place.

Later he used quotes from other OP as an example.

He is now being accused of being a Thai basher.

You honestly couldn't make it up!

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This is my last post.

Because I have come to realise that for many people this forum is no more than a form of therapy; an outlet for aggression and hatred, a place

to display prejudice, bigotry and ignorance. It is not my favourite reading material and I find it profoundly depressing.

Whatever my private opinion of other people, their behaviour, their culture and religion, I always remember that I am a guest in this country

and I feel privileged and grateful for the opportunity to live here. I salute those who post in a spirit of helpfulness and good cheer.

How do I unsubscribe? Answers on a postcard please.

See ya.

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