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Unpaid Thai rice farmers allege intimidation as protest ends

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One thing I do know for sure, and I can prove it with photos if anyone doesn't believe, is that plain clothes police were taking photos of all the Lop buri and Chai nat farmers who were protesting (blocking Asia Rd) at Lop buri last weekend.

Seems a strange thing to do unless there is some scheme to lay charges against them in the future.

Whatever, I can tell you the farmers and others with them felt intimidated to the extent that they were covering their faces.

It's interesting, but how was it determined that the photographers were plainclothes police?

They had lights on their heads!!!!!!!!!!!!rolleyes.gif


I wonder if other rice farmers whom got paid would come out to support them. It will show some solidarity among the farmers. But maybe not as they already got paid and could care less about the plights of other farmers. That will say a lot about Thai society. They need more support than ever especially against the red thugs.

I do hope farmers and all involved with this scheme can come to realize that there is no free lunch. And that they study the issues well before voting for any candidate.


can the same people go to the rally sites and end this madness?

Can they go to other peoples sites and end their mad posts?

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but the reds will soon be telling them all to vote again for their master ..heres a couple of hundred bant for foodbah.gif


Hail Hitler Thaksin

If you must use that old worn out Nazi card the correct word is " Heil " we aren't talking about the weather here.

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I think a lot of posters on here could have saved their energy if they had read what the thread title is

Unpaid Thai rice farmers allege intimidation as protest ends

See that word allege, there's a reason for it. Read on and it states:

"After claiming they had been pressured by intimidation,"

"Another protest leader, Chatree Ampoon, could not be reached for comment following reports that red shirts and officials had intimidated his wife over his participation in the protest."

"But across the country, about 1.4 million farmers have not yet received payment, raising suspicion the government might expedite payments to farmers in areas known as Pheu Thai's political strongholds first."

But, of course,as far as some posters are concerned, it's allegations against the government so they must be true.

..................and unfortunately some might say..................their perception is usually proved right.........red denial is almost funny!!


REDEMOCRACY where the man in Dubai and his Pheu Thai party minions take laws into their own hands and silence EVERY critics from the grassroots on...

- We do what we want, no matter what other people say,

- Take it, vote for us, worship us or die!!!!!!!



............We don't know what to do next," Siraprapha Kukhong, 49, one of the protest leaders, said yesterday..................

Well, I'll give you some good advice, don't vote for the puppet master or his gang of corrupt, republican, communists again.

Only yourself to blame.violin.gif


The big myth of Pheu Thai and the UDD is that they were truly interested in the poor, as this story clearly exposes. Thaksin seized an opportunity to exploit the plight of the poor through what else - money. And the UDD seized the opportunity to create a culture where its leaders would gain prominence and influence. Thaksin's wielding of money has bought the North's sworn allegiance year after year. Until now. At UDD rallies where the colour of red signifies the solidarity of the people, Thaksin used to quickly don an over-sized red tee-shirt pulled over his customary suit and tie when his image was broadcast on screen. He was - after all - " one of the people ". But there was never any doubt that he would quickly discard this sector once it became clear he no longer needed them. For years, the red shirt leaders of the UDD have become increasingly aware of that. The amnesty bill was a clear case in point, as the UDD and many supporters in the movement didn't like the fact that it included members of the Abhisit administration. It was at that point that they realized that Thaksin was in fact placing his own interests above the beliefs of his supporters - beliefs that he himself had nurtured time and time again with a steady diet of rhetorical fire. So the splinters within the UDD/Pheu Thai have been apparent for some time. And now, the UDD itself is turning against it's " own people " as this story illustrates in the proud farming province of Phitsanulok. Whatever the intimidation from the red shirts and officials entailed, it must have broken the spirit of the men and women, because they were reduced to tears. But they are also clearly in fear, as the protest was suddenly called off with no promise of payment. So as Pheu Thai struggles to pay off the farmers of Pheu Thai strongholds first, the whole accusation of the EC - that this is an unacceptable influence in an election - is flaunted for all to see. Pheu Thai believes in tending to their base. If you can't buy them off, brow beat them into submission.

Didn't he tell them he had to go along alone, after a You've got me across the river call to them?


............We don't know what to do next," Siraprapha Kukhong, 49, one of the protest leaders, said yesterday..................

Well, I'll give you some good advice, don't vote for the puppet master or his gang of corrupt, republican, communists again.

Only yourself to blame.violin.gif

But if he votes for anyone else, he and his family will get shot dead without any questions asked...


^Same thing the Democratic Yellow masters do with their minions. wai.gif

Another contender for the stupidest post of the year and its not even the end of the first month.

It's pointless even posting a comment on TV at the moment, too many trolls who thing they know it all. If some of the commentators really believe what they say then they are as messed up as the political system in Thailand. For those that claim to stand for or know what democracy is. You've proven the opposite with you're comments. wai2.gif

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Amidst all the insults and piss taking going on here i find a less than real sympathy for the plight of the farmers being expressed on these pages.

I live in a small village in Isan and i see the looks of desperation on the otherwise optimistic faces around me every day.

Although i am interested in politics i will not and cannot take sides. I am, like you, a tolerated farang, the laws and the powers that be, don't allow us to take part in all this,our opinions are not wanted. Having said that, i feel its six to one and half a dozen to the other. Is Taksin corrupt and self serving? yes of course but he was the only one who took any notice of the poor (even though for his own motives of gaining power) he gave them a voice for the first time. Is Suthep right in pointing out, somewhat forcibly no doubt, that things have to change and that there is such a thing as the "dictatorship of the majority"? yes he is.

They are trying to sort it out the Thai way,this is after all,Thailand. They need no help from us. I can't for the life of me understand the high feelings being expressed here,no one is blocking the streets of New York or London,Paris or Berlin.

Remember the words of Tony Hankock : "I'm here to watch the walloping, not take part in it"

If that is too flippant, then the words of the once Lord protector of England Oliver Cromwell : "I beseech thee from the bowels of Christ,consider, thou might be wrong"

In those desperate faces in the village you will find the result of the "Yes he is corrupt but..." mentality.

He presumably didn't have the benefits of your education,your 9 til 5 job, your travel experience, your access to unbiased news, your social insurance or your bank balance. Instead he had to make do with a village school education,daily indocrination about "Thainess", a few acres of land,a religion which cemented his belief in his place in the world, courage and self reliance.

I wonder how you would be given the same start in life.

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............We don't know what to do next," Siraprapha Kukhong, 49, one of the protest leaders, said yesterday..................

Well, I'll give you some good advice, don't vote for the puppet master or his gang of corrupt, republican, communists again.

Only yourself to blame.violin.gif

That is not fair to them - they will be bribed and assaulted and so will their families - imagine lying in bed at night and you are waiting for red shirts to carry out their vendetta againstyour property - how would you feel? Rememebr - Phitsanulok, Tak, Sukhothai, Nakhon Sawan and this whole central area of Thailand voted in the main AGAINST the pheu thai and Thaksin - ONLY isaan and Chiang Mai vited FOR!! This has made them the enemy, same as the people in Bangkok and the South. That is a lot of the population angry at this time!!

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Amidst all the insults and piss taking going on here i find a less than real sympathy for the plight of the farmers being expressed on these pages.

I live in a small village in Isan and i see the looks of desperation on the otherwise optimistic faces around me every day.

Although i am interested in politics i will not and cannot take sides. I am, like you, a tolerated farang, the laws and the powers that be, don't allow us to take part in all this,our opinions are not wanted. Having said that, i feel its six to one and half a dozen to the other. Is Taksin corrupt and self serving? yes of course but he was the only one who took any notice of the poor (even though for his own motives of gaining power) he gave them a voice for the first time. Is Suthep right in pointing out, somewhat forcibly no doubt, that things have to change and that there is such a thing as the "dictatorship of the majority"? yes he is.

They are trying to sort it out the Thai way,this is after all,Thailand. They need no help from us. I can't for the life of me understand the high feelings being expressed here,no one is blocking the streets of New York or London,Paris or Berlin.

Remember the words of Tony Hankock : "I'm here to watch the walloping, not take part in it"

If that is too flippant, then the words of the once Lord protector of England Oliver Cromwell : "I beseech thee from the bowels of Christ,consider, thou might be wrong"

In those desperate faces in the village you will find the result of the "Yes he is corrupt but..." mentality.

If thought finish, but I doubt many people did it boils down to:

"Yes he corrupt, but if the takes from the others and it is good for me than I don't care."

And now Thaksin is teaching them how it feels when someone is corrupt on their expenses and not on some unknown Bangkok middle class.

Wounder if they give their vote still for sale or if they change their thinking.


Classy move Thaksin. I guess Jonathan Head at the BBC, James Hookway at the Asian Wall Street Journal, Thomas Fuller at the New York Times, The Economist and your other farang fans will be able to overlook this minor blemish on your record as the hero of democracy and the Robin Hood of Thailand's expendable poor and not mention this unsavoury incident.

Meanwhile, farmers whose total income from their sole crop last year has been wiped out continue to suffer with more suicides likely and the Chinese rice millers and corrupt dirtbag Pheua Thai politicians who have made out like bandits are laughing all the way to the bank in their Ferraris.

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Amidst all the insults and piss taking going on here i find a less than real sympathy for the plight of the farmers being expressed on these pages.

I live in a small village in Isan and i see the looks of desperation on the otherwise optimistic faces around me every day.

Although i am interested in politics i will not and cannot take sides. I am, like you, a tolerated farang, the laws and the powers that be, don't allow us to take part in all this,our opinions are not wanted. Having said that, i feel its six to one and half a dozen to the other. Is Taksin corrupt and self serving? yes of course but he was the only one who took any notice of the poor (even though for his own motives of gaining power) he gave them a voice for the first time. Is Suthep right in pointing out, somewhat forcibly no doubt, that things have to change and that there is such a thing as the "dictatorship of the majority"? yes he is.

They are trying to sort it out the Thai way,this is after all,Thailand. They need no help from us. I can't for the life of me understand the high feelings being expressed here,no one is blocking the streets of New York or London,Paris or Berlin.

Remember the words of Tony Hankock : "I'm here to watch the walloping, not take part in it"

If that is too flippant, then the words of the once Lord protector of England Oliver Cromwell : "I beseech thee from the bowels of Christ,consider, thou might be wrong"

In those desperate faces in the village you will find the result of the "Yes he is corrupt but..." mentality.

If thought finish, but I doubt many people did it boils down to:

"Yes he corrupt, but if the takes from the others and it is good for me than I don't care."

And now Thaksin is teaching them how it feels when someone is corrupt on their expenses and not on some unknown Bangkok middle class.

Wounder if they give their vote still for sale or if they change their thinking.

Yes,i can quite understand your point of view. Question, is it any different were we come from? Vote Labour and we will make sure that the pensions rise, vote Liberal and we will lower students fees,vote Tory and we will lower taxes. Come on now, we can all be bought,its a little more subtle where we come from,money doesn't change hands directly


Thats the real face of the Taksin-regime, a criminal Network, working with threats, violence and killing people. For what? Democracy, elections? No, Thailand is a step away from Nazi-Germany, if you not my friend, you are my enemy. Thailand was lead by rich, and by thugs, both not working, now its time that Thailand should lead by the people, but therefore reforms are needed. I suggest all farangs here with family in the Isaan to support a rice farmers family in need. thumbsup.gif

One! Plenty coming to see me,and that's the ones that sidestep the missus.


Chatree can consider himself bloody lucky it was just the hard word and not a grenade or fire-bomb that landed at his home. Maybe next time.

Will give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't wishing violence on a poor farm. That would be low and just downright inhuman.

If you did mean it that way, find a balcony and do a swan dive.

My intent was to point out that the intimidation was quite mild compared to that doled out to others who dare to criticise Thaksin.


but the reds will soon be telling them all to vote again for their master ..heres a couple of hundred bant for foodbah.gif


Why is intimidation only wrong when red-shirts are alleged to be doing the intimidating, this is exactly what the protesters have been doing in Bangkok for the last 3 months, that all of you have turned a blind eye to.

You need to wake up to the truth!



but the reds will soon be telling them all to vote again for their master ..heres a couple of hundred bant for foodbah.gif


Why is intimidation only wrong when red-shirts are alleged to be doing the intimidating, this is exactly what the protesters have been doing in Bangkok for the last 3 months, that all of you have turned a blind eye to.

You need to wake up to the truth!


Intimidation is wrong - period. The topic is about red shirts again intimidating those they don't agree with. It's been going on for years.

There are plenty of other threads to post your (biased?) opinion. You need to wake up and stop trying to justify intimidation.


I think a lot of posters on here could have saved their energy if they had read what the thread title is

Unpaid Thai rice farmers allege intimidation as protest ends

See that word allege, there's a reason for it. Read on and it states:

"After claiming they had been pressured by intimidation,"

"Another protest leader, Chatree Ampoon, could not be reached for comment following reports that red shirts and officials had intimidated his wife over his participation in the protest."

"But across the country, about 1.4 million farmers have not yet received payment, raising suspicion the government might expedite payments to farmers in areas known as Pheu Thai's political strongholds first."

But, of course,as far as some posters are concerned, it's allegations against the government so they must be true.

Wow really!

difficult not think your anything but an imbecile with that comment. Why else do you think honest non violent farmers would give up their protests unless they where threatend? UDD and the reds are peaceful rught?. Really???

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but the reds will soon be telling them all to vote again for their master ..heres a couple of hundred bant for foodbah.gif


Why is intimidation only wrong when red-shirts are alleged to be doing the intimidating, this is exactly what the protesters have been doing in Bangkok for the last 3 months, that all of you have turned a blind eye to.

You need to wake up to the truth!


In what way is peaceful demonstrations intimidation?

Have you been to any of the sites if the demonstrations i have to most of them actually to see it with my own eyes at more occasions than one, i also went to the redshirt site in 2010 to make up my own opinion...very very different total opposite in fact.

UDD, reds and the Police are making life very difficult for people who dont share their view if your not with them you are the enemy even if your a cictim. Many of these rice farmers voted red before the rice scheme do you think they or any of their relatives or friends will ever vote red again. I think not!

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I can't help but feel there is a certain karmic nature to all of this, HOWEVER, that aside, it is very clear that the position of the farmers is now beyond desperate and I can only imagine the hardship that the families and their children are going through. Something needs to be done to reimburse them quickly. Also at the very least the PM who is ultimately responsible for the dreadful disgusting treatment of these people should resign and be held accountable. Anyone with the slightest integrity and nobility would have resigned a long time ago.

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As Love1012 says there may well be many farmers who have no choice as to how they vote.

Particularly if they live in a village situation which is subject to the village fund that is managed by the village head.

It would only take a suggestion from someone in power that the village fund could be withheld should the village vote the wrong way to ensure no one was allowed to vote for another party.

I live in a small town surrounded by paddy and ride my pushbike around the small sois every day and see how the farmers live and work, as I go around I see nothing but friendliness from them, very rarely a smile and nod is not returned.

I Have great sympathy for them and wish there was something I could do to help or support them but as one of the few farang here I am also in a vulnerable position for as well as the possibility of violence there is also the threat that complaints against me could see my visa revoked.

We wait to see if any of these bonds or loans will actually eventuate and I hope the farmers get paid quickly, but that may be a vain hope.

Thanks Love1012 for your input, its good to hear from someone who knows what they are talking about.

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Half truth and distortion are worse than telling lies.

Send from my Mobile

Since you know, why continue?

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^Same thing the Democratic Yellow masters do with their minions. wai.gif

Really really pathetic!!!

Farmers are suffering because of years of lies and false promises from theis government, and you think it is justified to not acknowledge this but in turn try and tar the opposing elements with the same brush... lost for words!!


What gets me is the in word with the red posters for the protestors in BKK is Fascists, but it's the red shirts making the threats via phone and house calls. What does this behaviour say of red shirts?

I imagine the ones calling the PDRC fascists would call these gentlemen peacekeepers!

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