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How many thais "infiltrate" in Thai Visa forum?


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You can tell 99% of the time when a poster isn't a NES.

I too used to be amazed at how foreigners could let themselves be brainwashed to support one side or the other.

I imagine sometimes it's just by being "embedded" in a single sector of society, either his SO's circle of friends or via his work. Some people should get out more and mix in a variety of the many different subcultures here, broaden their horizons.

It is also likely that both sides use PR firms that hire people of different nationalities to post on the Internet and write articles/press releases for media to try to influence public opinion.

That is the only explanation that fits IMO for some of the writer that appear to be rabid fanatics with nothing to do but rave on about these topics, often without a single rational thought to be found in thousands of words.

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That is the only explanation that fits IMO for some of the writer that appear to be rabid fanatics with nothing to do but rave on about these topics, often without a single rational thought to be found in thousands of words.

We have those from many, many countries. biggrin.png

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Don't look for Thai nationals starting threads similar to those you mentioned......more likely to be trolling , often by a so-called apologist . The intention being to encourage some "Thai bashing " which can then be highlighted.

Don't look for infiltration...look for posters who constanly re-invent themselves .

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For some people this may be a not important question, but I will try to make another science-fiction sample of what I want to explain here...

"Lets supose that we are all USA foreigners living in Mexico, that we have our forum there to help each other, and that some

Mexicans go to that forum, and since they have a good use of english and can create "foreigner" profiles, they start topics

like "list of things that I hate from mexican people", "why Mexico will never be a developed country"... with the only intention

of find the worst feelings between USA foreigners to Mexico.

That would allow to those mexicans to use the post with negative comments about mexico to turn mexican population against foreigners.

And it would be at the end dangerous to all USA foreigners living in Mexico who whould think USA people hate Mexico."

That is what I think some thais are looking for here. They feed the bad feelings of the foreigners here, later they will use it against us.

And I may be wrong, but if I'm right, we are all in danger, and we should stop it before it is too late.

To finish and start to revert this situation, I would like to remember to the thai people that is around, that some negative comment

against Thailand, may be fake, and that some politics comments of foreigners supporting thaksin or antigoverment moves, also

can be fake, since most of us have a neutral point of view of thailand, and we try to find out the good and the bad effects of boths

politics groups, because nothing is black or white, if there is a devil, is because god allow it to exist...

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Lidra, on 21 Jan 2014 - 23:04, said:

For some people this may be a not important question, but I will try to make another science-fiction sample of what I want to explain here...

"Lets supose that we are all USA foreigners living in Mexico, that we have our forum there to help each other, and that some

Mexicans go to that forum, and since they have a good use of english and can create "foreigner" profiles, they start topics

like "list of things that I hate from mexican people", "why Mexico will never be a developed country"... with the only intention

of find the worst feelings between USA foreigners to Mexico.

That would allow to those mexicans to use the post with negative comments about mexico to turn mexican population against foreigners.

And it would be at the end dangerous to all USA foreigners living in Mexico who whould think USA people hate Mexico."

That is what I think some thais are looking for here. They feed the bad feelings of the foreigners here, later they will use it against us.

And I may be wrong, but if I'm right, we are all in danger, and we should stop it before it is too late.

To finish and start to revert this situation, I would like to remember to the thai people that is around, that some negative comment

against Thailand, may be fake, and that some politics comments of foreigners supporting thaksin or antigoverment moves, also

can be fake, since most of us have a neutral point of view of thailand, and we try to find out the good and the bad effects of boths

politics groups, because nothing is black or white, if there is a devil, is because god allow it to exist...

Lidra, not sure what you are on, but pretty sure its a bad batch.

Please click on the thumb.


Truth be known, there are Thais on this forum and I personally would love to see more contributing. You need to get from under the bed and go out and meet some of them.

I would never normally class myself as one to say if you don't like it here, go home, but there has to be exceptions sometime.....sad.png

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Dunno why you think it's Thai Fifth Columnists inflitratrating TV to promote one side or the other. Seems more like the usual bunch of 'Crazy Angry Old White Men'. At least if they're ranting on TV, they're not commiting mass murder as a relief for all their pent up anger!

Edited by GinBoy2
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Thais are more than welcome here, and over the years have been quite helpful. wai.gif

Indeed, and some Thais are regular frequent posters who post informative, thought provoking posts and sage advice. I always enjoy reading their posts. They communicate naturally enough in English that you would never ever know that they were Thai.


why do I get the feeling that you're Thai...

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supportoing [sic] some of the two groups in a very passionate way.

A little welcome change from all the intellectually passionate jet-ski blather and really tiresome US versus THEM drivel usually posted by the self-assumed chosen people.

Those posts usually never comment they are thais but I suspect they are ...

Heaven help us. Real live Thais on a forum discussing Thailand. What's the world coming to? How devious ... and how revealing that you think their presence could be described as "infiltrating."

You can bet some real live Thais from Immigrations read with interest the nonsense posted in certain forums.


Edited by Suradit69
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I have an ideas Mod... how about initiating a nationality poll, just for general knowledge

and the fun of it,

In this poll, members of TV will indicate their country of origin or birth to see who many of

want nationalities are present on TV, needless to say that this is only for fun and not recial

nationality or alliance profiling....

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....last time I commented on questionable members and their posts....I was warned....

....my perception is that TV has been 'compromised'.....one way being.....certain individuals have multiple memberships....

...is this condoned....or is it a loophole....

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