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All Bangkok's 50 election directors resign


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earlier today I joked about finding a sale on fire extinguishers trying to lighten the mood, however...my spidy senses are tingling again - i feel we could be in for a rough night tonight. things are coming to a head...

Dude, saw a large Army truck in Lad Ya (Kanchanaburi) today, filled with fire extinguishers. What's up with that?

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On the december 22. march - I was counting not under 30 peoples in every row of peoples on Vibhawadi road going from government complex... The line of peoples at that time was over 6 km when they reached the big intersection at Lat Prao - Pahon Yothin, and more were added to the line... I think the distance between one person in front and one person behind was less than 1 meter at any point of the line - making that one demonstration march carrying at least 180,000 peoples - the demonstration that day came from 9 places in the city - the Vibhawadi being the biggest (with Suthep) so maybe the others only had 150,000 marching...

Many was at the endpoints, and more added on the way - do the math : (8 * 150,000) + 180,000 = 1,380,000 marching probably as thai peoples really don't like to walk - as many in the endpoints - making it a 2.5 million demonstration at least...

I know a lot who went there, and went homw as they had to get to work, they are still there after work and before work on average days, and most of the days in weekends... There are not millions now, right now there are less than 100,000 spread all over the town, but I am very sure that if this (caretaker)government tries to make another hidden move (as the amnesty bill) You will see millions in the streets again...

I know peoples in Surat (government) who are very freely here in Bangkok in support of this protest, in south the rubber farmers are quite dissatisfied by the government giving to ricefarmers but not helping the rubber industry...

The Students are "Student and people" movement - peoples meaning old guys too...

The ricefarmers are in grave problems - they are pawning their land, loaning money from loan sharks and has already long time ago pawned their harvest, but the peoples they are in debt to, do not want them to march... That is why the march and closing of big roads leading into Bangkok (Rama II last week) are being done by independant farmers who have the resources to look over their own nose and into another future...

Sadly the poorest in this country either aren't told (shame on the democracy movement) or are being intimidated away from protesting their rightful dissatisfaction with the fact that they are just getting more and more poor...

A 6km protest line? Well lets looks for a length shot to get an idea of the length, here's he MBK group from that day from Dailymail:


OK, thats from after MBK to just before the tall building, which in Google maps makes it 350meters, I count 20 across at the front, but lets be very generous and count 4people per sqm meter. 350 x 12 (width of the lane) * 4 = 16800.

The march probably reached its peak around Siam/Central, difficult to find a good shot there, in this one they run out around the Arnoma hotel (the white building on the right),


Assume it runs on a bit, and into the sides, thats 300 meters long, I'll give you the full 50m width, (as if the world trade runs the full width of the 300m), same ultra-high pack density of 4 persons per sqm, we're looking at 50*300*4 = 60000 tops.

If you have a better photo to measure from do share. I think you're simply measuring the same crowd as it moved around the protest group though, which was raher the point of marching them round the route: to create multiple photo opportunities from the same people and the perceptions of vast numbers.

I don't think there are 100k right now currently, I counted 20-30 at the larger polling stations in BKK, so about 1000 or so.

Rubber farmers disatisfied? Yep, rubber prices have dropped as petroleum has dropped. Agreed. This is where the core of protestors come from I think, I notice they're very very black faced, typical of southern field workers.

'Old' Students ? I don't think a 56 year old identifies himself as a student unless the intent is to deceive people.

Rice farmers need money? Yep, so lets get the elections done so the January bond money can be paid out.

Ricefarmers could have been paid before the election was announced - why did the government not think of that ??

I try again as You do not seem to know - the movement is called : "Students AND peoples" like a mix of students and also ordinary peoples outside the schools - a collaboration of peoples (who are not studying) and students - who ARE studying (when not whisteling) - and peoples who are not studying - also get quite old - even into their 50's trust me - I know ;)

I do not know if this image from blue sky channel is worth anything but as You can see it is from Victory monument, peoples are arriving from 3 points and the shot indicates Ratchawiti and Din Daeng filled to the brim too... Peoplse clearly arriving from north Pahon Yothin... This is quite far from MBK...

I am very sure I have my own shots from Sunday from Asoke and MBK that far more than 10,000 was at those 2 stages - but surely not millions right now... I was at Victory monument and Din Daeng too and maybe a few 1000 there...


The 6 km was official from Thai TV channel 3 where I watched the march from Government Complex live... The counting was from a picture Michael Yon posted somewhere on facebook too...

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PTP, Yingluck and Thaksin. Your shit is piling up, big time. Well "som nam na"

Hope somebody is logging all these names of the"outed" just in case the 16,000,000 need to vent their anger at someone

For those who seem a bit confused, this is what a fascist looks like.


noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

Precisely, glad that you agree.

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Ricefarmers could have been paid before the election was announced - why did the government not think of that ??

I try again as You do not seem to know - the movement is called : "Students AND peoples" like a mix of students and also ordinary peoples outside the schools - a collaboration of peoples (who are not studying) and students - who ARE studying (when not whisteling) - and peoples who are not studying - also get quite old - even into their 50's trust me - I know wink.png

I do not know if this image from blue sky channel is worth anything but as You can see it is from Victory monument, peoples are arriving from 3 points and the shot indicates Ratchawiti and Din Daeng filled to the brim too... Peoplse clearly arriving from north Pahon Yothin... This is quite far from MBK...

I am very sure I have my own shots from Sunday from Asoke and MBK that far more than 10,000 was at those 2 stages - but surely not millions right now... I was at Victory monument and Din Daeng too and maybe a few 1000 there...


The 6 km was official from Thai TV channel 3 where I watched the march from Government Complex live... The counting was from a picture Michael Yon posted somewhere on facebook too...

Ricefarms paid first? No not really, the rice didn't sell (Abhisit and his 'its rotten rice' game did not help with the sales either, which I think was the point of his game), they organized a bond issue to cover it for 14th November, but Suthep undermined that with his protests starting 4th Nov.

That bond issue only part sold, farmers got part payment, the remainder of that bond was sold in January but can't be paid out till elections are over and EC are no longer able to block them.

Let's try to get an estimate of victory monument:


Drawing a line from center to top left I count 40 people, radius = 40, area = 40 * 40 * Pi = 5000 people

I watched Channel 3's coverage and it didn't have a 6km pack of 30 across protestors. But if you can find a video showing otherwise please point to it.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Ricefarmers could have been paid before the election was announced - why did the government not think of that ??

I try again as You do not seem to know - the movement is called : "Students AND peoples" like a mix of students and also ordinary peoples outside the schools - a collaboration of peoples (who are not studying) and students - who ARE studying (when not whisteling) - and peoples who are not studying - also get quite old - even into their 50's trust me - I know wink.png

I do not know if this image from blue sky channel is worth anything but as You can see it is from Victory monument, peoples are arriving from 3 points and the shot indicates Ratchawiti and Din Daeng filled to the brim too... Peoplse clearly arriving from north Pahon Yothin... This is quite far from MBK...

I am very sure I have my own shots from Sunday from Asoke and MBK that far more than 10,000 was at those 2 stages - but surely not millions right now... I was at Victory monument and Din Daeng too and maybe a few 1000 there...


The 6 km was official from Thai TV channel 3 where I watched the march from Government Complex live... The counting was from a picture Michael Yon posted somewhere on facebook too...

Ricefarms paid first? No not really, the rice didn't sell (Abhisit and his 'its rotten rice' game did not help with the sales either, which I think was the point of his game), they organized a bond issue to cover it for 14th November, but Suthep undermined that with his protests starting 4th Nov.

That bond issue only part sold, farmers got part payment, the remainder of that bond was sold in January but can't be paid out till elections are over and EC are no longer able to block them.

Let's try to get an estimate of victory monument:


Drawing a line from center to top left I count 40 people, radius = 40, area = 40 * 40 * Pi = 5000 people

I watched Channel 3's coverage and it didn't have a 6km pack of 30 across protestors. But if you can find a video showing otherwise please point to it.

The farmers haven't been paid because the rice scheme has utterly failed. The export industry has collapsed and PT cannot pay its debts. Payment was due in October not November. Suthep is not to blame for non payment, the economics of an unworkable, criminally inept rice scheme is to blame. PT alone shoulders the blame for this scheme.

The EC has not blocked payment. They have said it is illegal to create further debt before an election, they told the govt you can create a bond float if you wish and add to the debt, but any legal fall out will rest squarely on PT.

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Ricefarmers could have been paid before the election was announced - why did the government not think of that ??

I try again as You do not seem to know - the movement is called : "Students AND peoples" like a mix of students and also ordinary peoples outside the schools - a collaboration of peoples (who are not studying) and students - who ARE studying (when not whisteling) - and peoples who are not studying - also get quite old - even into their 50's trust me - I know wink.png

I do not know if this image from blue sky channel is worth anything but as You can see it is from Victory monument, peoples are arriving from 3 points and the shot indicates Ratchawiti and Din Daeng filled to the brim too... Peoplse clearly arriving from north Pahon Yothin... This is quite far from MBK...

I am very sure I have my own shots from Sunday from Asoke and MBK that far more than 10,000 was at those 2 stages - but surely not millions right now... I was at Victory monument and Din Daeng too and maybe a few 1000 there...


The 6 km was official from Thai TV channel 3 where I watched the march from Government Complex live... The counting was from a picture Michael Yon posted somewhere on facebook too...

Ricefarms paid first? No not really, the rice didn't sell (Abhisit and his 'its rotten rice' game did not help with the sales either, which I think was the point of his game), they organized a bond issue to cover it for 14th November, but Suthep undermined that with his protests starting 4th Nov.

That bond issue only part sold, farmers got part payment, the remainder of that bond was sold in January but can't be paid out till elections are over and EC are no longer able to block them.

Let's try to get an estimate of victory monument:


Drawing a line from center to top left I count 40 people, radius = 40, area = 40 * 40 * Pi = 5000 people

I watched Channel 3's coverage and it didn't have a 6km pack of 30 across protestors. But if you can find a video showing otherwise please point to it.

40 peoples ?? You are aware all the little dots are peoples right ?? I think I just leave You here - You say 5,000 was there - I say a bit more - we do not agree in other words - so does not the media - I do not see a lot claiming numbers as low as You do, but they might have a different concept of counting...

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There should be investigation into this resignations. It is not an isolated resignation but en masse.

Well yes, but is it actually illegal.Ill timed and a dereliction of duty, I agree, but what would the investigation be able to do apart from tell us all what we already know; they agreed to do it this way.

It could be the events of this weekend brought home to them what could happen at the polling stations and they felt that they would be in danger, unable to rely on having police protection.

However it's not illegal to quit your job.

It depends on the circumstance from which they quit their job. Only investigation can determine it. Quitting their job does not free them from investigation.

Maybe it should be investigated what the reason was for this 'en-masse' resignation. That's not the same as investigating the 50 directors.

but then , you probably were in favour of investigating the Democrat Party MPs when they resigned their position rolleyes.gif

Whoops! clap2.gif

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You havnt seen Wembley Stadium or Galstonbury or Rio de Janeiro regarding numbers I take it.

Id say the pics there would including up the roads estimate about 30,000 be kind and say 50,000 lets even trebel or quadruple it for other areas ... so lets say 200k of people... lets even say for every person there another 3 could not go thats 800k lets say they all have friends that agree say another 4 thats still only 3.2 million in a country of how many ?

If the Dems can only get about x4 or so that number of votes and cannot get elected how does 1/4 of that number have the right to obstruct or demand anything ?

sorry i may agree with reform but not the manner its being tried.

Edited by englishoak
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Lets take a name check on these 50 persons and keep track of where they end up, it is only a matter of time before the Democrats are back in power and no doubt these names will reappear in various 'positions'then.


Why sigh? What Smutcakes said is actually something very easy to do, and just wait, no harm to anyone... I think Smutcakes did not go too much far from reality.

So in Thailand people is not allowed to quit their jobs?

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Not unexpected at all, and apparently, the only way that they could possibly make the lady see sense.

What is now required is for her to make a public appearance announcing that the election is off, she and her caretaker government are stepping down, Suthep can therefore call off the street protests, and the business of carrying out necessary reforms can get under way.

She must also make it very clear to the Red Shirt extremists that their cause is over, and they should return to their homes; furthermore, anyone caught involved in any acts of shootings or bombing in response to the resignation of the government should be made to face the full extent of the law.

And if the caretaker govt steps down, who will govern? And do you think that there won't be further protests?

If the REDs were to take to the streets, I would then believe in claims of millions marching.

You seriously believe that they still command that much support...? The PTP are now broke (in an organisational sense of course, not in terms of personal wealth), so they have nothing to offer the up-country rent-a-crowd, and it's doubtful that KhunT is going to throw any more money into this, after his failed attempt at dictatorship.

WHEN the caretaker government steps down, there will likely be formal agreement amongst the more sensible senior academics, lawyers, civil servants and grass-roots volunteers to create a forum for discussion on the way forward. That, at this stage, would be nothing less than a major breakthrough. I would also like to think that RTP could become involved in enforcing law and order during this period, but that would have to be some years down the line after a complete shake-up.

Given time, these committed people can seek to dismantle the apparatus that has kept the Shin clan in the trough for far too long, and ban all those - from all parties - who have no place in politics due to prior convictions, ongoing bail, breach of bail conditions, and flight from justice.

That should pretty much provide a clean slate from which to start rebuilding the shattered society and economy of Thailand...!!

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There should be investigation into this resignations. It is not an isolated resignation but en masse.

Great idea. The investigation will confirm that they all resigned. Then there will be no doubt.

Edited by Dogmatix
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You get locked up for "quitting" the army...in "any democracy".

That, my friend, was a mighty weak analogy.

Soldiers and so-called public servants both use their particular skills to serve the greater good of the nation. But that's where the similarities end. Hell, you could say that of engineers, farmers and icecream men.

Gawd forbid I ever live in a country where the elected official is sworn to blindly follow the orders of the lowest ranking man above him.

I'm just saying that he said that no one in any democratic country can get locked up for quitting their job...which is clearly false.

I'm not saying that in this case these people should be put in prison.

Pancakeman, as a former British Military career man (22 years) I can tell you that you are speaking from a position of total ignorance of the subject.

There are thousands of soldiers who "quit" their jobs in the British Military on an annual basis, essentially because soldiers these days are simply on formal contracts, and they can choose to break the contract if they so desire.

There are, of course, costs involved for breaking the contract, but only a few hundred pounds (it's referred to as PVR, purchased voluntary discharge), but certainly, no-one gets "locked up" because they realised that military service was not for them...!!

Edited by GeorgeO
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Not unexpected at all, and apparently, the only way that they could possibly make the lady see sense.

What is now required is for her to make a public appearance announcing that the election is off, she and her caretaker government are stepping down, Suthep can therefore call off the street protests, and the business of carrying out necessary reforms can get under way.

She must also make it very clear to the Red Shirt extremists that their cause is over, and they should return to their homes; furthermore, anyone caught involved in any acts of shootings or bombing in response to the resignation of the government should be made to face the full extent of the law.

And she will be required to make a public confession on television, the confession statement having been written by the people's democratic council .

After which, Suthep's council can begin establishing the re-education camps in the hills of the Thai north for those the army says should not have been born in Thailand. Or do those Thais that are identified as mistakenly having been born in Thailand simply get expelled? You know, like on a boat with no motor or food, water?

Next come those farang who supported the ill-fated election and continued democracy in Thailand, marched through the streets by Suthep's goons and by the farang who support and advocate the people's council approach to ruling a nation -. you know, those fahlang who are from democracies and say they support democracy in Thailand and want the election cancelled to instead establish Suthep's fascist council which will preserve the traditions of their glorious forefathers.

Being slightly less paranoid than you, I recognise that no political party these days can go the extremes that you suggest, because to do so, assuming they got into power, would invite sanctions that could bring a country to its knees.

If you can get over this paranoid outlook that you have, you may start to see that what is in motion at the moment is for the long-term benefit of Thailand.

If you think things are going to get as bad as you say, then I'm guessing you're already packing. Me, I'm here for the long haul...!!

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Not unexpected at all, and apparently, the only way that they could possibly make the lady see sense.

What is now required is for her to make a public appearance announcing that the election is off, she and her caretaker government are stepping down, Suthep can therefore call off the street protests, and the business of carrying out necessary reforms can get under way.

She must also make it very clear to the Red Shirt extremists that their cause is over, and they should return to their homes; furthermore, anyone caught involved in any acts of shootings or bombing in response to the resignation of the government should be made to face the full extent of the law.

And if the caretaker govt steps down, who will govern? And do you think that there won't be further protests?

If the REDs were to take to the streets, I would then believe in claims of millions marching.

You seriously believe that they still command that much support...? The PTP are now broke (in an organisational sense of course, not in terms of personal wealth), so they have nothing to offer the up-country rent-a-crowd, and it's doubtful that KhunT is going to throw any more money into this, after his failed attempt at dictatorship.

WHEN the caretaker government steps down, there will likely be formal agreement amongst the more sensible senior academics, lawyers, civil servants and grass-roots volunteers to create a forum for discussion on the way forward. That, at this stage, would be nothing less than a major breakthrough. I would also like to think that RTP could become involved in enforcing law and order during this period, but that would have to be some years down the line after a complete shake-up.

Given time, these committed people can seek to dismantle the apparatus that has kept the Shin clan in the trough for far too long, and ban all those - from all parties - who have no place in politics due to prior convictions, ongoing bail, breach of bail conditions, and flight from justice.

That should pretty much provide a clean slate from which to start rebuilding the shattered society and economy of Thailand...!!

Now that it's final that the election will be held Sunday Feb 2nd begins the 'WHEN the caretaker government steps down...." as if the government were going to lose or be unable to sooner or later organize a new parliament. It's the new refrain so it will pass quickly, same as all the other blue smoke and mirrors from the Thai reactionary right feudalists.

It's the next stage now of the fascists' constant propaganda campaign of bluster and intimidation, not to mention the violence we saw last Sunday at the polling stations where the fascist militants attacked innocent voters and menaced voluntary poll workers.

The world media will be in Thailand Sunday to firsthand record on video the fascist militants attacking innocent voters, the ordinary Thai citizen trying to exercise their constitutional right to vote.

I've said all along that Suthep and his backers are the guaranteed losers in this conflict they have initiated, that they are the losers from the start of their campaign because they are trying to stop an election and to terminate democracy so they might establish an appointed fascist ruling council that continues to have an elitist secret agenda.

The vast and politically moderate Thai middle recognizes the schemes of Suthep, Abhisit, the Election Commission, the Constitutional Court, the military and all the rest of them. The army still hasn't recovered from 2010 because it doesn't matter which side was to blame, the army came out shooting Thais to kill Thais. The Army is cooked and they know it.

Suthep is next on the skewer.

"the fascist militants attacked innocent voters" ... really?!

What I recall is that one anti-government protester was killed, shot in the head, shots were fired at several other protesters, bombs were set off at protester sites, protesters were beaten up by Red Shirt extremists in Lat Krabang, oh, and let's not forget, they went back to that pick-up truck time after time to carry on beating that 75 year-old guy...!!

Selective myopia or what...?! You're obviously a lost cause...!!

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If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

You assume all 15 million would be dumb enough to vote for this lot again? Or some may not but other would?

They're lots of very very unhappy PTP voters from last time and many disgruntled farmers not all of whom are swallowing the PTP lies anymore.

The hard core reds would protest for sure, with their helpers and weapons. Forcing a SOE and again back round the same old cycle.

Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Shame he never made it to Thailand.

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Ricefarms paid first? No not really, the rice didn't sell (Abhisit and his 'its rotten rice' game did not help with the sales either, which I think was the point of his game), they organized a bond issue to cover it for 14th November, but Suthep undermined that with his protests starting 4th Nov.

That bond issue only part sold, farmers got part payment, the remainder of that bond was sold in January but can't be paid out till elections are over and EC are no longer able to block them.

What on earth does the whole thing have to do with Abhisit, and how does a bond issue help to get the government out of debt? It actually places them further in debt...!!

You can spin it however you want, but the facts behind the rice scam scheme are available to anyone who cares to actually know the truth...


You can say that this is one man's "take" on the story, but what he talks about has actually happened, resulting in Thailand losing it's leading place as a global rice supplier. Thaksin tried to hold the world to ransom and lost, and it is all coming home to roost now.

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If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

You assume all 15 million would be dumb enough to vote for this lot again? Or some may not but other would?

They're lots of very very unhappy PTP voters from last time and many disgruntled farmers not all of whom are swallowing the PTP lies anymore.

The hard core reds would protest for sure, with their helpers and weapons. Forcing a SOE and again back round the same old cycle.

Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Shame he never made it to Thailand.


At least 15 million people. The so-called Democrat party know there's going to be a PTP landslide, that's why they ran away. It doesn't matter if the election is held now or later. When it comes, it will be a red tsunami and it will clean out all the filthy little corners of Thai society. Roll on the election!

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Quitting parliament need some sort of punishment. What the democrats did is anti-democratic and is first steps to a failed state. minimum 3 years in prison if resigning as MP without a good reason. Disagreeing with other MP is not a good reason. Disagreement is the foundation of Democracy, quitting is not.

Same should go for public appointed jobs like this. Quit or don't do you job and you should be held personally responsible.

What would the prison term be if the PM resigned within a few days of winning an election?

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There should be investigation into this resignations. It is not an isolated resignation but en masse.

Why would anyone investigate sensible people? They simply didn't want to have any blood on their hands. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that if this current government pushes with the election more people will die. Those directors realized that the voting in Bangkok is not safe and would almost certainly result in more deaths. Under the circumstances their resignation is very reasonable and they should be commended for it. clap2.gif

Well, only investigation will know if they are sensible people or not. Their en masse action is impeding the election and will result in more anger among those who wanted the 2 Feb election. As of today 41 political parties still want the election to go ahead. Have their vocies been heard?

So that leaves 12 that do not want the election to go ahead on Feb 2nd then... is that correct?


where did you get your list from?

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If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

You assume all 15 million would be dumb enough to vote for this lot again? Or some may not but other would?

They're lots of very very unhappy PTP voters from last time and many disgruntled farmers not all of whom are swallowing the PTP lies anymore.

The hard core reds would protest for sure, with their helpers and weapons. Forcing a SOE and again back round the same old cycle.

Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Shame he never made it to Thailand.


At least 15 million people. The so-called Democrat party know there's going to be a PTP landslide, that's why they ran away. It doesn't matter if the election is held now or later. When it comes, it will be a red tsunami and it will clean out all the filthy little corners of Thai society. Roll on the election!

Nobody like tsunamis.

Especially red ones

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

You assume all 15 million would be dumb enough to vote for this lot again? Or some may not but other would?

They're lots of very very unhappy PTP voters from last time and many disgruntled farmers not all of whom are swallowing the PTP lies anymore.

The hard core reds would protest for sure, with their helpers and weapons. Forcing a SOE and again back round the same old cycle.

Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Shame he never made it to Thailand.


At least 15 million people. The so-called Democrat party know there's going to be a PTP landslide, that's why they ran away. It doesn't matter if the election is held now or later. When it comes, it will be a red tsunami and it will clean out all the filthy little corners of Thai society. Roll on the election!

Do you mean like POL POT did in Cambodia.. That's what it reads like!

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Oh dear. No ones got any balls around here.

On the contrary, they have demonstrated considerable courage, not to mention common sense.

No, they are just doing what they've been told.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ricefarms paid first? No not really, the rice didn't sell (Abhisit and his 'its rotten rice' game did not help with the sales either, which I think was the point of his game), they organized a bond issue to cover it for 14th November, but Suthep undermined that with his protests starting 4th Nov.

That bond issue only part sold, farmers got part payment, the remainder of that bond was sold in January but can't be paid out till elections are over and EC are no longer able to block them.

What on earth does the whole thing have to do with Abhisit, and how does a bond issue help to get the government out of debt? It actually places them further in debt...!!

You can spin it however you want, but the facts behind the rice scam scheme are available to anyone who cares to actually know the truth...


You can say that this is one man's "take" on the story, but what he talks about has actually happened, resulting in Thailand losing it's leading place as a global rice supplier. Thaksin tried to hold the world to ransom and lost, and it is all coming home to roost now.

But Blue nose.. still isn't asking the right questions ..


Why did the government have to do a bond issue ..


did they not ensure payment was secured BEFORE dissolving Parliament..

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