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my gf things she is always right, even when she is wrong. Am I the only one?


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Yes my g/f is that way to like a dog with a bone and will not let go. She will however admit she is wrong when proven so. She also talks very loud (she tells me her 3 sisters are the same)but then nobody is perfect and I still love her dearly. She does not drink, smoke spend money foolishly steal lie or cheat. She is religious to a fault (which I like)She is 95% perfect which well is more than I can say for myself.

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Just tell her to stop lying to herself as she knows well that she is not right when she is not right. So might as well grow up and actually take responsibility.

No disrespect but that's what it is.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And telling someone like that to change her ideas about herself and what she believes? Really think that's going to achieve anything, especially coming from a non-Thai (or Lao)?

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You didn't do your homework. Seems that she's doing with you what she wants. And you love her ignorance.

Try to explain Albert Einstein's quotation to her: " I know that I know nothing." Then ask her if she'd ever heard that name before.

Needed a long time to figure out that my wife can't read a map, even in Thai. When she's telling me to turn left, I turn right and vice verse..

She was telling me weird stories about ghosts, who wanted to take her uncle away, but he had a stroke and I could proof it.Then he died because of a stroke.

Thais lose a lot of face, foreigners usually lose some good money. Those who found love are the happy ones, including me.-wai2.gif


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Presume you have been in the kingdom longer than 5 minutes so you would be aware that this is a face saving/enhancing trait, not restricted to Thailand or women. I simply use the local way of handling this .... state my point (making sure its true first), say what I want to happen and then say nothing more about it. Just wait with a lot of patience. This has led to the silent return of missing baht, changed behavior in certain situations but, of course, never, ever an apology or admission of fault - that would be too wounding

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Maybe she is always right and you are wrong ..... I think you need a third party to vote on this

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Exactly. If every time there's a disagreement and the GF thinks she's always right, it also means that she thinks he's always wrong. And why would that be? Perhaps the guy is in fact always wrong. Or she doesn't respect his opinion. Or she doesn't trust his judgement. Or she flatout doesn't respect him. Or she thinks he's a total knob. Regardless, I still think he's whipped.

And the reason is simple: he's not Thai.

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Yes, my wife has a habit of doing this. But so do a lot of other Thais that I have done, or tried, to do business with. No matter that they know nothing about the subject at hand, they will put out an non-informed opinion and will not move from that position. I am not sure if it is "cultural" or simply a common behavioral trait. It is like trying to have a discussion with someone from NY.

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Here is what you tell her. SEE YA. I can not believe the number of men who put up with women's nonsense. Why? You afraid to be on your own? You let a woman steal your self respect. Ashamed of the men out there who fall for the whims of any women these days. Women are for inserting your penis into and releasing. Period. They are emotional trainwrecks who want to take everybody down with them. They are dream wreckers as well. Stop being nice to them and relying on then for your entertainment. Develop a hobby. Learn a new skill. Invest in yourself. Stop trying to make them happy. Make gf, wife- vaginamony, child support etc... someone elses problem. Live by this code,AMP. Another Mans Problem. I want to offer help. Don't destroy your lives and self respect over a woman. OP, get some balls and show this girl out today. You sound pauhetic opening a topic like this. TUROK

"Women are for inserting your penis into and releasing. Period." Maybe better to be gay. No period!

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My wife started out like that but I didn't try to argue my points....waste of time. I was patient and always waited

(hopefully)for the time when a situation would prove my point and, when it did, I politely pointed it out to her. For a while she would just blow me off, but after a while she picked up on my routine. After that I would also let her find a space to

correct me in the same manner. Now we both listen to each other more and try to respect each other's ideas. It ain't perfect

but it is better.

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I don't think it's just a Thai thing. All women think they are right. My aunt is the worse for this to the extend that when proved wrong she will say "no I said *insert opposite outcome*".

I show the question to my other half and the response was, yes Thai women don't like to be wrong a bf or husband should agree or she will get pouty.

My response was "yes like you always are" in a sarcastic tone. I got the raised eyebrows and a hit for being "cheeky"

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My wife started out like that but I didn't try to argue my points....waste of time. I was patient and always waited

(hopefully)for the time when a situation would prove my point and, when it did, I politely pointed it out to her. For a while she would just blow me off, but after a while she picked up on my routine. After that I would also let her find a space to

correct me in the same manner. Now we both listen to each other more and try to respect each other's ideas. It ain't perfect

but it is better.

Pretty much the same here. It takes time but it is efficient.

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Amazing. Listen to www.tomleykis.com

You guys need an education on women. Why do you feel obligated to take care of these predators? Cant you just pump, dump and run? Wasting your lives away trying to keep her happy. Single life guys. Amazing that you put up with their crap. Oh, wait. Your in love. Love=lust + convenience. Boring. TUROK

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Your a farang so how can you know anything? My x would rather ask a Thai guy dish washer whom had a 7th grade education about things going on in America. Neither of then were even born here lol. Everything would be a mess and things would just get more complicated based on the thias advice. I was exspected to correct everything afterwards... It was just a big waste of time!

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Been married for 42 years, and she is always right, no matter education, Masters degree, or position, agent for the Attorney General... All of that equate to that she is always right., I simply let it ride and change the subject.

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Wow Alex, you should apologize ASAP to Sheryl regarding your ridiculous remark. She is probably one of the most valuable people on this entire forum and I think you have just offended many people, and have been very stupid and so rude to her!

Besides that she is a mod, but I would say this anyway!

I Really do not like this kind of comment.. lighten up my friend or silence plse.....


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Been married for 42 years, and she is always right, no matter education, Masters degree, or position, agent for the Attorney General... All of that equate to that she is always right., I simply let it ride and change the subject.

That's the smart mans answer. Just move on. Otherwise you're banging your head against a brick wall.

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This is my experience and for years I noticed this but kept it to myself! This is embedded in their culture not to except or handle criticism well. In the western world it is the root of learning and getting better. Thais do not and the less education they have the worse it gets! This has lot to do with they think if you are living in Thailand you have no idea what is going on and nothing you learned growing up outside of Thailand is valid. Call it ignorant whatever but it is there. I experience this first hand with my ex-wife and I say the less exposure they have with the western world the more ignorant they are except when it is time to get their monthly allowance or they need money! They have no problem as to where that comes from?

Thai scholars have written articles in Bangkok Post just last year. A MP.. said and was quoted if Thai women want a better life marry a Farang he got lots of heat for being honest but the biggest slap was on him since reassigned is he said " The more they love their country they more stupid they become " when I read this it hit the nail in the head and I know you say you love this women but get a new one it will only get worse. Nothing you do will be right! If you raised a question or anything she loses face............. when she is upset does she avoid you and not speak to you etc... until you say sorry even when you haven't done a damn thing?

Get out while you can... it took me a while nearly cost me my life but I still care about her but I'm much happier not being with her 24/7!

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Some Thai does not like to be wrong. They feel ashamed. Then they argue. This happen in all cultures around the world. just pay the properly attention and you will see. Specially in politics, wife, girlfriends, and so on.. It is life, contemplate!

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Like many others here I have very similar problems with my Thai wife. Having had GF's from a number of countries in my 20 years as a single man wondering the earth's surface I never had problems such as this with any other nationality, so for me anyway I refute that it is necessarily a woman thing.

My technique to deal with my TW when I feel that something is not correct is generally just to ignore her and carry on my own sweet way, as if I have not heard her protestations. However once in a while when I am very very sure that I am right, and it is important to pick your subject ( must be provable ) and moment, I push through and will not let go of it until proven that I am right. I try to do this with humour so as not to create too much tension.

For instance I was getting ready to go down to Tesco Lotus one morning to be informed by she who knows everything that it didn't open until 9am. I was sure it was open at 8am. I said so, and that it was no problem if she was right I would sit and read a book for an hour outside. But no on and on she went. So I suggested that perhaps she was right, that we can all make mistakes, but we could both go down there for 8am, so that she could see for sure that she was correct. I would treat her to breakfast whilst we were waiting until 9 am when the store opened and I would then get down on my knees in the front entrance, publically apologise and beg her forgiveness, and promise never to question her again. However if by some faint chance I was correct about the opening time it was only fair that she would reciprocate and give me the on her knees public apology in the store entrance, and then treat me to a slap -up breakfast.

Phew it opened at 8am. And now whenever I feel I am really correct with something, I make a similar kind of wager, usually that finishes any argument.

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