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Hi All,

Over the last few days I have been struggling to sleep, I have previously had this before in Thailand however the chemist gave me some Triptol pills which not only gave me really bad dreams but after a little research is not good to be taking as its an anti depressant,

Gone are the days you can get zanax here and if I do ask for them at my chemist she looks at me really funny,

Anyone know of any decent sleeping pills in Bangkok which are not going to give me bad side affects?

Thanks in advance for any replies


Something you can get in every pharmacie is Atarax (hydroxyzine). It's not related to xanax or valium but it knocked me out even more quickly when I once tried it. It's also a lot safer. You may give it a try.

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You could always go to a hospital and get some prescribed, the current shortage of these kinds of tablets is because they were banned last year and people are running out of stocks.


So you think anti depressants are not good to take but xanax is?!

Xanax is a very addictive dangerous drug with terrible withdrawals.

I'd recommend Trazedone. Don't take it more than 1 day at a time. It's an anti depressant but great for sleep.

The chemist looks at you as if you are a drug addict. IN Thailand there is much abuse of these drugs by addicts/alcoholics. Very sad as many doctors think that putting their alcoholic patients on these drugs helps them, which of course it doesn't

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generic atarax is just 20 baht for 10 but its 20mg, if you get the 95 baht ones they are 25 mg. Even boots will sell it without a problem


Thanks for your replies, I will have a read up on Atarax, when you say safer than Zanax do you mean alot less addictive?

I do know when I stayed in Phucket I did try a zanax and it did send me to sleep, however as you say a no go in Bangkok, or ukrules what drug are you referring too?



Xanax is a very addictive dangerous drug with terrible withdrawals.

Depends I have taken it for years a couple of times weekly then stopped no withdrawals at all. I think there are a lot of scare stories about xanax and valium.


Thanks for your replies, I will have a read up on Atarax, when you say safer than Zanax do you mean alot less addictive?

I do know when I stayed in Phucket I did try a zanax and it did send me to sleep, however as you say a no go in Bangkok, or ukrules what drug are you referring too?


Zanax was never meant as for sleep and is short lived in it's effect. Atarax is not addictive and is for hay fever and rashes, however anything taken all the time is not a good idea.


Something you can get in every pharmacie is Atarax (hydroxyzine). It's not related to xanax or valium but it knocked me out even more quickly when I once tried it. It's also a lot safer. You may give it a try.

Atarax is a sedating antihistamine and I agree it's something the OP might like to try. It's also used at times in the short treatment of anxiety in adults as it has a calming effect because it produces drowsiness. The OP seems anxious, so this might help. If sleeping is a real problem OP go to the hospital and see if they will give you some Zolpidem 10mg.


Atarax is an effective medicine because it is a minor tranquilliser with an antihistamine action. It's not addictive. But before you start on it try to work out why you are not sleeping, and if possible deal with those issues first. It might help you to avoid the long term use of medication, particularly if your sleeplessness is related to anxiety.


Xanax is a very addictive dangerous drug with terrible withdrawals.

Depends I have taken it for years a couple of times weekly then stopped no withdrawals at all. I think there are a lot of scare stories about xanax and valium.

Well, it's more addictive than alcohol, amphetamines, PCP, cocaine, ecstasy, methadone and LSD.

This doesn't tell how hard it is to quit.

Methadone and benzodiazepines(Xanax, valium etc) are by far the worst as the withdrawal can last years and can be faal.


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I need some sometimes as the wife snores, I've tried kicking her but to no avail. When I asked in Pattaya pharmacies kept being told they were banned because Ladyboys used them to spike Ferang drinks - i dont know what happens after that


Xanax is a very addictive dangerous drug with terrible withdrawals.

Depends I have taken it for years a couple of times weekly then stopped no withdrawals at all. I think there are a lot of scare stories about xanax and valium.

Well, it's more addictive than alcohol, amphetamines, PCP, cocaine, ecstasy, methadone and LSD.

This doesn't tell how hard it is to quit.

Methadone and benzodiazepines(Xanax, valium etc) are by far the worst as the withdrawal can last years and can be faal.


when I have a xanex, I feel amazing the next day after the best nights sleep EVER! and then i am zoned out and feel great for several hours in the morning and food tastes great like I have the munchies.

then night time comes and I can not sleep allllllll night long and have to stay away 24 hours until my body is completely exhausted - and the only way to get to sleep is..... yes... another xanex (or maybe a load of beer perhaps) - so for me, best to not take it.


I need some sometimes as the wife snores, I've tried kicking her but to no avail. When I asked in Pattaya pharmacies kept being told they were banned because Ladyboys used them to spike Ferang drinks - i dont know what happens after that

People being drugged was one of the reasons given when these tablets were banned despite them not really being used to drug people. It would take a big dose of a Xanax type substance to knock someone out. Then again I've seen it for sale in concentrated liquid form in the past although this wasn't in Thailand.

When people get drugged in a bar I believe it's barbiturates that are used, my theory is that they are pre mixed into a small amount of say coca cola in a separate glass and tipped into the victims glass when they glance away, this can take only one or two seconds to do. A dose of that in a whiskey coke would do the job.

This happened to me once, one of the last things I remember about that night was a woman who was sitting next to me grabbing hold of me so I turned around to look at her. I think that's when they struck. Whatever they gave me was really strong and I felt very tired / exhausted for a couple of days after this incident despite only having a few drinks that night.

Of course barbiturates are already completely controlled but people still get drugged with them all the time. They are very dangerous and if someone dies after being drugged in a bar it's going to be barbiturate related.

People will tell you that these drugs are not available in Thailand but they are, I've heard of people who use them recreationally - I have no idea why as they literally put you to sleep. This kind of drug is not available - just like Yaba isn't available.


I'll digress and ask, why are you taking sleeping pills to help you sleep?

Adjusting your lifestyle with proper exercise, and a regular sleep schedule will surely help stabilize your sleep patterns

If you're concerned about side effects, don't take sleeping pills, it's that simple.


generic atarax is just 20 baht for 10 but its 20mg, if you get the 95 baht ones they are 25 mg. Even boots will sell it without a problem

At Boots? Is it 20B for 10 20mg tablets? Very cheap. And how many 25mg tablets for 95B?


Xanax is a very addictive dangerous drug with terrible withdrawals.

Depends I have taken it for years a couple of times weekly then stopped no withdrawals at all. I think there are a lot of scare stories about xanax and valium.

Well, it's more addictive than alcohol, amphetamines, PCP, cocaine, ecstasy, methadone and LSD.

This doesn't tell how hard it is to quit.

Methadone and benzodiazepines(Xanax, valium etc) are by far the worst as the withdrawal can last years and can be faal.


Thank you Neeranam for putting this into perspective. sms747 may want to think more carefully before he opens his mouth. Some people might take his words to mean that Xanax (not zanax) and other benzos are quite harmless. Maybe so if only taken once or twice a week, but someone more gullible might decide to start taking them every day - and that is when dependency kicks in and you're in for a world of hurt. Trust me. I've been through it - went cold turkey accidentally and suffered two brain seizures and a year of hell.

sms747 - do some research. And don't EVER take those wretched pills on a daily basis. Virtually no one escapes the nightmare of withdrawal, and some even die. I was one of the lucky ones to live, but I suffered through my withdrawal, really suffered.

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I need some sometimes as the wife snores, I've tried kicking her but to no avail. When I asked in Pattaya pharmacies kept being told they were banned because Ladyboys used them to spike Ferang drinks - i dont know what happens after that

A few people 'supposedly' get drugged in Pattaya, so a substance becomes unavailable to 66 million people.

You couldn't make it up!


A number of posts discussing illegal activity have been deleted or edited.

It is illegal for anyplace other than a hospital pharmacy to sell benzos of any type (xanax, valium etc), and then of course only on doctor's prescription. Buying these at a pharmacy is illegal and can carry stiff penalties.as well as most sleeping meds (Zolpidem etc) without a prescription is illegal for both buyer and seller and penalties can be severe.

In addition, these drugs are extremely addictive.

Atarax (and its generic equivalents) is OTC, non-addictive and it does work though should not be taken regularly long-term.

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A number of posts discussing illegal activity have been deleted or edited.

It is illegal for anyplace other than a hospital pharmacy to sell benzos of any type (xanax, valium etc), and then of course only on doctor's prescription. Buying these at a pharmacy is illegal and can carry stiff penalties.as well as most sleeping meds (Zolpidem etc) without a prescription is illegal for both buyer and seller and penalties can be severe.

In addition, these drugs are extremely addictive.

Atarax (and its generic equivalents) is OTC, non-addictive and it does work though should not be taken regularly long-term.

Thank you.

I'm not a wowser. I've been the course. I thought I was street-wise, but made one small slip. I put the purple heart under the tongue, I bought the Deering scales, I hot-knifed. Nothing prepared me for the fall-out from benzos.


I recommend Valian-X capsules for sleep disorders. It's valarian root, perfectly legal and available in most pharmacies. Works for me.


I suffer from post operative neuropathic pain. My doctor initially prescribed Amitriptylene 10mg at night. It didn't have much effect on the pain but I had the best nights sleep I can ever remember. I don't know if its available in Thailand but the drug itself has been around a long time.

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