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Eight protesters injured in bomb attack against Suthep's procession

Lite Beer

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7,000 was the guess yesterday, they going to take on the rest of the Country.... No chance, not even with the army on their side can they pull this off now.

Hope it isn't violent, but if they won't go, it is time to make them go. Bye bye sooty, bye bye!!

Try 70,000, I was there, but if you want to believe what CAPO puts out that's your choice - I guess you also think that the Water Management Schemes and the Rice Pledging are both above board and good for the country.

The courts and the protesters will see Yingluck and her brother off - the tip of the corruption iceberg has been exposed and the rest will follow - be about another 3 weeks (maybe less).

Hello, welcome. Nice to see someone sensible, been too many trolls lately...

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So, I guess you didn't see all the Thaksin speeches to the Red Shirts during the protests, rallying them on. How is that different to Suthep?

Using violence against a dictatorship? What dictatorship? You saying Abhisit was a dictator?

We still don't know if Suthep or Abhisit ordered the shooting, because you lot wanted it to be avoided through courts with evidence and disappear in Amnesty Bill. Make of that what you will.

The difference is that Thaksin didn't allegedly order anyone killed.

Yes, Thailand was a military dictatorship in 2010. No western government disputes this fact.

Suthep is wanted for allegedly ordering the shootings. So there is probably evidence to convict him. I never wanted it avoided in a court. But I do see the point of giving amnesty to everyone. For good and for bad.

So, if we were under a Military Dictatorship in 2010, as in your words, no Western Government disputes this fact; then, it is a good shout that it wasn't Suthep and Abhisit who ordered the shootings.

Plus, let's face it, life wasn't terrible here in 2010 under this "Military Dictatorship" and in your own words, it's ok and lawful for violence to be against this type of Government. But not ok, the Suthep way?

I can't see any good in the Amnesty Bill, the only good is viewed by the corrupt people who should be facing jail for their crimes.

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Another cowardly attack on unarmed protesters. I hope they bring this Government to it's knee's asap. So sad to watch people get hurt and dying, almost on a daily basis, when they believe in peaceful protesting against a corrupt Government

why do you assume it wasn't Suthep supporters that did it?

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They found this. There is also a police badge inside. But of course a police badge doesn't mean anything.


If that is true it's extremely suspicious. Hurling a grenade and leaving behind a weapons cache that they knew was going to get discovered. Either these guys were extremely stupid, or they did it on purpose.

As someone mentioned previously as well, it's probably suspicious that the army police let's journalist take photos at the find, hours after it being discovered. And that they were first on the scene, not the police.

Edited by diceq
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protesters were injured when an unknown assailant lobbed a grenade at the procession

Am attending a multi-religion Prayer Group in the city this evening and into the night, to pray for swift recovery to all those injured recently and today, the families of those killed recently, and also that this tragedy today marks the end rather than the beginning of the serious violence. Many people across Thailand and the wider world, are Praying that cooler heads will prevail, and this pointless bloodshed is stopped immediately. Not much else to say, its really heartbreaking to see all this again.

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Plus, let's face it, life wasn't terrible here in 2010 under this "Military Dictatorship" and in your own words, it's ok and lawful for violence to be against this type of Government. But not ok, the Suthep way?

I can't see any good in the Amnesty Bill, the only good is viewed by the corrupt people who should be facing jail for their crimes.

Maybe you like to live in a fascist society, I don't. And yes, it is justified to use violence to overthrow a dictatorship.

If "all corrupt" people were to be locked up there would be no politicians in this country. You know it's also corruption when one power clique uses corruption as a justification to get rid of their foes.

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What happened to those caught with guns and M26 Firecrackers the other day?

Do not tell me they let em go?

With their firecrackers?

The M26 is no firecracker. It is a military issue fragmentation grenade which once thrown has no friends. Anyone found in possession of one of these in a public place should be jailed for a very long time. They are deadly within a 10 meter radius, especially on solid ground. Shrapnel from the casing an cause serious injuries at 50 meters.

These people are certifiable.

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So, I guess you didn't see all the Thaksin speeches to the Red Shirts during the protests, rallying them on. How is that different to Suthep?

Using violence against a dictatorship? What dictatorship? You saying Abhisit was a dictator?

We still don't know if Suthep or Abhisit ordered the shooting, because you lot wanted it to be avoided through courts with evidence and disappear in Amnesty Bill. Make of that what you will.

The difference is that Thaksin didn't allegedly order anyone killed.

Yes, Thailand was a military dictatorship in 2010. No western government disputes this fact.

Suthep is wanted for allegedly ordering the shootings. So there is probably evidence to convict him. I never wanted it avoided in a court. But I do see the point of giving amnesty to everyone. For good and for bad.

So, if we were under a Military Dictatorship in 2010, as in your words, no Western Government disputes this fact; then, it is a good shout that it wasn't Suthep and Abhisit who ordered the shootings.

Plus, let's face it, life wasn't terrible here in 2010 under this "Military Dictatorship" and in your own words, it's ok and lawful for violence to be against this type of Government. But not ok, the Suthep way?

I can't see any good in the Amnesty Bill, the only good is viewed by the corrupt people who should be facing jail for their crimes.

Wot are you guys on about ?? A prolonged series of political protests occurred in Bangkok, in 2010 from March to May against the Democrat Party-led government.

PPP members and its supporters, UDD protested Abhisit's appointed and non elected rise to power and engaged in a mass protest in Bangkok in April 2009, early 2010 a series of events occurred in which the situation escalated. On 3 May, Abhisit proposed to dissolve Parlament on September an election on 14 November if the protesters were willing to stand down.Protesters demanded that Thailand's deputy prime minister be arrested for causing the deaths of 25 protesters when troops were used against protests on 10 April.The protesters refused to end the rally, and on 13 May, the offer of an election was withdrawn. finally the people were given their voice in 2011 and elected their choice and it wasnt the Dems.

Thailand was not under military dictatorship but civil dictatorship in 2010 and indeed Suthep as deputy PM ordered the use of live fire on protesters and Abhisit was PM at the time.

Things are not that way today.

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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

Brave? blink.png

It was more like a sick reply to a sick event carried out by sick people.

Your logic is somewhat misaligned if you can make a comparison between a national protest against a definitively corrupt and ineffectual government, a unarmed protest group and the scumbags who lobed the grenade who are in my opinion the real sick and cowardly people and I truly hope that they get what they deserve.

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Your logic is somewhat misaligned if you can make a comparison between a national protest against a definitively corrupt and ineffectual government,

And what about your logic of accusing the current government of corruption, when the people they want to replace it with are even more corrupt. You don't find that a bit hypocritical?

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Your logic is somewhat misaligned if you can make a comparison between a national protest against a definitively corrupt and ineffectual government,

And what about your logic of accusing the current government of corruption, when the people they want to replace it with are even more corrupt. You don't find that a bit hypocritical?

I don't think any government in Thai history lost over 13 billion USD in less than two years just to stay popular in rural Thailand. We're not talking only rice scam here. There is also a water management scam, a tablet for every child scam (paid in advance), not being delivered, questionable quality etc...etc...Get some perspective, will you? Accountability - no, responsibility - no, representation - no, transparency - no.

Edited by Mackie
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7,000 was the guess yesterday, they going to take on the rest of the Country.... No chance, not even with the army on their side can they pull this off now.

Hope it isn't violent, but if they won't go, it is time to make them go. Bye bye sooty, bye bye!!

Try 70,000, I was there, but if you want to believe what CAPO puts out that's your choice - I guess you also think that the Water Management Schemes and the Rice Pledging are both above board and good for the country.

The courts and the protesters will see Yingluck and her brother off - the tip of the corruption iceberg has been exposed and the rest will follow - be about another 3 weeks (maybe less).

Hello, welcome. Nice to see someone sensible, been too many trolls lately...

If I say 700.000...will that make me an even more sensible man?

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I am not saying, it was a false flag.

I am not saying, it was the Reds.

But here is a scenario, that unfolds and it just makes me wonder: we have constant attacks on celebrity Democrats or Blue Sky executives and no one (Thank God) gets injured.

We have nightly attacks on peaceful protesters, with injuries and all.

Now we issue the exact way, a protest march will take, we have an empty building and we find a bunch of weapons there and someone lopping a grenade. Again: the celebrity figure goes unharmed...the peasants get injured.

Maybe it is just me, watching too many political thrillers, but...is that a pattern or just coincidences?


I think Abhisit let the cat out of the bag when he said "These attacks are carefully planned......". They certainly are.

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Your logic is somewhat misaligned if you can make a comparison between a national protest against a definitively corrupt and ineffectual government,

And what about your logic of accusing the current government of corruption, when the people they want to replace it with are even more corrupt. You don't find that a bit hypocritical?

With which people do they want to replace this corrupt caretaker government? Did they already provide names? I only heard that Suthep would not be on the list.

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The terror campaign against a demonstrably peaceful protest is now being aired in the clear light of day, in the form of grenades being lobbed indiscriminately into the crowds of innocent Thai men and women walking the streets, holding hands. The lives of the protesters are clearly now in danger, as well as that of Suthep's. This incident - instigated and unprovoked - by those who loathe free peaceful expression - is now being broadcast around the world in an unstoppable juggernaut of international attention, outage, and concern, as what we're seeing is now being revealed for what it is - a campaign to crush a movement borne of free and peaceful expression towards a corrupt-free society. No longer is there any semblance of ambiguity as to where this originates from - or the danger it poses to Thailand's well-being in the future. This administration's hands are soiled by their inaction, by their campaign to discredit the movement, as well as any branch of government that doesn't play ball with them. This attack will only do the opposite of what is intended. It will act as a cause for fresh outrage, as our hearts go out to the victims and their families, in the defense of a peaceful, just cause.

You really are a laugh a minute :)

Oh I didn't realise the caretaker government was responsible for allowing peaceful protests and now your blaming them? Seems like they are damned if they don't and damned if they do in some peoples eyes it seems....

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Your logic is somewhat misaligned if you can make a comparison between a national protest against a definitively corrupt and ineffectual government,

And what about your logic of accusing the current government of corruption, when the people they want to replace it with are even more corrupt. You don't find that a bit hypocritical?

You're just making up stuff as you go along. Please explain why a new party instead of the current one are more corrupt?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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This is a "peaceful" protest so that Suthep's mob is seen to hold the moral high ground, although they don't actually hold any such thing. A democratically elected government can perhaps make that claim. They also know that the government dare not use force against them. This is why they can be "peaceful" and at the same time bring Bangkok to its knees.

This minority wants nothing less than power back in their hands and it won't happen ever again, no matter where you stand politically. Thailand is heading to a civil war as there is nowhere else to go. Strangling the breath out of a city will inevitably lead to violence like this. If there is no such violent response to this "protest", the Yellows will win, so there has to be a response. This development is as logical as it is wrong. This is simply how civil wars start.

Many if not most expats believe thailand can never descend into civil war.

They generally believe the people are too lazy etc.

Just as people in Britain said that a figure like Hitler could never rise up.

Many at the time though were pro nazi against the socialists and communists.

It happened in vietnam, in laos, in cambodia why not thailand?

The arrogance of the elite makes it more and more likely and then there will be no winners.

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Well, lets look at some of the info.

1/ This is a new protest route, the protestors have never been down this road before and only decided to do so just before they started out.

So who knew they would be walking past these shop houses ? Just the PDRC leaders themselves one would guess.

2/ Any crime scene which is contaminated is void. The PDRC guards rather than sealing everything off, went in with protestors and messed everything up. Who knows what was planted, moved, removed ? Stupid mistake by them, or did they do this on purpose ?

Thank goodness nobody was killed. I have watched the video and the bomb went off just at the right side front wheel of the pickup, only a small explosion as seen on the video of it. I guess most are just shrapnel wounds with a small device like that, thankfully.

Just my opinion on a couple of things.

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Shame for the protesters that they were all caught on film rioting and looting police wagons and cars. The stuff in the house is a plant for sure and not even many thais are believing it.

BBC Jhead saying strange how Bluesky saying they camped out there long time and planned ambush when route was only planned this am.

So Its one of 3 scenarios:

Police did do it, and have expanation already that it's a set up with the stuff that was looted last month.... Got to be open minded, they could have done it. and this is a good cover that the PRDR gave them with the looting of police vehicles.

PDRC did it and planted the stuff they had looted last month. (most likely - as the car seemed to stop and wait for the grenade, we know they need violence and have no problem sacrificing a few whistle blowers.

Army did it, planted police gear in the house hoping it would spark something bigger that they could use to Coup.

Nasty business, I won't say it isn't.

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Well, lets look at some of the info.

1/ This is a new protest route, the protestors have never been down this road before and only decided to do so just before they started out.

So who knew they would be walking past these shop houses ? Just the PDRC leaders themselves one would guess.

2/ Any crime scene which is contaminated is void. The PDRC guards rather than sealing everything off, went in with protestors and messed everything up. Who knows what was planted, moved, removed ? Stupid mistake by them, or did they do this on purpose ?

Thank goodness nobody was killed. I have watched the video and the bomb went off just at the right side front wheel of the pickup, only a small explosion as seen on the video of it. I guess most are just shrapnel wounds with a small device like that, thankfully.

Just my opinion on a couple of things.

Lots of assumptions, my dear level.

No proof of course.

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Well, lets look at some of the info.

1/ This is a new protest route, the protestors have never been down this road before and only decided to do so just before they started out.

So who knew they would be walking past these shop houses ? Just the PDRC leaders themselves one would guess.

2/ Any crime scene which is contaminated is void. The PDRC guards rather than sealing everything off, went in with protestors and messed everything up. Who knows what was planted, moved, removed ? Stupid mistake by them, or did they do this on purpose ?

Thank goodness nobody was killed. I have watched the video and the bomb went off just at the right side front wheel of the pickup, only a small explosion as seen on the video of it. I guess most are just shrapnel wounds with a small device like that, thankfully.

Just my opinion on a couple of things.

Lots of assumptions, my dear level.

No proof of course.

Just like Blue Sky and many people on here blaming red shirts.

All assumptions and speculation with zero proof.

At least I say my posts are just my opinion.

Edited by LevelHead
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Your logic is somewhat misaligned if you can make a comparison between a national protest against a definitively corrupt and ineffectual government,

And what about your logic of accusing the current government of corruption, when the people they want to replace it with are even more corrupt. You don't find that a bit hypocritical?

I don't think any government in Thai history lost over 13 billion USD in less than two years just to stay popular in rural Thailand. We're not talking only rice scam here. There is also a water management scam, a tablet for every child scam (paid in advance), not being delivered, questionable quality etc...etc...Get some perspective, will you? Accountability - no, responsibility - no, representation - no, transparency - no.

So go to the electorate then.

There is an election.

Thin grounds for the removal of the people's constitutional rights.

It's not about the competance of the government is it really?

It's about a New Order.

Same same as in the 1930's supposedly.

Copycat thais. Nothing original. Tried in 2006, 2008 and now 2013/2014.

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They found this. There is also a police badge inside. But of course a police badge doesn't mean anything.


Lots of police guns and material were stolen by the protesters...

It is quite obvious that "someone" wants to make the people believe some new lies...

At a moment when the protesters were demoralized and most had gone back home, this incident occurs at the perfect time for Suthep.

Sent from my iPhone...

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This topic has quite evidently brought out the Suthep supporters to shout their beliefs. Lest you forget: Neither side comes to this fight with clean hands. Both sides are low lilfes that I would not wish on any country let alone Thailand.

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This is a "peaceful" protest so that Suthep's mob is seen to hold the moral high ground, although they don't actually hold any such thing. A democratically elected government can perhaps make that claim. They also know that the government dare not use force against them. This is why they can be "peaceful" and at the same time bring Bangkok to its knees.

This minority wants nothing less than power back in their hands and it won't happen ever again, no matter where you stand politically. Thailand is heading to a civil war as there is nowhere else to go. Strangling the breath out of a city will inevitably lead to violence like this. If there is no such violent response to this "protest", the Yellows will win, so there has to be a response. This development is as logical as it is wrong. This is simply how civil wars start.

Many if not most expats believe thailand can never descend into civil war.

They generally believe the people are too lazy etc.

Just as people in Britain said that a figure like Hitler could never rise up.

Many at the time though were pro nazi against the socialists and communists.

It happened in vietnam, in laos, in cambodia why not thailand?

The arrogance of the elite makes it more and more likely and then there will be no winners.

Agree agree agree.

There is no doubt this could erupt into full scale slaughter. The Army cannot protect against a mass uprising and wholesale slaughter. No army can. The US, UK, Nato, UN could not prevent it any withh combined opperations. The thai Army cannot suppress a very small (relatively) uprising in the south against an enemy that are easier to spot... Different race down there basically. How they going to supress more than 50% of the Country.

What is to be done though after 18 coups and one well on the way that even the US Congress is debating today and washington post pushing Obama to do so. More people need to get on Sutheps case or bring diplomatic pressure against the coup backers.

Knowing what we know now abot Hitler, Mussolinni and co, would we appease them so easily again? Should the Thais let Suthep in and just hope he does not turn out to be another Mass murderer and despot?

Dirty as it is, Suthep has to be stopped, nicely, later more harshley and then ultimately, he has to be taken in and charged with treason or hunted down. He must not be left loose to come back later and try this again.

The comedien who claimed 70,000 for yesterday and Bluesky with their 6 million protester claims rightly are being ridiculed by real media and commentators. Many, Like Suthep, Court the media, and he openly told them they had to show his speaches... We. Not many people see these insane rants in the same way as he does. Most are appauled. Few will appease, but that is always the case.

Lets hope there is more support for the white shirts and respect my vote. Or #retakebangkok or whatever the new hash tag is.

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