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Is there a nasty virus going around?


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On the Thailand live website today it has a heading “Influenza and diarrhea not found among protesters “ .

And then earlier on I was talking to someone in Pattaya who said they were looking after a family member who had fever and diarrhea . Does anyone know if there some kind of virus going around which we should be aware of?

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I went to work on Tuesday. Around 9am started to feel a bit weak. By 10am I started feeling really cold. Took the rest of the day off, went home. As soon as I arrived I started shivering uncontrollably. In bed with 2 duvets and still cold for 4 hours. Also had chest pain. Around 2pm things turned around. Now the fever broke out and I started sweating. Fever was very high. This lasted till the evening. It all came very quickly and hit me strong.

Next day I felt already better.

Has happened to another colleague last Friday and today another one didn't come to work.

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Just got over a stomach virus that gave me pain for 5 days. Had to go toilet 30 minutes after eating.

Real pain in the stomach developed after eating but not a severe case of diarrhea.

Seems to be moving around my body. Today I felt weak and headachy.

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I've had some virus for about a week chest infection coughing and spitting up phlem and feeling ill . I think I caught it from offices I have visited in the past 2 weeks , I noticed a lot of people sick . Must be this cold spell.

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Yep there's a bug out there. I feel like sh*t but I can still function at work. If it gets any worse, I will have to pack it in for a few days. sad.png

There is some sort of cold/flu bug............i've had it 6 weeks and so have others. Seems to clear briefly but returns with a vengeance. Very hard to shift.

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Had a bad case of Flu last week. Doctor @ Klaymore (think I got the spelling right) on Hang Dong Road was excellent. So too was his English.

Total cost just over Baht 1,000 including 4 lots of pills. The Doctor's fee in the Account break-down was only about Baht 200.

Just about over the flu and neither my wife nor our daughter have shown any signs of it, so it must have just been an Old Ferang Flu.

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The Missus had cold like symptoms for 10 days... and I got the impression it was doing the rounds.

From her to her boyfriend, then to a massage place, from there to another guy etc etc......

I had a GGG on my knee Tuesday and now I am sniffling.

She said she got it from some half-wit sneezing down the back of her neck in the licence place.

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I've had it too. It doesn't feel like smog related. I think certainly related to the cold spell which has been going on for weeks in Chiang Mai. Badly congested nasal/sinuses. Coughing up phlegm. Feel bad, but I could struggle to work if I had any to go to. Lasted for 10 days so far, but shifting now.

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