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my gf things she is always right, even when she is wrong. Am I the only one?


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I married Miss Google in 1999, but before that while she was still a GF, yes she was the same...................sad.png


Edit: When her sister Miss Britannica (De-luxe) comes to visit, it makes me understand why some people have drink or drug problems

Edited by chrisinth
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Hold your ground but be tack full.

Tack full. What's that then, someone who has ingested lots of little nails? tongue.png

Op, give her a right old tactful savaging to bring her into line, or move on. If you don't do one of these, you'll never be happy.

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You know, I've got some great lady friends who have husband who are insufferable know-it-alls. I don't understand how they can put it with them. They turn into meek little mice when they're around them. Those sweet ladies invite Hubby and I to go out for meals with their husbands but we can't stand the blowhards. I don't mind lunch with those ladies, but leave their idiot husbands at home.

See --- it works both ways!

What if the sweet lady is of the type in the op, i.e. never wrong? Is she still sweet because she's a sister?

There is a big difference between being a know-all and actually knowing it all and being a 'know-all' and knowing f'all. Both types are equally annoying, though the latter are kind of sad and amusing at the same time.

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Maybe she is always right and you are wrong ..... I think you need a third party to vote on this

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Exactly. If every time there's a disagreement and the GF thinks she's always right, it also means that she thinks he's always wrong. And why would that be? Perhaps the guy is in fact always wrong. Or she doesn't respect his opinion. Or she doesn't trust his judgement. Or she flatout doesn't respect him. Or she thinks he's a total knob. Regardless, I still think he's whipped.

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I fail to see what education, higher or none has to do with this trait in Thai ladies.

Possibly a more rational explanation of a forthright, Bossy or dominating personality might be that in a lot of Thai families its the lady who wears the pants or is the back bone and provider of the family.

This domineering trait can be learned from her Mother who may well have had to act like a Father and a Mother due to the drinking, womanising antics of some Thai men ( read most) and it is always prudent to meet up with the Mum for those interested in marrying a Thai lady to find out how is lady is going to turn out when the honeymoon period is over.

usually whilst the daughter loves her Thai Mum ( As in our case) there will be signs that they dont get on to well day to day because their personalities are too well matched.

jump to your own conclusions as to why that is, maybe something to do with the quality of typically Thai men but IMHO she is the one who does all the work and thus makes most of the decisions, in the process giving her that confidence and attitude that I find sometimes annoying but most of the time great insomuch as I am happy for her to be the Big Boss and make most of the day to day decisions in our lives

It must also be said that as well as her indoors never being wrong about anything under the Sun there is some benefits in that as my wife she is a wonderful carer, her self imposed sense of maternal responsibility covers everything from what I am going to wear or what do I want for my dinner ETC

The poster who said something like He needs occasionally to stamp his feet now and again (or give his wife a slap ) has much in common with me but when I do stamp my feet (although tempted to give her a slap have never done so even when pushed into a tight corner) on these occasions (rare) the lady wife has enough gumption to back off at least until the next time.

Having said all that about her I still think that she is the greatest sexiest little lady that I have ever met and would not swap her for all the tea in China but I would send her on holiday for a little while!

Edited by n210mp
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I know better than to ever think that my wife could be wrong, incorrect, or even slightly misinformed.....Pavlov was right, the beatings ensured I now completely understand her infallibility!

One man who really understands the roles and relationships of the sexes.

"If a man is walking inthe woods alone, with noone else around, talking to himself, is he still alway wrong??" Affirmative

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No, you have it confused, and clearly you need re-education. By saying she thinks she is right 'even when clearly wrong' is the problem, don't you see - it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to be wrong so your statement makes no sense.

I have never received an apology or a recognition that my partner was wrong and I can imagine if I was instructing her in hand grenade use and she threw away the pin and not the grenade, every little bit that resulted from the explosion would still proclaim that she did what I said and could not possibly have misheard me.

If an argument has occurred because (really) of something she did or said and the argument is getting out of control - to take the heat out I will say something like 'look it's my fault completely for saying something that I shouldn't have said, or misunderstanding what you meant' or along those lines ... and I still can't help my brain then pausing and waiting for the expected response to such an olive branch - even if it was 'well maybe I over-reacted a tiny bit and shouldn't have thrown the full bottle at your head and used one of the empties" ... but it never comes.

In fact sometimes even after a false (but heartfelt and convincing) acceptance of full and total guilt, dressing in sack cloth and ashes, refusing to curl into the foetal position to protect my vital organs the beating continues - perhaps as a warning not to be so sassy the next time. I am a slow learner.

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That isn't a Thai thing - ALL women think like that...........

​Buddhist logic.... A scorpion stings because it is a scorpion, it is the nature of the beast to sting.

Roughly translated..A woman thinks she is always right because she is a woman, it is the nature of the beast - NEVER forget women are emotional creatures NOT logical, which is why they're great in bed,but not so clever with your money )Pls note I said your money!)... Chock Dee

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