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Eight protesters injured in bomb attack against Suthep's procession

Lite Beer

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We don't actually know anything yet about who committed this act of terror so it is a waste of time to blame the government, the red shirts, the army, and the the protest leaders themselves. Whoever committed the crime is a coward who should be put in jail.

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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

Cowardly attacks on unarmed protesters is not brave!

I think he was being sarcastic not serious.

Thanks for telling him. He wasn't smart enough to figure it out for himself.

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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

hoping for blood in the streets are we! Brave attacking peaceful protesters. Really How f*cked is that?

What we are hoping for is a peacful end to a fascist coup attempt.

The games almost up for Suthep and he has no allies as they have all been exposed and cornered this week by our sharp thinking and acting PM!!!

Enjoy it whllst it lasts as it is the last coup they will be able to stage in Thailand with any luck. Hope this will break the finiancial backs of their backers.

Just what fantasy world are you in??

I wouldn't go playing any of those violent computer games if I was you as you're lust for violence might get the better of you and transfer to the real world!!!

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So, I guess you didn't see all the Thaksin speeches to the Red Shirts during the protests, rallying them on. How is that different to Suthep?

Using violence against a dictatorship? What dictatorship? You saying Abhisit was a dictator?

We still don't know if Suthep or Abhisit ordered the shooting, because you lot wanted it to be avoided through courts with evidence and disappear in Amnesty Bill. Make of that what you will.

The difference is that Thaksin didn't allegedly order anyone killed.

Yes, Thailand was a military dictatorship in 2010. No western government disputes this fact.

Suthep is wanted for allegedly ordering the shootings. So there is probably evidence to convict him. I never wanted it avoided in a court. But I do see the point of giving amnesty to everyone. For good and for bad.

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Perhaps the military have taken it upon themselves to protect Thai citizens when the police are incapable or unwilling.

A little late for that after the bombing don't you think? Or perhaps you mean protect the Thai citizens from the truth.

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Y'know, I've said a few times on here that I'm not a very politically motivated person and that unlike many on here it would seem, I'm no expert, but in my non-expert opinion, I'm struggling to see a feasible way out for Thailand here. On the one hand, there's the so called 'facist' yellow shirts who appear to be all out for themselves, and on the other hand there are the democratically elected red brigade who appear to be....wait a minute - all out for themselves. Not a lot of options for the guy on the street really the way I see it. I'm not usually one to suggest military interventions in politics, but for me, they're about the only ones I can see in this whole mess that have even the slightest chance of sorting this out before it all descends into anarchy. Roll the tanks in, round up every single politician along with every other corrupt official they can find and throw the lot of them in the gaol. Next step appoint a body of "trustworthy persons" - there must be some out there, I do not believe there are not - as a caretaker government of sorts to keep the country on its feet until a reform process can be initialted and a real democratic government elected into power - under the scrutiny of whatever bodies are required to ensure that the whole cycle of corruption and the country eating itself alive from the inside out can not happen again. I'm sure there are reasons why this is not as easy as it sounds and I'm equally sure that all the experts on here will be quick enough to point these out, but most of what I'm seeing here is supporters of each side calling the other side for whatever...from my side however, both sides are worse than useless, so my question is; what are the options?

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Was the bomber caught yet? Wonder who will be implicated, before the bomber has an 'accident', as often happens.

Latest news is no, just a red cap has been conveniently found next to a collection of weapons.

So perpetrator could well have been a policeman who was actually on duty at the time, but had to leave very fast and forgot his cap.

Forgetfully left his red cap sitting on a collection of guns? If you believe that you'll believe anything.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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Was the bomber caught yet? Wonder who will be implicated, before the bomber has an 'accident', as often happens.

Latest news is no, just a red cap has been conveniently found next to a collection of weapons.

"Conveniently" is the right word...

All these bombings causing only material damage at the protest leaders' homes, and now another bomb thrown in the middle of the protest, while Suthep was at the front...

Looks like the ones responsible for these incidents are rather sloppy in their bombings... Intentionally or not, that is a good question...

"Curious" or "strange" are other words coming to mind...

Conspiracy theories have been started with less than that...

Sent from my iPhone...

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Was the bomber caught yet? Wonder who will be implicated, before the bomber has an 'accident', as often happens.

Latest news is no, just a red cap has been conveniently found next to a collection of weapons.

"Conveniently" is the right word...

All these bombings causing only material damage at the protest leaders' homes, and now another bomb thrown in the middle of the protest, while Suthep was at the front...

Looks like the ones responsible for these incidents are rather sloppy in their bombings... Intentionally or not, that is a good question...

"Curious" or "strange" are other words coming to mind...

Conspiracy theories have been started with less than that...

Sent from my iPhone...

Especially by those who are found of The Kinks.

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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

Cowardly attacks on unarmed protesters is not brave!

I think he was being sarcastic not serious.

You, obviously, have not been following nowhereman60's posts. He was sincere in his posting.

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An attack like this in broad daylight. Seems like a false flag attack to me, especially since most of the explosive attacks have occured at night, although we'll have to see, if they catch the bomber we'll find out.

I tend to agree... seems a bit strange. The pickup was there to rush victims off... to where? Did a reporter go to the hospital and confirm injuries? The article talks about seeing bullet holes in the pickup truck, but there is no mention of small arms fire--only an explosion. So when/where would bullet holes come from?

Try reading the subsequent news reports in this thread -- though the "bullet holes" reported in the pickup truck could also have been shrapnel from the original explosion.

Military personnel were sent to inspect the scene of explosion. A search of the vacant area surrounding the deserted building was jointly conducted by soldiers and security guards of the PDRC.

Sporadic gunshots were also heard during the search.

The search continued at 2.15 p.m. today as security guards believed they are still hiding inside the deserted building.

Source: http://englishnews.t...ent-protesters/


-- Thai PBS 2014-01-17

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What makes you so sure they were red shirts? Are you really so naive that you don't think these people will kill their own to justify a coup? You are nothing but disposable pawns to these people.

I can see why you don't want to admit you are on he side of evil and corruption but your post is just pitiful

I'm always wryly amused when a bunch of Farang keyboard warriors claim to know it all.


As flawed as the process is, better to be warring at the keyboard than in the streets at the moment. Perhaps someone could convince the mad crowd to follow our example? wai.gif

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I can see why you don't want to admit you are on he side of evil and corruption but your post is just pitiful

You favor fascism over democracy, and then you have the audacity to tell me I am on the side of evil? And speaking of corruption, you do know that the fascist opposition are even more corrupt than Thaksin right? You don't find your comment a bit hypocritical?

EDIT: I see you have Ron Paul in your signature. Funny to see a libertarian supporting fascism.

Edited by diceq
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There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

Cowardly attacks on unarmed protesters is not brave!

I think he was being sarcastic not serious.

You, obviously, have not been following nowhereman60's posts. He was sincere in his posting.

If he is flaming and you continue to throw gasoline around, you are not doing a good service to the forum as well.

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So, I guess you didn't see all the Thaksin speeches to the Red Shirts during the protests, rallying them on. How is that different to Suthep?

Using violence against a dictatorship? What dictatorship? You saying Abhisit was a dictator?

We still don't know if Suthep or Abhisit ordered the shooting, because you lot wanted it to be avoided through courts with evidence and disappear in Amnesty Bill. Make of that what you will.

The difference is that Thaksin didn't allegedly order anyone killed.

Yes, Thailand was a military dictatorship in 2010. No western government disputes this fact.

Suthep is wanted for allegedly ordering the shootings. So there is probably evidence to convict him. I never wanted it avoided in a court. But I do see the point of giving amnesty to everyone. For good and for bad.

"No western government disputes this fact."


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I am not saying, it was a false flag.

I am not saying, it was the Reds.

But here is a scenario, that unfolds and it just makes me wonder: we have constant attacks on celebrity Democrats or Blue Sky executives and no one (Thank God) gets injured.

We have nightly attacks on peaceful protesters, with injuries and all.

Now we issue the exact way, a protest march will take, we have an empty building and we find a bunch of weapons there and someone lopping a grenade. Again: the celebrity figure goes unharmed...the peasants get injured.

Maybe it is just me, watching too many political thrillers, but...is that a pattern or just coincidences?

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Well I am very glad that many of you answering this are soooooo confident that it was the red shirts. But you should stop and think for a minute, I realize it might be difficult but try anyway. Many people have come from the south and deep south. Possibly one of them did this. Dont say one grooup is guilty with no eveidence.

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What makes you so sure they were red shirts? Are you really so naive that you don't think these people will kill their own to justify a coup? You are nothing but disposable pawns to these people.

I can see why you don't want to admit you are on he side of evil and corruption but your post is just pitiful

I'm always wryly amused when a bunch of Farang keyboard warriors claim to know it all.

The staunchest supporters of one side are immediately ready to blame the other side with every Tweet that may or may not be completely misleading.

Fact: nobody knows anything for a fact.

So no need to get so personal. His opinion is just as valid as yours.

If you've been following diceq's posts, you would know he'e the worst type of propagandist and he works on behalf of the evil Dr. Thaksin. To be specific on the post I responded to, where's the track record of the current protesters, or the Red Shirts for that matter, of killing their own in Thailand. This is not Iraq. I don't know who did the dastardly deed but the last group I would suspect would be the victims themselves and it's a hateful thing to suggest such, My guess is, if they catch the perpetrator, that it is a government sympathizer whipped into action by the kind of language nowhereman60 and icommunity use.

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This is a "peaceful" protest so that Suthep's mob is seen to hold the moral high ground, although they don't actually hold any such thing. A democratically elected government can perhaps make that claim. They also know that the government dare not use force against them. This is why they can be "peaceful" and at the same time bring Bangkok to its knees.

This minority wants nothing less than power back in their hands and it won't happen ever again, no matter where you stand politically. Thailand is heading to a civil war as there is nowhere else to go. Strangling the breath out of a city will inevitably lead to violence like this. If there is no such violent response to this "protest", the Yellows will win, so there has to be a response. This development is as logical as it is wrong. This is simply how civil wars start.

Edited by SPIKECM
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Well I am very glad that many of you answering this are soooooo confident that it was the red shirts. But you should stop and think for a minute, I realize it might be difficult but try anyway. Many people have come from the south and deep south. Possibly one of them did this. Dont say one grooup is guilty with no eveidence.

yes, one group from the deep south did this to harm members of his own group.


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Another cowardly attack on unarmed protesters. I hope they bring this Government to it's knee's asap. So sad to watch people get hurt and dying, almost on a daily basis, when they believe in peaceful protesting against a corrupt Government

I will just bet you were saying just the opposite 3 years ago. And since when were the guards of the protesters unarmed??????

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Horrible, nasty and cowardly attack on innocent people just walking in the street. What next? hopefully not a major atrocity. This sh*t is coming to a head, dont care what your politics are.....but if you still maintain that no dialogue should be had with the government then you need your head examined.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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