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Abhisit says bomb attack at his home was well organized


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. The more violence, the less people on the streets. Enlighten us, please.[/size][/font][/color]


You're almost right. What you should have said was "The less people on the streets, the more violence".

As the Big Bangkok Shutdown turns into a joke the people backing it are becoming increasingly desperate. The pro democracy people have no reason to resort to violence - they're winning. Easily.

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Look at me lovely boy,

if it was well organized why your home wasn't hurt, and why are you alive?

This means you have no any idea (fortunately) what does mean a "well organized bomb attack".

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The removal of the cameras can have two possible motives.

1... They were removed on the orders of Abhisit to preserve the actual footage before the police delete critical scenes from the footage.

2... They were removed on the orders of the police so they can delete critical scenes from the footage.

Meaning... Who got there first to instruct the BMA to remove the cameras?

The recording isn't held in the camera, so there is no point in anyone removing them.

Unless this is just a reporting issue, and it was the tapes that were removed back at the office and the cameras are still where they should be.

That would be logical. I don't think the police could order the BMA per Poisonus' point. But if they did take the tapes, maybe it was to make copies. Or of course they were removed by someone else entirely. I guess Abhisit would be the one to know if anyone does.

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It would be refreshing to see some good investigative reporting by any of the English language media. One, if Abhisit thinks this is well organized, on what facts does he make this assertion? Two, why not go interview someone at BMA and ask why the cameras were removed after the attack? Three, who has the footage from the security cameras and what does it show? The answers to these three questions could certainly bring some clarity to the situation.

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No doubt he organised it himself to get some attention how convenient he was away with his family.

What a thoroughly disgusting accusation. Do you know anything about Khun Abhisit, or about the body politic in Thailand?

Consider the disturbing history of attempted and successful assassinations of Thaksin Shinawatra's long list of enemies and also the threats made by him and his supporters. If you study the recent history of how Thaksin and his regime operate you'll see that the random attacks on the protestors, attacks on Democratic Party leaders and offices are a continuation of the way Thaksin and his associates behave. They think that this is the democratic way forward. And still we have posters here who think that it is not democratic to hold peaceful protests. Or that it is democratic to accuse Abhisit of bombing his own house. What nitwits we see on TV!

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What the tell give the BMA the right to remove the cameras unless they are trying to cover something up.

"It was well planned" ...of course it was , Abhisit was on the planning committee. BMA .. is that under the control of the Dems.

Staged the firecracker toss...oops what about those cameras. Can we pass a law that only applys to certain people in Thailand. It is now illegal to use the following words, 'educated' and 'middle class' in the same sentenced as to to not confuse the simple folk.

Do you have proof that Abhisit planned the attack on his own family home? If so, please share. If not, you might want to reconsider your libelous statement.

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They had guns and hand grenades and were well organized, yet attacked his house when it was empty and used fire crackers rather than the grenades and guns, not to mention them being apprehended within hours of the event. The capture of them was announced by one of the leaders of the PDRC seemingly before the police new..............

Did you even read the OP?

Did you see the picture of the hole in the roof in the other paper? Do fire crackers do that?

All the red conspiracy theorists came out fast didn't they. Maybe just a case of bad reporting again, wait and see.

And try reading the OP again, it clearly states that a hand grenade was used in the attack.

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Its hard to accept the truth..even when it stares you in the face. For years you have fought it. Set yourself free from the lies you peddle. Not winning an argument for 3 years...I admire your tenacity but not your beliefs

Truth certainly hurts. It's simply astonishing that some of you on this forum always try to blame any bomb attack on Democrats or any anyone else who opposes the current government as a propaganda stunt without actually providing any shred of evidence for your ridiculous conclusions. If you paid more attention you would surely realize that the number of protesters dropped since 'someone' started committing acts of violence, Drive by shootings, occasional firebomb or hand grenade in the back yard, threats, etc...mainly against people who support anti-government protest in one way or another. It is obvious that people got intimidated and scared by those acts of violence so they stayed at home. So I would really like to hear from red supporters why on earth would Democrats or yellows as you call all people who oppose this joke of a government bomb themselves or shoot at themselves when it is crystal clear that violence is not benefiting them. The more violence, the less people on the streets. Enlighten us, please.

Add to that the threats of possible legal action for supporting the protests. A hallmark of the various Thaksin regimes is intimidation, threats and/or violence against any who dare oppose or critique.

And posters on here still support this proven crook and his gang who masquerade in pantomime fashion as champions of the people and democracy.

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If the attack was so well planned, why wasn't the ex PM home at the time if he is the target and why did the explosion do very little damage. Yesterday the report of the bomb described it as a large firecracker. It seems to me (of course someone will no doubt prove me wrong), that some drunken idiot red shirt flung an explosive over the fence. I'm glad that no one was home and no one was hurt of course. It seems like a very badly planned (or not planned at all) attack which is lucky for the former PM.

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Perhaps a mistranslation

Well Organised?

Well he wasn't living there

This disgraceful act fortunately injured none

Perhaps they meant Hell organised or organised in a well

Absitlutely Fable louse or to non UK sitcom viewers AbFab


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I am just finding it very strange, that all these "organized" attacks never really harm anyone (which is a good thing!!!).

Even if a gunman stops a motorcycle in front of a car, bringing it to a complete halt and fires several rounds at the driver and the passenger... no one is really harmed...

Of course, this can be a big coincidence, but I understand people, doubting that maybe there is more to this, than meet s the naked eye.

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What the tell give the BMA the right to remove the cameras unless they are trying to cover something up.

If they put them up in the first place. Are they not entitled to take them down? Faux indignance is unwarranted.

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Surveillance cameras are optical input units, which is why they are described as CCTV units. Tapes are always generated and stored inside a building. In the event that they thought the police would snatch the evidence, making a backup to keep would have taken much less time than it took to dismount the cameras and take the tapes. Further, they knew the time frame of the attack and could have made a backup in five minutes.

If it smells like a red herring and swims like a red herring, it's a red herring...

I call shenanigans on this one. Shades of things to come.

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M26 grenade is a fragmentation device according to web sources, meaning shrapnel. So ,it could be assumed there would be plenty of evidence of shrapnel at the scene, there is no mention of this in the report. I can't find anything specific about potential damage to structures.

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M26 grenade is a fragmentation device according to web sources, meaning shrapnel. So ,it could be assumed there would be plenty of evidence of shrapnel at the scene, there is no mention of this in the report. I can't find anything specific about potential damage to structures.

Go to the Bangkok Post website, search for this news and you will see the hole and shrapnel damage on the roof, stop obfuscating the issue.

I am just finding it very strange, that all these "organized" attacks never really harm anyone (which is a good thing!!!).

Even if a gunman stops a motorcycle in front of a car, bringing it to a complete halt and fires several rounds at the driver and the passenger... no one is really harmed...

Of course, this can be a big coincidence, but I understand people, doubting that maybe there is more to this, than meet s the naked eye.

Except for the people injured and killed by this attacks (one example). Seriously, are you not paying any attention to what is going on or just pretending not to know?

It's appalling to see how some people are ignoring the facts to fit "reality" into their prejudices.

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M26 grenade is a fragmentation device according to web sources, meaning shrapnel. So ,it could be assumed there would be plenty of evidence of shrapnel at the scene, there is no mention of this in the report. I can't find anything specific about potential damage to structures.

Go to the Bangkok Post website, search for this news and you will see the hole and shrapnel damage on the roof, stop obfuscating the issue.

I am just finding it very strange, that all these "organized" attacks never really harm anyone (which is a good thing!!!).

Even if a gunman stops a motorcycle in front of a car, bringing it to a complete halt and fires several rounds at the driver and the passenger... no one is really harmed...

Of course, this can be a big coincidence, but I understand people, doubting that maybe there is more to this, than meet s the naked eye.

Except for the people injured and killed by this attacks (one example). Seriously, are you not paying any attention to what is going on or just pretending not to know?

It's appalling to see how some people are ignoring the facts to fit "reality" into their prejudices.

Thanks for that, not trying to obfuscate anything, just wanted to know more than the OP delivered.

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I am just finding it very strange, that all these "organized" attacks never really harm anyone (which is a good thing!!!).

Even if a gunman stops a motorcycle in front of a car, bringing it to a complete halt and fires several rounds at the driver and the passenger... no one is really harmed...

Of course, this can be a big coincidence, but I understand people, doubting that maybe there is more to this, than meet s the naked eye.

Except for the people injured and killed by this attacks (one example). Seriously, are you not paying any attention to what is going on or just pretending not to know?

It's appalling to see how some people are ignoring the facts to fit "reality" into their prejudices.

Yes. I thought the same about a much clearer cut issue. There were no "men in black" involved at the Thai-Japanese stadium. The NSPRT are armed and have killed or badly beaten several people already, yet people have invoked phantom snipers in order to defend them. I condemn those responsible for the attack on Abhisit's house, but most of the attacks on the PDRC have been specifically aimed at the NSPRT handcore wing. Quite possibly revenge attacks.

Of course, we don't want to see things degenerate further, so police *should* protect them if they can, despite the fact that their occupation is illegal. But how can they, really? The perimeter is too large to have police fully guarding it.

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Not that well organized, no one was home.

Sounds a bit sus, why would they take the cameras away? I don't get that bit.

Because he is no longer the PM.

Possibly they knew no one was at home and that it would just cause damage and instill a little fear ( or propaganda) and not result in death or anyone being injured.

It sounds like most of the Thai Visa critics are fans of either the Road Runner or Chuck Norris and assume anything that goes boom should result in a body count.

Anyone that has a clue would know AV wasn't living there anymore. Very unlikely that those responsible didn't know, unless of course it was an opportunistic attack carried out by some hardcore red shirts or something, but AV says it was well organized which implies that such things wouldn't be left to chance.

His dad has also been in hospital since 2010. Mind you, that's rather a convenient "coincidence" isn't it? Happens to have been in hospital since only three years before the attack... was it really all plotted three years ago and the hospital business just a sham? You decide. lol.

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Fascinating. For those who look at all the pieces of this story, it is very, very easy to conclude that something is awfully fishy about the police. Not only is there something awfully fishy about the police, but apparently everyone knows it. Abhisit knows it. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration knows it. Let's soberly look at what we know from this article :

1. The police found four people with hand grenades and guns. Not exactly an everyday occurrence. The police however concluded that they couldn't possibly have had anything to do with Mr. Abhisit's home. Why ?

2. The police in another article released today, said that there was no connection between the two incidents, as the weapons found at Mr. Abhisit's home were different. In the same interview, they would not however disclose what those weapons were.

3. The BMA has got the tapes. One can only suspect that they don't feel they can trust the information with the police. Abhisit clearly too wants a responsible body to look into this.

What is happening with the police ? They find four men with hand grenades and guns. Did they ask them what they were for ? If they were not intended for Mr. Abhisit, then presumably they must have been intended for some other person or persons. What happened to these men ? Were they apprehended or let go ? If they were let go, were they allowed to keep their hand grenades and guns ? The reason why the public is reduced to question upon question is that the police have an addictive habit of deciding what information should be released and what not to release.

After reading this story, if anyone had a grenade lobbed at their home, who do they think they would call ? The police ?

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Except for the people injured and killed by this attacks (one example). Seriously, are you not paying any attention to what is going on or just pretending not to know?

It's appalling to see how some people are ignoring the facts to fit "reality" into their prejudices.

Yes. I thought the same about a much clearer cut issue. There were no "men in black" involved at the Thai-Japanese stadium. The NSPRT are armed and have killed or badly beaten several people already, yet people have invoked phantom snipers in order to defend them. I condemn those responsible for the attack on Abhisit's house, but most of the attacks on the PDRC have been specifically aimed at the NSPRT handcore wing. Quite possibly revenge attacks.

Of course, we don't want to see things degenerate further, so police *should* protect them if they can, despite the fact that their occupation is illegal. But how can they, really? The perimeter is too large to have police fully guarding it.

Somehow it seems you try to obfuscate a wee bit, my dear Empty.

Here we have some 'unknowns' attacking k. Abhisit's house and you start with some NSPRT and possibly revenge attacks and only at NSPRT. Almost as if you try to explain that it's not as bad as is sounds, those attacks that is.

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No one home at midnight, no real damage done, all the cameras disappear... it sounds organized, alright; but perhaps not by the pro-government people. Perhaps it was an attempt to incite and promote a coup by appearing to be victimized? Somebody knows...

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M26 grenade is a fragmentation device according to web sources, meaning shrapnel. So ,it could be assumed there would be plenty of evidence of shrapnel at the scene, there is no mention of this in the report. I can't find anything specific about potential damage to structures.

Go to the Bangkok Post website, search for this news and you will see the hole and shrapnel damage on the roof, stop obfuscating the issue.

I am just finding it very strange, that all these "organized" attacks never really harm anyone (which is a good thing!!!).

Even if a gunman stops a motorcycle in front of a car, bringing it to a complete halt and fires several rounds at the driver and the passenger... no one is really harmed...

Of course, this can be a big coincidence, but I understand people, doubting that maybe there is more to this, than meet s the naked eye.

Except for the people injured and killed by this attacks (one example). Seriously, are you not paying any attention to what is going on or just pretending not to know?

It's appalling to see how some people are ignoring the facts to fit "reality" into their prejudices.

Okay...I didn't make myself clear enough.

I am not talking about the attacks on the streets.

And I guess, Abisith isn't either!?

I am talking about the constant attacks on some member of one or the other party or "political" celebreties.

A man spraying a cafe, that is meeting point for DEM -party members, with bullets ...and doesn't scratch anybody.

Abisith's house is attacked with a grenade...no one home!

Another house of another member of the PMCCDC3POR2D2 (i really can't be @rsed...) is attacked with a petrol bomb...some flower- pots are burned.

Either the attackers are the most inapt arsonists ever or they are not very organized, at all!

Again: good that no one get's hurt...but it seems very strange to me, that people die on the streets and whenever the house of some "cellebrety" is "attacked"...no one is home...

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M26 grenade is a fragmentation device according to web sources, meaning shrapnel. So ,it could be assumed there would be plenty of evidence of shrapnel at the scene, there is no mention of this in the report. I can't find anything specific about potential damage to structures.

Go to the Bangkok Post website, search for this news and you will see the hole and shrapnel damage on the roof, stop obfuscating the issue.

I am just finding it very strange, that all these "organized" attacks never really harm anyone (which is a good thing!!!).

Even if a gunman stops a motorcycle in front of a car, bringing it to a complete halt and fires several rounds at the driver and the passenger... no one is really harmed...

Of course, this can be a big coincidence, but I understand people, doubting that maybe there is more to this, than meet s the naked eye.

Except for the people injured and killed by this attacks (one example). Seriously, are you not paying any attention to what is going on or just pretending not to know?

It's appalling to see how some people are ignoring the facts to fit "reality" into their prejudices.

Okay...I didn't make myself clear enough.

I am not talking about the attacks on the streets.

And I guess, Abisith isn't either!?

I am talking about the constant attacks on some member of one or the other party or "political" celebreties.

A man spraying a cafe, that is meeting point for DEM -party members, with bullets ...and doesn't scratch anybody.

Abisith's house is attacked with a grenade...no one home!

Another house of another member of the PMCCDC3POR2D2 (i really can't be @rsed...) is attacked with a petrol bomb...some flower- pots are burned.

Either the attackers are the most inapt arsonists ever or they are not very organized, at all!

Again: good that no one get's hurt...but it seems very strange to me, that people die on the streets and whenever the house of some "cellebrety" is "attacked"...no one is home...

... right, and when there is someone home when an attack is carried out, as with the case of the Blue Sky journalist (the one you couldn't be arsed to identify correctly) it was obviously a staged event by himself because he was there to take a picture of the fire, as spun by the usual pro Thaksin/Red Shirt apologist here. rolleyes.gif

This are acts of intimidation, they are not aiming for murder, yet, it would be too much to sweep under the rug to actually kill Abhisit or other persons of public notoriety. It would also make it much harder to claim that Abhisit killed himself to discredit Thaksin/PTP... although I wouldn't put that beyond some of the more deranged Red Shirt apologists.

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It would be refreshing to see some good investigative reporting by any of the English language media. One, if Abhisit thinks this is well organized, on what facts does he make this assertion? Two, why not go interview someone at BMA and ask why the cameras were removed after the attack? Three, who has the footage from the security cameras and what does it show? The answers to these three questions could certainly bring some clarity to the situation.

I'm with you. Alas, I'm afraid Thailand has about as far to go to real journalism as it has to attaining true democracy. There may be a connection...

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Thanks for that, not trying to obfuscate anything, just wanted to know more than the OP delivered.

Sorry about that, I jumped the gun, there are people here deliberately obfuscating things and I believe is necessary to make the facts clear.

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