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PDRC must 'face up to being a minority': Thirayuth Boonmee


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I visited Suthep's walk yesterday. Maybe 1000-2000 supporters. This is his hardcore group. Quite ridiculous.

In evenings and weekends they are more, but still a tiny minority. Most Bangkokians are annoyed by being denied to live their lifes, go to work or make a living.

Taking hostage a whole city is not "peaceful", btw.

What's not peaceful about blocking some roads? Are they burning tyres, or setting up petrol soaked bamboo barricades?

They leave millions of people without income who cannot go to work, cannot pay rent, cannot pay for food etc. Taking people as hostage is war against people.

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of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

You really believe that... I do believe the reds pay, although i have never seen prove, but I also believe the yellows do the same thing, they would not get support from Southern workers without paying them.

Its common in Thailand and sadly you terrorist followers think it's only from one side.

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Just shows the lack of good education in Thailand if these words are coming from a renowned scholar.

Thirayuth Boonmee is widely respected in Thailand and internationally as one of Thailand's pre-emminent scholars and intellectuals.

Most of the previous posters either don't know that or don't want to know that - so what does that say about their education.

Some of you really need to take a good look at yourself before you put your foot in your mouth again.

attachicon.gifDaffy - seriously.jpg

Absolutely right!

I don't know, who he is!

And judging on this article, I don't want to!

...a bit like "Don't you know, who I am/ my father is?", huh?!

Edited by DocN
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They are only the minority because Thaksin brought the votes of the majority!! Using his power he then embarked on wide spread corruption and crimes against humanity.

The trend must be reversed. Pheu Thai and all it's associated removed and complete reform of the Thai democracy system. A lot of people won't like it but it's better than continuing with the Yingluck circus.

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["I admit that we're not the majority voice, that we are not the voice of the whole nation. But no revolution is ever carried out by the majority," said Thirayuth.]

Revolutions usually starts with a minority or possibly even 1 voice, but a revolution should be carried/supported by a majority.

This is a typical example of the "we know better attitude" of the Bangkok middle class.

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The argument against the present Yingluck administration has never been based on the assumption that they did not receive a mandate by the people to assume office. The argument against the Yingluck administration is that it operates as a proxy for Thaksin, that it has fallen into a sea of corruption, that it has abused the power of it's office, that it has intimated opposing voices, that it has consistently sought to criticize and curtail the power of the Constitution Court and the NACC, as well as the constitutionally empowered oversight committees, including the EC - that is has consistently sought to amend the constitution by unilateral means, culminating in an obscene bill that would have absolved Thaksin of any wrongdoing, returned all his assets, and pardoned over 25,000 people convicted of corruption. That is the argument against the Yingluck administration. As any country worth their salt can attest, a constitution is a document that respects the views of the minority as well as the majority, rather than as an instrument to deliver monolithic control of every aspect of governance and every aspect of judicial oversight. When an administration tries to do that - and this administration has tried to do all those things - then it is very dangerous indeed. The question is - what to do about it ? Thaksin would say nothing. He would say that it is perfect just the way it is. And indeed - from his point of view - it is. But for everybody else - including all the people who are swarming the streets of Bangkok - it is not. Far from it. And they want that to change. And it will. Peacefully.

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I am very dismayed that the PDRC has targeted the average government civil servant in their war to unseat the current administration. What purpose does it serve to issue ultimatums to workers that they will be forcibly dragged from their offices if they don't join the demonstrations. Is this democracy in action? These workers are just trying to do their best to serve the interests of all Thai people and probably something they have been doing for many years under many government administrations. The tactic of bullying people who are your potential allies does nothing to further your cause. It only serves to display that there is no political space for opposing views or alternatives being offered. As long as there is a sense of blind 'righteousness' by any group or political party, no solution to the current impasse will be found.

I like this post and agree with the reality of these thugs telling Civil Servants that they would be dragged out of their offices if they didn't comply is totally thuggish. It shows the true nature of supporters of PDRC who, although supposeed to be EDUCATED, elete, middle class, have no respect for other EDUCATED people. The whole universe has to revolve around them and their leader or they will bully, bash, drag you out. Sounds like the 'killing fields' is about to resurface.

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I visited Suthep's walk yesterday. Maybe 1000-2000 supporters. This is his hardcore group. Quite ridiculous.

In evenings and weekends they are more, but still a tiny minority. Most Bangkokians are annoyed by being denied to live their lifes, go to work or make a living.

Taking hostage a whole city is not "peaceful", btw.

What's not peaceful about blocking some roads? Are they burning tyres, or setting up petrol soaked bamboo barricades?

They leave millions of people without income who cannot go to work, cannot pay rent, cannot pay for food etc. Taking people as hostage is war against people.

Hostage? That's hyperbole. People are free to move around the city, except some roads are blocked. My office is near Asoke. My staff have no problem getting here. One of my staff lives near the Lad Phrao protest, so has to deal with it twice ... no problem getting here.

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College educated public servant friend of my partner's from Isaan, goes to BKK to protest against the government and what do the BKK protesters tell her? "What are you doing here?", "You people from the NE are all ignorant and uneducated". This is how they treated someone who came to protest alongside them. The vote buying is not the only reason people from the NE voted for Thaksin and his sister. This is a common fallacy. They are tired of being sh*t on by the elite minded. You can be rich and educated and still be ignorant.

Not all protesters are like what you said. We welcome them to join us and we are appreciate for their Issan cooking as well. Some of them even having nice conversation, joking around. All are Thai people but just different provinces.

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of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

You really believe that... I do believe the reds pay, although i have never seen prove, but I also believe the yellows do the same thing, they would not get support from Southern workers without paying them.

Its common in Thailand and sadly you terrorist followers think it's only from one side.

Hi,happen to see your comment. Just dropping by to share a video with you. The reds are protesters paid in 2010. This is not new,just wana share with you. Will update again if any new video coming up in the current protest.

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of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

You really believe that... I do believe the reds pay, although i have never seen prove, but I also believe the yellows do the same thing, they would not get support from Southern workers without paying them.

Its common in Thailand and sadly you terrorist followers think it's only from one side.

Hi,happen to see your comment. Just dropping by to share a video with you. The reds are protesters paid in 2010. This is not new,just wana share with you. Will update again if any new video coming up in the current protest.

That's not new, every one knows they were getting paid, just like Suthep's drug popping southern thugs are getting paid. But Suthep has to pay more money to get them to come. clap2.gif

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of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

Prove it or shut up. So sick of this constant bs, all talk and no evidence.

It's been proven here many times by reliable sources, so maybe it should be you who should zip it.

Interesting. You claim things are proven - when they're not. Here say is not proof. Then you tell the poster to zip it for daring to challenge something or ask for proof. On another post you tell people to block your allegations which you try to pass off as fact, rather than respond to them on an open forum.

Hmmmm. Not a fan of debate, free speech and people expressing different views or asking questions and challenging bull shit statements. Go on, tell us, are you posting from overseas, a warm place, lots of sand and posh buildings? Is it you ?? thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1443177670 width=25 height=19>

I can not release my sources or location for security reasons. thumbsup.gif


The sniper will come after you?

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of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

You really believe that... I do believe the reds pay, although i have never seen prove, but I also believe the yellows do the same thing, they would not get support from Southern workers without paying them.

Its common in Thailand and sadly you terrorist followers think it's only from one side.

Hi,happen to see your comment. Just dropping by to share a video with you. The reds are protesters paid in 2010. This is not new,just wana share with you. Will update again if any new video coming up in the current protest.

That's not new, every one knows they were getting paid, just like Suthep's drug popping southern thugs are getting paid. But Suthep has to pay more money to get them to come. clap2.gif

Why are you keeping generalise the whole Southern Thais as drug popping southern thugs?


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You really believe that... I do believe the reds pay, although i have never seen prove, but I also believe the yellows do the same thing, they would not get support from Southern workers without paying them.

Its common in Thailand and sadly you terrorist followers think it's only from one side.

Hi,happen to see your comment. Just dropping by to share a video with you. The reds are protesters paid in 2010. This is not new,just wana share with you. Will update again if any new video coming up in the current protest.

That's not new, every one knows they were getting paid, just like Suthep's drug popping southern thugs are getting paid. But Suthep has to pay more money to get them to come. clap2.gif
Why are you keeping generalise the whole Southern Thais as drug popping southern thugs?


Because he is a low educated person I guess. The first thing I learned was not to generalize.

He also says that Suthep is paying more money than the Red leaders. All we have seen so far is that Suthep is receiving money from the protestors. Maybe Nowhereman60 is just a troll and we should not take him serious. Eventually the mods will have to deal with him.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Just shows the lack of good education in Thailand if these words are coming from a renowned scholar.

Thirayuth Boonmee is widely respected in Thailand and internationally as one of Thailand's pre-emminent scholars and intellectuals.

Most of the previous posters either don't know that or don't want to know that - so what does that say about their education.

Some of you really need to take a good look at yourself before you put your foot in your mouth again.

attachicon.gifDaffy - seriously.jpg

Absolutely right!

I don't know, who he is!

And judging on this article, I don't want to!

...a bit like "Don't you know, who I am/ my father is?", huh?!


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Richard Barrows posted a few drone photos from above. It proves that the hardcore mob is only a few thousand people. They get more support on evenings and weekends, but those are people who return home later on. Check out his pics (twitter or his website)!.

Another news: the mob lets taxis/minibusses occasionally pass. They have to pay a ransom fee of 300 Baht.

It is beyond belief that a small, radical minority can terrorize such a big town without any interference from police. TIT I suppose.

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Thirayuth acknowledged that |the PDRC consists of a minority in Thai society, mostly from the Bangkok-based middle classes and people from the South. But he argues that the those who voted for the Yingluck Shinawatra administration have forfeited their rights by accepting a corrupt and dictatorial government, which would have to be removed through a "people's revolution".

So he wants this "people's revolution" to be carried out be a minority. Nice oxymoron there. And of course The Bangkok Post fails to ask him about the corruption during the military dictatorship.

"I admit that we're not the majority voice, that we are not the voice of the whole nation. But no revolution is ever carried out by the majority," said Thirayuth.

No revolution is ever carried out by the majority? Good try there. I guess we can add history revisionism to his list of accomplishments.

The scholar who himself came from a humble background also acknowledged a class dimension in the current crisis but played it down as a minor factor.

"I admit there exists discrepancies among the various classes. This is a sensitive issue but we shouldn't use it to create a discourse that city-dwellers look down on provincial folks."

He means we should ignore the fact that it does happen, because it's not good for publicity.

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of course you are a minority because you are not paying 500BHT a day as the red shirts do...right now they are spreading the word through our villages hear in the deapest Northeast offering to the people if they are going to BKK 500BHT a day. And it is true for many the best what they can do to get some money and it has nothing to do with their political ideas...they have none

Take 500 baht and multiply that with 50% of the Thai population and ask yourself if that makes any sense. Just admit that you have no arguments why you hate this administration, and have the decency to admit that you prefer fascism because you think the peasants are too stupid to know what's best for them.

Edited by diceq
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BBC reported more than 6 millions on the street in Bangkok itself, and you call that minority?

We have not even counter those who did not come out, at work, overseas, and those outside Bangkok.

Easily adds up to 10 times that figure.


So u are saying that 60,000,000 will protest, i think u should join Suthep and continue your lies with him

You must be a Thai, after you make 6 millions to 60 millions...clap2.gif Nobody can be sure about the real numbers of Protestors on 22.12. 2013, but I believe that a few millions are there. The numbers from Police, press and media definitely wrong. And I know that a lot of people would join the Demonstations, but cant going. I think that a majority want real refoms now, and kick out the Taksin regime...biggrin.png

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Thirayuth acknowledged that |the PDRC consists of a minority in Thai society, mostly from the Bangkok-based middle classes and people from the South. But he argues that the those who voted for the Yingluck Shinawatra administration have forfeited their rights by accepting a corrupt and dictatorial government, which would have to be removed through a "people's revolution".

So he wants this "people's revolution" to be carried out be a minority. Nice oxymoron there. And of course The Bangkok Post fails to ask him about the corruption during the military dictatorship.

"I admit that we're not the majority voice, that we are not the voice of the whole nation. But no revolution is ever carried out by the majority," said Thirayuth.

No revolution is ever carried out by the majority? Good try there. I guess we can add history revisionism to his list of accomplishments.

The scholar who himself came from a humble background also acknowledged a class dimension in the current crisis but played it down as a minor factor.

"I admit there exists discrepancies among the various classes. This is a sensitive issue but we shouldn't use it to create a discourse that city-dwellers look down on provincial folks."

He means we should ignore the fact that it does happen, because it's not good for publicity.

A case of shoot the messenger, but don't worry he's used to it.

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"But he argues that the those who voted for the Yingluck Shinawatra administration have forfeited their rights by accepting a corrupt and dictatorial government,"

So what he's saying is that if the government you've voted for turns out to be corrupt, like every Government ever in Thailand you forfeited your rights for your vote to be counted???

What Planet is this guy living on??? & may I suggest he shuts up & goes back there...

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BBC reported more than 6 millions on the street in Bangkok itself, and you call that minority?

We have not even counter those who did not come out, at work, overseas, and those outside Bangkok.

Easily adds up to 10 times that figure.


So u are saying that 60,000,000 will protest, i think u should join Suthep and continue your lies with him

You must be a Thai, after you make 6 millions to 60 millions...clap2.gif Nobody can be sure about the real numbers of Protestors on 22.12. 2013, but I believe that a few millions are there. The numbers from Police, press and media definitely wrong. And I know that a lot of people would join the Demonstations, but cant going. I think that a majority want real refoms now, and kick out the Taksin regime...biggrin.png

Sorry you didn't have time to read the post above mine before you spluttered in,

He was saying 6 million reported by BBC then count those who did not come becase the work or outside country and it is easily ten times that.

So 6 million x ten is 60 million. It was his figure not mine. But if you believe it and defend it... Fine by me,

You want to tell me now that 6 time ten is not 60?

One of the more pitiful atempts I have seen today at humour, sarcasm... but nice try anyway.

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"But he argues that the those who voted for the Yingluck Shinawatra administration have forfeited their rights by accepting a corrupt and dictatorial government,"

So what he's saying is that if the government you've voted for turns out to be corrupt, like every Government ever in Thailand you forfeited your rights for your vote to be counted???

What Planet is this guy living on??? & may I suggest he shuts up & goes back there...

"turns out to be corrupt"?

Wasn't that clear from the very start of the election campaign? With our dear criminal fugitive leading the "Thaksin thinks" Pheu Thai acts party?

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You really believe that... I do believe the reds pay, although i have never seen prove, but I also believe the yellows do the same thing, they would not get support from Southern workers without paying them.

Its common in Thailand and sadly you terrorist followers think it's only from one side.

Hi,happen to see your comment. Just dropping by to share a video with you. The reds are protesters paid in 2010. This is not new,just wana share with you. Will update again if any new video coming up in the current protest.

That's not new, every one knows they were getting paid, just like Suthep's drug popping southern thugs are getting paid. But Suthep has to pay more money to get them to come. clap2.gif

Why are you keeping generalise the whole Southern Thais as drug popping southern thugs?


Some reds are very proud of the "War against drugs", and celebrate this yearly, just 10 weeks ago...

Thera are a lot of prejudices in Thai society, and the most Thai never see more than the next big city in their area. That makes it easy for the Taksin regime to split people. We have friends in whole Thailand, and for us, they are all Thais...Same, same, but different...biggrin.png And trolls, yes, a lot now, but I think hes only another stupid farang...laugh.png

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BBC reported more than 6 millions on the street in Bangkok itself, and you call that minority?

We have not even counter those who did not come out, at work, overseas, and those outside Bangkok.

Easily adds up to 10 times that figure.


So u are saying that 60,000,000 will protest, i think u should join Suthep and continue your lies with him

You must be a Thai, after you make 6 millions to 60 millions...clap2.gif Nobody can be sure about the real numbers of Protestors on 22.12. 2013, but I believe that a few millions are there. The numbers from Police, press and media definitely wrong. And I know that a lot of people would join the Demonstations, but cant going. I think that a majority want real refoms now, and kick out the Taksin regime...biggrin.png

Sorry you didn't have time to read the post above mine before you spluttered in,

He was saying 6 million reported by BBC then count those who did not come becase the work or outside country and it is easily ten times that.

So 6 million x ten is 60 million. It was his figure not mine. But if you believe it and defend it... Fine by me,

You want to tell me now that 6 time ten is not 60?

One of the more pitiful atempts I have seen today at humour, sarcasm... but nice try anyway.

You right, please let me take back the first sentence, thank you. Sorry Im wrong...smile.png

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"But he argues that the those who voted for the Yingluck Shinawatra administration have forfeited their rights by accepting a corrupt and dictatorial government,"

So what he's saying is that if the government you've voted for turns out to be corrupt, like every Government ever in Thailand you forfeited your rights for your vote to be counted???

What Planet is this guy living on??? & may I suggest he shuts up & goes back there...

"turns out to be corrupt"?

Wasn't that clear from the very start of the election campaign? With our dear criminal fugitive leading the "Thaksin thinks" Pheu Thai acts party?

I like your posts so I can find them more easily and encourage you to keep it up.

I have not seen you product one factual statement, provide any interesting reading, add anything of value to any debate or demostrate that you may have ever set out to learn anything about Thailand that was not on ASTV or Bluesky.

He made very good point and your bizarre post following it, made it look even better. The contrast between the point he made and the stock knee jerk (see you slipped in the old Thaksin thinks cliche again.) from you demonstrates the gulf in thinking and mindset between the sides in this Coup,

You're entitled to your views, but please form some and bring something to a debate... I'm running out of likes liking you!! :)

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//Why are you keeping generalise the whole Southern Thais as drug popping southern thugs?

//Because he is a low educated person I guess. The first thing I learned was not to generalize.
He also says that Suthep is paying more money than the Red leaders. All we have seen so far is that Suthep is receiving money from the protestors. Maybe Nowhereman60 is just a troll and we should not take him serious. Eventually the mods will have to deal with him.//

- They do get paid, even down in the south they get paid for voting on certain local politicians, ranging from 500 - 1000 baht.

There are those who didn´t get paid and made the trip here by themselves and there are those who got paid, does it really matter? They get paid no matter what they do, either here or back home.

Of course this doesn´t occur only with the yellows... sorry PDRC but with the UDD as well but the southerners are richer and thus have more butter to spread, so to speak. It's not a UDD thing and it´s not a PDRC thing, it's a Thai political culture thing.


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