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PDRC plans to block advance voting in Bangkok


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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

ill give you the one thing the gov are great for.................they are allowing people the right to have a vote..........

ill give you one reason the anti gov are so bad ........ they are not allowing people the right to have a vote....

Nuff said... respect the vote, without that you cannot say you have respect for anything at all.

But you deliberately omitted to mention respect for the right to protest!

Respect for the right to protest PEACEFULLY Big different.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

If you want to see real THUGS, spend a few hours watching rented red shirts mobs in 2010 in you tube videos. Maybe then you can separate your significant other's rhetoric from your own personal views- or at least, lessen trolling in forums.

It's ok for Suthep thugs to do it because Red Shirts did it in 2010 makes no sense at all.

Well you just nicely summarized your one sided thinking.

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Good luck trying to stop PTP and their minions and fugitive from buying votes in advance. People are forgetting that the whole farce of this election process is it goes to who will PAY the most (Thaksin) its not advanced mathematics.

Screw buying votes!

The actual backers of "the opposition", instead of spending billions on this traveling circus, should simply use their money to buy the entire election …

I'm sure the EC would accept a reasonable offer ….

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- But you deliberately omitted to mention respect for the right to protest!

- Respect for the right to protest PEACEFULLY Big different.

But according to you the reds protesting very very unpeacefully and violently is not a valid point. Strange logic.

You need to recognize that this is struggle for badly needed reforms, against a tricky lying corrupt government which has filled all the key positions with incapable leeches and which is doing nothing to develop the country / to provide the circumstances which could build a much better quality of life for many many Thais through their own productivity (not one off handouts which have zero long-term benefits) and blatantly raping the common wealth of all Thai people.

Edited by scorecard
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The protesters (all ten of them) are against the election. Fair enough, that is their right!

But can someone please explain to me, how that gives them the right to stop people of a different opinion??

No I didn't think so!coffee1.gif

25 posts later........still waiting for an answer!!coffee1.gif

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Good luck trying to stop PTP and their minions and fugitive from buying votes in advance. People are forgetting that the whole farce of this election process is it goes to who will PAY the most (Thaksin) its not advanced mathematics.

Screw buying votes!

The actual backers of "the opposition", instead of spending billions on this traveling circus, should simply use their money to buy the entire election …

I'm sure the EC would accept a reasonable offer ….

clap2.gifclap2.gif Finally someone thinking outside the box!! Sir, your solution is pure genius!wai2.gif

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- But you deliberately omitted to mention respect for the right to protest!

- Respect for the right to protest PEACEFULLY Big different.

But according to you the reds protesting very very unpeacefully and violently is not a valid point. Strange logic.

You need to recognize that this is struggle for badly needed reforms, against a tricky lying corrupt government which has filled all the key positions with incapable people and which is doing nothing to develop the country / to provide the circumstances which could build a much better quality of life for many many Thais through their own productivity (not one off handouts which have zero long-term benefits) and blatantly raping the common wealth of all Thai people.

Name one politician that has told the whole truth. I sometimes wonder if the reason for you who support suthep, came here because you knew your anarchist ideas wouldnt fly at home whilst here, well... Anything goes.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

If you want to see real THUGS, spend a few hours watching rented red shirts mobs in 2010 in you tube videos. Maybe then you can separate your significant other's rhetoric from your own personal views- or at least, lessen trolling in forums.

It's ok for Suthep thugs to do it because Red Shirts did it in 2010 makes no sense at all.

Peaceful protesters of 2014 (NOT the reds tossing grenades on them) is the opposite of molotovs, killing soldiers, grenades, looting, burning, bamboo stakes, bombings of 2010, that I saw with my own eyes on Sukhumvit when people couldn't get home and had a hard time exiting their homes in fear of danger of stray bullets etc.. Get your head on straight, or do some research on youtube since you weren't here in 2010 evidently.

Edited by gemini81
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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

If you want to see real THUGS, spend a few hours watching rented red shirts mobs in 2010 in you tube videos. Maybe then you can separate your significant other's rhetoric from your own personal views- or at least, lessen trolling in forums.

It's ok for Suthep thugs to do it because Red Shirts did it in 2010 makes no sense at all.

Peaceful protests (other than reds tossing grenades) is the opposite of molotovs, killing soldiers, grenades, looting, burning, bamboo stakes, bombings. Get your head on straight.

Opposed to the pdrc's methods, such as beating taxi drivers, bus passengers, home made bombs, intimidation, threats and the fact that a lot of the called peaceful protesters are armed. Hmm, yeah I see your point.

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The protesters (all ten of them) are against the election. Fair enough, that is their right!

But can someone please explain to me, how that gives them the right to stop people of a different opinion??

No I didn't think so!coffee1.gif

25 posts later........still waiting for an answer!!coffee1.gif

No legitimate right.

However, Khun Suthep said so, and I perceive a surreptitious wink from the Election Commission.

Hell, even the Thai Human Rights guy is on the protesters' side.

Plus they don't care what the foreign critics will say.

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They scream and carry on that the emergency decree is a violation of their rights and their rights should be respected and at the very same time they want to violate the rights of others to vote, worship and go to school. Morons being led by a lunatic.

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People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) will decide today whether they should block the roads leading to the polling stations or besiege the polling stations

Monty Python couldn't write this stuff.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

ill give you the one thing the gov are great for.................they are allowing people the right to have a vote..........

ill give you one reason the anti gov are so bad ........ they are not allowing people the right to have a vote....

Nuff said... respect the vote, without that you cannot say you have respect for anything at all.

The problem is that the democratic party isn't participating in the election. Therefore, the election is invalid, as it is a foregone conclusion that the democratic party is Thailand's only legitimate party. Without their endorsement, anything is illegitimate.

You sound a little like a certain German leader in the 1930s. Only then the only legitimate party was called NSDAP!!bah.gif

BTW. Your dear leader is not a member of any polical party at the moment.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

Well i can tell you that the PDRC (peoples dictatorship republic counsel) is stopping people from doing their CONSTITUTIONAL rights by law. The same law that the dems made up when they were APPOINETED not ellected. People can say what ever they want here as long as it does NOT AFFEND ANYONE PERSON.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

Well i can tell you that the PDRC (peoples dictatorship republic counsel) is stopping people from doing their CONSTITUTIONAL rights by law. The same law that the dems made up when they were APPOINETED not ellected. People can say what ever they want here as long as it does NOT AFFEND ANYONE PERSON.

Not during a state of emergency they can't.

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shows, how democratic ultraroyalists and democrat party are. Blockades of polling stations will lead to confrontation on the streets with the citisens and further antagonise protestors and bangkokians. Suthep can try this tactic in the south, but bkk would be out of his depth

Whilst I do not agree with the tactics of Kuhn Suthepith regard to the blocking of voting, it looks as though though that the election will be a flop. It will be a flop because 28 areas of South Thailand will not be voting, so no MPs. The parliament consists of 500 seats so I have been told, and 500 - 28 is 472 and to reach a quorum 475 or 95%, plus in some areas only one candidate is running and in order to be elected I believe he/she requires 20% of the vote, so even that cannot be taken for granted when many Democrat supporters are going to place their mark in the 'No Vote' box.

I also am told that the election will cost about 3.8 billion baht and that is gross incompetence on the Governments part to waste such a large amount of money. Their has I understand been a suggestion that the 28 areas not voting could be done one at a time over the next few weeks, but my uinderstanding is that the election law requires the nationwide election to be held on the same day.

Meanwhile there is a complete stalmate with a caretaker government unable to do anything tangible and more importantly unable to find the money to pay the farmers. What a mess.

If the caretaker PM cares so much about democracy and her professed love for her country and it so obvious obvious that she and her family are the obstacle to a satisfactory outcome, why will she not do the honourable thing and resign and agree that et al will no longer be involved in politics.

But that will not happen because Kuhn Taksin is power mad and putshis own considerations first rather than the lovely peoples of this country.

And no I do not believe Kuhn Suthep should be the new leader of the country.

And please tell us why there will be no voting in 28 areas in the south????? Can you????? I can, because sutheps thugs stop people from going to register.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Another typical move by Taaksin and his cronies to try and cling to power by any means necessary regardless of the consequences. Any deaths and injuries that occur will be on the caretaker Yingluck's hands, just add them to her ever growing list of charges....

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The problem is that the democratic party isn't participating in the election. Therefore, the election is invalid, as it is a foregone conclusion that the democratic party is Thailand's only legitimate party. Without their endorsement, anything is illegitimate.

You sound a little like a certain German leader in the 1930s. Only then the only legitimate party was called NSDAP!!bah.gif

BTW. Your dear leader is not a member of any polical party at the moment.


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People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) will decide today whether they should block the roads leading to the polling stations or besiege the polling stations

Monty Python couldn't write this stuff.

I think they are following the life of Brian script very well.


Edited by chooka
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shows, how democratic ultraroyalists and democrat party are. Blockades of polling stations will lead to confrontation on the streets with the citisens and further antagonise protestors and bangkokians. Suthep can try this tactic in the south, but bkk would be out of his depth

Whilst I do not agree with the tactics of Kuhn Suthepith regard to the blocking of voting, it looks as though though that the election will be a flop. It will be a flop because 28 areas of South Thailand will not be voting, so no MPs. The parliament consists of 500 seats so I have been told, and 500 - 28 is 472 and to reach a quorum 475 or 95%, plus in some areas only one candidate is running and in order to be elected I believe he/she requires 20% of the vote, so even that cannot be taken for granted when many Democrat supporters are going to place their mark in the 'No Vote' box.

I also am told that the election will cost about 3.8 billion baht and that is gross incompetence on the Governments part to waste such a large amount of money. Their has I understand been a suggestion that the 28 areas not voting could be done one at a time over the next few weeks, but my uinderstanding is that the election law requires the nationwide election to be held on the same day.

Meanwhile there is a complete stalmate with a caretaker government unable to do anything tangible and more importantly unable to find the money to pay the farmers. What a mess.

If the caretaker PM cares so much about democracy and her professed love for her country and it so obvious obvious that she and her family are the obstacle to a satisfactory outcome, why will she not do the honourable thing and resign and agree that et al will no longer be involved in politics.

But that will not happen because Kuhn Taksin is power mad and putshis own considerations first rather than the lovely peoples of this country.

And no I do not believe Kuhn Suthep should be the new leader of the country.

And please tell us why there will be no voting in 28 areas in the south????? Can you????? I can, because sutheps thugs stop people from going to register.

I have no disagreement with you on the facts pertaining to the South, but as you well know fact is a fact and in the absence of candidates there can be no election held in the South on 2 Feb. My point is that to ignore the facts, spend a massive amount of money and end up with no effective result is crass stupidity. I would ask you to conside carefully your references to 'thug or thugs'. A thug is a criminal and until the protesters have their day in court - if ever- they are not criminals and therefore not 'thugs'. Also a 'thug' can be a 'cutthroat or ruffian; a hoodlum or one of a band of professional assassins formerly active in northern India who worshiped Kali and offered their victims to her and I cannot see the connection to the current situation having yesterday personally observed Kuhn Suthep doing his walk about and at which I felt entirely safe with the cheering crowds of people, particularly the young and no evience of cuthroats or ruffians.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

ill give you the one thing the gov are great for.................they are allowing people the right to have a vote..........

ill give you one reason the anti gov are so bad ........ they are not allowing people the right to have a vote....

Nuff said... respect the vote, without that you cannot say you have respect for anything at all.

Except again you are twisting things around. The anti-Govt people are not saying no to voting at all, merely that reform MUST take place before any elections. Not quite the same thing as your over-simplification makes it out.
Yes of course, Thais must do what the anti-government says they must do before they are allowed to vote. You write as though it is entirely fair and democratic for this unelected force to require this of Thai citizens. Many readers here need to develop their critical thinking skills. PDRC will take away democracy to give Thais the democracy they approve of.
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Looking more like Asia never learnt the lessons of Fascism, totalitarianism, cult leaders Nationalism.

In every case, however many thugs they hired, how ever many people they killed to cling to power, they ended up hanging from lamposts (musollinni) and dead in a Bunker with his body set on fire (Hitler).

These too had many many more followers than Suthep and still could not cling on.

On the bright side today, another Chula Intellect [sic] got the written hiding of his ife on another news paper. Bet it is a long time before he offers his nasty elitest claptrap to the media again. Shown up the Education system here for what it is and that Qualifications do not mean Education!!!

If a dictator is installed here. He will be fought, properly this time!!! So the getting him shoehorned into power again is not the end of the problem... It's probably just the beginnnig of his problems.

The mob is dwindling so much now that maybe the Government can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Lets hope so for the country.

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Looking more like Asia never learnt the lessons of Fascism, totalitarianism, cult leaders Nationalism.

In every case, however many thugs they hired, how ever many people they killed to cling to power, they ended up hanging from lamposts (musollinni) and dead in a Bunker with his body set on fire (Hitler).

These too had many many more followers than Suthep and still could not cling on.

On the bright side today, another Chula Intellect [sic] got the written hiding of his ife on another news paper. Bet it is a long time before he offers his nasty elitest claptrap to the media again. Shown up the Education system here for what it is and that Qualifications do not mean Education!!!

If a dictator is installed here. He will be fought, properly this time!!! So the getting him shoehorned into power again is not the end of the problem... It's probably just the beginnnig of his problems.

The mob is dwindling so much now that maybe the Government can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Lets hope so for the country.

Much of your comment in your post could be applied to the 'family'.

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