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Army-police rift widens - Navy commander threatens to sue over 'mistaken identity'


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Who is the Army Commander and Chief to tell the police anything. The Army has no control over the police unless General you want to have a coup and take over the police. As for the Navy they are becoming sue happy. They must have a large staff of lawyers.

Nail, head hit,

There is no end of money available in the country for the military. Absoulty no end of it. Billions and billions every year needed just to suppress the population.

World is onto them, and you think it is a pantomime now. Just wait until we get a Junta again, they;ll be shooting each other all over bangkok just as they did last time.

PAD leaders became expendable and when one of em spoke up he was used for target practice. So no vioence at all when the army in charge. Noooo Shootings on the streets of Bangkok... couldn't happen.

For the newbies. Nobody pointed the finger at the Red Shirts. Dems in power so you'd think the culprit would soon have been apprehended. wouldn't you? You do now.

Sondhi's son, Jittanart Limthongkul, blamed factions within the military and the Abhisit government of being behind the assassination attempt:



Talking of Newbies, you've been a member how long? Posted how many posts? And always slagging off anyone but PTP and the red shirts, regardless of the thread topic.

Hmmm. Must be nice and warm under your bridge during the cold spell?

Another argument loosing idea is to accuse the people opposing views of being trolls, having multiple accounts on LM.

Bit like the protesters really. When you have no popular mandate, no credible arguments, you just make noises and hurl abuse. My 22 year here taught me to keep out of nonsense like this, but as this is a national emergency and so many are talking out of their rearsa if they think Suthep is going to do anything other than settle personal scores and put his clique back in power.

What it did there was make my relevant post from the time appear 3 times and as it sits right next to your pityful collection of words, it gives it more credence

I'm entiteld to my opinions and input as much as anybody else. I do not though there is much more detail from our side of the arguement. If you don't like what we say, just blow your whistle in your room...

I'm pointing out that the Army and Dems have had decades in power and have engage in internal violent power struggles and assassinations against each other at times.

Edited by pipkins
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Alrighty then. So what's the military's position on the use of military grade explosives used to sever the rail line in Cha Am on the weekend?

Not much discussion of a professional demolition job.

Oh, that's ironic, a crude attempt to derail a thread by bringing up a severed rail line. Well done! clap2.gif

P.S; pathetic.

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that's the ultimate problem here: you basically can't believe a word that any of them says -- police, military, government -- they're all pretty much the same when it comes to abusing or twisting the truth.

But there's one real fact that I believe we do know: thus far, the police haven't arrested anyone for any of the recent spate of hand grenade bombings. So that pretty much tells you how they're doing their job.


To be fair to the police, they're not really in a position to take on the military. They can't very well walk into a military base and start arresting people. They caught the SEAL assassin team, but were quickly forced to release them.

Almost as quickly as they released the 4 thugs caught with guns and grenades - you know, the ones with good intentions who just had them for self defense.clap2.gif

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Who is the Army Commander and Chief to tell the police anything. The Army has no control over the police unless General you want to have a coup and take over the police. As for the Navy they are becoming sue happy. They must have a large staff of lawyers.

Nail, head hit,

There is no end of money available in the country for the military. Absoulty no end of it. Billions and billions every year needed just to suppress the population.

World is onto them, and you think it is a pantomime now. Just wait until we get a Junta again, they;ll be shooting each other all over bangkok just as they did last time.

PAD leaders became expendable and when one of em spoke up he was used for target practice. So no vioence at all when the army in charge. Noooo Shootings on the streets of Bangkok... couldn't happen.

For the newbies. Nobody pointed the finger at the Red Shirts. Dems in power so you'd think the culprit would soon have been apprehended. wouldn't you? You do now.

Sondhi's son, Jittanart Limthongkul, blamed factions within the military and the Abhisit government of being behind the assassination attempt:



Talking of Newbies, you've been a member how long? Posted how many posts? And always slagging off anyone but PTP and the red shirts, regardless of the thread topic.

Hmmm. Must be nice and warm under your bridge during the cold spell?

Another argument loosing idea is to accuse the people opposing views of being trolls, having multiple accounts on LM.

Bit like the protesters really. When you have no popular mandate, no credible arguments, you just make noises and hurl abuse. My 22 year here taught me to keep out of nonsense like this, but as this is a national emergency and so many are talking out of their rearsa if they think Suthep is going to do anything other than settle personal scores and put his clique back in power.

What it did there was make my relevant post from the time appear 3 times and as it sits right next to your pityful collection of words, it gives it more credence

I'm entiteld to my opinions and input as much as anybody else. I do not though there is much more detail from our side of the arguement. If you don't like what we say, just blow your whistle in your room...

I'm pointing out that the Army and Dems have had decades in power and have engage in internal violent power struggles and assassinations against each other at times.

Added it again for you now! "Our side of the argument" - confirms where you stand as if we didn't know. 160 posts in a couple of weeks membership and bugger all for 22 years. Yeah, right oh sunshine, whatever you say.


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I don't believe that any of the shots fired at protesters has come from a silenced weapon - no point

What violence has the PDRC undertaken during the "shutdown" protests? None.

That's not hard to understand is it?


There's no evidence that the silenced weapons had actually been used, but just the fact that they were present indicates at the very least a capability to carry out covert attacks. A silencer is a liability in an open gunfight, but very useful if you want to shoot from cover without being detected.

Violence? Plenty of it. The attacks on candidate registration centres and the recent vicious assault on a group of police officers spring to mind. Blockading public roads is a violent act in itself.

You seem to have misunderstood.

The question was "What violence has the PDRC undertaken during the "shutdown" protests?"

Blocking a road is a "violent act"? Now you're just being daft

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I don't believe that any of the shots fired at protesters has come from a silenced weapon - no point

What violence has the PDRC undertaken during the "shutdown" protests? None.

That's not hard to understand is it?


There's no evidence that the silenced weapons had actually been used, but just the fact that they were present indicates at the very least a capability to carry out covert attacks. A silencer is a liability in an open gunfight, but very useful if you want to shoot from cover without being detected.

Violence? Plenty of it. The attacks on candidate registration centres and the recent vicious assault on a group of police officers spring to mind. Blockading public roads is a violent act in itself.

You seem to have misunderstood.

The question was "What violence has the PDRC undertaken during the "shutdown" protests?"

Blocking a road is a "violent act"? Now you're just being daft

And if an ordinary, decent Bangkok resident with a family to support tried to get through one of these road blocks on their way to work, what do you think would happen? It's not hard to recognise terrorism when you see it.
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The rift I would say is about the same as it always was. Massive. Both sides have their own agenda here and their priorities are to theirselves.

There seems to be a self perpetuating myth among many that Thailand will change for the good if they can get rid of Thaksiin... it won't As there is not much diversity in the western media here (things changing now) many who don't have access to news, just swallow hook line and sinker a few titbits they pick up.

They then talk loudly in bars about them and come to believe firmly in them. I'll say thaksin was corrupt... but he was corrupt AND did good for the country and many of its people. The other side have only their own interests at heart and are fighting behind the scenes anyway.

What changed for me is I have children at school here and I don't want them to be living in the mire of corruption that existed back when I arrived. Was barely reported then but bodies turned up regularly and activists and journalists learned never to questin what was going on.

The change now is with the internet. This information i out there and professional journalists feel they should report both sides (the article by cod yesterday was fantastic.. .and also the part from the yellow shirt guy equally as good) and many can see that all was not well in Thailand before Thaksin.

Lot of the social media stuff is misleading for many reasons and you have to try to understand why. It's a PR war and if they make enough noise on either side about a topic (the navy seals and Ko-Tee mate in the frame for the bombings) they are spread around to drag leaders away from their topic of the day, making them respond to more and more rumours etc. Both sides do it.

At least we have some balance on here now and Leaders from all sides, INC Army, navy and eventually some backers when they are outed have their feet held to the flames more than they used to. This is bringing change and has worked on the Army as they are saying NO COUP so often now that they will probably start believing it themselves soon.

Edited by pipkins
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When three SEALs were caught red handed at the protest site carrying silenced weapons it put the Navy squarely under suspicion. The 'drugs operation' cover story was obviously bogus.

What's the logic of one taxpayer funded agency suing another? It's just an attempt to intimidate the police. There's an arrest warrant out for a suspect. Let's have his name. The bomber dropped his hat at the scene. Have the SEAL guy give a DNA sample and that would clear him or otherwise.

Done and dusted as you say but far to logical for this country. Gain saying is far more prevalent than actual investigative actions.

I also find it incredulous the the Thai Navy is running around town with covert weapons and false plates on a drug bust. What the hell has the suppression of narcotics within Bangkok have to do with them, unless of course they were investigating police involvement.

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As Thaksin now closely follows the tactics of Richard Nixon during Watergate - where government agencies became playthings to subvert justice, frame, and to create an atmosphere of continual subterfuge - we now have a cornucopia of capers afoot, where the administration is now tapping into creating misinformation and deflection. Is there any wonder that the army is sick and tired of it ? Prayuth knows what the administration and the police are doing. He knows that they are not only doing nothing to protect the protesters, that they are not only doing everything to protect the perpetrators of these atrocious acts, but are now in the business of framing their own narrative of events, and feeding the media with pictures that are meant to both defame and deflect.

Police Colonel Choosak :

" He added that up to 40 police would man each checkpoint and as many as 20 would patrol the rally site during the day. "

And that - ladies and gentlemen - is the sum total of the police's interest in protecting the Thai people on the streets.

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When three SEALs were caught red handed at the protest site carrying silenced weapons it put the Navy squarely under suspicion. The 'drugs operation' cover story was obviously bogus.

What's the logic of one taxpayer funded agency suing another? It's just an attempt to intimidate the police. There's an arrest warrant out for a suspect. Let's have his name. The bomber dropped his hat at the scene. Have the SEAL guy give a DNA sample and that would clear him or otherwise.

Go back and read the news about the three "SEALS". They weren't caught at the protest site. They were picked up somewhere else well away from the protests and they happened to have guard IDs.


They were carrying yellow shirt terrorist ID's. i think it's a safe bet that they were at the protest site. The police just had to wait until they moved away before arresting them.

Can you please explain just what a yellow shirt terrorist ID card is and how it differs from a normal Thai ID card?

After all you brought it up so tell us all what it is.

Of course if you cannot then I can understand. You would lose the last shreds of credulity you ever had, though there wasn't much to begin with.

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When three SEALs were caught red handed at the protest site carrying silenced weapons it put the Navy squarely under suspicion. The 'drugs operation' cover story was obviously bogus.

What's the logic of one taxpayer funded agency suing another? It's just an attempt to intimidate the police. There's an arrest warrant out for a suspect. Let's have his name. The bomber dropped his hat at the scene. Have the SEAL guy give a DNA sample and that would clear him or otherwise.

Go back and read the news about the three "SEALS". They weren't caught at the protest site. They were picked up somewhere else well away from the protests and they happened to have guard IDs.


They were carrying yellow shirt terrorist ID's. i think it's a safe bet that they were at the protest site. The police just had to wait until they moved away before arresting them.

Can you please explain just what a yellow shirt terrorist ID card is and how it differs from a normal Thai ID card?

After all you brought it up so tell us all what it is.

Of course if you cannot then I can understand. You would lose the last shreds of credulity you ever had, though there wasn't much to begin with.

The yellow shirts were a protest group from 2010, I'm guessing he's implying that protesting is a terrorist act, that the Navy SEALs were involved in the protest in 2010 and that they carry their membership cards as souvenirs???

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When three SEALs were caught red handed at the protest site carrying silenced weapons it put the Navy squarely under suspicion. The 'drugs operation' cover story was obviously bogus.

What's the logic of one taxpayer funded agency suing another? It's just an attempt to intimidate the police. There's an arrest warrant out for a suspect. Let's have his name. The bomber dropped his hat at the scene. Have the SEAL guy give a DNA sample and that would clear him or otherwise.

Go back and read the news about the three "SEALS". They weren't caught at the protest site. They were picked up somewhere else well away from the protests and they happened to have guard IDs.


They were carrying yellow shirt terrorist ID's. i think it's a safe bet that they were at the protest site. The police just had to wait until they moved away before arresting them.

Can you please explain just what a yellow shirt terrorist ID card is and how it differs from a normal Thai ID card?

After all you brought it up so tell us all what it is.

Of course if you cannot then I can understand. You would lose the last shreds of credulity you ever had, though there wasn't much to begin with.


"Credibility". Credulity means something entirely diffferent. Best to stick with smaller words where you can be sure of their meaning. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. (Giving free English lessons now.)

The ID's carried by the terrorist guards are entirely different from the Thai national ID cards. Something similar to back stage passes. Hope I explained that in sufficiently simple terms.

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Who is the Army Commander and Chief to tell the police anything. The Army has no control over the police unless General you want to have a coup and take over the police. As for the Navy they are becoming sue happy. They must have a large staff of lawyers.

Nail, head hit,

There is no end of money available in the country for the military. Absoulty no end of it. Billions and billions every year needed just to suppress the population.

World is onto them, and you think it is a pantomime now. Just wait until we get a Junta again, they;ll be shooting each other all over bangkok just as they did last time.

PAD leaders became expendable and when one of em spoke up he was used for target practice. So no vioence at all when the army in charge. Noooo Shootings on the streets of Bangkok... couldn't happen.

For the newbies. Nobody pointed the finger at the Red Shirts. Dems in power so you'd think the culprit would soon have been apprehended. wouldn't you? You do now.

Sondhi's son, Jittanart Limthongkul, blamed factions within the military and the Abhisit government of being behind the assassination attempt:



There is nothing in that article that mentions Sondhi's son or the Democrats.

Why would the Democrats want to assassinate Sondhi?

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"Credibility". Credulity means something entirely diffferent. Best to stick with smaller words where you can be sure of their meaning. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. (Giving free English lessons now.)

The ID's carried by the terrorist guards are entirely different from the Thai national ID cards. Something similar to back stage passes. Hope I explained that in sufficiently simple terms.

I assume it has "terrorist" written on it too.rolleyes.gif

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<deleted>, the Navy wants to sue the police simply because a suspect may be a sailor. This is making Thailand look like a total laughing stock and the biggest asylum on the planet.

Not very clever are you.

The police were insinuating that the perpetrator of this crime (to use police talk) resembled that of a Navy seal recently accused of moon lighting as a security officer for the PDRC when he had documented proof that he was on a mission. It seems that the police issued this seal's photograph alongside that of the bomber insinuating that it might be the same person.

If I was that seal, then I would personally sue the Royal Thai Police for defamation of character (to the first degree).

Not only are you not clever but the RTP are certainly not!!!

The police should stay out of politics and stick to corruption as they are experts at that!!

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Who is the Army Commander and Chief to tell the police anything. The Army has no control over the police unless General you want to have a coup and take over the police. As for the Navy they are becoming sue happy. They must have a large staff of lawyers.

Nail, head hit,

There is no end of money available in the country for the military. Absoulty no end of it. Billions and billions every year needed just to suppress the population.

World is onto them, and you think it is a pantomime now. Just wait until we get a Junta again, they;ll be shooting each other all over bangkok just as they did last time.

PAD leaders became expendable and when one of em spoke up he was used for target practice. So no vioence at all when the army in charge. Noooo Shootings on the streets of Bangkok... couldn't happen.

For the newbies. Nobody pointed the finger at the Red Shirts. Dems in power so you'd think the culprit would soon have been apprehended. wouldn't you? You do now.

Sondhi's son, Jittanart Limthongkul, blamed factions within the military and the Abhisit government of being behind the assassination attempt:



There is nothing in that article that mentions Sondhi's son or the Democrats.

Why would the Democrats want to assassinate Sondhi?

Hahahah wikipedia fail by pipkins

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"Credibility". Credulity means something entirely diffferent. Best to stick with smaller words where you can be sure of their meaning. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. (Giving free English lessons now.)

The ID's carried by the terrorist guards are entirely different from the Thai national ID cards. Something similar to back stage passes. Hope I explained that in sufficiently simple terms.

I assume it has "terrorist" written on it too.rolleyes.gif

Why, of course! right in between "Yellow Shirt" and "Assassin".

Standard issue for cover operations for Suthep's thugs, don't you know?

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The way this report/article is written can be seen as an attempt to create doubt on police impartiality. To create further chaos and violence through disuniting the police, army and navy. Send from my Mobile

CREATE doubt???

It's the police themselves that are instrumental in creating this doubt. The reporters are simply writing about what the police have done!!

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Alrighty then. So what's the military's position on the use of military grade explosives used to sever the rail line in Cha Am on the weekend?

Not much discussion of a professional demolition job.

Oh, that's ironic, a crude attempt to derail a thread by bringing up a severed rail line. Well done! clap2.gif

P.S; pathetic.

Really? The military has been very quiet on the demolition of the rail line, The point being that the military speaks out on perceived slights, but remains silent on issues where it should be providing an explanation.

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Alrighty then. So what's the military's position on the use of military grade explosives used to sever the rail line in Cha Am on the weekend?

Not much discussion of a professional demolition job.

Oh, that's ironic, a crude attempt to derail a thread by bringing up a severed rail line. Well done! clap2.gif

P.S; pathetic.

Really? The military has been very quiet on the demolition of the rail line, The point being that the military speaks out on perceived slights, but remains silent on issues where it should be providing an explanation.

Why should the military provide an explanation for the bomb on the railway line? Wouldn't that be a police issue?

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Alrighty then. So what's the military's position on the use of military grade explosives used to sever the rail line in Cha Am on the weekend?

Not much discussion of a professional demolition job.

Oh, that's ironic, a crude attempt to derail a thread by bringing up a severed rail line. Well done! clap2.gif

P.S; pathetic.

Really? The military has been very quiet on the demolition of the rail line, The point being that the military speaks out on perceived slights, but remains silent on issues where it should be providing an explanation.

Why should the military provide an explanation for the bomb on the railway line? Wouldn't that be a police issue?

The police already know who it was - it was that navy seal!!!

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The army and navy are quite right here. They are emphasising what most sane people are saying - the police are clearly not doing enough.As for the photos doing the rounds - if the police issued those then they have a lot to answer forSent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa

I am inclined to agree, otherwise the Police can make any allegations they like, without first carrying out any sort of investigation. One wonders if they did this to take the heat off themselves, as there appears to be no arrests whatsoever and everyone else must be becoming quite frustrated at their inaction.

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The army and navy are quite right here. They are emphasising what most sane people are saying - the police are clearly not doing enough.As for the photos doing the rounds - if the police issued those then they have a lot to answer forSent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa

I am inclined to agree, otherwise the Police can make any allegations they like, without first carrying out any sort of investigation. One wonders if they did this to take the heat off themselves, as there appears to be no arrests whatsoever and everyone else must be becoming quite frustrated at their inaction.

There you were, sailing along quite nicely and then you went ahead and wrote that ridiculous last paragraph!!

Be honest, you just couldn't stop yourself, could you??wai2.gif .

Now nobody can take you serious!!

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The rift I would say is about the same as it always was. Massive. Both sides have their own agenda here and their priorities are to theirselves.

There seems to be a self perpetuating myth among many that Thailand will change for the good if they can get rid of Thaksiin... it won't As there is not much diversity in the western media here (things changing now) many who don't have access to news, just swallow hook line and sinker a few titbits they pick up.

They then talk loudly in bars about them and come to believe firmly in them. I'll say thaksin was corrupt... but he was corrupt AND did good for the country and many of its people. The other side have only their own interests at heart and are fighting behind the scenes anyway.

What changed for me is I have children at school here and I don't want them to be living in the mire of corruption that existed back when I arrived. Was barely reported then but bodies turned up regularly and activists and journalists learned never to questin what was going on.

The change now is with the internet. This information i out there and professional journalists feel they should report both sides (the article by cod yesterday was fantastic.. .and also the part from the yellow shirt guy equally as good) and many can see that all was not well in Thailand before Thaksin.

Lot of the social media stuff is misleading for many reasons and you have to try to understand why. It's a PR war and if they make enough noise on either side about a topic (the navy seals and Ko-Tee mate in the frame for the bombings) they are spread around to drag leaders away from their topic of the day, making them respond to more and more rumours etc. Both sides do it.

At least we have some balance on here now and Leaders from all sides, INC Army, navy and eventually some backers when they are outed have their feet held to the flames more than they used to. This is bringing change and has worked on the Army as they are saying NO COUP so often now that they will probably start believing it themselves soon.

Why you give credit for all good things that happened during last 20 years to thaksin. The quality of life raised worldwide regardless of his involvement. Almost all people own a mobile phone now while almost none did before thaksin assumed power. Will you credit this to him as well? Or how about the number of people who can afford to own a fridge or TV or car or computer is this also his achievment? He might have held this country back by building his own cult of personality.
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Who is the Army Commander and Chief to tell the police anything. The Army has no control over the police unless General you want to have a coup and take over the police. As for the Navy they are becoming sue happy. They must have a large staff of lawyers.

Nail, head hit,

There is no end of money available in the country for the military. Absoulty no end of it. Billions and billions every year needed just to suppress the population.

World is onto them, and you think it is a pantomime now. Just wait until we get a Junta again, they;ll be shooting each other all over bangkok just as they did last time.

PAD leaders became expendable and when one of em spoke up he was used for target practice. So no vioence at all when the army in charge. Noooo Shootings on the streets of Bangkok... couldn't happen.

For the newbies. Nobody pointed the finger at the Red Shirts. Dems in power so you'd think the culprit would soon have been apprehended. wouldn't you? You do now.

Sondhi's son, Jittanart Limthongkul, blamed factions within the military and the Abhisit government of being behind the assassination attempt:



There is nothing in that article that mentions Sondhi's son or the Democrats.

Why would the Democrats want to assassinate Sondhi?

Hahahah wikipedia fail by pipkins

He thinks the Romans had guns too

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The rift I would say is about the same as it always was. Massive. Both sides have their own agenda here and their priorities are to theirselves.

There seems to be a self perpetuating myth among many that Thailand will change for the good if they can get rid of Thaksiin... it won't As there is not much diversity in the western media here (things changing now) many who don't have access to news, just swallow hook line and sinker a few titbits they pick up.

They then talk loudly in bars about them and come to believe firmly in them. I'll say thaksin was corrupt... but he was corrupt AND did good for the country and many of its people. The other side have only their own interests at heart and are fighting behind the scenes anyway.

What changed for me is I have children at school here and I don't want them to be living in the mire of corruption that existed back when I arrived. Was barely reported then but bodies turned up regularly and activists and journalists learned never to questin what was going on.

The change now is with the internet. This information i out there and professional journalists feel they should report both sides (the article by cod yesterday was fantastic.. .and also the part from the yellow shirt guy equally as good) and many can see that all was not well in Thailand before Thaksin.

Lot of the social media stuff is misleading for many reasons and you have to try to understand why. It's a PR war and if they make enough noise on either side about a topic (the navy seals and Ko-Tee mate in the frame for the bombings) they are spread around to drag leaders away from their topic of the day, making them respond to more and more rumours etc. Both sides do it.

At least we have some balance on here now and Leaders from all sides, INC Army, navy and eventually some backers when they are outed have their feet held to the flames more than they used to. This is bringing change and has worked on the Army as they are saying NO COUP so often now that they will probably start believing it themselves soon.

Why you give credit for all good things that happened during last 20 years to thaksin. The quality of life raised worldwide regardless of his involvement. Almost all people own a mobile phone now while almost none did before thaksin assumed power. Will you credit this to him as well? Or how about the number of people who can afford to own a fridge or TV or car or computer is this also his achievment? He might have held this country back by building his own cult of personality.

Because nobody else was in power during this time that did anything effective.

Most in the Country can only afford these things, health care, schooling, University etc. as a direct result of his policies.

Incredible that 2 of the items you use to bash him, they were directly responsible for. The one home one pc or one child one tablet and the car loan. This not only gave people access to cars, it boosted the economy and made manufactures want to invest more. Very smart was that

Contrast today where Toyota are threatenind to invest 40 BILLION elsewhere if this keep up. Not clever was that Suthep!

He got the airport open and many on here scoffed as he said 12 million visiters a year was possible... He took thailand places and got their corruption index down a bit at one stage. Thats down on the current coup mongers on the streets now.

You are not there to be convinced, so I'm not going to try. But i'll tell you that your post clearly shows how poorly read you are on the policies of his government. Perhaps you only read what you like.

Please, if you do one thing today, read up about the corruption that plagued the airport, the infighting with the military and the vested interest at Don Muang. Please.. try learn one thing a day. Thaksin was not even a schoolboy when that sorry saga started.

Learn that one thing, they I'll tell you another tomorrow... then another and another. You won't like them, but they are true

key line "In 2008, The Nation admitted that its reports of corruption were incorrect, and retracted their stories


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