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How many thais "infiltrate" in Thai Visa forum?


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Actually I have, many of them many times.

None of which has to do with what you guys seem to be talking about.

I think you're giving TPTB a lot more credit than they deserve, most couldn't organize a pissup in a brewery.

What they're going to track down our IP address and show up at our doors in hundreds of locations to beat us up for badmouthing the Kingdom online?


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<deleted> infiltrated the board. It's as if this board about thailand is heavily protected from thais.

PS some thais have their own pictures as their avatars nice way to infiltrate a top secret place like this forum by showing your own face!

Obviously, if they show their own pictures, is not the case I comment.

It would be profiles using random avatars, and posting as non NES.

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Someone who's really into pizza is going to be much more knowledgeable than someone who just happens to have some DNA from Italy. Italians don't even eat that much pizza, more of an American thing - septics from Chicago and New York are the real experts, might be black or asian, whatever.

Ethnicity has nothing to do with expertise in a given topic.

Judge our posts on their merits, on the internet no one knows you're a dog anyway.

Italians don't even eat that much pizza,

You never ever been to Italy? Or maybe next time you will tell us they do not eat pastarolleyes.gif

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Actually I have, many of them many times.

None of which has to do with what you guys seem to be talking about.

I think you're giving TPTB a lot more credit than they deserve, most couldn't organize a pissup in a brewery.

What they're going to track down our IP address and show up at our doors in hundreds of locations to beat us up for badmouthing the Kingdom online?


I am not suggesting it's a dedicated full time 24/7 activity, they must use some form of filtering. Action would not be taken for the usual day to day Thai bashing that occurs, but for OTT commentary, Yes. Why do you think OTT commentary or libellous/defamatory posts are removed within hours; if not minutes.

Edited by simple1
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For some people this may be a not important question, but I will try to make another science-fiction sample of what I want to explain here...

"Lets supose that we are all USA foreigners living in Mexico, that we have our forum there to help each other, and that some

Mexicans go to that forum, and since they have a good use of english and can create "foreigner" profiles, they start topics

like "list of things that I hate from mexican people", "why Mexico will never be a developed country"... with the only intention

of find the worst feelings between USA foreigners to Mexico.

That would allow to those mexicans to use the post with negative comments about mexico to turn mexican population against foreigners.

And it would be at the end dangerous to all USA foreigners living in Mexico who whould think USA people hate Mexico."

That is what I think some thais are looking for here. They feed the bad feelings of the foreigners here, later they will use it against us.

And I may be wrong, but if I'm right, we are all in danger, and we should stop it before it is too late.

To finish and start to revert this situation, I would like to remember to the thai people that is around, that some negative comment

against Thailand, may be fake, and that some politics comments of foreigners supporting thaksin or antigoverment moves, also

can be fake, since most of us have a neutral point of view of thailand, and we try to find out the good and the bad effects of boths

politics groups, because nothing is black or white, if there is a devil, is because god allow it to exist...

So... Thais pretending to be foreigners to post anti-Thai comments to try and get others to agree to with anti-Thai comments so later on the Thais can then use the foreigners anti-Thai comments against them, the end result meaning that all foreigners in Thailand are now in danger because posts on an internet forum (caused by Thais pretending to be foreigners to entrap the foreigners into hating the Thais) mean that Thai people now hate foreigners.


I mean, I'd tell you not only are you wrong, that nobody's in danger, and that you're being totally over-dramatic and paranoid... but then I might be one of them.

And you're onto us.

So congratulations. You are the smartest person on the forum. And as a Thai person who is pretending to be foreign in order to make anti-Thai posts to make foreigners seem bad to my fellow Thais, I am also duty bound- by law- not to use sarcasm. So you really are super smart and not paranoid or weird at all. And you've definitely thought through the logic of this. So... well done. smile.png

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Why do you think OTT commentary or libellous/defamatory posts are removed within hours; if not minutes.


To protect Thaivisa from legal action.

Not only is it a crime to make libelous or defamatory statements, it is also a crime to publish them.

OTT comments are removed out of decency to sensitive readers like myself, who quail delicately in the face of ill manners and bad language


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Unfortunately there is no freedom to speech in this country, even in internet.

Often we find politicians who suggest new ideas to make the live of the "farang" at least not more easy, it looks they do it

not just because they need it, but to obtain the popular vote.

If they can prove how evil average "farangs" are, thai politicians will have no problem to increase their campaigns to obtaint

the quality tourist, and get ride of those bad "farangs" who are just complaining in the country at the same time they take their

womans, their money and their jobs.... living in Thailand without leave money to the goverment.

Now there are 2 big politic groups figthing, if ever one of those wins and obtain all the power, will need new enemies, I dont

want to be one of them, because I want to stay here forever.

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You can tell 99% of the time when a poster isn't a NES.

I too used to be amazed at how foreigners could let themselves be brainwashed to support one side or the other.

I imagine sometimes it's just by being "embedded" in a single sector of society, either his SO's circle of friends or via his work. Some people should get out more and mix in a variety of the many different subcultures here, broaden their horizons.

It is also likely that both sides use PR firms that hire people of different nationalities to post on the Internet and write articles/press releases for media to try to influence public opinion.

That is the only explanation that fits IMO for some of the writer that appear to be rabid fanatics with nothing to do but rave on about these topics, often without a single rational thought to be found in thousands of words.

Ha! It was my former hard-core yellow-shirt uni-educated gf who moved me closer to the red side of the house with all her talk of taking Preah Vihar by force, wiping Cambodia off the map, etc etc. She was otherwise a very nice person, but politics brought out a dark and nasty side in her that was very ugly to me (especially as someone who quite likes Cambodia and Cambodian people). That experience--along with some other stuff I read---convinced me that there's an ultra-nationalist, almost-fascistic, element at play there even if some of their criticisms of the Shins were valid. When I started with my current gf of 3 years I got to see first-hand how hard life as an Isaan farming family can be and how they have in the past felt so far removed from the elite power-base in Bangkok ... I've slept on floor mats and have had more cold-water 'basin showers' than I want to remember. I try not to be 'fanatical' in my views, but I do feel the blood boil a little when I 'hear' people from Bangkok/Pattaya/Phuket bad-mouthing Isaan people as ignorant bumpkins whose views and aspirations should be ignored. Some may call that brainwashing (though no Thai has ever tried to persuade me in one direction or another) ... I call it informed by experience. [And I sometimes wonder how many of the more rabid Suthep supporters here have ever made it out of walking street and into the real Thai countryside].

I would like to point out that the majority of us that do not like thaksin and what the red shirts are doing are not suthep supporters in the least bit. I myself like Abhisit but dislike suthep.

One thing about this protest that most redshirt posters are forgetting is the protest was started by students and regular people not suthep. Remember the people wearing v for vendetta masks that were attacked by redshirts in chiang mai? The protests were started and growing long before suthep hijacked them and became one of the leaders.

Also there are many of us like myself that live in the thai country side. I have taken these cold showers from an earthen water jar in the mountains of Chiang Mai and slept on the wooden floor whenever i visited my MIL. That is until I got tired of it and bought her a hot water heater, installed running water and bought a couple of beds. I suggest you do the same.

As for the hard life of a farmer in Thailand. I guess it varies but this is what i see. I am surrounded on 3 sides by rice Fields. There is one plot that I can watch from my living room that is about 5 rai. It is planted by an old retired woman. She is in her sixties. It takes her about a week to plant those 5 rai by herself while her husband sits and watches her. I see them come out and check on the rice a couple of times a month. Then after 3 months or so a combine comes in and harvests the rice. They do this 2 or 3 times a year depending on the water in the klong.

My MIL and family have about 50 rai planted in coffee. During the rainy season they don't do much. After the rainy season they cut the grass on the sides of the mountains. At some point during the year they haul fertilizer around and put it on the trees. Then they sit and wait until the coffee gets ripe. For 2 to 3 months They go out and pick coffee. It is too time consuming to cherry pick only the red berries so they wait until most of the cherries are either red or yellow on the branch then strip the branch. My MIL built a shop so she would have something to do for the majority of the year since she does not spend all her time drinking alcohol like the rest of the people in the village.

I imagine it isn't quite this easy in isaan but the actual work on the rice farm is not being performed on a daily basis and from my observations the amount of work put into my MIL's coffee plantation is a lot more than the neighbors put into their rice fields.

As for the family political leanings. All of the thai family members except the one that attended university are thaksin redshirt supporters. The one member that attended university is anti thaksin and anti redshirts. She thinks the rest of the family are too stupid to see the truth. Those are her words. Not mine. I don't think they are too stupid. They just don't care about any of the causes except that they see Thaksin as the one that got rid of drugs in their village and they are afraid if he is not around the drugs will come back even though the drugs did not come back during the coup years or the years the dems were in office.

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just know their is a platoon or squad of soldiers that do nothing else than post positive things on all thai fora & checking them if someone would say something negative about a certain person

so sure some spies are here on this site & others

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You can tell 99% of the time when a poster isn't a NES.

I too used to be amazed at how foreigners could let themselves be brainwashed to support one side or the other.

I imagine sometimes it's just by being "embedded" in a single sector of society, either his SO's circle of friends or via his work. Some people should get out more and mix in a variety of the many different subcultures here, broaden their horizons.

It is also likely that both sides use PR firms that hire people of different nationalities to post on the Internet and write articles/press releases for media to try to influence public opinion.

That is the only explanation that fits IMO for some of the writer that appear to be rabid fanatics with nothing to do but rave on about these topics, often without a single rational thought to be found in thousands of words.

Ha! It was my former hard-core yellow-shirt uni-educated gf who moved me closer to the red side of the house with all her talk of taking Preah Vihar by force, wiping Cambodia off the map, etc etc. She was otherwise a very nice person, but politics brought out a dark and nasty side in her that was very ugly to me (especially as someone who quite likes Cambodia and Cambodian people). That experience--along with some other stuff I read---convinced me that there's an ultra-nationalist, almost-fascistic, element at play there even if some of their criticisms of the Shins were valid. When I started with my current gf of 3 years I got to see first-hand how hard life as an Isaan farming family can be and how they have in the past felt so far removed from the elite power-base in Bangkok ... I've slept on floor mats and have had more cold-water 'basin showers' than I want to remember. I try not to be 'fanatical' in my views, but I do feel the blood boil a little when I 'hear' people from Bangkok/Pattaya/Phuket bad-mouthing Isaan people as ignorant bumpkins whose views and aspirations should be ignored. Some may call that brainwashing (though no Thai has ever tried to persuade me in one direction or another) ... I call it informed by experience. [And I sometimes wonder how many of the more rabid Suthep supporters here have ever made it out of walking street and into the real Thai countryside].

I would like to point out that the majority of us that do not like thaksin and what the red shirts are doing are not suthep supporters in the least bit. I myself like Abhisit but dislike suthep.

One thing about this protest that most redshirt posters are forgetting is the protest was started by students and regular people not suthep. Remember the people wearing v for vendetta masks that were attacked by redshirts in chiang mai? The protests were started and growing long before suthep hijacked them and became one of the leaders.

Also there are many of us like myself that live in the thai country side. I have taken these cold showers from an earthen water jar in the mountains of Chiang Mai and slept on the wooden floor whenever i visited my MIL. That is until I got tired of it and bought her a hot water heater, installed running water and bought a couple of beds. I suggest you do the same.

As for the hard life of a farmer in Thailand. I guess it varies but this is what i see. I am surrounded on 3 sides by rice Fields. There is one plot that I can watch from my living room that is about 5 rai. It is planted by an old retired woman. She is in her sixties. It takes her about a week to plant those 5 rai by herself while her husband sits and watches her. I see them come out and check on the rice a couple of times a month. Then after 3 months or so a combine comes in and harvests the rice. They do this 2 or 3 times a year depending on the water in the klong.

My MIL and family have about 50 rai planted in coffee. During the rainy season they don't do much. After the rainy season they cut the grass on the sides of the mountains. At some point during the year they haul fertilizer around and put it on the trees. Then they sit and wait until the coffee gets ripe. For 2 to 3 months They go out and pick coffee. It is too time consuming to cherry pick only the red berries so they wait until most of the cherries are either red or yellow on the branch then strip the branch. My MIL built a shop so she would have something to do for the majority of the year since she does not spend all her time drinking alcohol like the rest of the people in the village.

I imagine it isn't quite this easy in isaan but the actual work on the rice farm is not being performed on a daily basis and from my observations the amount of work put into my MIL's coffee plantation is a lot more than the neighbors put into their rice fields.

As for the family political leanings. All of the thai family members except the one that attended university are thaksin redshirt supporters. The one member that attended university is anti thaksin and anti redshirts. She thinks the rest of the family are too stupid to see the truth. Those are her words. Not mine. I don't think they are too stupid. They just don't care about any of the causes except that they see Thaksin as the one that got rid of drugs in their village and they are afraid if he is not around the drugs will come back even though the drugs did not come back during the coup years or the years the dems were in office.

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I wish there were more Thais openly posting. I enjoy knowing their thoughts/perspectives smile.png

I totally agree, now I see the way I have focus the topic is wrong, I should have name the topic in some way more close to your comment.

It is clear that for some topics to know the nationality is totally irrelevant, but in other topics I would like to know it.

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What exactly is the point of this thread? Who will know the answer? Admin? Well they ain't gonna tell are they? What a waste of time!

It's not a time waster to many; I don't support either side, but I notice more posts recently seem to be venomously opposed to the incumbent administration. It's to be expected (I suppose) as the anti-government protesters have very wealthy backers and come from Bangkok or the Islands were there is a good command of English. Many of the rural supporters of the government wouldn't have the time or money to bash away on a computer!

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If its normal Thai's no problem. If its members of the special army unit, founded to influence people on social media .... you be the judge.

And another!!

Listen I have no doubt such secret units may exist.

But why on earth would anyone have any feeling about that fact other than dissolving into fits of giggles?

About 16 months ago an article appeared in The Nation about this unit, they make on average 18 000 comments on social media per day. So you can giggle all you like but they are real. When the army try to influencing what people think I have problem with that.

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Thais are welcome to join TVF and no one cares where you from..

I really couldn't care what the government does, provided they don't shoot people in the street or go door to door arresting people with bullshit laws.

If i wanted to live in a police state id go back to my country smile.png

Edited by Sayonarax
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I had been reading thaivisa.com for a long time, and since a few months when all this antigoverment thing started, I start to find more and more posts supportoing some of the two groups in a very passionate way.

Those posts usually never comment they are thais but I suspect they are, I suppose they are curious to know wich side the farangs support, they may try to promote their favourite party and find support for their ideas, and I think often they may end fighting alone for their side.

Also find new topics that looks to be designed to make foreigners talk bad about thailand, like one recent post with this title " If you dont like Thailand, why stay here? " of course there is a lot of topics from foreigners complaining about something and there will always be, but for me some of the topics looks to be an intention to analyze the "i" behaviour.

I dont mind if thai people comment with us, but I think it is bad for us that some of them try to make look their post as aggresive "farang" commets that talk bad about Thailand, talk bad about thai people, or to promote their politic idea.

Thank you for broaching this issue.

I am no linguist but after learning several European languages and Thai I think I can pick off specific linguistic "tells" with some certainty. The internet being what it is, one must take an OP's word at some point in the exchange.

( So yeah, you could be Philippine and if indeed you ARE Thai, somebody made you learn Spanish at some point in your life. Not such a wild guess if you hail from LA, right ;-?)

As you point out, a Thai will post without attempting nuance of any kind. There will be no compromise or mitigation of his opinion. If he/she posts his opinion it will always be (to be kind) a "paraphrase" of something he's heard on the Stage, from his aunties, or around the dinner table.

If you want to witness anything resembling schooled reasoned argument from a Thai you can go to Thai PBS or the last reform debates that the sitting gov't called at Suan Sirikit.

Like ALL rousers of the rabble, k. Suthep plays to the crowd whose intellectual torpor, sense of entitlement and arrogance is well-known to all on this board. And much the same as with any stand-up, you're going to get played to rather than reasoned with.

Most significant original ideological sojourn I've seen from a bi-cultural Thai would be sympathy with the "whites".

I have been here about 24 years and I can discuss politics, economics and political reform in Thai.

By the way, I'm foreigner, spanish (sorry for my english, feel free to correct me if you need it).

I would like to know if some of you feel same as me, that there are some Thais hide around thaivisa.com, if not, I myself will go to visit the psychologist.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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