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How many thais "infiltrate" in Thai Visa forum?


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Dont think "infiltrate" is the right word, that would suggest secretly etc , I think it would be good to have a more " local" viewpoint and factual responses on how Thais feel about certain topics and foriegn attitudes etc.

It would definately bring a more balanced discussion on some topics and heat to others.

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I think that it is brilliant if there are Thai people contributing to and reading Thaivisa.com

I also think that by having a mixed pot of nationalities making comment we have the possibility of some interesting debate, with many varied view points.

We must all remember that the many of the negative comments that appear on here, actually come from a minority, of the foreigners living in Thailand.

The majority of expats that I have met here all thoroughly enjoy their lifestyle and embrace the differences in culture. Sure there are the odd frustrations but we also experience (different) irritations in our home countries.

In the event that some Thai people are on here expressing political opinions, that is their right to do so, after all I do believe firmly in the principle of free speech. Do I think that they are being sinister and trying to trap us all into saying something bad, no way, no how!

Edited by MrBanks
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For some people this may be a not important question, but I will try to make another science-fiction sample of what I want to explain here...

"Lets supose that we are all USA foreigners living in Mexico, that we have our forum there to help each other, and that some

Mexicans go to that forum, and since they have a good use of english and can create "foreigner" profiles, they start topics

like "list of things that I hate from mexican people", "why Mexico will never be a developed country"... with the only intention

of find the worst feelings between USA foreigners to Mexico.

That would allow to those mexicans to use the post with negative comments about mexico to turn mexican population against foreigners.

And it would be at the end dangerous to all USA foreigners living in Mexico who whould think USA people hate Mexico."

That is what I think some thais are looking for here. They feed the bad feelings of the foreigners here, later they will use it against us.

And I may be wrong, but if I'm right, we are all in danger, and we should stop it before it is too late.

To finish and start to revert this situation, I would like to remember to the thai people that is around, that some negative comment

against Thailand, may be fake, and that some politics comments of foreigners supporting thaksin or antigoverment moves, also

can be fake, since most of us have a neutral point of view of thailand, and we try to find out the good and the bad effects of boths

politics groups, because nothing is black or white, if there is a devil, is because god allow it to exist...

Maybe Suthep is here undercover, after reading these postings he thinks "yellow skins" is much smarter than farangs

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Thais are more than welcome here, and over the years have been quite helpful. wai.gif

Indeed, and some Thais are regular frequent posters who post informative, thought provoking posts and sage advice. I always enjoy reading their posts. They communicate naturally enough in English that you would never ever know that they were Thai.


why do I get the feeling that you're Thai...

5555 No, I'm not. I am from Canada. However, some of the posters that have replied in this topic are. Can you guess who is Thai?

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My Children were brought up to treat one another as equals, just had them and the grandkids down for a week and had them arguing over who was right and who was wrong, daughter supports Yingluk and my son supports Suthep, I kept my thoughts to myself

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It is certainly true that anyone who reads and writes English is entirely welcome to post on T.Visa. There is no distinction between infiltrators and other posters, however, one should be alert to an obvious factor that - anytime - not just since protests started - there is a chance your views may be observed by interested parties, other than ex-pats venting their spleens on various issues.

This is not such a big deal considering all emails and internet sites are open to worse - witness the case of Google and Facebook being brought before

the Courts about disclosure of private information to anyone from advertisers to spy agencies - and the law is trying to enforce restrictions on that, but with great difficulty. So the case of Thai Visa is really far more urbane and humanistic, one would hope, though when there are discussions involving prejudices or racism, let those who express ideas be willing to explain and back up their opinions fully!

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It is great Thai people comment with us, we can learn a lot from them.

But there are some just here supporting their politic view, or doing polls with us... and they never comment they are thais, of course they dont have to... but also they dont have to pretend to be foreigners.

For example... now that I know Bino is Canadian, I can ask him about how Quebec is doing... I could ask it to any member, but I would prefer to know his point of view now that I know is Canadian.

In my opinion to know the nationality, or it at least if someone is thai or western is interesting to understand some comments or give more credibility to their info in some cases.

P.D: Before somebody ask me why I would ask about Quebec in thaivisa.com... just to remind some days ago I found a topic about if an independent Isaan would work, so we could compare

Isaan with Quebec and another similar situations in another countries.

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It is great Thai people comment with us, we can learn a lot from them.

But there are some just here supporting their politic view, or doing polls with us... and they never comment they are thais, of course they dont have to... but also they dont have to pretend to be foreigners.

For example... now that I know Bino is Canadian, I can ask him about how Quebec is doing... I could ask it to any member, but I would prefer to know his point of view now that I know is Canadian.

In my opinion to know the nationality, or it at least if someone is thai or western is interesting to understand some comments or give more credibility to their info in some cases.

P.D: Before somebody ask me why I would ask about Quebec in thaivisa.com... just to remind some days ago I found a topic about if an independent Isaan would work, so we could compare

Isaan with Quebec and another similar situations in another countries.

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It is great Thai people comment with us, we can learn a lot from them.

But there are some just here supporting their politic view, or doing polls with us... and they never comment they are thais, of course they dont have to... but also they dont have to pretend to be foreigners.

For example... now that I know Bino is Canadian, I can ask him about how Quebec is doing... I could ask it to any member, but I would prefer to know his point of view now that I know is Canadian.

In my opinion to know the nationality, or it at least if someone is thai or western is interesting to understand some comments or give more credibility to their info in some cases.

P.D: Before somebody ask me why I would ask about Quebec in thaivisa.com... just to remind some days ago I found a topic about if an independent Isaan would work, so we could compare

Isaan with Quebec and another similar situations in another countries.

Can you please tell us all your Avatars you are using .I have notice alot of your writing styles and phrases you use are the same as other new members

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What exactly is the point of this thread? Who will know the answer? Admin? Well they ain't gonna tell are they? What a waste of time!

It does not matter how many Thais are TV members, they are there, they are helpful, and as far as I am concerned, they are welcome. That goes for any non NES, and this thread is not a waste of time.

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Really why is it relevant where a poster is from, we should be interested in what people have to say, not who's saying it.

though when there are discussions involving prejudices or racism, let those who express ideas be willing to explain and back up their opinions fully!

Another guy went off his meds?

No idea what you might be on about here, not sure I really want to know. . .

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It is great Thai people comment with us, we can learn a lot from them.

But there are some just here supporting their politic view, or doing polls with us... and they never comment they are thais, of course they dont have to... but also they dont have to pretend to be foreigners.

For example... now that I know Bino is Canadian, I can ask him about how Quebec is doing... I could ask it to any member, but I would prefer to know his point of view now that I know is Canadian.

In my opinion to know the nationality, or it at least if someone is thai or western is interesting to understand some comments or give more credibility to their info in some cases.

P.D: Before somebody ask me why I would ask about Quebec in thaivisa.com... just to remind some days ago I found a topic about if an independent Isaan would work, so we could compare

Isaan with Quebec and another similar situations in another countries.

Can you please tell us all your Avatars you are using .I have notice alot of your writing styles and phrases you use are the same as other new members

I have another account that is the one I was using since I arrived to Thailand, but I have never use it to post, just to apply for a few jobs.

This one was created specifically to comment in thaivisa.com, I created to dont compromise my privacity, but I already comment at the begining

that I'm a farang from a Spain, and I think there is nothing else that I could add about me interesting for another members.

If you have find another new accounts with a similar way of write to the mine, could probably belong to another non NES.

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What exactly is the point of this thread? Who will know the answer? Admin? Well they ain't gonna tell are they? What a waste of time!

It does not matter how many Thais are TV members, they are there, they are helpful, and as far as I am concerned, they are welcome. That goes for any non NES, and this thread is not a waste of time.

Oh dear!

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Really why is it relevant where a poster is from, we should be interested in what people have to say, not who's saying it.

Another guy went off his meds?

No idea what you might be on about here, not sure I really want to know. . .

Let's suppsoe we discuss wich one are the best pizza restaurants in Bangkok, in my case I would love to know the

opinion of some Italian member instead of someone from USA.

If I ever want to know the best place to fix my car in Chiang Mai, I will like to know the recommended place from a

Thai member, since we could compare the thai price with the "farang" price.

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Someone who's really into pizza is going to be much more knowledgeable than someone who just happens to have some DNA from Italy. Italians don't even eat that much pizza, more of an American thing - septics from Chicago and New York are the real experts, might be black or asian, whatever.

Ethnicity has nothing to do with expertise in a given topic.

Judge our posts on their merits, on the internet no one knows you're a dog anyway.

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My thai wife has Thai Visa on her ipad

and I am sure they have regular "Stupid Falang Talk" nights

and from time to time she posts under my name

my worry is the more Thais that come into our web area could be the ones that turn against us when this political matter is finished

Thais in general put up with Falang, and with some of the comments made here, could turn on us at some later time

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Hi Lidra,

I wasn't aware that this forum was RESERVED for we Farang?

I think, well, I hope that all members welcome contributions from not only the Farang but also Thais and anyone else who cares to take part, providing of course, that everybody sticks to the rules.

Welcome Lidra!..... now what else would you like to discuss?

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For some people this may be a not important question, but I will try to make another science-fiction sample of what I want to explain here...

"Lets supose that we are all USA foreigners living in Mexico, that we have our forum there to help each other, and that some

Mexicans go to that forum, and since they have a good use of english and can create "foreigner" profiles, they start topics

like "list of things that I hate from mexican people", "why Mexico will never be a developed country"... with the only intention

of find the worst feelings between USA foreigners to Mexico.

That would allow to those mexicans to use the post with negative comments about mexico to turn mexican population against foreigners.

And it would be at the end dangerous to all USA foreigners living in Mexico who whould think USA people hate Mexico."

That is what I think some thais are looking for here. They feed the bad feelings of the foreigners here, later they will use it against us.

And I may be wrong, but if I'm right, we are all in danger, and we should stop it before it is too late.

To finish and start to revert this situation, I would like to remember to the thai people that is around, that some negative comment

against Thailand, may be fake, and that some politics comments of foreigners supporting thaksin or antigoverment moves, also

can be fake, since most of us have a neutral point of view of thailand, and we try to find out the good and the bad effects of boths

politics groups, because nothing is black or white, if there is a devil, is because god allow it to exist...

So... Thais pretending to be foreigners to post anti-Thai comments to try and get others to agree to with anti-Thai comments so later on the Thais can then use the foreigners anti-Thai comments against them, the end result meaning that all foreigners in Thailand are now in danger because posts on an internet forum (caused by Thais pretending to be foreigners to entrap the foreigners into hating the Thais) mean that Thai people now hate foreigners.


I mean, I'd tell you not only are you wrong, that nobody's in danger, and that you're being totally over-dramatic and paranoid... but then I might be one of them.

And you're onto us.

So congratulations. You are the smartest person on the forum. And as a Thai person who is pretending to be foreign in order to make anti-Thai posts to make foreigners seem bad to my fellow Thais, I am also duty bound- by law- not to use sarcasm. So you really are super smart and not paranoid or weird at all. And you've definitely thought through the logic of this. So... well done. smile.png

Edited by Rumblecat
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Let's make it Sahib only, yes?

Yesterday I was in a restaurant here in Sri Lanka, there was a German family with two kids for diner and the owners daughter was also present. In no time the children had made contact and started to invent games with each other. They were around six and in that blessed age they know nothing about race, gender, money, religion or caste: those poisons will come later.

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Hi Lidra,

I wasn't aware that this forum was RESERVED for we Farang?

I think, well, I hope that all members welcome contributions from not only the Farang but also Thais and anyone else who cares to take part, providing of course, that everybody sticks to the rules.

Welcome Lidra!..... now what else would you like to discuss?

I have never say the forum should be "Reserved" for farang... it is just in your imagination.

I noticed many foreigners like to believe thais do not mind what we think or do, foreigners that prefer to believe thai people just talk about food... I dont think so.

The foreigners have many business in Thailand, that bring money, and give job to many thais, and that is some important part of Thailand, so it is really naive

to believe they dont mind what we think.

Some thai members are here to improve their english, some other are here to promote their politic view between us, some other are here to comfirm what they

believe to know about the "farang" community, no mather if is good or bad, and if they want to prove how bad farangs are, they have the chance to do it here, and

I think a few of them are working on it.

P.D: Before get more "go back to your home" comments, just would like to declare that I love Thailand, because Thailand

have give me everything I have, here I found chances to work, a place to live, friends, a family... everything, and I would

hate have to be forced to go back to my country. Right now I expect to die (in a long future) in this country.

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Thais on the forum, disguised Thais, Thais trying to direct comments toward certain topics for whatever reaons - who cares? As long as all abide by posting rules, no one can lose with open, frank (and sometimes raw) discussions. Better to have vigorous discussions in the ethernet than in the streets. And I can't help but think that even the most ardent commentor will, despite their own vigously held positions, will become a little moderate by reading others' comments, by devising responses. The three C's (communicate, communicate, communicate) are basic to learning about each other.

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For some people this may be a not important question, but I will try to make another science-fiction sample of what I want to explain here...

"Lets supose that we are all USA foreigners living in Mexico, that we have our forum there to help each other, and that some

Mexicans go to that forum, and since they have a good use of english and can create "foreigner" profiles, they start topics

like "list of things that I hate from mexican people", "why Mexico will never be a developed country"... with the only intention

of find the worst feelings between USA foreigners to Mexico.

That would allow to those mexicans to use the post with negative comments about mexico to turn mexican population against foreigners.

And it would be at the end dangerous to all USA foreigners living in Mexico who whould think USA people hate Mexico."

That is what I think some thais are looking for here. They feed the bad feelings of the foreigners here, later they will use it against us.

And I may be wrong, but if I'm right, we are all in danger, and we should stop it before it is too late.

To finish and start to revert this situation, I would like to remember to the thai people that is around, that some negative comment

against Thailand, may be fake, and that some politics comments of foreigners supporting thaksin or antigoverment moves, also

can be fake, since most of us have a neutral point of view of thailand, and we try to find out the good and the bad effects of boths

politics groups, because nothing is black or white, if there is a devil, is because god allow it to exist...

So... Thais pretending to be foreigners to post anti-Thai comments to try and get others to agree to with anti-Thai comments so later on the Thais can then use the foreigners anti-Thai comments against them, the end result meaning that all foreigners in Thailand are now in danger because posts on an internet forum (caused by Thais pretending to be foreigners to entrap the foreigners into hating the Thais) mean that Thai people now hate foreigners.


I mean, I'd tell you not only are you wrong, that nobody's in danger, and that you're being totally over-dramatic and paranoid... but then I might be one of them.

And you're onto us.

So congratulations. You are the smartest person on the forum. And as a Thai person who is pretending to be foreign in order to make anti-Thai posts to make foreigners seem bad to my fellow Thais, I am also duty bound- by law- not to use sarcasm. So you really are super smart and not paranoid or weird at all. And you've definitely thought through the logic of this. So... well done. smile.png

Dad always told me you can always tell an idiot

If you not sure if he is or not

eventually he will open his mouth and prove it

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If its normal Thai's no problem. If its members of the special army unit, founded to influence people on social media .... you be the judge.

And another!!

Listen I have no doubt such secret units may exist.

But why on earth would anyone have any feeling about that fact other than dissolving into fits of giggles?

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Golly Gosh, there are THAIS on THAIVISA? I am SO SHOCKED.

No really, how is this news? They've been around even before the political issues stirred up and like you said, certain Thais sign up to keep watch on what foreigners say about them.

I don't see the oddness in finding Thais here, regular thai folks who just enjoy the articles/discussions on Thaivisa, girlfriends, wives, boyfriends, husbands of foreigners who are in Thailand or abroad. Whatever! All kinds.

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Thais are more than welcome here, and over the years have been quite helpful. wai.gif

I couldn't agree more! The more the merrier! After all this is about Thailand and there country, thus it is nice to get their input as well on it, and us.

Personally, I like to hear both sides of the story just like I want to see both sides of a coin before I buy it..

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Huh. Goldbuggy is clearly another secret Thai pretending to be a farang. You can tell because they use words like "the more the merrier" and how it's "nice to get their input".

Classic mistake- everyone knows ex-pats here are never merry and certainly can't handle any opinion different from their own.

Nice try though, Khun Goldbuggy. But you can tell your secret Thai web army they're gonna have to do better than that.

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If its normal Thai's no problem. If its members of the special army unit, founded to influence people on social media .... you be the judge.

And another!!

Listen I have no doubt such secret units may exist.

But why on earth would anyone have any feeling about that fact other than dissolving into fits of giggles?

ThaiVisa would be subject to monitoring by Thai security/law enforcement. An individual living in Thailand can be prosecuted for posting content deemed in contravention to the the Computer Crime Act, libel law etc or an arrest warrant issued in case at some time they try to enter Thailand. ThaiVisa would have to comply to request from authorised Thai agency to a subpoena to track IP address etc. Also ThaiVisa is liable for hosting content that is in contravention of the Computer Crime Act, so what is so amusing?

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