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Can I Kill a Burglar?


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Not only in the USA - in the UK there have been numerous killings of people breaking in. The general case is whether it was premeditated and whether they can convince a jury that they were scared for their life. A famous case of a farmer, robbed many times, that sat lying in wait with a shot gun - when a guy broke in he shot them - and went down (although there was a large public outcry about it - in the farmer's favour). Another case where a robber was stabbed several times in the chest and neck and died, still halfway through a window - he pleaded that he was washing up and therefore had access to the knife, which he instinctively grabbed and tried to make the burglar run away by sticking him with it - in fear and defence. He got away with it.

It's a crap shoot! Much better to scare them away than kill them - or even injure them.

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I'm with Kblaze ... Hey OP , you got more story to tell ??? .....whistling.gif

... trying to stay polite here. When you go down that kind of path you cannot know how things are going to turn out, you have to deal with: the guy (maybe dead, maybe not), his family and his little friends, the police. You think you can deal with all of that? Out here in Isaan with the help of the family we could drag him out into the fields and bury the sod but Bangkok? I doubt it. Shoot him in the foot if you have time to get your gun, load it (you don't leave a loaded gun around, do you?) and calmly aim and do it. Forget it hard men. Buy a burglar alarm system for the money, maybe a dog.

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This could potentially be a really interesting topic. There have been many similar debates about this in the UK (and probably elsewhere). However, this topic will probably go the way of Thai-bashing and then closure. Let's try and keep it sensible as I'm actually quite interested in this...

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Wherever one is from, one might need to react in whatever manner suits the circumstances they find themselves.

If you arrive home to find some punk walking out your door with your TV, one might be wise to simply tell the person to piss off.

If one awakes to a confrontation with an armed person, circumstance might dictate a different course of action.

Even in the scary old USA, one can't simply shoot a burglar and not face legal scrutiny and/or consequences.

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In most states in the U.S.you can show force if the intruder comes into your home and he's coming at you with A weapon.Supposely if he's not threatening you,then you should just try to hold him til the police come.If ya just try and shoot without him threatening you,then your in A world of hurt.In Thailand I would use pepper spray or stun gun,etc

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I assume the person who posted this question is armed and may be having continuing problems in his area and is wondering if a shoot first and ask questions later is a clear cut choice legally? I should think not.

If he is armed and the miscreant is running away, let the burglar go. If he is coming at you you have no choice but to let him have it.

The farmer in the UK who shot to death a burglar lost his case because, I believe, he shot the burglar in the back. Otherwise, he might have swung the jury in his favour.

The law and people have to consider if the homeowner is unsound mentally and if declared innocent, will celebrate by shooting his mother-in-law, the bugger next door who plays loud music and everybody else in sight, once released.

Moreover, the law and the people must consider if the homeowner is released will it encourage a lot of other people to start doing the same.

However, we all have the natural right to protect ourselves. Its easy for people to rationalize later.who haven't personally had the nightmarish experience of being confronted by some frothing homicidal manic, or, two, in the privacy of their own home.

Which is better? You and your wife and family being murdered, or, being forced to dispatch some crazed, useless and drugged-up moron who has invaded one's home.

Living here, one must also consider, having taken the Dirty Harry option, is one comfortable with the idea of sitting in the corner of prison cell, with 20 others,, chained to the wall, for five years, while their case is being considered.

If the writer is having serious problems maybe should consider getting a large, scary, salivating mastiff, or, three. Keep a couple in the garden and the other in the bedroom.

Dogs seem do what they like here. They don't even need a visa!

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There was a incident in the US where a 16 year old boy snuck out of his home to go to a party. He came back at 3am drunk thinking he was going into his house. He mistakenly opened his neighbor 's window setting off the burgler alarm. The owner of the house got his gun and told the boy to stop. The boy thought it was his dad yelling at him, so he continued walking to what he thought was his room. The owner shot him to death. When he turned on the lights, he saw it was his neighbor' s son.

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if the victim is thai, no problem for him. But if the victims is a foreigner well the police have to follow the procedure...

True story 5 or 6 years ago, a thief did break in a 4 th floor apartment while the occupant were sleeping. The thief was living in fact

next door, he breakin throught the balcony. Bad luck, the occupant did wake up and throw him throught the window...

Edited by Bender
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I'm British and live in Bangkok. I'm wondering what Thai law says about killing a burglar. If I wake up and a stranger is in my house, then he's going down. I just want to know how far O can go.

In most cases reported in the media it happens the other way round. You wake up during a burglary and the burglar stabs or bludgeons you to death before you have a chance to get him. He is normally fully awake and armed with something or other and you are neither.

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Just maybe the "burglar" wasn't so much a "burglar" but a Visitor who was perchance, caught with his pants down whilst "holding-up" the OPs G/F and is now being held in Custard-y by said Op, who is testing the water as to what he might be able to do to the poor slob.

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