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Second grenade attack rocks Bangkok


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Its actually quite simple there are good photographs and evidence. The government would move heaven and earth to catch this guy if he is on the payroll of Suthep as it would break the movement. If he is not he won't be arrested so just lets give the government some reasonable time to do their job and if they don't catch him it should be proof enough for us who use our brains.

If it was Suthep I would condemn him and all who planned it with him, not that I think that much of him now but I do think a lot of the movement the normal people trying to oust a corrupt government and bring in stronger anti corruption laws. Lets just hope that they are not used to bring in an other corrupt government. If so I would be against them.

I am not like many reds who say we know our government is corrupt and inept but we support them anyway. Sensible people would see that there is an chance now for real change. Suthep is not going to be able to fool all the anti government protesters like Taksin is fooling the farmers by making sure the rice scheme is plundered by his minions and forgot to leave enough money for the farmers.

To the best of my knowledge he is not trying to bring in another government. He is trying to set up a council to reform the government and then and only then bring in an election. You may not like him but you have to admit he is the only reason this is still happening. give credit where credit is due.

I don't like Abhist but I have to admit that at this time he is the best person to fill the job of Prime Minister.

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This whole complicated protest situation isn't helped by some of the reporting.

In the other newspaper today the police are quoted as saying that grenades were thrown by someone mingling with the crowd and not from height.

However the BBC's Johnathan ' Dick ' Head quotes the police as saying the grenade thrower was one of the protesters ' own ' which completely changes the story.

Which of these reports is most accurate is beyond me and it's not the first time the authorities have made different statements to the media so did the other newspaper ignore a vital point or did Head add something in ? Just because someone is in a crowd doesn't have to mean they are a supporter as it's easy to mingle unless you are dressed completely in red and carrying a placard saying " I support the government ".

It suits Suthep to accuse the government and / or their supporters of responsibility whereas it suits others, many on this forum, to believe it's deliberate self-inflicted injury to increase sympathy and support.

Personally i would settle for the truth warts and all in order to get my head around what's really happening.

Jonathan Head is well known as a reporter who is not independently and impartially reporting the news, as he should. This guy is on Thaksin's side, he is not a reporter he is propagandist. He associates exclusively with Thaksin's supporters and mocks those who propose alternative views to the ruling Government's. We all saw how this creature behaved during 2010.

Prove please!

And again: voices in ones head do not count as prove!

I think you mean 'do not count as proof'?

And for the life of me I do not understand what 'voices in ones (sic) head' means!

Perhaps you would care to elucidate?


The BBC's Jonathan Head, in a recent live debate, revealed what he really knows and what his reporting seems to willfully omit. It is clear from this debate that does not disagree with the truth (I am told that he indeed has a very good understanding of the real political situation) But it is clear from all of his reportage (and I speak as a former journalist) that he chooses to spin a yarn that leads unsuspecting readers away from that truth. I would like to know why. And those that disagree should revisit his work and look through the cracks. Reportage should be about unbiased telling of FACTS. I am outraged that Head is unable, unwilling or for some other reason does not do this.

I agree with your comments about reportage and Jonathan Head however, I would also add that what you read/see on TV is not necessarily what the reporter wrote or all of what the camera saw. Editors have a nasty habit of massaging stories in favour of selling news.

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Have a look at this guy!


He have been arrested in the past and is a guard at "Koo Tee" red shirt!

As he already have been arrested, the police should have his DNA!

It would not be difficult to compare it with the DNA recovered on his black cap lost when he was chased after the bombing!!!


No, the nose is completely different.

You should go check you eyes!

Anyway, just confront him with all witnesses and we'll see!

DNA check also!

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I think you mean 'do not count as proof'?

This whole complicated protest situation isn't helped by some of the reporting.

In the other newspaper today the police are quoted as saying that grenades were thrown by someone mingling with the crowd and not from height.

However the BBC's Johnathan ' Dick ' Head quotes the police as saying the grenade thrower was one of the protesters ' own ' which completely changes the story.

Which of these reports is most accurate is beyond me and it's not the first time the authorities have made different statements to the media so did the other newspaper ignore a vital point or did Head add something in ? Just because someone is in a crowd doesn't have to mean they are a supporter as it's easy to mingle unless you are dressed completely in red and carrying a placard saying " I support the government ".

It suits Suthep to accuse the government and / or their supporters of responsibility whereas it suits others, many on this forum, to believe it's deliberate self-inflicted injury to increase sympathy and support.

Personally i would settle for the truth warts and all in order to get my head around what's really happening.

Jonathan Head is well known as a reporter who is not independently and impartially reporting the news, as he should. This guy is on Thaksin's side, he is not a reporter he is propagandist. He associates exclusively with Thaksin's supporters and mocks those who propose alternative views to the ruling Government's. We all saw how this creature behaved during 2010.

And for the life of me I do not understand what 'voices in ones (sic) head' means!

Perhaps you would care to elucidate?


The BBC's Jonathan Head, in a recent live debate, revealed what he really knows and what his reporting seems to willfully omit. It is clear from this debate that does not disagree with the truth (I am told that he indeed has a very good understanding of the real political situation) But it is clear from all of his reportage (and I speak as a former journalist) that he chooses to spin a yarn that leads unsuspecting readers away from that truth. I would like to know why. And those that disagree should revisit his work and look through the cracks. Reportage should be about unbiased telling of FACTS. I am outraged that Head is unable, unwilling or for some other reason does not do this.

I agree with your comments about reportage and Jonathan Head however, I would also add that what you read/see on TV is not necessarily what the reporter wrote or all of what the camera saw. Editors have a nasty habit of massaging stories in favour of selling news.

I have seen him reporting live from Thailand. At least he claimed he was in Thailand. The man is either out of touch with reality or just doesn't know what is happening.

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I support Suthep because I am against corruption!


Irony! Brilliant!

Could you tell me who wanted to kill 25.000 corruption cases and whose movement stopped that...

Could you tell me of what cases of corruption Suthep has been convicted and the real leader of the PTP (Taksins thinks PTP does) ?

After carefully answering this i would not call it irony.

I support Suthep too because I am against corruption.

If he get in power (not his intention) and is proven to be corrupt he must go like any other corrupt official. At the moment we got a government that is incompetent and utterly corrupt.. fake G2G deals.. wanting to kill 26.0000 corruption cases.. having MP's lying in court about voting and proven to ly but no action is taken.

Seems like any change is a good change.. then IF Suthep does the same thing kick him out and rinse and repeat till we get someone who is not corrupt however long it may take. Just giving up and allowing it is insanity.

Mr blok, while I agree with this ...

Seems like any change is a good change

I'm sure many, just like me, aren't nearly as passionate about this as you are. While I agree with your point that we need a change, do you really think that another party in power won't be any different from the Shins???

Maybe a little defeatist as you may say but I really can't see the situation here changing, not in our life times anyway.

I, just like many other foreigners here are bored and sick of them all, that's why I just won't even consider who's right and who's wrong and would advise other expats to do the same and keep out of the politics (supporting them anyhow).

Sure we all have opinions and the Shins do need to be firmly put in their place and ejected from politics but are we really that naive, sorry mistaken that by supporting others that promise so much, is gonna change/reform Thai politics? I can't see it. They're as bad as each other.

Mr havent been called that for a long time but you make a valid point.

I think that if the other power that is in power will be kicked out too then int he end you will get better people in power. I also believe that there should be much harsher anti corruption laws. I like the no statue of limitation on corruption (now as long as they are MP they cant be convicted).

You give up.. I don't because giving up would suggest change is impossible. I can't believe that. Or I just don't want to believe that. I saw that Abisith was good but even he had crooks in his government (coalition with Newin) There are far to few good politicians but give them a chance and get some good laws in place and things will slowly change.

I would not even mind a red government as long as the checks and balances are there. change will come slowly. But this government has shown it wants to take steps back.. removing checks and balances wanting family member to be eligible for the senate (real dangerous). Wanting to drop 25.000 cases of corruption. Now they have made fake G2G documents for the rice scam.

This all together just means they have to go .. new laws in place (and I dont mean laws that give the reds less chance to win an election) but new laws to combat corruption with more powers for such a institution and more independent members in there. Maybe even always members of the opposition so when reds in power democrats when democrats in power reds. That would keep them honest as they wont allow the other side to steal.

I see plenty of options to change things.. and now is the time as a large part of the population is fed up with corruption.

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Its actually quite simple there are good photographs and evidence. The government would move heaven and earth to catch this guy if he is on the payroll of Suthep as it would break the movement. If he is not he won't be arrested so just lets give the government some reasonable time to do their job and if they don't catch him it should be proof enough for us who use our brains.

If it was Suthep I would condemn him and all who planned it with him, not that I think that much of him now but I do think a lot of the movement the normal people trying to oust a corrupt government and bring in stronger anti corruption laws. Lets just hope that they are not used to bring in an other corrupt government. If so I would be against them.

I am not like many reds who say we know our government is corrupt and inept but we support them anyway. Sensible people would see that there is an chance now for real change. Suthep is not going to be able to fool all the anti government protesters like Taksin is fooling the farmers by making sure the rice scheme is plundered by his minions and forgot to leave enough money for the farmers.

Very good logic in your first paragraph Rob. The caretaker government and all its law enforcement agencies have good photographs. They should move quickly to identify and arrest this criminal. Failure to do so, or the usual half baked silly excuses, will suggest a different reason. If he really is linked to the protest movement then this would be a major incentive for them. If he is a red shirt or PTP supporter, or hired thug, then their inaction will tell everyone how it is.

Let's see where this goes.

WHAT IF..the police arrest this guy (one of their own)...and entice him to make a confession that he was hired by Suthep to do the dirty deeds...and promised to get him released from prison once the Government get back into power after election, with a huge reward like getting a position in Parliament?

The rally will lose it's credibility, the Government will proceed with the election without any major opposition party, a smooth and easy sail back to their seats in Parliament.

My point is...everything is not what it seems to be...to the extend that things cannot be proven-disproved based on LOGIC...ANYTHING is possible.

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My first impression is he's military. Squared away hair cut and apparel. Hard to tell from only 3 still frames, but maybe some ex-forces guys would comment on his body form/posture. To me, it looks practiced and measured, not like some hooligan winding up to throw a beer bottle.

I think your on to it.

Overseas riots everywhere and paid antagonists entering peacfull protests to insite violence.

Would not surpise me if the same happening here.

Paid mercanries in Syria creating havoc the world is a nutcase full of corporate pyscopaths.

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I support Suthep because I am against corruption!


Irony! Brilliant!

Could you tell me who wanted to kill 25.000 corruption cases and whose movement stopped that...

Could you tell me of what cases of corruption Suthep has been convicted and the real leader of the PTP (Taksins thinks PTP does) ?

After carefully answering this i would not call it irony.

I support Suthep too because I am against corruption.

If he get in power (not his intention) and is proven to be corrupt he must go like any other corrupt official. At the moment we got a government that is incompetent and utterly corrupt.. fake G2G deals.. wanting to kill 26.0000 corruption cases.. having MP's lying in court about voting and proven to ly but no action is taken.

Seems like any change is a good change.. then IF Suthep does the same thing kick him out and rinse and repeat till we get someone who is not corrupt however long it may take. Just giving up and allowing it is insanity.

Wikileaks, members of his own party long complained of his corruption and unethical behavior, HIS OWN PARTY!!!! if any one would know then they would don't you think????

still has to answer for 1995 land deals,

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I support Suthep because I am against corruption!


Irony! Brilliant!

Could you tell me who wanted to kill 25.000 corruption cases and whose movement stopped that...

Could you tell me of what cases of corruption Suthep has been convicted and the real leader of the PTP (Taksins thinks PTP does) ?

After carefully answering this i would not call it irony.

I support Suthep too because I am against corruption.

If he get in power (not his intention) and is proven to be corrupt he must go like any other corrupt official. At the moment we got a government that is incompetent and utterly corrupt.. fake G2G deals.. wanting to kill 26.0000 corruption cases.. having MP's lying in court about voting and proven to ly but no action is taken.

Seems like any change is a good change.. then IF Suthep does the same thing kick him out and rinse and repeat till we get someone who is not corrupt however long it may take. Just giving up and allowing it is insanity.

Wikileaks, members of his own party long complained of his corruption and unethical behavior, HIS OWN PARTY!!!! if any one would know then they would don't you think????

still has to answer for 1995 land deals,

So no convictions on his side.. and you did not go into any faults on your side.

If he is corrupt.. get the guy Get them all.. corruption is the problem here of the fighting. For now he is a step forward.. and if he is indeed corrupt then get him and put him in jail as an example. Please do the same for all the thieves on your side too.

I would not mind a red government as long as they were playing by the rules and not corrupt.. but the current lot is done for.

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Its actually quite simple there are good photographs and evidence. The government would move heaven and earth to catch this guy if he is on the payroll of Suthep as it would break the movement. If he is not he won't be arrested so just lets give the government some reasonable time to do their job and if they don't catch him it should be proof enough for us who use our brains.

If it was Suthep I would condemn him and all who planned it with him, not that I think that much of him now but I do think a lot of the movement the normal people trying to oust a corrupt government and bring in stronger anti corruption laws. Lets just hope that they are not used to bring in an other corrupt government. If so I would be against them.

I am not like many reds who say we know our government is corrupt and inept but we support them anyway. Sensible people would see that there is an chance now for real change. Suthep is not going to be able to fool all the anti government protesters like Taksin is fooling the farmers by making sure the rice scheme is plundered by his minions and forgot to leave enough money for the farmers.

Very good logic in your first paragraph Rob. The caretaker government and all its law enforcement agencies have good photographs. They should move quickly to identify and arrest this criminal. Failure to do so, or the usual half baked silly excuses, will suggest a different reason. If he really is linked to the protest movement then this would be a major incentive for them. If he is a red shirt or PTP supporter, or hired thug, then their inaction will tell everyone how it is.

Let's see where this goes.

WHAT IF..the police arrest this guy (one of their own)...and entice him to make a confession that he was hired by Suthep to do the dirty deeds...and promised to get him released from prison once the Government get back into power after election, with a huge reward like getting a position in Parliament?

The rally will lose it's credibility, the Government will proceed with the election without any major opposition party, a smooth and easy sail back to their seats in Parliament.

My point is...everything is not what it seems to be...to the extend that things cannot be proven-disproved based on LOGIC...ANYTHING is possible.

Once they get someone your scenario is possible.. but not likely as it can be dis proven.. though it is of course a possibility.

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This whole complicated protest situation isn't helped by some of the reporting.

In the other newspaper today the police are quoted as saying that grenades were thrown by someone mingling with the crowd and not from height.

However the BBC's Johnathan ' Dick ' Head quotes the police as saying the grenade thrower was one of the protesters ' own ' which completely changes the story.

Which of these reports is most accurate is beyond me and it's not the first time the authorities have made different statements to the media so did the other newspaper ignore a vital point or did Head add something in ? Just because someone is in a crowd doesn't have to mean they are a supporter as it's easy to mingle unless you are dressed completely in red and carrying a placard saying " I support the government ".

It suits Suthep to accuse the government and / or their supporters of responsibility whereas it suits others, many on this forum, to believe it's deliberate self-inflicted injury to increase sympathy and support.

Personally i would settle for the truth warts and all in order to get my head around what's really happening.

Jonathan Head is well known as a reporter who is not independently and impartially reporting the news, as he should. This guy is on Thaksin's side, he is not a reporter he is propagandist. He associates exclusively with Thaksin's supporters and mocks those who propose alternative views to the ruling Government's. We all saw how this creature behaved during 2010.

3 Time Emmy Award Winning CNN Journalist: Mainstream Media Takes Money from FOREIGN Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda


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The unelected powers we all know are pulling the strings but we are not allowed to mention in this forum.

Hint.. Who accompanied the Amry chief to the meeting with Yingluck recently ?? And what is is post ??

Oh, can't tell, hush. How convinient. rolleyes.gif

Are you saying you just failed the quiz ?? It wasnt exactly hard.

Think.. P... Just for one of them.

And its the forum rules, not mine..

So you support the notion that "them" are Suthep's pupeteers and "them" woud kill him to serve "their" purposes?

Besides gossip, what evidence do you have for that?

With stakes this high.. Do you really think these kind of level of power brokers would hesitate to lose a few lives ??

Senior generals / Ministers of defense / etc get used to the idea.. Lives get lost to achieve aims.. The person I am mentioning, was the primary agitator in the 06 coup, you think a few grenades would bother him ?

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As the situation becomes clearer - that the administration and the police have effectively teamed up to do nothing more than invest their full time, energy, and resources to perpetuate a propaganda war against the reform movement, as well as to take actions that in effect allow that the attacks proceed as unimpeded as possible. The grenade attacks are having more of an effect in promoting the administration's interests that anything that has happened up to this point. Why would they demonstrably move to restrain them ? The tactics of the Syrian regime are much the same - blame all atrocities on the protest movement - promogate the line that protesters are actually killing their own - a line so insulting to the intelligence of all nationally and internationally, that it defies description. What is becoming clearer from this particular article, though, is that the army has lost all trust and patience for the police. The army knows where their interests lie, and that the police are actually doing nothing to prevent these attacks from taking place. They are stopping no vehicles at checkpoints ( except ambulances ! ) This knowledge didn't just become apparent to the army in recent days, of course. They have known about the police for a long, long time - long before this chapter of the crisis even began. They have always known about the police. And the enmity between the army and the police has reflected the divide in the country as a whole. But at least the role of the police has been definitely - and irreversibly - exposed, and any further announcements by the police, any further talking points by the police, and any further conclusions by the police will be dismissed by the public at large out of hand. The administration too has lost any power of persuasion as they now desperately press the same incredulous talking points. And public announcements by Thaksin's cousin are a public embarrassment, redeemable only on the cartoon channel.

Edited by Scamper
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Question: If the police are regularly lambasted as unprofessional, despite having attended a mandatory 1 year training course at one of the 10 provincial training centers or the big school in Bangkok, why are the PDRC hired hands aka "guards" held up as reliable professionals? These "guards" were probably sitting around scratching their <deleted> before they were hired on and yet folks consider them reliable and honest.

Go figger.

Perhaps because they didn't pay a substantial bribe to get their job.

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The last hope for Suthep is for the army to stage a coup, only way to acheive this is to increase the violence.

Expect to see more of this in the coming days and weeks before the election.

Suthep has proven in the past he is more than willing to sacrifice his own people.

Sooner this loonatic is locked up the better.

Boxclever, This is the truth of course, but no matter how many times the suthep sympathizers here are shown the truth they always fall back on their conspiracy theory about this fellow in Dubai thumbsup.gif BTW should this fellow in Dubai pass away in his sleep tonight the suthepites would just find another bogeyman to form their conspiracy theories around, what a shame rolleyes.gif

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Find him and charge him with attempted murder no matter who he is...

Charge them for every person they injure.

He's a scum bag.

Anyone from any side or even ones attacking their own to blame the other side, should have the book thrown at them.

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The last hope for Suthep is for the army to stage a coup, only way to acheive this is to increase the violence.

Expect to see more of this in the coming days and weeks before the election.

Suthep has proven in the past he is more than willing to sacrifice his own people.

Sooner this loonatic is locked up the better.

Boxclever, This is the truth of course, but no matter how many times the suthep sympathizers here are shown the truth they always fall back on their conspiracy theory about this fellow in Dubai thumbsup.gif BTW should this fellow in Dubai pass away in his sleep tonight the suthepites would just find another bogeyman to form their conspiracy theories around, what a shame rolleyes.gif

If he were to "pass away in his sleep you would see one of the worlds biggest parties of relief and celebration---what a bonus for TAT.

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Police said they know the identity of attacker in yesterday’s explosions


BANGKOK: -- The police said today that they now know the identity of the man who hurled two hand grenades at anti-government protests at the Victory Monument yesterday.

They said video footages of the attacker were recovered from several CCTV cameras in the area and along his escape route. He was shown clearly at a video footage hurling the hand grenade to behind the stage of the protesters at Victory Monument.

A core leader of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) Thavorn Senniem was sitting there with other leaders.

The first grenade was thrown with intent on the life of the PDRC leader.

The grenade missed the target after it hit a tree branch and fell into where a group of journalists were sitting. One Post Today’s female reporter was injured.

The second grenade was thrown by the same man as he tried to stop the PDRC guards from chasing him after he was spotted hurling the grenade to behind the stage. The second explosion injured more than 25 protesters.

The man, Thavorn, also a former Songkhla MP of the Democrat party, clad in white T-shirt and jacket, and wore a cap, alsoopened fire at a guard who tried to capture him.

The guard was seriously injured.

The attacker fled in a motorcycle taxi driver.

The police said the attacker hired the motorcycle taxi driver to a Soi on Charansanitwong road.

The two grenades were the same type of either the Russian or Chinese made grenade used for attack on protesters on Bantadthong on Saturday, and also the same types as found from four suspects detained at Bang Na police station on the night when Abhisit Vejjajiva was attacked with a hand grenade.

But the police said the grenade at Abhisit house was a M 26 hand grenade, which is different type of grenades found in the possession of four suspects arrested at a road checkpoint in Bang Na. They are Russian made grenades, police earlier said.

Meanwhile video footage of the bomb attacker was widely shared on the social network today along with the picture of a former driver of the deceased Maj-Gen Kattiya Sawasdipol or Seh Daeng. The driver was said to resemble the bomb attacker at the Victory Monument yesterday. Maj-Gen Kattiya was killed by a sniper while giving press interview at Lumpini park.

The former driver, identified as Lance Corporal Rachata Wongyod, was among the prisoners imprisoned on riot charge during the 2010 riot. He was questioned in the social network of why he was released from prison.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/police-said-know-identity-attacker-yesterdays-explosions/


-- Thai PBS 2014-01-20

Can someone clear this up..

The man, Thavorn, also a former Songkhla MP of the Democrat party, clad in white T-shirt and jacket, and wore a cap, alsoopened fire at a guard who tried to capture him.

Are they saying the person lobbing the grenade is "The man, Thavorn, also a former Songkhla MP of the Democrat party, clad in white T-shirt and jacket, and wore a cap, alsoopened fire at a guard who tried to capture him."

Because thats how it reads.

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Question: If the police are regularly lambasted as unprofessional, despite having attended a mandatory 1 year training course at one of the 10 provincial training centers or the big school in Bangkok, why are the PDRC hired hands aka "guards" held up as reliable professionals? These "guards" were probably sitting around scratching their <deleted> before they were hired on and yet folks consider them reliable and honest.

Go figger.

Oh kid.. you are smarter as that.

Police is a totally corrupt entity not based on merits. (though there must be some good and smart cops honest ones maybe too)

If i were to hire guards to guard me id make sure I hire people who know the job.

That said.. i do seem to recall some reports where guards beat up some people to be stopped by Suthep. Not sure if that was propaganda or not (him stopping it) but if not it seems that the guards are checked well.

But without having seen resumes from either side i can't really judge.

Perhaps I am getting this wrong, but what in your mind qualifies a policeman as a guard? Indeed, if as proclaimed that there are no weapons being used during the protests, that takes away from the equation the single reason that would come to my mind.

Perhaps if crowd control and personal protection was a major part of their training, then I would rethink the above. AFAIK, their training in crowd control consists of shields, water cannons & batons..............wink.png Training in close protection is another matter altogether.

Better equipped at controlling traffic, or rather implementing the laws of their own minds on unsuspecting motorists..................tongue.png

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Its actually quite simple there are good photographs and evidence. The government would move heaven and earth to catch this guy if he is on the payroll of Suthep as it would break the movement. If he is not he won't be arrested so just lets give the government some reasonable time to do their job and if they don't catch him it should be proof enough for us who use our brains.

If it was Suthep I would condemn him and all who planned it with him, not that I think that much of him now but I do think a lot of the movement the normal people trying to oust a corrupt government and bring in stronger anti corruption laws. Lets just hope that they are not used to bring in an other corrupt government. If so I would be against them.

I am not like many reds who say we know our government is corrupt and inept but we support them anyway. Sensible people would see that there is an chance now for real change. Suthep is not going to be able to fool all the anti government protesters like Taksin is fooling the farmers by making sure the rice scheme is plundered by his minions and forgot to leave enough money for the farmers.

To the best of my knowledge he is not trying to bring in another government. He is trying to set up a council to reform the government and then and only then bring in an election. You may not like him but you have to admit he is the only reason this is still happening. give credit where credit is due.

I don't like Abhist but I have to admit that at this time he is the best person to fill the job of Prime Minister.

Abhisit I believe has no chance of ever becoming PM in Thailand again and if so only if he is actually winning an election. The same counts for Suthep. Their has to be outsiders considered that are not linked to the Democrat Party. The CP party might play a big role in that, such as Paveena Hongsakul or other members that are not PTP and DP. To move the whole situation forward would be that the DP and PTP party both will be banned and all MP's being banned for 5 years. Not some but all, including Abhisit, YS and her families, Suthep, Chalerm etc.

The benefits out of it:

1) Yingluck and her clan is gone and the people of the North and North-east should build and develop a new party.

2) Abhisit and Suthep is gone. Surin and Korn could rebuild the Democrat Party.

3) CT, CP and BJT will most likely gain most votes and could form a coalition government which might even include a new party from the North and Northeast and as well the Democrat party.

With a unity government, nobody is left behind.

a) The Democrats can focus on election reforms and pushed it through. They might also get the Finance portfolio as they have good people on board.

B) CP might get the PM post and Foreign ministry portfolio.

c) The party of the North and Northeast can look after the Agricultural sector.

d) CT gets the Communication Portfolio and will keep them happy.

e) The Education portfolio should be held by an outside not related to any political party, otherwise nothing changes in Thailand.

f) The Defence Ministry can go to a high ranking military personal so they too get a cut of the pie.

In my scenario, nobody is left out so everybody is happy.

TS passport will be cancelled and he will face trial. The same counts for Suthep. Those two guys have broken so many laws that they should be gone for a long time.

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Can someone clear this up..

The man, Thavorn, also a former Songkhla MP of the Democrat party, clad in white T-shirt and jacket, and wore a cap, alsoopened fire at a guard who tried to capture him.

Are they saying the person lobbing the grenade is "The man, Thavorn, also a former Songkhla MP of the Democrat party, clad in white T-shirt and jacket, and wore a cap, alsoopened fire at a guard who tried to capture him."

Because thats how it reads.

Yes, that is what they are saying. But these clown journalists are really good at confusing things. Nor do they seem to ask how the police came to this conclusion.

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Its actually quite simple there are good photographs and evidence. The government would move heaven and earth to catch this guy if he is on the payroll of Suthep as it would break the movement. If he is not he won't be arrested so just lets give the government some reasonable time to do their job and if they don't catch him it should be proof enough for us who use our brains.

If it was Suthep I would condemn him and all who planned it with him, not that I think that much of him now but I do think a lot of the movement the normal people trying to oust a corrupt government and bring in stronger anti corruption laws. Lets just hope that they are not used to bring in an other corrupt government. If so I would be against them.

I am not like many reds who say we know our government is corrupt and inept but we support them anyway. Sensible people would see that there is an chance now for real change. Suthep is not going to be able to fool all the anti government protesters like Taksin is fooling the farmers by making sure the rice scheme is plundered by his minions and forgot to leave enough money for the farmers.

To the best of my knowledge he is not trying to bring in another government. He is trying to set up a council to reform the government and then and only then bring in an election. You may not like him but you have to admit he is the only reason this is still happening. give credit where credit is due.

I don't like Abhist but I have to admit that at this time he is the best person to fill the job of Prime Minister.

Abhisit I believe has no chance of ever becoming PM in Thailand again and if so only if he is actually winning an election. The same counts for Suthep. Their has to be outsiders considered that are not linked to the Democrat Party. The CP party might play a big role in that, such as Paveena Hongsakul or other members that are not PTP and DP. To move the whole situation forward would be that the DP and PTP party both will be banned and all MP's being banned for 5 years. Not some but all, including Abhisit, YS and her families, Suthep, Chalerm etc.

The benefits out of it:

1) Yingluck and her clan is gone and the people of the North and North-east should build and develop a new party.

2) Abhisit and Suthep is gone. Surin and Korn could rebuild the Democrat Party.

3) CT, CP and BJT will most likely gain most votes and could form a coalition government which might even include a new party from the North and Northeast and as well the Democrat party.

With a unity government, nobody is left behind.

a) The Democrats can focus on election reforms and pushed it through. They might also get the Finance portfolio as they have good people on board.

cool.png CP might get the PM post and Foreign ministry portfolio.

c) The party of the North and Northeast can look after the Agricultural sector.

d) CT gets the Communication Portfolio and will keep them happy.

e) The Education portfolio should be held by an outside not related to any political party, otherwise nothing changes in Thailand.

f) The Defence Ministry can go to a high ranking military personal so they too get a cut of the pie.

In my scenario, nobody is left out so everybody is happy.

TS passport will be cancelled and he will face trial. The same counts for Suthep. Those two guys have broken so many laws that they should be gone for a long time.

Little sister not to stand trial ?---I bet she will have to face the music with PTP, so then with them banned what party will be formed in the N/E ?

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Can someone clear this up..

The man, Thavorn, also a former Songkhla MP of the Democrat party, clad in white T-shirt and jacket, and wore a cap, alsoopened fire at a guard who tried to capture him.

Are they saying the person lobbing the grenade is "The man, Thavorn, also a former Songkhla MP of the Democrat party, clad in white T-shirt and jacket, and wore a cap, alsoopened fire at a guard who tried to capture him."

Because thats how it reads.

Yes, that is what they are saying. But these clown journalists are really good at confusing things. Nor do they seem to ask how the police came to this conclusion.

This guy? Really? http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/thaworn-wpcf_728x413.jpg

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Mr blok, while I agree with this ...

Seems like any change is a good change

I'm sure many, just like me, aren't nearly as passionate about this as you are. While I agree with your point that we need a change, do you really think that another party in power won't be any different from the Shins???

Maybe a little defeatist as you may say but I really can't see the situation here changing, not in our life times anyway.

I, just like many other foreigners here are bored and sick of them all, that's why I just won't even consider who's right and who's wrong and would advise other expats to do the same and keep out of the politics (supporting them anyhow).

Sure we all have opinions and the Shins do need to be firmly put in their place and ejected from politics but are we really that naive, sorry mistaken that by supporting others that promise so much, is gonna change/reform Thai politics? I can't see it. They're as bad as each other.

Exactly right. Each party grandiosely proclaims everyone is going to be rich or everything is going to be corruption free. The royalists are soaking up Suthep's hyperbole as much as the reds did Yingluck's nonsense.

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For all you armchair Rambos out there, you should note that in most militaries one is taught to lob a grenade, just like you see in the old WWII movies and not to throw the grenade like a baseball.

And as for all the armchair journalists out there, if you think Jonathan Head has some bias then clearly you never had the pleasure, I daresay the honor, to have shared dinner and drinks with his BBC predecssor, the late Judy Stowe, who had some very particular thoughts about Thai politics that I dare not bring up in this forum.

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