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Suthep will be arrested soon, should surrender to avoid violence: Chalerm

Lite Beer

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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

I don't know where he gets 10 years from. Sect 76 of 2007 Organic Act on Elections (etc) specifies between 1 - 5 years imprisonment for stopping a vote going into the polling place or otherwise preventing them from voting. Maybe there's another law I'm unaware of.

Anyway, no one who supported CRES in 2010 continually announcing that ordinary red shirt protesters would receive 2 years in jail for violating the emergency decree can really criticize Chalerm or Tharit here. I was critical of the emergency decree then, as I am now. I don't agree with it. I've little sympathy for those who try to disefranchise people though - if they block voters, they deserve to get the book thrown at them. They have the right to peacefully protest at the polling stations but not to block people.

Sorry to say that I think you live in a fantasy world if you believe that Chalerm knows anything about the law. Well, maybe that's too strong. His definition of law is whatever he wants it to be, so by that definition he is an expert. It's sad that Chalerm and the government are threatening to kill people now, sad and not surprising unfortunately.

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Just imagine the consequences if Suthep were really shot by the Police on Chalerm's command. There would be such a storm and so much retribution that the Red Shirts, Chalerm, Nattawut, Jatupong, Kwanchai, etc. would no longer be safe. It would be the most foolish thing that the government and their Controller could sanction. Indeed, Thaksin would receive the same fate should he ever return because people would think that he had told Chalerm to kill Suthep. Therefore, Chalerm is speaking with his foot in his mouth and we have misunderstood him. Or ...?

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Khun Chalerm. Instead to declare to the world he will make arrest Suthep: why you just not do it, and give a press conference when the task will be done?

If don't have the balls for do it, why not make police protect the right of people to vote?

Why Army that said they protect people does not stand near polls to guarantee a regular vote process?

It would be funny to see the press conference with Yingluck standing there pointing at Suthep. clap2.gif

...and Suthep sitting there holding and pointing to a photo of Thaksin laugh.png

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In other words if we cant get to him to arrest him we will kill him.

And likely anyone around him.

But of course Chalerm wont be there he hasn't got the guts to stand up to anything but a microphone.

"But of course Chalerm wont be there..."

Why should he be, he's not a police officer?

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Pretty reasonable - Suthep and his cohorts have said enough to hang themselves. Time to go to the monkey house. However being filthy rich and corrupt - they won't see prison anytime soon after all this is thailand. giggle.gif

But I dont understand ?

Suthep stands against corruption ! 555

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Tarit is saying that ordinary protesters who are not involved in vandalism or violence are breaking the emergency law so that must also include the PTP core support of rice farmers who are blocking the highway in some areas and threatening to march on Bkk.

Will they ever be named in any official pronouncements and threats or will the usual government double standards and selective blindness apply ?

The rice farmers are a major threat, they haven't been paid for months, they are being given vague assurances of payment in three weeks or so, in other words after the election is safely won, so will the government risk further aggro by threatening them with prosecution /

I very much doubt it.

The emergency decree only applies to the Bangkok area.

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I dedicate this song to the redoubtable mighty gums Chalerm and his ear medicine induced illusions of both power and probabilities in actually performing a task he has cited.


Edited by siampolee
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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

I don't know where he gets 10 years from. Sect 76 of 2007 Organic Act on Elections (etc) specifies between 1 - 5 years imprisonment for stopping a vote going into the polling place or otherwise preventing them from voting. Maybe there's another law I'm unaware of.

Anyway, no one who supported CRES in 2010 continually announcing that ordinary red shirt protesters would receive 2 years in jail for violating the emergency decree can really criticize Chalerm or Tharit here. I was critical of the emergency decree then, as I am now. I don't agree with it. I've little sympathy for those who try to disefranchise people though - if they block voters, they deserve to get the book thrown at them. They have the right to peacefully protest at the polling stations but not to block people.

Sorry to say that I think you live in a fantasy world if you believe that Chalerm knows anything about the law. Well, maybe that's too strong. His definition of law is whatever he wants it to be, so by that definition he is an expert. It's sad that Chalerm and the government are threatening to kill people now, sad and not surprising unfortunately.

Lets be thankful they haven't reached the depths of the democrat government who actually issued orders allowing that threat to become reality for at least 80 odd people.

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I shall believe it when I see it happen .

Suthep and fellow leaders should have been arrested and imprisoned for insurrection long ago .

However it is known that he has an armed bodyguard surrounding him . Chalerm is saying it is time for action , but that if armed bodyguards open fire on

the police , the police will return fire and people may get hurt or killed . There must be a discreet way to arrest him , the police need some SAS advice

on the method and timing , perhaps an element of surprise .

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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

Isn't the PTP merely using the constitutional provisions that were installed by the Democrats when they held Government? And now that its being used against the Democrats, you're upset?

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Lol at all these broken record yellow shirt trolls derailing the thread by bringing up thaksin again.and again. And again. In. Every. Single.thread.

Isn't that what these protests are about?

Be honest and call it for what it is... a power grab. These protesters are dishonest cowards - hiding behind the flag as if they think it gives them some sort of legitimicy. Hide behind crooked monks. Hiding behind Thaksin.

Your not fooling anyone, except maybe for some forum members. The US arn't buying it, other countries dont buy it. Vast majority of thai people dont buy it.

These protests are nothing but a disgusting power grab, pure and simple.

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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

and excercising their bully-boy tactic to deny members of public THEIR right to vote is okay with you Mr Democracy man? So, tell me how this isn't an act of fascism?

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No doubt the images Chalerm would like to see are these, just like the extra judicial killings murders in the War on Drugs..

Chalerm, with his cop killer son in charge of the police shooting ranges no doubt feels he is assured of further murders on the orders of his puppet master.Hence his rabid statements.

Easy to wash the blood from ones hands and dispose of the spent chambers isn't it. Trouble is that the Thai people may not wash their memories away so easily Chalerm, might with luck find himself in the prison shooting gallery for his crimes past and intended extra judicial killings murders.


Edited by siampolee
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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

Isn't the PTP merely using the constitutional provisions that were installed by the Democrats when they held Government? And now that its being used against the Democrats, you're upset?

A: suthep isn't a democrat and neither is the protest movement led by them.

B: I would condem this approach to any group of people exercising their democratic right to protest.

C: I support elections going ahead and the majority party (or at least the one with most seats) forming a govt. I also think that if they misrule as much as PT have this time round protests will start again. I will also support them if they are backed by legitimate concerns.

D: I am going to stop posting with A, B, C lists. Becoming as tedious as the thug man I suspect.

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Pretty reasonable - Suthep and his cohorts have said enough to hang themselves. Time to go to the monkey house. However being filthy rich and corrupt - they won't see prison anytime soon after all this is thailand. giggle.gif

A-la Thaksin, perhaps ?

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I never thought I'd wish it, but to really avoid violence, for now at least and until the next Red Shit rampage in Bangkok, it's time for another military coup. Drag the Shinawatras out of government.

Sorry, I forgot the "r" ... or did I.

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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

and excercising their bully-boy tactic to deny members of public THEIR right to vote is okay with you Mr Democracy man? So, tell me how this isn't an act of fascism?

Please tell me where I said that?

i would use sarcastic childish labels in order to sound witty and clever but as you didn't I won't.

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well if his so called bodyguards produce any type of weapon and threaten police doing their job then the police are totally justified in using force to protect themselves even if there is a requirement to esculate to deadly force.

I can see the stupid smirk on the idiot Suthep's face as he tells his people "Don't worry it will never happen, I sent a letter to the President of the U.S and he will be order a strike against Yingluk at any moment. Obama is united with our cause.

Eel that wouldn't be extra judicial would it.

Of course I wouldn't presume that a legal genus like lerm wouldn't get it. Maybe he considered his sons actions of "capping one in the cranium" to be an extra judicial killing.

Common mistake....

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