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my gf things she is always right, even when she is wrong. Am I the only one?


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No not at all. I don't wish to be rude or inflammatory but has your partner had much education? That is often the root cause of ignorance in my opinion.

I had the same problem with my educated ex-wife. She studies English and Russian at Thammasat Uni, and worked internationally, but she basically discounted anything I said if she thought differently even though I'd even studies the subject at hand and had read extensively on topics. And she believed the craziest stuff like remember that movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? She was convinced that back then the kung <deleted> gurus really could float in the air and walk on tree branches. And she entirely believed that her grandfather had paddled his boat from Nakhon Nayok to Rangsit every day to sell fruits (more than 100 k round trip. even though I told her it was not humanly possible to do that every day. Even olympic rowers don't row that far.

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Well my only other guess is inherited from parents. You must be a patient man.

Having heard only one side of the story, it's always possible it's she who is the patient one.

A lack of education is not genetic.

If the O/P is continually scoring who is right and who is wrong and keeps insisting that she admit he's right and she's wrong, her (alleged) stubbornness is probably a defensive tactic. Certainly there is no shortage of people posting on Thai Visa who would never admit to being wrong no matter how much evidence there is that contradicts them.

If she has to live with someone who constantly acts condescending and is always correcting her, that's unlikely to create an atmosphere conducive to give and take dialogue.


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I think they are all the same my GF now wife was/is just the same it’s the incredible wonderful high standard of education in Thailand that makes them more superior to us stupid un educated farangs if you just ignore their stupid remarks and don’t raise to the bate they soon understand how stupid they are sounding and what they are saying I don’t think there are any very well-known international philosophers intellectuals in Thailand that I can think of offhand. I have now stopped trying to explain things to her and arguing points many years ago, just my opinion shrug your shoulders and smile makes her happy.

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Just show us any Thai that says "Sorry I made a mistake" or "Sorry I was wrong" ;-)

My wife admitted today that she was wrong. In reality there is no need to mention it, we both know what is what and when. Now I am lucky that she is a driving instructor. After 45 of driving in Los Angeles and other big cities she still gives me instructions. Now my last wife was Mexican. She gave me flight instructions. I have to mention that I was the CFI, certified flight instructor. Ah well, sex without them is just not the same and going through life with no nuts can't be really reassuring

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I had that issue for a while however if I made a statement, an opinion and my gf would say "no", I corrected her and said, this is my opinion, it is not for you to judge wether you agree or not. Now I don't get that type of response anymore. We have been together 7 years and I corrected this behaviour early.

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very common disease in Thailand explaining why education is failing leaving them to be eternal pets like perpetual free to be mainly players.

To be wrong means to lose face though they have to accept wrong is not bad at all we all learn from having been wrong

and losing face is reserved to idiots.

Dead people do not know they are dead same with stupid people they do not know they are stupid.

Answer back is flash or accept to your expenses......

Many more to meet up my dear rather than to be stuck wrongly.

Good hunting.

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No not at all. I don't wish to be rude or inflammatory but has your partner had much education? That is often the root cause of ignorance in my opinion.

Nothing whatever to do with education, or the lack of it, or indeed "ignorance".

Thais are instilled with the belief that they "always do good and are never wrong" - it's a mindset that does not admit of any criticism or logical analysis, so don't even try.........................

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No not at all. I don't wish to be rude or inflammatory but has your partner had much education? That is often the root cause of ignorance in my opinion.

All women think they are right (as do most men). Some women who are educated and smart realize that they can do better in a situation or a relationship if they don't make this part of their character obvious, especially in the early stages of a relationship. In fact, they may decide to get their way by arranging things so that the man in their life thinks that he came up with the idea originally.

With your girlfriend, there is no point in confronting her views. Instead, you may have some mileage in just not arguing the point and if confronted you just say, "So you think that X is Y" possibly with a non-committal "interesting" or "I will have to think about that" tagged on to the end of the sentence. You may find that she has particular bias in favor of certain outcomes or people. When you get the opportunity, you extrapolate those views to their absurdity but not in a confrontational way, in fact in a way that she might agree with but then realize the implications of her views herself.

For example, if she harps on about Thailand being the best, with the best people, best everything, you agree wholeheartedly and list what people outside Thailand say about the country, such as "Everyone agrees that Thailand knows how to put on the best coups" or Everyone agrees that the bar-girls in Thailand are the best in the world." If that does not work, you move on to Bangkok's traffic management system being, Thailand has the best floods in the world or then move on to real howlers, such as "Thailand is the most ethical country in the world, least corrupt etc etc." You will eventually reach her breaking point where she will disagree with you but in doing so will disagree with herself - for instance, if she goes on about Thailand being the best country in the world but disagrees with you about it being the least corrupt, you say "But I am confused - if Thailand is the best country in the world, how can it be very corrupt?"

The key to this exercise is NEVER to disagree with her. If you find the game enjoyable and you get results in the form that she becomes more thoughtful or less likely to shove her unthought opinions down your throat, then great! If you find that the game is not enjoyable and you dont get any results, this relationship is probably not for you.

In addition to a possible lack of education, what may be going on is that your girl may be trying to either assert herself too much or alternatively she may have issues with her perception that you are not taking the lead in the relationship. If she is trying to assert herself too much and in effect bully you, you may want to consider whether you want this ongoing power struggle. If on the other hand she is trying to provoke you into taking a leadership role and you step up to this role, things may turn to the good for you and her.

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hmmmm...from what I have experienced Thais seem to inherit "stupidity genes" which for some reason is seen as a positive trait in this society(I'm serious). And if you look at things this way here, you will feel a lot less frustrated by what goes on

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Yes, very common. Unfortunately means they pretty much shut themselves out of learning anything new in life, so rather than gaining X years of experience as they get older they just keep repeating their mistakes.

Not a good sign for their future.

Ohhhhh thats not just the women, the men are the same, construction workers learn the same mistakes from each other, u not understand is Thai way etc when they foook up something, no pompem can fix etc etc you name it, they dont know it

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Isn't it true for all women? I have never met a woman able and willing to admit being wrong in any situation whatsoever. In fact my Thai GF is the closest of them all to being "able and willing", e.g. if she causes a quarrel [in our case it usually manifests as mutual silent treatment], she ends it, sometimes in the most pleasant way. The face is saved, and there are no hard feelings from either side.

Edited by vadimbz
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