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Is Thai Society Bereft of Social Skills?


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Thai's are bought up to be polite in area's which are deemed important, i.e showing respect based on status etc, taking ones shoes off when entering another persons home.


For those who have lived here along time and have a real understanding of how things are here,

will know that almost everything here is SHOW!

It would be accurate to say that generally Thai's are a rude race trying to pretend not to be. Some of them are just better at it than others.

Don't fall off your horse, buddy, it's a long way down...!

never have and never will, thanks for your concern though.

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I can only recount my personal experiences. I have always found the Thais that I know to be the most perfect company and perfect hosts. I and the wife were at a party a while back, the only farangs there. We were told to park in an area where we were then met and shown across the busy road by a junior member of the family. At the end of the evening, where we had been listening to music and singing karaoke etc, and having great discussions on all manner of topics, we were shown down from the house and across the busy road again personally by the host. I can't imagine that ever happening in the UK, unless we were royalty, which we ain't!

what your describing is service and showmanship, the host of the party was a good host...

what you are describing is not much different than checking into a good hotel and the porter or bell boy bringing your luggage up to the room and back down again when you check out.

the op is about everyday behavior/manners... big difference

No, the difference is that many of us find that the locals' everyday behaviour and manners are overwhelmingly good.

You don't.

Your problem.

Or maybe many of you are equally as bad mannered therefore don't see the problem, which is in turn your problem.

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No your still missing the point, it has nothing to do with him being a farang or not, i used the term farang because you did, but the reason people why him and show him respect is because he is a monk! nothing else..


nobody else has mentioned it. ไอ้ฝรั่ง is that neutral?

You wrote, "You say that where you live nobody cuts the line, or nobody does not say thank you, so if you have not experienced this behavior, why are you posting here? you obviously have nothing to offer this topic!"

That's a good point. 7 of the 20 threads visible on my first page are Thai negative in nature and asking others for supporting negative information or just help with feeling bad in general.

I'm a happy guy in Thailand. I have a happy wife and a happy dog. My stuff works. It gets delivered on time and people say thank you. I would have died here in Thailand if Thai people had not helped me.

Thai society bereft of social skills

Central ruined my day.

Retail store horror stories.

Racist Thai teacher.

Why would I post? Because. You are all sorry whinging complainers that need a bit of sunshine in your lives.

Yep, I live in that Thailand, too.

Many in here live in a different Thailand.

I'm not sure where it is, but I certainly wouldn't want to go and live there. Horrible place!

i bet you where fishermans pants! and believe bargirls are good people too..

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Thing is, we choose to move to Thailand instead of staying in our own heavenly countries where all is so perfect, I wonder why that is ?

Maybe all is not so well in farangland.

You can count on some &lt;deleted&gt; coming in with a facile comment such as yours. The original post merely points out glaring differences in the social culture which are common all over this country..

We are all different, take me for instance, I wouldn't call someone a &lt;deleted&gt; on an anonymous forum, simply because, I don't know that person and I may one day meet him and realise I was wrong, you on the other hand find it acceptable to abuse people who's opinion is different to yours, good luck with that.

If you never realised there are glaring differences in other cultures before you came to Thailand, you must have a very limited experience of travel.

I can walk into a Thai bar and nod and smile at a Thai stranger who invariably will smile back, try that in some pubs in the UK.

they have gay pubs in the uk too

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No your still missing the point, it has nothing to do with him being a farang or not, i used the term farang because you did, but the reason people why him and show him respect is because he is a monk! nothing else..

my point was, if he was just a farang residing in a moo baan (not a monk) people would not walk around waiing him all the time.

You say that where you live nobody cuts the line, or nobody does not say thank you, so if you have not experienced this behavior, why are you posting here?

you obviously have nothing to offer this topic!

I could be wrong, but I am assuming you live in the countryside, where there are less people, less lines to stand in and probably less doors to hold open for people, hence the reason you have not experienced this kind of behavior.

However many people do experience this first hand! and that is what this post is about.

If it something that does not happened to you, thus does not affect you, then why are you posting on a subject that you have no experience to offer! are you bored...

or are you suggesting that because you have not experienced this in your village, then it cant be true?

the other option is everyone can move to where you live, but then there would be long lines that some thai's WILL try and cut, there will be pushing and more doors to hold open for people that wont say thank you.

You are the only one in this topic discussing the word "farang" and if it is a neutral word or not.

nobody else has mentioned it. ไอ้ฝรั่ง is that neutral?

You wrote, "You say that where you live nobody cuts the line, or nobody does not say thank you, so if you have not experienced this behavior, why are you posting here? you obviously have nothing to offer this topic!"

That's a good point. 7 of the 20 threads visible on my first page are Thai negative in nature and asking others for supporting negative information or just help with feeling bad in general.

I'm a happy guy in Thailand. I have a happy wife and a happy dog. My stuff works. It gets delivered on time and people say thank you. I would have died here in Thailand if Thai people had not helped me.

Thai society bereft of social skills

Central ruined my day.

Retail store horror stories.

Racist Thai teacher.

Why would I post? Because. You are all sorry whinging complainers that need a bit of sunshine in your lives.

how do you know your wife is happy? do you ask her? i suppose you ask your dog too whilst posting on thai visa.

ironic isn't it, that you feel it is your personal duty to bring "sunshine" into people lives, when it seems to be your head that is firmly located in a place where the sun never shines!

can you tell us all the great story again please about the stranger getting out of the bus or songtaew and buying you a drink whilst stopped at an intersection...

im not suprised you never notice or encounter any bad manners or rude behaviour here...

your far to busy, asking your wife and dog if they are happy, riding public transport looking for free stuff from the locals, then quickly putting on your cape and boots before writing utter nonsence in this forum in some feeble attempt to spread sunshine into the lives of all thai visa members who dare say something negative about thailand.

your a busy boy.... but are you really sure your wifes happy? ;)

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I can only compare Thai folk with Indonesian, as I lived there for 8 years, and before the advent of "smart" phones.

I'd only been in Indonesia a few weeks, and using public transport for the first time. I was upstairs on a double-decker bus, almost empty at that time, and a guy came and sat next to me, and started firing questions: In Western society, one would be tempted to suggest he mind his own business, and questions included 'where are you from/do you speak Indonesian/ what is your religion/are you married/do you have children/what is your salary/how much rent do you pay/ ? All rather amazing for a newcomer.

However most made sense, as having a religion is a requirement, and as for salary and rent, I made a point of learning 'salary is normal' and leaving it at that.

A few weeks later, another total stranger started asking the same questions, so I turned the tables on him, and asked the usual questions. He looked a bit surprised, then shrugged his shoulders and read his newspaper.

It would be pleasantly surprising if a Thai could muster sufficient English to ask these questions, but it hasn't happened yet.

More recently, my college friend invited a few of his fellow students over, and ALL of them whipped out their smart phones, and started reading or texting. I have no idea if they were conversing with each other or not. I didn't really matter, as my buddy put on a DVD of a ghastly horror movie, heads and blood all over the place, and they glanced at this a few times when the screams were extra loud. A really fun evening. sad.png

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I live in a neighbourhood just outside CM city which is definitely at the lower end of the social scale. My neighbours were a bit cool at first but as one pointed out later it was basically shyness on their part, and wondering why a (rich) farang is living in a place like this, and as well I'm quite a bit older than most of them. At first I felt a bit isolated even when joining their gatherings, little eye contact etc, but I observed their behaviour towards other newcomers was more or less the same which was comforting. There were so many things I was aware of, like not greeting each other when they arrive or saying goodbye when they leave and so on and on... But after a while they came to see me as a fixture and I see them treating me pretty much as they do each other which is great. It helped when they realised I was not actually a rich man...and that I have a taste for lau-keau! My Thai has not improved much because they want me to teach them English although that has actually helped in communicating and getting to know each other.

I think it's fascinating to see and be part of a different culture and experience a new way of life...that's why I left home! Just don't make judgements based on your own values. I would recommend you go live in a working class neighbourhood and meet and get to know real Thais. There's gold in them there rough diamonds.

And finally, if you want to know what rude and f'ing ignorant is then come and meet some of my ex-neighbours in the UK.

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What do you think would help Thais to learn to be a little more social, a little more courteous, a little more polite, - ???????

I think you need to learn fluent Thai and get a degree in social psychology before passing your words off as wisdom.


Edited by Sayonarax
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Thai's are bought up to be polite in area's which are deemed important, i.e showing respect based on status etc, taking ones shoes off when entering another persons home.

These social graces are ingrained in thai's from a young age and is almost a reflex action to some extent.

Often when what can be deemed as rude behaviour is displayed, it is in situations that requires the ability to act accordingly in situations outside of the "running on auto pilot mentallity", where being aware of surroundings and what is going on around them are used to determine how one should conduct themselves.

Thai's can be very very selfish and self absorbed at times. Especially when dealing/interacting with strangers outide the workplace etc.

This can be witnessed in the ways thai's drive or even walk at times, with a blatent disregard for other road uses or people around them.

There is not a thai out there that does not realise it is rude to push in line, so why do they do it? various reasons, such as, sense of entitlement, or just not carring how their actions make others feel or caring how other people will percieve them, I do also believe there are some that are just so self absorbed that they dont stop to pay attention to their present enviroment, i.s pause to see of there is a line of people waiting before them.

As some have stated on here, thai's will often conduct themselves based on status etc, this is true to a certain extent, however can not be used as an excuse for bad manners.

For all the appologists out there that constantly feel the need to defend thai's rude selfish behaviour at any cost, by trying to dress it up as "thai culture" etc, you are the worst kind of people.

I am a farang, but I was raised here, went to school here, have full thai nationality, I am adopted by thai's, raised by thai's and have been raised with manners. I have been bought up with thai culture, rather than just try and "pick it up"

It makes me sick everytime a stupid appologist opens his mouth on this forum, usually your comments and opinions are so far off the mark its laughable, yet you have the nerve to tell other posters in this forum that they just don't understand thai culture. You are pathetic, the way you constantly infect this forum with your obssesive need to protect and defend all that is thai.

Often the whole "Thai culture" term is grossly over used and grossly over exgagerated by people here.

Thailand of course has its own culture, but it is no big mystery and is certainly not the reason behind so many things, as the appologists would have you believe.

If you want a good example of this, here is one: farangs that pay a million baht dowry to marry a rice farmers peasent daughter, or ex bar girl and then tells everyone it's ok because its "thai culture".

When thai's tell a farang "you dont underatand thai culture" what they are really saying is i cant be bothered to explain my actions, or i have no excuse for the my bad behaviour or bad manners or sheer laziness and all the appologists here just fuel the fire everytime they talk the same nonsence.

thai's are generally very selfish and this is often displayed in the way they conduct themselves on a day to day basis, outside the realms of knowing who to wai and when.

When selfishness dictates the way we behave, then it's rude in any culture.

Nobody likes to wait in line, but we do it because it is polite to wait our turn.

For those who have lived here along time and have a real understanding of how things are here,

will know that almost everything here is SHOW!

It would be accurate to say that generally Thai's are a rude race trying to pretend not to be. Some of them are just better at it than others.

Finally a sensible and honest answer, well said!

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absolutely lost skills. just hanging around malls shopping ,fiddling with smartphones ,eating and sleeping is about it.

the new generation are even worse than their elders .

a shallow society gets even shallower than shallow hal

i had call today from a teacher i know who wants help to move some possessions a short distance to a new abode where the owner has moved to and do you know nobody will lift a finger to help her without 3000 cash up front ,talk about selfish and ruthless .

i cant help as i am not local

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Thing is, we choose to move to Thailand instead of staying in our own heavenly countries where all is so perfect, I wonder why that is ?

Maybe all is not so well in farangland.

You can count on some &lt;deleted&gt; coming in with a facile comment such as yours. The original post merely points out glaring differences in the social culture which are common all over this country..

The OP isn't 'pointing out glaring social differences' - he's complaining that the Thais don't behave as he wants them to. If he wants all the social graces that he finds acceptable at home then the best place to be is...

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Thais have little social skills....toward strangers.

I can't count the number of times I've held the door or elevator door with a friendly smile and got a 'f&ck off' look in return.

Now I hardly do it. I asked a Thai friend about it once, he said "I'm not a door man"...that's what I think now, I adapt, Thais should thank me.

It is not something between Thais and foreigners only, I frequently see it done by Thais to other Thais.

Many posters argue that it is a different culture etc., so from their culture Thais don't like other people to hold the door for them and then express appreciation???

As for BTS/MRT: you often see Thais standing right in front of the door to get in without moving to first let passengers out, or, even more often,

remain standing at the door inside instead of stepping aside to let other out.

Thais do walk about as if they are the only ones: walking at very slow pace, eyes on phone only, or suddenly stopping and standing still.

Many times it happened that a Thai will drive his motorcycle on the sidewalk, when there is already only room for 1 person to walk.

The Thai will see me coming, walking, but still drive up the sidewalk instead of waiting a moment.

But I guess according to the Thai apologists here, this is not wrong here, it is normal, even I can do it.

However, I can see things like that happen amongst Thais and many of them don't exactly like it either, it is just that they don't

say anything about it.

I don't find Thais very social and not particularly friendly, only polite when needed.

They say the West is individualistic, but I find Thais move about more individualistic, with little to no regard/consideration of people around, strangers that is.

But, I also see foreigners here doing the same.

When Thais are your friend however, they can be very friendly and courteous.

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No social skills in comparison to what cultures? Ever been to south-east Chicago? Some of the rudest, non-stop swearing, ghetto trash in the entire world.

I find Thai social skills are closely related to their place in society. The poor, dirty Thais working in a local market (many times from Isaan) have a loud, harsh, angry voice and swear often while the higher class, Mercedes driving people are soft spoken, polite and clean.

Same in many other countries. The wealthy are the clean, well spoken and well mannered set while the poor are the angry, dirty and prone to violence.

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Absolute rubbish that the upper-class Thais are more polite, clean etc ha ha ha ha ohh dear.

People from Isaan when in their own environment or in a Bangkok, Isaan ghetto are amongst the friendliest, most welcoming and self effacing people I have had the pleasure to meet.

On buses etc I agree shyness is a major cause of eye contact avoidance BUT rudeness has no cultural shield, no excuse can or should be made for the Chinese Thai elite who will often not even speak when asked politely for directions, for the woman of the same clan who actually sat on the lap of another woman until she moved or those who do not allow others to get off the skytrain as they walk on. The queue dodgers are also extremely rude and they know it.

It could be worse chaps, we could be in Vietnam. Now those are some asians that take rudeness to another arena.

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Have you considered that it may be you that has no social skills ? You cling to your home culture and are incapable of even attempting to adapt to another culture. You don't even have any perception that the problems may be caused by you. Try to remember that the way things are done in Thailand by the Thais is the correct way to do things. Your way is not the correct way.

So when I visit a Thai house I must ask for beer immediately on arrival and leave my trash on the ground after Ive asked to borrow their motosy....yep ok Ill try it and let you know.

Do. Try that and let us know how you get on.

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This is a difficult subject, and one that perplexes us when we are used, sometimes anyway, to different attitudes in our own country. Thais can be extremely polite, but there is indeed a tendency for stand-offishness, but with effort, it can be overcome, and once we are accepted, everything can turn out alright.

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I could never fathom out why Thai people end phone conversations abruptly and impolitely, without even a 'goodbye', 'see you', 'call you later' etc.

Unable to figure this out, I decided to follow the 'when in Rome' principle.

Now I enjoy hanging up on family, friends and strangers before they get the chance to hang up on me.....

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Every accent within Britain is British? Any regional accent within the UK and Northern Ireland; English, Scottish, Welsh or otherwise is just as British as that spoken by yourself and all the other penguins with your snotty nasal beaks up each other's a***holes......Sorry 'Backsides'smile.png

Sigh.... Why oh why is there not a sarcasm smiley and a 'pat on the head' smiley to humour uneducated people....


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Thing is, we choose to move to Thailand instead of staying in our own heavenly countries where all is so perfect, I wonder why that is ?

Maybe all is not so well in farangland.

You can count on some &lt;deleted&gt; coming in with a facile comment such as yours. The original post merely points out glaring differences in the social culture which are common all over this country..

We are all different, take me for instance, I wouldn't call someone a &lt;deleted&gt; on an anonymous forum, simply because, I don't know that person and I may one day meet him and realise I was wrong, you on the other hand find it acceptable to abuse people who's opinion is different to yours, good luck with that.

If you never realised there are glaring differences in other cultures before you came to Thailand, you must have a very limited experience of travel.

I can walk into a Thai bar and nod and smile at a Thai stranger who invariably will smile back, try that in some pubs in the UK.

they have gay pubs in the uk too

Are you practicing how to be obnoxious with that post?thumbsup.gif Good start on your supposed Thai lack of manners. wai2.gif

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Thing is, we choose to move to Thailand instead of staying in our own heavenly countries where all is so perfect, I wonder why that is ?

Maybe all is not so well in farangland.

You can count on some &lt;deleted&gt; coming in with a facile comment such as yours. The original post merely points out glaring differences in the social culture which are common all over this country..

We are all different, take me for instance, I wouldn't call someone a &lt;deleted&gt; on an anonymous forum, simply because, I don't know that person and I may one day meet him and realise I was wrong, you on the other hand find it acceptable to abuse people who's opinion is different to yours, good luck with that.

If you never realised there are glaring differences in other cultures before you came to Thailand, you must have a very limited experience of travel.

I can walk into a Thai bar and nod and smile at a Thai stranger who invariably will smile back, try that in some pubs in the UK.

they have gay pubs in the uk too

Are you practicing how to be obnoxious with that post?thumbsup.gif Good start on your supposed Thai lack of manners. wai2.gif

dont need to practice being obnoxious with people like you, people like you make being obnoxious a reflex action.

shoulnd't you be our riding public transport looking for people to give you free stuff?

according to your previous posts, thats what you do!

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You wrote, "You say that where you live nobody cuts the line, or nobody does not say thank you, so if you have not experienced this behavior, why are you posting here? you obviously have nothing to offer this topic!"

That's a good point. 7 of the 20 threads visible on my first page are Thai negative in nature and asking others for supporting negative information or just help with feeling bad in general.

I'm a happy guy in Thailand. I have a happy wife and a happy dog. My stuff works. It gets delivered on time and people say thank you. I would have died here in Thailand if Thai people had not helped me.

Thai society bereft of social skills

Central ruined my day.

Retail store horror stories.

Racist Thai teacher.

Why would I post? Because. You are all sorry whinging complainers that need a bit of sunshine in your lives.

how do you know your wife is happy? do you ask her? i suppose you ask your dog too whilst posting on thai visa.

ironic isn't it, that you feel it is your personal duty to bring "sunshine" into people lives, when it seems to be your head that is firmly located in a place where the sun never shines!

can you tell us all the great story again please about the stranger getting out of the bus or songtaew and buying you a drink whilst stopped at an intersection...

im not suprised you never notice or encounter any bad manners or rude behaviour here...

your far to busy, asking your wife and dog if they are happy, riding public transport looking for free stuff from the locals, then quickly putting on your cape and boots before writing utter nonsence in this forum in some feeble attempt to spread sunshine into the lives of all thai visa members who dare say something negative about thailand.

your a busy boy.... but are you really sure your wifes happy? wink.png

You wrote, "your a busy boy...but are you really sure your wifes happy?"

Yes. I am. I read her facebook page in Thai where she tells the world every day how lucky she is to have such a good life and she calls me from her office a couple of times a day to make sure I am OK.

Every morning when I get up the dog is happy to see me. She jumps and rolls on her back and brings me her toys in the event I want to play. She nuzzles my legs and walks with me anywhere I want to go.

There are a lot of dogs around here so it is easy to pick out the happy ones from the unhappy ones.

There are really only a handful of sad posters; misery loves company types and you're one of them.

But I do sympathize with you. And to help you find really rude countries to visit to make you're evaluation of Thailand more accurate I did some research on Forbes.



Nationality Percentage of votes French 19.29 Russian 16.56 British 10.43 German 9.93 Other 6.37 Chinese 4.3

Edited by thailiketoo
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Thais have little social skills....toward strangers.

I can't count the number of times I've held the door or elevator door with a friendly smile and got a 'f&ck off' look in return.

Now I hardly do it. I asked a Thai friend about it once, he said "I'm not a door man"...that's what I think now, I adapt, Thais should thank me.

It is not something between Thais and foreigners only, I frequently see it done by Thais to other Thais.

Many posters argue that it is a different culture etc., so from their culture Thais don't like other people to hold the door for them and then express appreciation???

As for BTS/MRT: you often see Thais standing right in front of the door to get in without moving to first let passengers out, or, even more often,

remain standing at the door inside instead of stepping aside to let other out.

Thais do walk about as if they are the only ones: walking at very slow pace, eyes on phone only, or suddenly stopping and standing still.

Many times it happened that a Thai will drive his motorcycle on the sidewalk, when there is already only room for 1 person to walk.

The Thai will see me coming, walking, but still drive up the sidewalk instead of waiting a moment.

But I guess according to the Thai apologists here, this is not wrong here, it is normal, even I can do it.

However, I can see things like that happen amongst Thais and many of them don't exactly like it either, it is just that they don't

say anything about it.

I don't find Thais very social and not particularly friendly, only polite when needed.

They say the West is individualistic, but I find Thais move about more individualistic, with little to no regard/consideration of people around, strangers that is.

But, I also see foreigners here doing the same.

When Thais are your friend however, they can be very friendly and courteous.

well written and 100% true.

What the appologists can't seem to figure out, is that thai's are raised to be butt kissers, they are very good at knowing who's butt to kiss and when.

Basically when something is in it for them.

But when it comes to common basic social skills, when out and about in public and amongst strangers, they fail on most counts.

I know this because I have been raised here since i was a kid, i went to school here, I have full thai nationality as I am adopted by thai's.

Both my thai parents have always bought me up to have good basic manners.

my parents also say that since living abroad many many years ago, they realize how impacient, selfish and rude thai people can be.

Im sure the thai appologists here, will be quick to point out how we are all wrong though and somehow we just dont get thai's the way they do.

they are probably right though, surley me being raised here and having full thai nationality, does not contend with their tourist visa or permision to stay visa and all the "thai culture" understanding that comes with it!

Funny why do you not write like a thai?

Did your thai foster parents try to learn as much english as possible? This would make it look really odd.

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You wrote, "You say that where you live nobody cuts the line, or nobody does not say thank you, so if you have not experienced this behavior, why are you posting here? you obviously have nothing to offer this topic!"

That's a good point. 7 of the 20 threads visible on my first page are Thai negative in nature and asking others for supporting negative information or just help with feeling bad in general.

I'm a happy guy in Thailand. I have a happy wife and a happy dog. My stuff works. It gets delivered on time and people say thank you. I would have died here in Thailand if Thai people had not helped me.

Thai society bereft of social skills

Central ruined my day.

Retail store horror stories.

Racist Thai teacher.

Why would I post? Because. You are all sorry whinging complainers that need a bit of sunshine in your lives.

how do you know your wife is happy? do you ask her? i suppose you ask your dog too whilst posting on thai visa.

ironic isn't it, that you feel it is your personal duty to bring "sunshine" into people lives, when it seems to be your head that is firmly located in a place where the sun never shines!

can you tell us all the great story again please about the stranger getting out of the bus or songtaew and buying you a drink whilst stopped at an intersection...

im not suprised you never notice or encounter any bad manners or rude behaviour here...

your far to busy, asking your wife and dog if they are happy, riding public transport looking for free stuff from the locals, then quickly putting on your cape and boots before writing utter nonsence in this forum in some feeble attempt to spread sunshine into the lives of all thai visa members who dare say something negative about thailand.

your a busy boy.... but are you really sure your wifes happy? wink.png

You wrote, "your a busy boy...but are you really sure your wifes happy?"

Yes. I am. I read her facebook page in Thai where she tells the world every day how lucky she is to have such a good life and she calls me from her office a couple of times a day to make sure I am OK.

Every morning when I get up the dog is happy to see me. She jumps and rolls on her back and brings me her toys in the event I want to play. She nuzzles my legs and walks with me anywhere I want to go.

There are a lot of dogs around here so it is easy to pick out the happy ones from the unhappy ones.

There are really only a handful of sad posters; misery loves company types and you're one of them.

But I do sympathize with you. And to help you find really rude countries to visit to make you're evaluation of Thailand more accurate I did some research on Forbes.



Nationality Percentage of votes French 19.29 Russian 16.56 British 10.43 German 9.93 Other 6.37 Chinese 4.3


so you are using outside resources to substitute your own lack of experience!

so because you did a quick search on google and thailand didn't happen to be on the list ofnrude countries, then thai people are not lacking in basic good manners? ... ok

you wrote

"Every morning when I get up the dog is happy to see me. She jumps and rolls on her back and brings me her toys in the event I want to play. She nuzzles my legs and walks with me anywhere I want to go."

that sounds more like a dog starved of attention, than a happy one!

so you feel the need to go into your wifes facebook page and use google translator to try and determain if your wife is happy.

oh sorry she calls you from the office... the tale tale sign of any happily married women.

your problem is, you are the ultimate thai appologist! that most people here despise!

no one on this topic has stated they are miserable here, people have merley pointed out that thai's although can appear polite in certain situations where they have been programmed to be, they are generally lacking basic manners in the bigger arena!

but because you are a thai appologist, you can not bare to hear such comments, and will clutch at any straw no matter how ridiculous (forbes references) to try and make your point.

I understand that for people like you, thailand is often your last resort, your last chance to try and be the man you always wanted to be (or at least pretend to be)

im sure you exhausted every possible means in other places i.e your hometown, then came here and managed to achieve things which had started to seem impossible elswhere e.g a wife, and a dog.

But unfortunately your new found sence of worth have breached the realms of reality and you now live in some niave utopia that you will protect at all costs.

you struggle to communicate sensibly with people that live in the real world and thus any objective points or observations made by people livebin the real world that threaten your utopia are like cryptonite is to superman.

see the main difference between regualr posters on this forum and the appologists like you, is that regular posters have the backbone and honesty to say that thailand has some serious negatives and are willing to openly discuss these percieved negatives, the posters here are not saying anywhere else is perfect or better on the whole, nor are they saying they are miserable.

Then you have your kind, the appologists, you lot an entirley different breed altogether, you are so hell bent on trying to supress then collective thoughts and opinions of ordinary posters, that you canvas forums like these looking for any debates that could open the doors to negetive comments or opinions about thai's or thailand.

You act like because the majority of these posters are not thai's and thailand is not their country of origin, then they have no right to complain.

whats wrong with calling a spade a spade.

As i explained earlier, i have been raised here, i have thai parents (adopted) i have thai nationality....

i dont hate thailand, or thai people, but i hate somethings about thailand and some thai people, as do other thai's. The diffence is, the non appologists are able to accept this and discuss it openly.

But you are not just an appologist, you are a also a hypocrite...

because you openly stated yesterday, that you have never experienced bad manners or rudeness from a thai, and basically admitted that you therefore have no personal experience in this matter and thus have nothing constructive to contribute to this topic.

well if your so happy and never have experienced rudeness or bad manners here, then why are you trolling theae threads condeming people for a point of view or observation they make.

you say misery attracts misery, so if we are all so miserable for noticing how thai people can often be so void of good manners, why are you involving yourself, you reffered to yourself as "sunshine" yesterday.

If misery only attracts misery, then why is "sunshine actively seeking out ways of coming into contact with misery"

The ironic thing is, the thailand, and the thai people you so adamantly and laughably defend, to the larger extent does not know who you are and does not give two shxts about you.

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I can only recount my personal experiences. I have always found the Thais that I know to be the most perfect company and perfect hosts. I and the wife were at a party a while back, the only farangs there. We were told to park in an area where we were then met and shown across the busy road by a junior member of the family. At the end of the evening, where we had been listening to music and singing karaoke etc, and having great discussions on all manner of topics, we were shown down from the house and across the busy road again personally by the host. I can't imagine that ever happening in the UK, unless we were royalty, which we ain't!

what your describing is service and showmanship, the host of the party was a good host...

what you are describing is not much different than checking into a good hotel and the porter or bell boy bringing your luggage up to the room and back down again when you check out.

the op is about everyday behavior/manners... big difference

No, the difference is that many of us find that the locals' everyday behaviour and manners are overwhelmingly good.

You don't.

Your problem.

Or maybe many of you are equally as bad mannered therefore don't see the problem, which is in turn your problem.


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You wrote, "You say that where you live nobody cuts the line, or nobody does not say thank you, so if you have not experienced this behavior, why are you posting here? you obviously have nothing to offer this topic!"

That's a good point. 7 of the 20 threads visible on my first page are Thai negative in nature and asking others for supporting negative information or just help with feeling bad in general.

I'm a happy guy in Thailand. I have a happy wife and a happy dog. My stuff works. It gets delivered on time and people say thank you. I would have died here in Thailand if Thai people had not helped me.

Thai society bereft of social skills

Central ruined my day.

Retail store horror stories.

Racist Thai teacher.

Why would I post? Because. You are all sorry whinging complainers that need a bit of sunshine in your lives.

how do you know your wife is happy? do you ask her? i suppose you ask your dog too whilst posting on thai visa.

ironic isn't it, that you feel it is your personal duty to bring "sunshine" into people lives, when it seems to be your head that is firmly located in a place where the sun never shines!

can you tell us all the great story again please about the stranger getting out of the bus or songtaew and buying you a drink whilst stopped at an intersection...

im not suprised you never notice or encounter any bad manners or rude behaviour here...

your far to busy, asking your wife and dog if they are happy, riding public transport looking for free stuff from the locals, then quickly putting on your cape and boots before writing utter nonsence in this forum in some feeble attempt to spread sunshine into the lives of all thai visa members who dare say something negative about thailand.

your a busy boy.... but are you really sure your wifes happy? wink.png

You wrote, "your a busy boy...but are you really sure your wifes happy?"

Yes. I am. I read her facebook page in Thai where she tells the world every day how lucky she is to have such a good life and she calls me from her office a couple of times a day to make sure I am OK.

Every morning when I get up the dog is happy to see me. She jumps and rolls on her back and brings me her toys in the event I want to play. She nuzzles my legs and walks with me anywhere I want to go.

There are a lot of dogs around here so it is easy to pick out the happy ones from the unhappy ones.

There are really only a handful of sad posters; misery loves company types and you're one of them.

But I do sympathize with you. And to help you find really rude countries to visit to make you're evaluation of Thailand more accurate I did some research on Forbes.



Nationality Percentage of votes French 19.29 Russian 16.56 British 10.43 German 9.93 Other 6.37 Chinese 4.3


so you are using outside resources to substitute your own lack of experience!

so because you did a quick search on google and thailand didn't happen to be on the list ofnrude countries, then thai people are not lacking in basic good manners? ... ok

you wrote

"Every morning when I get up the dog is happy to see me. She jumps and rolls on her back and brings me her toys in the event I want to play. She nuzzles my legs and walks with me anywhere I want to go."

that sounds more like a dog starved of attention, than a happy one!

so you feel the need to go into your wifes facebook page and use google translator to try and determain if your wife is happy.

oh sorry she calls you from the office... the tale tale sign of any happily married women.

your problem is, you are the ultimate thai appologist! that most people here despise!

no one on this topic has stated they are miserable here, people have merley pointed out that thai's although can appear polite in certain situations where they have been programmed to be, they are generally lacking basic manners in the bigger arena!

but because you are a thai appologist, you can not bare to hear such comments, and will clutch at any straw no matter how ridiculous (forbes references) to try and make your point.

I understand that for people like you, thailand is often your last resort, your last chance to try and be the man you always wanted to be (or at least pretend to be)

im sure you exhausted every possible means in other places i.e your hometown, then came here and managed to achieve things which had started to seem impossible elswhere e.g a wife, and a dog.

But unfortunately your new found sence of worth have breached the realms of reality and you now live in some niave utopia that you will protect at all costs.

you struggle to communicate sensibly with people that live in the real world and thus any objective points or observations made by people livebin the real world that threaten your utopia are like cryptonite is to superman.

see the main difference between regualr posters on this forum and the appologists like you, is that regular posters have the backbone and honesty to say that thailand has some serious negatives and are willing to openly discuss these percieved negatives, the posters here are not saying anywhere else is perfect or better on the whole, nor are they saying they are miserable.

Then you have your kind, the appologists, you lot an entirley different breed altogether, you are so hell bent on trying to supress then collective thoughts and opinions of ordinary posters, that you canvas forums like these looking for any debates that could open the doors to negetive comments or opinions about thai's or thailand.

You act like because the majority of these posters are not thai's and thailand is not their country of origin, then they have no right to complain.

whats wrong with calling a spade a spade.

As i explained earlier, i have been raised here, i have thai parents (adopted) i have thai nationality....

i dont hate thailand, or thai people, but i hate somethings about thailand and some thai people, as do other thai's. The diffence is, the non appologists are able to accept this and discuss it openly.

But you are not just an appologist, you are a also a hypocrite...

because you openly stated yesterday, that you have never experienced bad manners or rudeness from a thai, and basically admitted that you therefore have no personal experience in this matter and thus have nothing constructive to contribute to this topic.

well if your so happy and never have experienced rudeness or bad manners here, then why are you trolling theae threads condeming people for a point of view or observation they make.

you say misery attracts misery, so if we are all so miserable for noticing how thai people can often be so void of good manners, why are you involving yourself, you reffered to yourself as "sunshine" yesterday.

If misery only attracts misery, then why is "sunshine actively seeking out ways of coming into contact with misery"

The ironic thing is, the thailand, and the thai people you so adamantly and laughably defend, to the larger extent does not know who you are and does not give two shxts about you.

Tyler you make a number of points. Let me see if I can give them some order.

1. You wrote, "so you are using outside resources to substitute your own lack of experience"

I wrote a number of times Thai people are polite to me. I offer outside objective verification of the fact Thailand is not recognized as one of the rudest countries to travelers. Numbers one and two are France and Russia which has also been my experience.

2. You wrote, "that sounds more like a dog starved of attention, than a happy one"

One of my joys of waking up each day is the happiness of my dog. She is a Carolina Dog; . looks like Thong Daeng. She is also a very polite dog. When I put her food out she waits sitting patiently until I tell her it is OK to eat. She only accepts food from me or my wife.

3. You wrote, "oh sorry she calls you from the office... the tale tale sign of any happily married women."

I am 30 years older than my wife and she calls to make sure I'm alive. Many health problems have a time limit of 4 hours. If one can get to a hospital in 4 hours corrective action can be taken. That's why she calls. Or I text her and she calls to tell me what I should pick up from the store.

4. You wrote, "The ironic thing is, the thailand, and the thai people you so adamantly and laughably defend, to the larger extent does not know who you are and does not give two shxts about you."

As a young man I was in the Army with Thai troops and they saved my life. As an old man I was in a Thai hospital with heart problems and Thai people saved my life again. wai2.gif

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You wrote, "You say that where you live nobody cuts the line, or nobody does not say thank you, so if you have not experienced this behavior, why are you posting here? you obviously have nothing to offer this topic!"

That's a good point. 7 of the 20 threads visible on my first page are Thai negative in nature and asking others for supporting negative information or just help with feeling bad in general.

I'm a happy guy in Thailand. I have a happy wife and a happy dog. My stuff works. It gets delivered on time and people say thank you. I would have died here in Thailand if Thai people had not helped me.

Thai society bereft of social skills

Central ruined my day.

Retail store horror stories.

Racist Thai teacher.

Why would I post? Because. You are all sorry whinging complainers that need a bit of sunshine in your lives.

how do you know your wife is happy? do you ask her? i suppose you ask your dog too whilst posting on thai visa.

ironic isn't it, that you feel it is your personal duty to bring "sunshine" into people lives, when it seems to be your head that is firmly located in a place where the sun never shines!

can you tell us all the great story again please about the stranger getting out of the bus or songtaew and buying you a drink whilst stopped at an intersection...

im not suprised you never notice or encounter any bad manners or rude behaviour here...

your far to busy, asking your wife and dog if they are happy, riding public transport looking for free stuff from the locals, then quickly putting on your cape and boots before writing utter nonsence in this forum in some feeble attempt to spread sunshine into the lives of all thai visa members who dare say something negative about thailand.

your a busy boy.... but are you really sure your wifes happy? wink.png

You wrote, "your a busy boy...but are you really sure your wifes happy?"

Yes. I am. I read her facebook page in Thai where she tells the world every day how lucky she is to have such a good life and she calls me from her office a couple of times a day to make sure I am OK.

Every morning when I get up the dog is happy to see me. She jumps and rolls on her back and brings me her toys in the event I want to play. She nuzzles my legs and walks with me anywhere I want to go.

There are a lot of dogs around here so it is easy to pick out the happy ones from the unhappy ones.

There are really only a handful of sad posters; misery loves company types and you're one of them.

But I do sympathize with you. And to help you find really rude countries to visit to make you're evaluation of Thailand more accurate I did some research on Forbes.



Nationality Percentage of votes French 19.29 Russian 16.56 British 10.43 German 9.93 Other 6.37 Chinese 4.3


so you are using outside resources to substitute your own lack of experience!

so because you did a quick search on google and thailand didn't happen to be on the list ofnrude countries, then thai people are not lacking in basic good manners? ... ok

you wrote

"Every morning when I get up the dog is happy to see me. She jumps and rolls on her back and brings me her toys in the event I want to play. She nuzzles my legs and walks with me anywhere I want to go."

that sounds more like a dog starved of attention, than a happy one!

so you feel the need to go into your wifes facebook page and use google translator to try and determain if your wife is happy.

oh sorry she calls you from the office... the tale tale sign of any happily married women.

your problem is, you are the ultimate thai appologist! that most people here despise!

no one on this topic has stated they are miserable here, people have merley pointed out that thai's although can appear polite in certain situations where they have been programmed to be, they are generally lacking basic manners in the bigger arena!

but because you are a thai appologist, you can not bare to hear such comments, and will clutch at any straw no matter how ridiculous (forbes references) to try and make your point.

I understand that for people like you, thailand is often your last resort, your last chance to try and be the man you always wanted to be (or at least pretend to be)

im sure you exhausted every possible means in other places i.e your hometown, then came here and managed to achieve things which had started to seem impossible elswhere e.g a wife, and a dog.

But unfortunately your new found sence of worth have breached the realms of reality and you now live in some niave utopia that you will protect at all costs.

you struggle to communicate sensibly with people that live in the real world and thus any objective points or observations made by people livebin the real world that threaten your utopia are like cryptonite is to superman.

see the main difference between regualr posters on this forum and the appologists like you, is that regular posters have the backbone and honesty to say that thailand has some serious negatives and are willing to openly discuss these percieved negatives, the posters here are not saying anywhere else is perfect or better on the whole, nor are they saying they are miserable.

Then you have your kind, the appologists, you lot an entirley different breed altogether, you are so hell bent on trying to supress then collective thoughts and opinions of ordinary posters, that you canvas forums like these looking for any debates that could open the doors to negetive comments or opinions about thai's or thailand.

You act like because the majority of these posters are not thai's and thailand is not their country of origin, then they have no right to complain.

whats wrong with calling a spade a spade.

As i explained earlier, i have been raised here, i have thai parents (adopted) i have thai nationality....

i dont hate thailand, or thai people, but i hate somethings about thailand and some thai people, as do other thai's. The diffence is, the non appologists are able to accept this and discuss it openly.

But you are not just an appologist, you are a also a hypocrite...

because you openly stated yesterday, that you have never experienced bad manners or rudeness from a thai, and basically admitted that you therefore have no personal experience in this matter and thus have nothing constructive to contribute to this topic.

well if your so happy and never have experienced rudeness or bad manners here, then why are you trolling theae threads condeming people for a point of view or observation they make.

you say misery attracts misery, so if we are all so miserable for noticing how thai people can often be so void of good manners, why are you involving yourself, you reffered to yourself as "sunshine" yesterday.

If misery only attracts misery, then why is "sunshine actively seeking out ways of coming into contact with misery"

The ironic thing is, the thailand, and the thai people you so adamantly and laughably defend, to the larger extent does not know who you are and does not give two shxts about you.

Tyler you make a number of points. Let me see if I can give them some order.

1. You wrote, "so you are using outside resources to substitute your own lack of experience"

I wrote a number of times Thai people are polite to me. I offer outside objective verification of the fact Thailand is not recognized as one of the rudest countries to travelers. Numbers one and two are France and Russia which has also been my experience.

2. You wrote, "that sounds more like a dog starved of attention, than a happy one"

One of my joys of waking up each day is the happiness of my dog. She is a Carolina Dog; . looks like Thong Daeng. She is also a very polite dog. When I put her food out she waits sitting patiently until I tell her it is OK to eat. She only accepts food from me or my wife.

3. You wrote, "oh sorry she calls you from the office... the tale tale sign of any happily married women."

I am 30 years older than my wife and she calls to make sure I'm alive. Many health problems have a time limit of 4 hours. If one can get to a hospital in 4 hours corrective action can be taken. That's why she calls. Or I text her and she calls to tell me what I should pick up from the store.

4. You wrote, "The ironic thing is, the thailand, and the thai people you so adamantly and laughably defend, to the larger extent does not know who you are and does not give two shxts about you."

As a young man I was in the Army with Thai troops and they saved my life. As an old man I was in a Thai hospital with heart problems and Thai people saved my life again. wai2.gif

all your comments are still nonsense when used in relation to this thread!

had the op started a thread saying "thailand is the rudest country in the world" then i would be agreeing with you!

but you highjacked the thread, which was about thai people lacking decent manners in day to day situations.

if you believe that, not saying thank you to somebody who holds a door open for you, or cutting the line in thailand is not rude and a clear display of bad manners then you are being ridiculous!

there are certain social graces that are not the same between cultures and these things should be allowed for, but this thread was not about cultural differences, this thread was about basic manners that are common place throughout the world.

fine you say you have never experienced the lack if manners displayed by thai's that many posters here have experienced.

that is no excuse for you hijacking a forum and calling posters, miserable people etc just because they feel they do experience bad manners from thai's.

you seem to have some sort of misplaced loyalty, which commands you to defend an entire nation of people...

had you just said you have never experienced these things personally so therefore cant agree, then i doubt anyone would have a problem with it, but you didn't do that.

so your wife rings you from the office to make sure your still alive...

mmmm nothing to do with being happy, she is just being a good wife! and has nothing to do with bad manners displayed from thai's in the whole... hence my "your clutching at straws" comment

you being saved by thai doctors, so because a thai doctor did their job, that is a get out of jail free card for every rude thai is it?

more nonsense...

had you been taken ill in any country, the local doctor would have tried to save your life... that is what doctors do...

still no defense for bad manners displayed by thai's.

im sure your wife is very caring toward you, to be honest, you must be a huge burden to her!

but she knew what she was getting into no doubt when she married a man so much older than her..

i still don't see how anything you have said is at all relevant to original topic!

and my comment about "thailand and thai people to the larger extent, don't know who you are or give two shxts about you" is still valid.

the rude people that posters here have been referring to, people cutting lines etc and displaying bad social skill and basic manners, are not the people that are calling you four times a day to check your not dead, they are not the doctors that saved your life, so why are you defending these people?

i now know that you are quite old and i have been raised to respect my elders, so i will refrain from saying some of things that i would like to say to you.

But respect should also be earned, so if you would like to be treated with respect please stop with the whole apologist attitude and insulting or trying to belittle other posters here for openly discussing issues that fracture the walls of your personal utopia.

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all your comments are still nonsense when used in relation to this thread!

had the op started a thread saying "thailand is the rudest country in the world" then i would be agreeing with you!

but you highjacked the thread, which was about thai people lacking decent manners in day to day situations.

if you believe that, not saying thank you to somebody who holds a door open for you, or cutting the line in thailand is not rude and a clear display of bad manners then you are being ridiculous!

there are certain social graces that are not the same between cultures and these things should be allowed for, but this thread was not about cultural differences, this thread was about basic manners that are common place throughout the world.

fine you say you have never experienced the lack if manners displayed by thai's that many posters here have experienced.

that is no excuse for you hijacking a forum and calling posters, miserable people etc just because they feel they do experience bad manners from thai's.

you seem to have some sort of misplaced loyalty, which commands you to defend an entire nation of people...

had you just said you have never experienced these things personally so therefore cant agree, then i doubt anyone would have a problem with it, but you didn't do that.

so your wife rings you from the office to make sure your still alive...

mmmm nothing to do with being happy, she is just being a good wife! and has nothing to do with bad manners displayed from thai's in the whole... hence my "your clutching at straws" comment

you being saved by thai doctors, so because a thai doctor did their job, that is a get out of jail free card for every rude thai is it?

more nonsense...

had you been taken ill in any country, the local doctor would have tried to save your life... that is what doctors do...

still no defense for bad manners displayed by thai's.

im sure your wife is very caring toward you, to be honest, you must be a huge burden to her!

but she knew what she was getting into no doubt when she married a man so much older than her..

i still don't see how anything you have said is at all relevant to original topic!

and my comment about "thailand and thai people to the larger extent, don't know who you are or give two shxts about you" is still valid.

the rude people that posters here have been referring to, people cutting lines etc and displaying bad social skill and basic manners, are not the people that are calling you four times a day to check your not dead, they are not the doctors that saved your life, so why are you defending these people?

i now know that you are quite old and i have been raised to respect my elders, so i will refrain from saying some of things that i would like to say to you.

But respect should also be earned, so if you would like to be treated with respect please stop with the whole apologist attitude and insulting or trying to belittle other posters here for openly discussing issues that fracture the walls of your personal utopia.

According to a recent survey by famous Scottish travel website, Skyscanner, Thailand is one of most polite countries for travelers whereas France, Russia, UK, Germany and China tops the list of the World's rudest countries.


Not only myself but many others find Thailand a polite country. Personally, I had a heart problem and a nurse drove me to the hospital and I was in the hospital, in ICU, being treated within 5 minutes of my arriving at the front door. In the West it would have been a different story. 2 hours minimum with the same problem. I know, "Medical care is 3rd leading cause of death in U.S." http://chriskresser.com/medical-care-is-the-3rd-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-us

This topic is, "Is Thai society berift of social skills?" My answer is a resounding NO. Not for me and many people I know in many areas of Thai society from the military to the medical professions.

The topic for your information is not, "Thai society is bereft of social skills." The topis is,"Is Thai society bereft of social skills?" With a question mark.

And if you are going to quote me; quote accurately. My wife calls twice a day (not 4 times). I think that's nice. Her business also takes her overseas and she calls from other countries as well. She is a nice caring lady.

I have a polite wife and a polite dog and the people I deal with on a daily basis in Thailand are more polite, as a rule, than the people I dealt with in the West, and certainly more polite than the Russians or French I have met when a tourist in those countries. I have found people in the medical profession in

Thailand to be very polite also.

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