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Where do you meet these super hot, well educated, middle class Thai/Chinese Hi-So girls?


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TV should start up a "Reader's Wives - Best of Breed" forum where all these forum members with top-notch spouses can post photos that showcase their wives' impeccable pedigrees.

Good one. We could even have categories such as Hunting breeds, Working breeds, etc. Come to think of it, I think UKC has a category called Pariah.

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If you're not capable of pulling a super hot, well educated, high society girl in your own country, you're definitely not capable of doing it here in Thailand. Nice middle class girls, on the other hand, are ten a penny but they're not looking for sexpats two or three times their age.

That's very mean! Some of us 70 year old's are not only handsome but also charming to boot!

thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png Ah! "sexpat"....I remember the day!

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walk into any hi-so public place like a mall or a social club and you will spot the "im too rich to give a fuc_k "

kinda women out shopping ,always impeccably dressed and usually shopping in farang style supermarkets

for organic impoprted produce rather than thai style side of the road stalls

pharmacys are a great place to spot them too ,buying expensive whitening creams and make up

if anyone says they cant tell the differnce between a isaan farm girl and a minted bkk girl from a wealthy

family or marriage to a thai billionaire they must be blind

take a walk around paragon or jewellery shops ,real designer shops like prada (not mbk designer lol ) and you will

see them blowing money like its nothing on the stupidest items

there is shitloads of these women in bkk ,expensive overpriced coffees during the day with friends and maybe wine

or exensive cocktail bars at night there is some classy birds

its just a matter of going to the right places ,although most of these women are not looking for a farang so you may

have to put in a lot of groundwork before you get anywhere

too much wannabes if you only concentrate on the looks and what they buy/eat. May be a first hint, but could also be a middle class bank staff living on the cost of 2-3 boyfriends and maxed out credit desperately trying to be what she cannot be.

Ok, maybe the ones in the Prada shop will have shitloads of money, but they will ignore all of us sad.png Though we are so hansum biggrin.png

villa prices for imported and organic goods are well out of reach for the average thai salary

not just the shoping though ,they way they carry themselves and they way theyre dressed ,the perfume ,make up ,mercedes jeep outside

the top tier ones dont even work so youre likley to see them out blowing moiney and hanging around malls ,getting their hair and nails done out of sheer boredom

usually during working hours cause they probably have nothing better to do

its a pity theyre not all looking for hansun farang men sad.png

Edited by speedtripler
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This is a joke, right?

If you're serious, then yes, stick with what you've got. For the most part, the kind of girls you described only date foreigners if they're mentally broken or just completely soured on Thai men (which I would say also qualifies as mentally broken, since in the end we men are all the same). Or if the foreigner is rich. But even then, I'd wager that girl is not hi-so and is in fact a gold digger in sheeps' clothing.

You are probably right :)

I dated one who almost fits the OP description, but found out pretty quickly she is mentally broken. Was difficult getting away from her, but that's true to most Thai girls IMO...

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i'm 10 y here,

never met a farang whit a hi so girl,

maybe they claim to be well educated,but lol,

they are all ex-bar ladies,no exception.

The better English they speak,the longer they were flirting with farangs.

Some can speak a little italian, or dutch,or ......just gives away what nationality

was B#nging them before you did.

But no offence ,and there are exceptions !

Virgins.....witch were invisible to the thai boys in their village? lol

Some worked in a "shoe shop" in BKK ,lol (they massage your shoes there?)

But even if you have the sole pure GF, 5 minutes and she will accept 1000bht ( if you are not looking !)

Bets are on .cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

Geez! Are you lucky my wife can't get to you! Lek has a double degree in French and English from KK Uni, I met her as a consultant in BKK she was Exec secretary to the Ops VP of a Yank company....mate, you'd be speaking several octaves higher if she could get to you!!!! facepalm.gifgiggle.gif

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i'm 10 y here,

never met a farang whit a hi so girl,

maybe they claim to be well educated,but lol,

they are all ex-bar ladies,no exception.

The better English they speak,the longer they were flirting with farangs.

Some can speak a little italian, or dutch,or ......just gives away what nationality

was B#nging them before you did.

But no offence ,and there are exceptions !

Virgins.....witch were invisible to the thai boys in their village? lol

Some worked in a "shoe shop" in BKK ,lol (they massage your shoes there?)

But even if you have the sole pure GF, 5 minutes and she will accept 1000bht ( if you are not looking !)

Bets are on .cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

I would grant your comment if you would say a big part of or the majority!

But insulting everyone´s asian wife as a h**ker isn´t fair play

fair play ?

In Thailand ?

You must be joking?

did you read:"But no offence ,and there are exceptions !" ?

Sorry again ,for everyone's virgin!

But the 1000 bht rule stands,lol ,also for you ,just move away a few weeks and see what happens ?


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i'm 10 y here,

never met a farang whit a hi so girl,

maybe they claim to be well educated,but lol,

they are all ex-bar ladies,no exception.

The better English they speak,the longer they were flirting with farangs.

Some can speak a little italian, or dutch,or ......just gives away what nationality

was B#nging them before you did.

But no offence ,and there are exceptions !

Virgins.....witch were invisible to the thai boys in their village? lol

Some worked in a "shoe shop" in BKK ,lol (they massage your shoes there?)

But even if you have the sole pure GF, 5 minutes and she will accept 1000bht ( if you are not looking !)

Bets are on .cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

Geez! Are you lucky my wife can't get to you! Lek has a double degree in French and English from KK Uni, I met her as a consultant in BKK she was Exec secretary to the Ops VP of a Yank company....mate, you'd be speaking several octaves higher if she could get to you!!!! facepalm.gifgiggle.gif

Yes ,i know her a long time ,that's why i speak several octaves higher .

Bets off for you.

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I think if you really want to aim for the top end, you would need to include farang in the equation Farang/Thai/Chinese, super rich, well educated......

At least then you get the language thrown in, and maybe some seeds of morality..... other than money...... maybe??????????????????

GTG, a pig just flew past my window

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i'm 10 y here,

never met a farang whit a hi so girl,

maybe they claim to be well educated,but lol,

they are all ex-bar ladies,no exception.

The better English they speak,the longer they were flirting with farangs.

Some can speak a little italian, or dutch,or ......just gives away what nationality

was B#nging them before you did.

But no offence ,and there are exceptions !

Virgins.....witch were invisible to the thai boys in their village? lol

Some worked in a "shoe shop" in BKK ,lol (they massage your shoes there?)

But even if you have the sole pure GF, 5 minutes and she will accept 1000bht ( if you are not looking !)

Bets are on .cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

I met my semi-hot, grad student, middle class, Thai/no-Chinese, and not Hi-So wife in the USA when she was studying for her PhD. We lived in Bangkok for 12 years but are now back in the USA.

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I was in the bank. I asked her to fax my private bank in Singapore. It was a short message. Transfer 2.5 million. The hi so super hot good looking Chinese/Thai lady thought I meant GBP not THB.

keep on dreaming

Her mistake is understandable ,nobody transfers THB from Singapore .

But your mistake is a big one ,there are no hi so super hot good looking Chinese/Thai lady working in a bank.

Are you sure you were in a bank?lol

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The question should not be where does one find a hi-so beautiful Thai lady, for that should be obvious. The question should be how does Derick the retired overweight plumber from Liverpool with no higher education and about as much culture and sophistication as a newborn goat seem to always bag them. Its a pandemic!

really? Flying pigs.

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i'm 10 y here,

never met a farang whit a hi so girl,

maybe they claim to be well educated,but lol,

they are all ex-bar ladies,no exception.

The better English they speak,the longer they were flirting with farangs.

Some can speak a little italian, or dutch,or ......just gives away what nationality

was B#nging them before you did.

But no offence ,and there are exceptions !

Virgins.....witch were invisible to the thai boys in their village? lol

Some worked in a "shoe shop" in BKK ,lol (they massage your shoes there?)

But even if you have the sole pure GF, 5 minutes and she will accept 1000bht ( if you are not looking !)

Bets are on .cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

I would grant your comment if you would say a big part of or the majority!

But insulting everyone´s asian wife as a h**ker isn´t fair play

he didn't he just said he never met a farang with a non hooker wife maybe you can be the first.

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i'm 10 y here,

never met a farang whit a hi so girl,

maybe they claim to be well educated,but lol,

they are all ex-bar ladies,no exception.

The better English they speak,the longer they were flirting with farangs.

Some can speak a little italian, or dutch,or ......just gives away what nationality

was B#nging them before you did.

But no offence ,and there are exceptions !

Virgins.....witch were invisible to the thai boys in their village? lol

Some worked in a "shoe shop" in BKK ,lol (they massage your shoes there?)

But even if you have the sole pure GF, 5 minutes and she will accept 1000bht ( if you are not looking !)

Bets are on .cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

I would grant your comment if you would say a big part of or the majority!

But insulting everyone´s asian wife as a h**ker isn´t fair play

fair play ?

In Thailand ?

You must be joking?

did you read:"But no offence ,and there are exceptions !" ?

Sorry again ,for everyone's virgin!

But the 1000 bht rule stands,lol ,also for you ,just move away a few weeks and see what happens ?


I saw that you wrote "no offence and exceptions" but after that sentence you sad that even that ones will grab the 1K Baht.

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I was in the bank. I asked her to fax my private bank in Singapore. It was a short message. Transfer 2.5 million. The hi so super hot good looking Chinese/Thai lady thought I meant GBP not THB.

keep on dreaming

Her mistake is understandable ,nobody transfers THB from Singapore .

But your mistake is a big one ,there are no hi so super hot good looking Chinese/Thai lady working in a bank.

Are you sure you were in a bank?lol

I didn't say where I was transferring the money. There is a private bank in Singapore that also has an office in Bangkok. Maybe you have never been in a private bank?

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It ain't so hard to find them. Have a couple of nights in Bangers...Cowboy n Nana should fix you up! whistling.gif

Then again, Soi 33 might be the ticket.

Remembering an experience many a year back, me and a couple of mates in a bar in 33. Of the 3 females that attached themselves to us as we entered (the bar you understand), my one was whispering [to me] speaking down of the other two. They had the darker complexion and came from Isaan. This bird was very fair-skinned and a Bangkokian. On these two merits alone, she was of a far greater pedigree (in her mind). Kind of politely (though how could the following ever really be considered polite), I asked her if those girls were 'available'? "Yes", she said, "but...". "Slow down, are you available?" err-umm-errr "yes" she said, "you want to pay the bar....". "So you are all prostitutes, but because you are fair-skinned and from Bkk, you are somehow better?". After a few moments she got the drift, then buggered off. Oh well, me and the boys had a great laugh with the other two, and danced the night away.

I know some will cringe at what I said, even I do when I think back, but it was as politely as possible facepalm.gif

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Hahaha.... This is a funny post because even if you tell people how to do they will not change their ways or thinking. They truly think farang can only get bar girls and farmers.

Ok, step number one : don't start drinking in the early afternoon as decent girls don't hang out at bars in the day time.

Two: get into shape and clean up your look and don't dress like a slob.

Three: go where lovely girls go.

Four: try chatting with a few and forget the F word.

Five: be nice and don't just try to get laid.

Follow those steps and in time you will be amazed at the number of lovely babes you will add to your list of friends and lovers.

But really..... put down the beer as nice girls don't like drunks.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Good post pink panther!

Better still the same TV hi so couples cunningly disguise themselves in a Chang vest, fake beer belly, and the girl will even darken her skin, for every Thai Airways flight back to farrangland - so we never know their real identity. As such they can live their ideal lives in secret, and on TV of course!


i take my hat off to u, the best post this year.

Why is the face/body whitener a massive seller in Bangkok,could be the sunbaked farang,realising that thai/chinese,hi-so ladies dont like brown.

I here their shit dont stink too,now thats a big plus.

Elemental, dear Watson..., the grass is always greener on the other side. People inherently what what they don't or cannot have, personally, professionally, and financially.

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Topic is OK but again why not venture out and see for yourself? Oh, I nearly forgot...., after fast forwarding to page 5. Just a topic to post and see who replies. Bravo...., Success!!!

I ventured out and learned first, starting back in 2003. From then to about 2011, I learned a lot along the way. First thing I learned was the same level of personal civility applies here as anywhere else in the world. Don't judge the book by its cover..., meet, listen, respect and learn. To those posters who want to stereotype and silo the typical "Hi-so" stylish Thai lady you should step back and think about the world in general...., little is different anywhere else on this small blue orb we call Earth.

Generally speaking...., I hate generalizing. biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Cha Am, where have i heard this name before, OH that's right, most of the girls there come from my village (in Issan),, so why travel up country when they (the girls) travel down country to Cha Am, don't move your in the right spot.

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"Devil in the bedroom, Angel in the kitchen".

Or Vicki-verki.

It depends what you are after and what makes you happy. There's not many that that can cross-poll between the two.............wink.png

Edit: Always thought that was what Hi-So meant. High achievement in one, So-so in the other.


Edited by chrisinth
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