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Why are there so many negative Farang in Thailand?


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I agree with the above, but would like to point out that plenty of sex workers and their grey-area cousins here do enjoy sex, even with paying customers.

And especially if you happen to be the one that first makes them realize their job can be fun, giving them pleasure does increase the odds they'll stick around for a while longer, and can even induce them to stay for less than they would otherwise.

Of course it only goes so far, the clever and more worldly ones know there are guys both skilled in bed AND willing to throw more money their way. . .

Edited by wym
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You forget to add up the rest of the posts;

it was already costing me the same to live in a condo hotel,

the girl now, comes free.......that's my personal math, you could play w the numbers all you want....

a cleaned clock, is a cleaned clock,

You faslely assume there was only, one clock....


You need to lay off the opium, bro.

Anyway, you said elsewhere that you pay your bargirl girlfriend a regular sum of money to remain your girlfriend.

How, exactly, does that translate to her staying with you out of desire? Well, desire for anything but than your cash, that is?

You're a middle aged man paying a prostitute to stay with him - that's it - plain & simple. Now if that's at the root of your disdain for the country then say so but slagging it off on the strength of what you've seen after 4 months of bar hopping and gratuitous sex with paid company just makes you look really stupid.

Gotta agree yesterday he said his Bar Girl was about to lose her meal ticket.

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How can you be sexually frustrated in Thailand?

If your wiener is not working I can understand the frustration , when all these pretty young girls are here to please you. What a nightmare!

Remember...if your wiener is not working Pfizer is your best friend.

No excuse now-a-days

What's the wurst that could happen?

To be frank, the addition of Pfizer would lead you to banger without frustration.

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I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire


Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

Thanks for the laugh, mate

The first one didn't like the year long affair I had w the wife of a guy from Poison, and the second thought I was having affiars with everyone...which I wasn't....she was just bat shit crazy......she didn't get a dime, I walked away from $2,000,000 in a company that I let fold, and the first one, $1,000,000 in a company I let fold, just to gtf away from them........not quite the same as, giving them the money, those were my losses to get a clear head......let me know when you can stand up after that.....I am still standing, still rocking..... and now playing in the (sand0 box of a girl 22 years younger than me......I only dislike Bangkok when the a/c is off and I can't get to the market to get real beef,

getting on the MRT is better than being on a NYC subway,. ANY DAY, and frankly, if you are riding in from Queens, the people all look the same, so, sometimes I am not sure where I am or what era I am in......

I do know when my (on salary) girlfriend, surrogate, house-(wife) is driving her fairly new car, that I am going to arrive at my destination, in style.....

I am not here complaining about bkk,

other than, it has been closed for a few weeks in parts, and now I won't be able to see one of my other sweet 31 year olds who is flying in from Toronto, because, it wouldn't be right.............

see, even guitar players " grow " morals

just not, lest thou be judged

peace out, homey

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I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire


Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

Thanks for the laugh, mate

You forget to add up the rest of the posts;

it was already costing me the same to live in a condo hotel,

the girl now, comes free.......that's my personal math, you could play w the numbers all you want....

a cleaned clock, is a cleaned clock,

You faslely assume there was only, one clock....

I've started cycling, to relive my youth.

The thing that surprised me most about Americans, when I went there, was that they believed their own stories.

How often has your cleaned clock been round the clock?



I will continue to round the clock, until the dick stops ticking.....

53, no viagra, no drugs, just charm......

(and the ATM card) ;-)

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I think you have been living in some seedy areas, that's all. That in itself is negative.

Four months mate, you only just scratch the surface.

I would indeed appreciate knowing where the "good areas" are,

I havent seen as much of BKK as I would like,

I do know Chiang Mai and prefer the weather and the business opportunity there,

but admittedly, I know very little about BKK, other than where the MRT stops between Chatachuck and Asoke-Sukhumvit

I do like Titanium, but, prefer to go alone, as a musician I am more interested in the bands, than I am watching my g/f fend off tourists when I am in the mens room

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Automakers are flocking to Thailand. Since 2010, Toyota, Ford, Suzuki, Nissan and Honda have announced plans to either build new factories or expand existing ones. BMW has started making the Mini Countryman here and China's SAIC Motor Corp. is building an assembly plant to make MG-brand cars for the domestic market and export.

Thai production is skyrocketing. And capacity will grow to just over 3.4 million vehicles a year by 2015, predicts the Thailand Automotive Institute, a government-affiliated foundation that promotes the local industry.


Those automakers are "flocking" to Thailand?


because they don't want to pay the increasing tariffs from China.....

and they know Japan is sinking,

they aren't coming to Thailand for the Thai customer

What are you talking about?

Reading your posts, I thought you were just playing devil's advocate but reading your last one, I'm convinced you're just a mouthy clown with a low IQ

Of course it's not about the Thai customer; they've moved or are moving here for the wage costs plus tax breaks the Thai government offer to entice them.

your post is merely a reflection of your inability to speak without insult,

try that on your children, and hope they don;t become prostitutes as a rebellion against your perceived superiority

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I don't believe in control, or attempting to control, anyone or anything,

that is for men who can't keep a woman the old fashion way,

by her desire


Well hang on a sec. In another thread you said you'd had your financial clock cleaned by two wives over the years

What happened to your irresistible charm there, then?

Hilarious. A lascivious lounge lizard so in love with his own reflection and utterly convinced of his bedroom supremacy that the fact he's a middle aged Lothario paying his bargirl girlfriend in Thailand is totally lost on him.

Thanks for the laugh, mate

You forget to add up the rest of the posts;

it was already costing me the same to live in a condo hotel,

the girl now, comes free.......that's my personal math, you could play w the numbers all you want....

a cleaned clock, is a cleaned clock,

You faslely assume there was only, one clock....


You need to lay off the opium, bro.

Anyway, you said elsewhere that you pay your bargirl girlfriend a regular sum of money to remain your girlfriend.

How, exactly, does that translate to her staying with you out of desire? Well, desire for anything but than your cash, that is?

You're a middle aged man paying a prostitute to stay with him - that's it - plain & simple. Now if that's at the root of your disdain for the country then say so but slagging it off on the strength of what you've seen after 4 months of bar hopping and gratuitous sex with paid company just makes you look really stupid.

for crissakes, pay attention, and read, slower,

I am paying her, yes,

to live in her fully modern, one year old, 3 bedroom home, in a gated community, near a golf course, (so I can play),

away from the city, with home cooked meals and a comfortable bed with a young hot female laying bedside me,

who knows what I want, and provides it

its the the same rate as I was paying to live alone in a condo hotel and take her to dinner, seeing her only 2-3 times a week,

not that this is on the top of the list, but, there is also a washer and dryer here,

not something easily obtained in a hotel, for less than 600baht a week, trivial, but, I prefer to know what it going in my clothes and then on my skin and into my pores,

as an American, I am well aware of the poisons consumed by the unconscious and what they allow in the mouths and pores, and I am not inclined to accept any levels of "acceptable levels of carcinogens" into any portion of my body,

unless it is dripping from her legs.....

this, is worth its weight in Baht, Gold, US Dollars,

you can call it paying for it,

I call it life

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for crissakes, pay attention, and read, slower,

I am paying her, yes,

to live in her fully modern, one year old, 3 bedroom home, in a gated community, near a golf course, (so I can play),

away from the city, with home cooked meals and a comfortable bed with a young hot female laying bedside me,

who knows what I want, and provides it

its the the same rate as I was paying to live alone in a condo hotel and take her to dinner, seeing her only 2-3 times a week,

not that this is on the top of the list, but, there is also a washer and dryer here,

not something easily obtained in a hotel, for less than 600baht a week, trivial, but, I prefer to know what it going in my clothes and then on my skin and into my pores,

as an American, I am well aware of the poisons consumed by the unconscious and what they allow in the mouths and pores, and I am not inclined to accept any levels of "acceptable levels of carcinogens" into any portion of my body,

unless it is dripping from her legs.....

this, is worth its weight in Baht, Gold, US Dollars,

you can call it paying for it,

I call it life

I read it just fine the first time, mate and I still can't figure it out so I'll ask you straight out; is she with you because of your "charm" or the monthly stipend you pay her?

I could guarantee that if there was no money involved, she'd be gone in 60 seconds and I think you know that so let's cut the BS.

You ain't fooling anyone.

You can call it what you want but it is what it is. I suspect you call it life because you don't really have a choice.

Oh and BTW, you're 53 and you're banging on about your "charm" and "licking" and "dripping from her legs" like some sort of deranged deviant. Hey, don't get me wrong - I'm far from a prude but spare us the details cos you sound like someone who's only just recently lost his virginity and wants to boast about it to his friends.

Dude ease up. You are being too hard on the guy. He got his first washer and dryer! Remember how you felt when you got your first one? How you listened to the clothes wash and stayed up at all hours just to hear the dryer click with forgotten coins in it? I know mine was great and I'll not soon forget it. How special I felt with the ability to control what went in and out of my very first washer.

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Negative about life or just Thailand ?

Many long timers in Thailand have experienced some terrible events, cheating wife, scams, business failure, being mugged, problems with police and all the daily little things that can eat at a person. After awhile it can start to turn a positive person negative. New comers are still on holiday mode and have not been through what others have.

Also, I think many people come here to make a change from a depressing life elsewhere and discover that it was not the place but them that is the reason.... Some people are negative no matter where they are or what they do.....

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

i had all those problems before i reached thailand.

(not business failure)

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for crissakes, pay attention, and read, slower,

I am paying her, yes,

to live in her fully modern, one year old, 3 bedroom home, in a gated community, near a golf course, (so I can play),

away from the city, with home cooked meals and a comfortable bed with a young hot female laying bedside me,

who knows what I want, and provides it

its the the same rate as I was paying to live alone in a condo hotel and take her to dinner, seeing her only 2-3 times a week,

not that this is on the top of the list, but, there is also a washer and dryer here,

not something easily obtained in a hotel, for less than 600baht a week, trivial, but, I prefer to know what it going in my clothes and then on my skin and into my pores,

as an American, I am well aware of the poisons consumed by the unconscious and what they allow in the mouths and pores, and I am not inclined to accept any levels of "acceptable levels of carcinogens" into any portion of my body,

unless it is dripping from her legs.....

this, is worth its weight in Baht, Gold, US Dollars,

you can call it paying for it,

I call it life

I read it just fine the first time, mate and I still can't figure it out so I'll ask you straight out; is she with you because of your "charm" or the monthly stipend you pay her?

I could guarantee that if there was no money involved, she'd be gone in 60 seconds and I think you know that so let's cut the BS.

You ain't fooling anyone.

You can call it what you want but it is what it is. I suspect you call it life because you don't really have a choice.

Oh and BTW, you're 53 and you're banging on about your "charm" and "licking" and "dripping from her legs" like some sort of deranged deviant. Hey, don't get me wrong - I'm far from a prude but spare us the details cos you sound like someone who's only just recently lost his virginity and wants to boast about it to his friends.

If I wasn't paying; she would be working.

If she was working, I wouldn't want anything to do with her.....

She did spend a lot of time with me, not working, and I wasn't paying her a dime, not even gas money,

but after two months of that, and then her chasing me to Chiang Mai,

I decided to take her on,

on the condition, that I live with her, in her home,

have my own room for my guitar playing and studying, and for times I don't want to interrupt her sleep pattern,

I am on a completely different schedule as I am involved w the NYSE,

and, I am more than willing to pay the bills in the home, which I will repeat,

is costing me the same as it was in the condo hotel, without her.....

is what I am giving her, well above what it costs her to live? Yes.

Am I ok with that, also yes, until I am not.

I left her once and went to Chiang Mai and was having a great time, until the "miss u" texts started coming, and she realized I left bkk,

a few days later, she was there, with me......stopped working on her own, and hoping she landed the good looking, young acting, in great shape, american "fish"

am I under any illussion here? I dont think so,

she told me what it would take to have her full time, and I told her I would pay it,

provided, I lived in her home,

once she agreed, this is no different than being with my last wife,

except, it is costing me less, and this one doesnt talk to herself

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for crissakes, pay attention, and read, slower,

I am paying her, yes,

to live in her fully modern, one year old, 3 bedroom home, in a gated community, near a golf course, (so I can play),

away from the city, with home cooked meals and a comfortable bed with a young hot female laying bedside me,

who knows what I want, and provides it

its the the same rate as I was paying to live alone in a condo hotel and take her to dinner, seeing her only 2-3 times a week,

not that this is on the top of the list, but, there is also a washer and dryer here,

not something easily obtained in a hotel, for less than 600baht a week, trivial, but, I prefer to know what it going in my clothes and then on my skin and into my pores,

as an American, I am well aware of the poisons consumed by the unconscious and what they allow in the mouths and pores, and I am not inclined to accept any levels of "acceptable levels of carcinogens" into any portion of my body,

unless it is dripping from her legs.....

this, is worth its weight in Baht, Gold, US Dollars,

you can call it paying for it,

I call it life

I read it just fine the first time, mate and I still can't figure it out so I'll ask you straight out; is she with you because of your "charm" or the monthly stipend you pay her?

I could guarantee that if there was no money involved, she'd be gone in 60 seconds and I think you know that so let's cut the BS.

You ain't fooling anyone.

You can call it what you want but it is what it is. I suspect you call it life because you don't really have a choice.

Oh and BTW, you're 53 and you're banging on about your "charm" and "licking" and "dripping from her legs" like some sort of deranged deviant. Hey, don't get me wrong - I'm far from a prude but spare us the details cos you sound like someone who's only just recently lost his virginity and wants to boast about it to his friends.

Are you saying you have a problem with "deranged deviants?"

I have spent an entire life ensuring that I never deviated from my derangments, and am quite proud of my deviance

what sociopath would have any self respect, who felt otherwise?

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Foreigners get negative because after they have been here longer they see more, know more, understand more and what they know and understand more usually

does not agree with their personal views and opinions.

Not everybody comes here because it is 'where their heart belongs'. People come for certain reasons. Then, when actually living here,

they are exposed to other sides of the country and its people, its ways etc, and have to deal with things that were not

on the 'pros to move to Thailand' list.

Unless one can be the tourist 24/7, Thailand has downsides too.

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IOW once the honeymoon is over, familiarity breed contempt

a friend wrote a song titled "This One's Different"

I am pleading with him to send me the words to the song,

it is hilarious, in many ways

but, pretty much sums up every story, every man tells, about every thai woman he encounters, and all they bring and take...

it's awesome,

I just don't understand why everyone seems so "hurt" when things end,

psychologhosts will tell you this is a "cumulative loss" effect, and it is not the current relationship that cuts so deep but the collection of hurts you have acquired throughout your life

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you mentioned earlier you were a sociopath

trying to be invulnerable cuts you off from your best nature

If read by the actual letter,

I only asked a general question about sociopaths, and referred to my other best qualities, that of being a deviant....

why else come to bangkok, to meet "nice" girls?


the sluttier the better, and from the sex industry, at least we know they are tested,

in my case, this one is well esperienced, and still is willing to deal with me,

and that's even after the thai wife of a "so called friend" told her way too much about my past that she didn;t ned to know about

that said, I am not a felon, and have not fled anything,

other than a bat shit crazy wife who now knows the local SWAT team, by their first names

other than that, I walk the straight and narrow, dont drop, snort or smoke,

but I do let her sit on my face..............

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  • 2 months later...

Farang is such a huge word and ugly word that is given for any person that is not Thai.


by the way, I'm Mexican, now I'm no longer a Farang since you now know where I'm from.

Is "güero" considered derogatory in Mexico?

There are plenty of farang there, 20 million or so.

Farang means European, Not all foreigners are Europeans.

Negro was/is also a term used to describe black people, hardly a nice word nor an acceptable one.

Farang means European, Not all foreigners are Europeans.

All farangs are European! blink.png
Hello US people good news you'r not farangs any more!biggrin.png
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I have modest language skills even after years in and out. I am rarely in tourist areas and frequently the only white guy around. Excepting taxi drivers, which continue to startle me with their rudeness to everyone, I rarely see bad- at least not to me. Oh I see the crap folks mention here. Some things irritate the hell out of me. But people are nice to me wherever I go. People are helpful. Perhaps when they're not I choose not to recall. It's possible I've rose tinted my lens. But this is my life and I want to create it, not just happen to me. I can't think of any other place I'd rather be.

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