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Film director Woody Allen's adopted daughter renews sex abuse allegations


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Well, I don't think that in our personal judgments of others we are bound by the same rules of evidence as courtroom trials. OJ was not convicted of the two murders, but I don't doubt that he was guilty. I am not fully persuaded by the daughter's repeated accusations, but it is not unreasonable to believe them. Between Allen and the daughter one of them is certainly lying.

While I have enjoyed Allen's movies, his talent and skills in entertainment are not necessarily inconsistent with the behavior of which he is accused. So his talent is irrelevant to the question. After all Roman Polanski is also very talented and an admitted child rapist.

Yeah, and even if you think Woody is guilty, nothing has been proven legally, and it isn't fair to condemn a man (or the people who work in his amazing movies) because of unsubstantiated accusations. Some people are now saying they won't ever go to a Woody Allen movie again. Their loss.

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The only description of the alleged abuse I have seen so far is that he put his thumb in her mouth. I don't think there are any lengths a person like Farrow would not go to for revenge, she is clearly nuts. I don't believe a word of the allegations.

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I have run into a few, but very, very few, cases in which a parent/caretaker had coached a child to lie. In many cases, the charge is leveled by one parent against another as a part of a custody battle.

How about in Thailand?

After all, lies and deceit are second nature to many people here.

How many times have you seen a farang stepfather accused of paedophilia by his estranged wife and daughter?

Geez Chicog, this thread has absolutely nothing to do with Thailand, yet you find a way to interject your sleaze.

But back on-topic, Woody made some great movies...and some duds. One really has to have a taste for his kind of fare. But the whole marrying-the-step-daughter thing was a bit bizarre, even by Hollywood standards. Can't say yay or nay on this one.

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e. But the whole marrying-the-step-daughter thing was a bit bizarre, even by Hollywood standards. Can't say yay or nay on this one.

But Allen did NOT marry his stepdaughter, it's the stepdaughter who is making the allegations, both Allen and her brother say the allegations are false.

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He also blames the mother:

He continued, "My mother drummed it into me to hate my father for tearing apart the family and sexually molesting my sister. And I hated him for her for years. I see now that this was a vengeful way to pay him back for falling in love with Soon-Yi."
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i dont know if he is a kiddy fiddler or not,, its easy to blacken somebody with false accusations

But i cant understand why his movies are so venerated ,AFAIK they arn't funny or interesting most are dead boring

Only some are even meant to be funny. Some are dated now but some are undeniable classics. I find most people who say they don't like his movies haven't seen enough of them to have an informed opinion as they are so varied.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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i dont know if he is a kiddy fiddler or not,, its easy to blacken somebody with false accusations

But i cant understand why his movies are so venerated ,AFAIK they arn't funny or interesting most are dead boring


it depends on what you as an individual cinemagoer are looking for from a movie.

And in any case you can't compare his work with many movies these days simply because Woody Allen’s movies were made on a tight budget.

For example “ Blue Jasmine “only cost him $18 million, whereas a movie like Transformers 3 cost $200 million.

but I know which I would rather watch.rolleyes.gif

Edited by Asiantravel
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e. But the whole marrying-the-step-daughter thing was a bit bizarre, even by Hollywood standards. Can't say yay or nay on this one.

But Allen did NOT marry his stepdaughter, it's the stepdaughter who is making the allegations, both Allen and her brother say the allegations are false.

Yes, he did marry his stepdaughter, the Asian one. Not the same one making the allegation. Are you not up on Woody's exploits?

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Moses seems to be the most honest one in the family. thumbsup.gif

Interesting enough he works as a family therapist and both his adopted sister and mother cut him off as soon as he refuted the allegation.

He was also at the center of the custody battle where this allegation was made. Mia wouldn't let Moses visit with Woody.

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e. But the whole marrying-the-step-daughter thing was a bit bizarre, even by Hollywood standards. Can't say yay or nay on this one.

But Allen did NOT marry his stepdaughter, it's the stepdaughter who is making the allegations, both Allen and her brother say the allegations are false.

Yes, he did marry his stepdaughter, the Asian one. Not the same one making the allegation. Are you not up on Woody's exploits?

She is not his stepdaughter. Woody Allen never married Mia Farrow, nor did he ever share a home with her. Apparently, he never even slept over at her home. Couldn't have been that deep a relationship if Mia now says she was fornicating with the even older Frank Sinatra during the time they were seeing each other.

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e. But the whole marrying-the-step-daughter thing was a bit bizarre, even by Hollywood standards. Can't say yay or nay on this one.

But Allen did NOT marry his stepdaughter, it's the stepdaughter who is making the allegations, both Allen and her brother say the allegations are false.

Yes, he did marry his stepdaughter, the Asian one. Not the same one making the allegation. Are you not up on Woody's exploits?

She is not his stepdaughter. Woody Allen never married Mia Farrow, nor did he ever share a home with her. Apparently, he never even slept over at her home. Couldn't have been that deep a relationship if Mia now says she was fornicating with the even older Frank Sinatra during the time they were seeing each other.

You're using Woody's rationale. Many would (and do) disagree with you. Let's put it this way: If Woody and Mia had a son, then Woody would be marrying his son's sister. A little odd, don't you think?


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e. But the whole marrying-the-step-daughter thing was a bit bizarre, even by Hollywood standards. Can't say yay or nay on this one.

But Allen did NOT marry his stepdaughter, it's the stepdaughter who is making the allegations, both Allen and her brother say the allegations are false.

Yes, he did marry his stepdaughter, the Asian one. Not the same one making the allegation. Are you not up on Woody's exploits?

I think it's you that needs to get your facts right.beatdeadhorse.gif

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She was a young child. Young traumatized children in emotional scared states will make inconsistent statements and, as any good lawyer does, exploits that tendency and exaggerates the statements to serve their client.

I suppose individuals like Allen appeal to some, but I see nothing redeeming about this individual from a personal or entertainment perspective.

How many of his movies have you watched that you make that judgment about his art?

This isn't about his art but about his morals. He had an relation with his adopted daughter, this makes him a sicko in my views anyhow.

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There is no definitive way of knowing the truth, but in the absence of any other allegations of sexual abuse/inappropriate touching or of him having some medical condition that would suddenly make his behavior change, it seems unlikely.

People with history of molestation would usually have a lot of victims at his age. I think if you look at the BBC scandal, you get a rough idea.

Unfortunately, this is a common, but dispelled myth about sexual deviants. Homosexual pedophiles, such as the catholic priests issue, do tend to have more widespread abuse, greater number of victims and extremely high rates of recidivism.

Not so in the typical heterosexual abuse setting where perpetrator simply has an unhealthy fixation on a single victim. The repeat or recidivism rates are generally 14 percent over 5 years and 24 percent over 15 years.

Didn't family friends and individuals outside the family circle say Allen had an unhealthy, intimate like fixation on Dylan?

Doesn't the AG who had access to all the evidence, which we don't, still say he had probable cause to prosecute, but agreed not to puruse based on that "evil" Mai Farrow's wish not to put her young child through a criminal trial?

RE: Soon Yi

Does anyone actually know the correct age of Allen's current wife?

Splitting legal hairs about living arrangements and whether he was legal adoptive father to ratiinalize or condone Allen's behaviour is pretty sicko to me. He abused a position of trust, exploited the vulnerability of a child and crossed a line that should not be crossed with his current wife and apparently others throughout his past.

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I am afraid you are going to have to provide me with the studies that dispel the myth, because it's not a myth at least according to when and where I left off in my professional work in the field.

In order for him to be sexually attracted to his daughter, he would be need to be a pedophile and there is very little psychological indication that he is or was. In particular, he would be a regressed pedophile. A person of his age would have had numerous life-crisis that would have caused regressive behavior and the multitude of psychologists, psychiatrists and other professionals would have identified this type of response to stress.

Regressed pedophiles, by the way, and this is the most common type seen in opposite-sex abuse cases, are treatable and can learn to cope with life-stresses. Woody Allen hardly falls into this category.

Fixated pedophiles, which is most common with same-sex abuse, are generally not treatable because they are 'fixated' at a specific age and the maturity process has passed them by.

There are just too many psychological factors that do not fit in this situation. There is just too little physical evidence and the presence of the nanny and others also makes it quite unlikely.

I don't like to trash the Mother, but there are some real issues with her. First, she has been extremely unhelpful in affording her daughter the kind of protection that a mother does. She has certainly not been helpful in assisting herself or her daughter, or anyone in the family in moving on from this situation. She has remained hateful, spiteful, vindictive and this has had a toxic effect on her, her daughter and other family members. She does not appear to have moved on in anyway.

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It's his word against his accuser.

Long ago in the past, this was looked at from a criminal POV and it was not pursued.

Is it really fair for people to assume Woody is sex criminal based on this?

He is an oddball. So what? The question is did he actually commit sex crimes.

If someone accused you of such crimes without legal proof how would you feel?

For the rest of your life, many people would assume you were guilty just because you were accused.

It just isn't fair.

I hope Woody can find a way to seek compensation for the damage being done to his reputation over this charge.

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I am afraid you are going to have to provide me with the studies that dispel the myth, because it's not a myth at least according to when and where I left off in my professional work in the field.

In order for him to be sexually attracted to his daughter, he would be need to be a pedophile and there is very little psychological indication that he is or was. In particular, he would be a regressed pedophile. A person of his age would have had numerous life-crisis that would have caused regressive behavior and the multitude of psychologists, psychiatrists and other professionals would have identified this type of response to stress.

Regressed pedophiles, by the way, and this is the most common type seen in opposite-sex abuse cases, are treatable and can learn to cope with life-stresses. Woody Allen hardly falls into this category.

Fixated pedophiles, which is most common with same-sex abuse, are generally not treatable because they are 'fixated' at a specific age and the maturity process has passed them by.

There are just too many psychological factors that do not fit in this situation. There is just too little physical evidence and the presence of the nanny and others also makes it quite unlikely.

I don't like to trash the Mother, but there are some real issues with her. First, she has been extremely unhelpful in affording her daughter the kind of protection that a mother does. She has certainly not been helpful in assisting herself or her daughter, or anyone in the family in moving on from this situation. She has remained hateful, spiteful, vindictive and this has had a toxic effect on her, her daughter and other family members. She does not appear to have moved on in anyway.

Goog is your friend. In car or I would.

I dealt with issue a few times while representing high school students in 1981/1983 actions related to sexual relationships with teachers. Rarely if even are these perps repeat offenders in these fixation type cases and many times they marry when child hits age of majority.


First, the notion that recidivism (repeat offending) is inevitable needs a second look. Recently sex crimes researcher Jill Levenson of Lynn University in Florida and her colleagues found that the average member of the general public believes that 75 percent of sex offenders will reoffend. This perception is consistent with media portrayals in such television programs as Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, in which sex offenders are almost always portrayed as chronic repeaters.

The evidence suggests otherwise. Sex crimes researchers R. Karl Hanson and Kelly E. Morton-Bourgon of Public Safety Canada conducted a large-scale meta-analysis (quantitative review) of recidivism rates among adult sex offenders. They found a rate of 14 percent over a period averaging five to six years. Recidivism rates increased over time, reaching 24 percent by 15 years. The figures are clearly out of alignment with the publics more dire expectations.


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And why in the world would any reasonable mother not be pissed after 25 years if a boyfriend molested her 7 year old and married another one of her children. Cannot believe someone would classify that as unreasonable for her still to be pissed off. You guys obviously don't have daughters. I would do harm to some old man messing with my daughters.

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She was a young child. Young traumatized children in emotional scared states will make inconsistent statements and, as any good lawyer does, exploits that tendency and exaggerates the statements to serve their client.

I suppose individuals like Allen appeal to some, but I see nothing redeeming about this individual from a personal or entertainment perspective.

How many of his movies have you watched that you make that judgment about his art?

This isn't about his art but about his morals. He had an relation with his adopted daughter, this makes him a sicko in my views anyhow.

No he didn't.

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She was a young child. Young traumatized children in emotional scared states will make inconsistent statements and, as any good lawyer does, exploits that tendency and exaggerates the statements to serve their client.

I suppose individuals like Allen appeal to some, but I see nothing redeeming about this individual from a personal or entertainment perspective.

How many of his movies have you watched that you make that judgment about his art?

This isn't about his art but about his morals. He had an relation with his adopted daughter, this makes him a sicko in my views anyhow.

No he didn't.

Soon Yi

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Thanks for the link on the recidivism rates with sex offenders. Some of that type of research was being done when I stopped actively working in the field. Most clinicians had run into people with one-off accusations which could either be substantiated or the preponderance of evidence would support the claim. They are not, however, common. A big part of figuring out what happened is the psychological profile of the offender. A big part of working with offenders is the threat of legal consequences, even though there is a good chance the person would not be found guilty in a court.

There should be a history of grooming the child and recidivism aside, it's uncommon that it is a one-time abuser and a one-time victim. Especially as old as Woody was (barring medical/psychiatric problems).

There were a lot of professionals involved in the case, and from what they seem to be reporting, he doesn't fit the profile. Doesn't even seem to come close. I believe he has even passed the screening with Soon Yi and allowed to adopt children with her. Something that would be looked at pretty carefully.

As a father, I would expect you to be very angry, but in this case, it is the mother who has held on to revenge. This is less common. Incest is a devastating situation and most families go to great extents to keep it as private as possible. Mia didn't do that at the time and she seems to continue in that same vein.

The Woody Allen - Mia Farrow relationship is hardly normal and I make no claim to being 100% sure it didn't happen. They fall outside the spectrum of 'normal' on many, many scales, I would suspect.

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