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Tourists adjust their travel plans to Thailand


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Tourists adjust their travel plans to Thailand

BANGKOK, 16 January 2014 (NNT) — Tourists have reportedly made adjustments to their travel plans to Thailand to cope with the ongoing protests in Bangkok.

After the PDRC’s big rally to immobilize Bangkok, 7 main intersections were blocked off which rendered many roads becoming inaccessible. Tourists, therefore, were forced to find detours and change their original travel plans.

Many travelers had walked through the protesting crowd as roads were cordoned off, but were rather taken aback by how peaceful the demonstrations were. Others chose to avoid the protesters and looked for viable detours to reach their destinations.

A couple from Korea, traveling to Thailand for the first time, had taken many photographs of the ongoing demonstrations and stated that the situation is not as bad as they had thought before arriving in the capital.

Others saw the political impasse as a short term occurrence. Dale Lawrence, President of Skal International Bangkok, a tourism industry association, stated that he was still confident in Thailand and that the country will find a way to resolve its differences and move forward as it has always done.

-- NNT 2014-01-16 footer_n.gif

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Are Ministry of Tourism and TAT officials burning the midnight oil trying to figure out another idiot campaign to counter this obviously false reporting ?

We know only too well from TAT that NOTHING deters tourists from flocking here.

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As long as no one drafts in the MiBs again the protests will be peaceful. There will always be a handful of yobs from all political persuasions but in general most people will remain cool headed until the military tells them playtime is over and it's time to go home.

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The funny thing is that the Thai hotel owners "present tense" thinking, when there is a slump in tourists, instead of lowering the prices to attract more tourists and keep their hotels full, they raise the price thinking that is how they should make up for it.

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Are Ministry of Tourism and TAT officials burning the midnight oil trying to figure out another idiot campaign to counter this obviously false reporting ?

We know only too well from TAT that NOTHING deters tourists from flocking here.

I have friends in WHOLESALE tourism where they sell packages to Travel agents.

THAILAND is way down on the list of preferred nations at present. Zimbabwe ranks equal.

Hoteliers I know and Guest House operators in Bangkok and Chiang Mai say they are at 5% bookings next month when normally they are at 65% plus. So there it is in a nutshell. STUFFED!

So TAT and anyone else can preach to the converted by the numbers will NOT stack up. Watch this space.....

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Are Ministry of Tourism and TAT officials burning the midnight oil trying to figure out another idiot campaign to counter this obviously false reporting ?

We know only too well from TAT that NOTHING deters tourists from flocking here.

I have friends in WHOLESALE tourism where they sell packages to Travel agents.

THAILAND is way down on the list of preferred nations at present. Zimbabwe ranks equal.

Hoteliers I know and Guest House operators in Bangkok and Chiang Mai say they are at 5% bookings next month when normally they are at 65% plus. So there it is in a nutshell. STUFFED!

So TAT and anyone else can preach to the converted by the numbers will NOT stack up. Watch this space.....

I think you are right but a bit surprised Zimbabwe is doing so poorly.....

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Yes, when they arrest the lunatic maybe things will clear up but then there is the election and the history of political unrest that will keep more tourists away in the future.

Thailand WAS one of the best places to go for a vacation but they have given that "hub" up and now have to eat crow and suck up the effect it will have on tourism.

It's a real shame how a few political radicals can ruin a country for the rest of their people who depend on tourism.

By lunatic I assume you mean Y.


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My 80 year old mother has just arrived. The flight from Washington (D.C.) to Beijing was empty. 40% full by her estimate

(H1N1 in China, was her thought) and the flight Beijing-Bangkok was 80% full. Her only issue was another passenger

taking her suitcase and leaving the airport. Had it delivered to my condo next day. No issues and she is all teeth escaping

the Canadian winter. Her two sisters arrive from France in a couple of days. They are very excited and none of them have any concerns

about the protests. Some people are nervous Nellie's. That said my mother was terrified to ride on the back of my scooter. She was

shocked at how people drove and the cavalier way many tourists pedestrians walked/crossed the streets. While she was terrified

she loved the scooter ride and wants to go twice a day for a ride. thumbsup.gif

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