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Harming Others in Protests


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I am confused about the religion of Thailand and the Protests. Please know that I am a " wannabe" expat who plans to move there for a year very soon. I know that statistics show that 95% of the Thais are Buddhist. As an American who has studied and practices Buddhism, I know that a very basic tenant in Buddhism is "due no harm".

From what I can tell, the recent protests daily lead to harm for many people. If the protests and anti-protests continue, only more harm can come. It seems that the one political party that is missing is the one that should be called DNH..... DO NO HARM. I cannot imagine that anyone thinks these Buddhists politicians/reformers can reach a consensus by slugging it out in the streets. Everyone looses when that happens, harm is done to all. Especially when things start accelerating.

So from a WANNABE, the question is "Why can't the politicians let their religion guide their actions?" Moreover, why does the general population not demand that they do so? I know the realistic answer is "money" or "power" is their religion, but I am hoping for a more philosophical answer.

Confused and Naive

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the wonderful thing about Buddhism is that it doesn't try to force itself in its exhaustive entirety on it's followers and followers don't risk to be dammned for all eternity if they do not follow every and all of Buddha's teachings.

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Because the protests are political and not religious.

There is a difference, and as there is more than one religion here in Thailand, so there is more than one point of view.

But of course, you knew that....................wink.png

Pathetic for anyone, especially a wannabe, to expect one religion to cover political issues. Fool.............coffee1.gif

Edit: Answers may sound a bit harsh, but better than calling it a troll post, as it is your first post.

Edited by chrisinth
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Because the protests are political and not religious.

There is a difference, and as there is more than one religion here in Thailand, so there is more than one point of view.

But of course, you knew that....................wink.png

Pathetic for anyone, especially a wannabe, to expect one religion to cover political issues. Fool.............coffee1.gif

Edit: Answers may sound a bit harsh, but better than calling it a troll post, as it is your first post.

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Because the protests are political and not religious.

There is a difference, and as there is more than one religion here in Thailand, so there is more than one point of view.

But of course, you knew that....................wink.png

Pathetic for anyone, especially a wannabe, to expect one religion to cover political issues. Fool.............coffee1.gif

Edit: Answers may sound a bit harsh, but better than calling it a troll post, as it is your first post.

95% Buddhists, over 4% Muslim, Rest is a mixture. I fully understand that this is a political issue, but I would expect the behavior of people would be in line with their religion. I fully understand your choice of the words pathetic and fool. It makes you feel important.

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Thai religious belief is a mess, I don't think you can call it Buddhist at all. They have ghost houses and think that offering material gifts to shrines will bring them favour, neither which has anything to do with Buddhism.

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Because the protests are political and not religious.

There is a difference, and as there is more than one religion here in Thailand, so there is more than one point of view.

But of course, you knew that....................wink.png

Pathetic for anyone, especially a wannabe, to expect one religion to cover political issues. Fool.............coffee1.gif

Edit: Answers may sound a bit harsh, but better than calling it a troll post, as it is your first post.

95% Buddhists, over 4% Muslim, Rest is a mixture. I fully understand that this is a political issue, but I would expect the behavior of people would be in line with their religion. I fully understand your choice of the words pathetic and fool. It makes you feel important.

Ignore the hostle posts, not worth the time. As to the question at hand, why would anyone expect religious teachings and political reality to be the same? Look around the world, how many hostile actions in disregard of underplaying religious teachings of a culture. This has always amazed me about my own home country, killing in the name of the "prince of peace".

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Just because you live in a Buddhist country does not make you perfect. It also sounds like the OP is holding Thailand to a higher standard than say Saudi Arabia, Israel and the U.S. .

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Why do westerners expect those from a Buddhist country to behave somehow differently, just because they are Buddhists. We seldom here or read "that's not very Christian like" when them Christians are caught in bed with someone else's, embezzling the church funds, or they get caught beating up a homeless person, doing the robbing, killing, pillaging bit. Gosh, if Christians acted like Christians....hell, we wouldn't have bible thumpin', bible-belt red necks to laugh at.

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Thai Buddhism not same same farang Buddhism

The teachings of the Buddha is the same same for all. It is not a religion but a way to live life with the least amount of suffering. We row our own boat and life is what we make it. What we do comes back to us, good or bad. But just like any other belief system there are those that don't know much about it though they consider themselves part of it.

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During BUddha time someone try to release a wild elephant to kill Buddha but Buddha able to tame the wild elephant, This is normal as there are good and devil exist side by side in any religion if you study Bible it called devil in Koran called satan etc..

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1. Unfortunately, Buddhism, and Buddhists (those who think they are following a practice called Buddhism), each have very little to do with the teachings of Buddha. It is now a religion that has been distorted by people over many years, just like many religions in the world.

2. If, as you suggest, that 95% of Thailand people are BUddhists, then perhaps it could be part of the remaining 5% that are violent in these recent days.

Of course, we don't know. But we do know that only a small handful of people have exhibited the violence here regarding the recent protests.

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Because the protests are political and not religious.

There is a difference, and as there is more than one religion here in Thailand, so there is more than one point of view.

But of course, you knew that....................wink.png

Pathetic for anyone, especially a wannabe, to expect one religion to cover political issues. Fool.............coffee1.gif

Edit: Answers may sound a bit harsh, but better than calling it a troll post, as it is your first post.

95% Buddhists, over 4% Muslim, Rest is a mixture. I fully understand that this is a political issue, but I would expect the behavior of people would be in line with their religion. I fully understand your choice of the words pathetic and fool. It makes you feel important.

Why would you ever "expect the behavior of people [to] be in line with their religion"?? You need to read a history of mankind...

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Interesting to see people critizing other religion. blink.png

The phrase "people living in glass houses......."

comes to mind.whistling.gif

No one was criticizing any one's religion. I said I was confused about how their behavior did not line up with their belief. It seems that you too are confused....... about the topic.

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