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Khon Kaen and Employment


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You could teach business courses in the international program of any University accounting business faculty. This includes major government universities as well as Rajhabhat universities. All without a degree, based on experience alone.

Also you do not need a teaching certificate to do so. The courses could all be in English, and you would be provided a work permit as well as documentation for an immigrant-B visa.

Sent from my tin can via string

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All that and you did not save any money? Tough.

You are a really bumptious pierrot with a huge face. Are you Chinese or just assimilated well?

This man asked only advice, didn't ask you sympathy or your money. Do you think is it a pleasant for some-one to post his pour situation? Retard.

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If teaching is out, i'd take the 400K baht you've (hopefully) still got sitting in the bank and buy an open ended ticket back to the US. Then i'd throw the balance into a some kind of venture - use your imagination - and hope it starts paying you back before the ticket expires.

Other smart guy. Did you understand what did he say? "Literally no money" means he has not 400 K. So your advice is smart like you.

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Sounds like teaching is the way to go. From what I have read I concur with a lot of what is said on this thread. I am positive you could get a teaching job somewhere around KK and you sound sincere so I am sure you would relish the challenge. Be positive.

Good luck. I hope it all works out.

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[ In answer to your questions, my experience has been owning several retail businesses in the USA for 20 years , being a manufacturer's rep for NASCAR merchandise to stores, chains, casinos etc. ]

Can you get merchandise on the shelves of stores in Thailand? Marketing skill set and ability to build a solid customer base and maintain the product line with the clients, coordinate logistics and receivership of the imported products?

Please private message me with your reply.

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Per Post #32 above the US Embassy never asks anyone to provide evidence to substantiate their income. It is merely your affidavit as sworn to in-person before a US Consular Official.

Edited by JLCrab
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Wow, all your comments have blown me away. It almost makes me want to live in Khon Kaen with all you good people as compared to here in Phuket.

Phuket people are ..well, let's just say not very friendly as a whole and leave it at that. No disrespect to anybody.

Let me address the latest comments-

shaurene-nice to hear you look young. I am also very fortunate and look 45 to 50 and not 60.

notable-thanks again or the good info

robertthebruce-my wife will look for work as well

duanebigsby-I love kids as well, so that will not be a problem at all. Thanks for the heads up

karenbravo-as stated previously, going back to the USA can't happen with absolutely no money to use. Also, if I can't be with my family, there is no life for me. I waited all my life to have a child and be a father, if I can't see him everyday, then there is no life for me. I never had a dad, so this is the life I waited a lifetime for. I would rather die in my son's arms that a hotel or apartment in the USA all alone, but thanks for trying to help

fourhart-thanks for that advise and option

donmuang37-teaching is an option as long as I don't need a tefl certificate. I have no money for the course and no money or income to live while i am studying and after i graduate, waiting for a job

loles-thanks for the backup about bender92. He is in worse shape than me. Everyday my son says " I love you daddy more than anything in the world" several times. That makes me the richest man in the world!!

jasun-same comment as loles above-thanks

notable- see loles above also and thanks for that

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Hi RacyRick,

Sorry to hear about your plight, but you aren't alone. There is a lot of good advice in prior posts, but some that I would question. I'm 76, I've been in Thailand for 11 years and my wife is Thai. After 3 years, I got bored with full retirement, and wanted something to do here in Bangkok. After searching the newspapers for a while, I concluded that there weren't any good options for a 68-year old with a background in aircraft maintenance, telecom and international program management. So, 8 1/2 years ago I applied for a job teaching English - with little enthusiasm I should add. I was hired immediately and started the next day! It was difficult at first as my heart was in the hi-tech world, but boredom seemed even worse. So I persevered, almost quit a couple of time, but eventually got acclimated, and began to enjoy teaching. Four years ago, I became the Head Teacher and have no immediate plans to quit. Fortunately, I don't need the money because you won't get rich teaching in English, especially in Thailand. But it provides a decent living for those without additional income. My point is: don't write teaching off too quickly - it's probably your best, and maybe only, choice in KK.

I've never been asked for substantiating evidence of my retirement income at the US Embassy; however, I always bring it, just in case. So you should be OK. (Grab a room in BKK for a month and apply for your visa here.)

As others have said, you should consider teaching in BKK for a year or so. Easy to get a job, better salary that Issan, and it will allow you to build up experience plus save a little money if you are frugal. Just check ajarn.com for job listings. Accommodation is reasonable, especially up in the Rangsit area where I teach. So your family could stay with you which would be better than periodic trips to KK.

I've plenty more info for you, if desired, but too complicated for a forum post. Since I'm a newbie on Thaivias, I don't know how to get my email address to you, but maybe one of the old timers can help.

Best wishes - don't give up. Keep on truckin' and you'll be OK. DonMuang37

I just sent you my personal email address to your Thai Visa message box.

Just look at the bar on the top of the page when you sign in-it will be the envelope icon-just click and you will find it there


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One good thing about Khon Kaen is it is (still?) a 35 baht train ride to the bridge at the Vientiane border so either tourist visas or visa-exempts are available near-term the only cost (at least for the 30 day visa-exempt) being the Lao visa itself to cross over.

Edited by JLCrab
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OP must have been living in Thailand for a long time. Over the years, the Thai-Family must have gotten certain (financial) benefits from the OP.

How about this: OP declares to Thai-Family that he has fallen on hard times and needs (financial) support from family until some employment can be found.

Is the OP hesitant about asking this question because he is afraid of the answer?


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Let's think about where you are and where you're going..... Not where you've been. Think future. Today and tomorrow. Yesterday's finished. Draw a line in the sand and move forward. The great news is in 1.5 years you'll start drawing social security. That's good cash here in THAILAND. Congrats! Now, focus on your move upcountry. The positives. Like many have indicated, You're highly qualified to teach ENGLISH. I googled "tesl cost in THAILAND" and viewed the second from the top website which said, "If you can speak English, let us teach you how to teach English. No degree or ability to speak a foreign language is required". The short course and low cost sure seem like an opportunity. Just a thought. Good luck!

from my iPad in Cha-Am

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Last week Groupon were offering a 120hr TEFL for about $60. It's OK for brushing up on the basic parts of speech and grammar points. As well as teaching you how to make lesson plans. They will only want you to teach 'conversational' English, so don't worry about not being a grammar nazi. Subscribe to Groupon and love Tefl, they always seem to offer cheap online courses.

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KK is a great city , i moved out of Phuket and never looked back now its a holiday destination for me ... Isaan has it all , KK is a major university city and Udon is one hour away by car with many towns between , your age is a bonus when it comes to teaching english , so i think the Teaching idea is absolutely the best idea, go for it mate .... dont give up ... with both of you working things will be fine ... funny, i correct my daughters english homework to make sure she is learning , never fails to have some problems , so we get a back and forth from the teacher , guess what ?? i got offered a teaching job lol ... english only , easy hours , but not for me at this point ..its a privately run school which u will see many in Isaan ...

Swissie .... why do u bother ? u troll forums making negative comments , we all know you got shafted but wont admit to it ... if you bother to read all the posts, you will see that his Thai family situation has been addressed !!! F#@tard ...

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Wow, all your comments have blown me away. It almost makes me want to live in Khon Kaen with all you good people as compared to here in Phuket.

Phuket people are ..well, let's just say not very friendly as a whole and leave it at that. No disrespect to anybody.

Not everyone lives in KK itself, but my 2 cents for what its worth, Isaan in general is a much better place to live than Phuket or any other the other tourist destinations. Granted I have only visited Phuket once, but in general Isaan is just genuine people making a living and leading a normal life, versus Phuket, Pattaya and their ilk, which exist in a kinda touristy, 'Disneyland with the sex trade' sort of world, all very surreal.

If you do make it up here, and sure you'll soon settle into the life

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“Are you positive immigration in KK only needs a letter from the embassy showing 400,000 income for the 1 year extension?”

If using an embassy letter for income it needs to show 40k a month income for marriage or 65k a month for retirement..

“The semester is about to end and they'll be looking to fill positions in March and April.”

In many cases probably not that early this year. Many schools will be taking a longer summer break to align their schedules with ASEAN members. Becaue of this longer break, there could be more vacancies than normal when school does start back up.

Also, someone mentioned that there are 'a lot' of jobs available here now. Take that with a grain of salt. This isn't normally a time of year that many jobs become available.

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Not to sound "cheeky" but why isn't teaching an option? It's easy to get a TEFL degree and I taught in KK with less than a year teaching experience. KK is a "Thai experience" and it is hard to find people who speak English. If you are fluent in Thai, you could maybe have some job opportunities outside teaching. But, if you come from a sales background, teaching conversational ENG may be a good fit, since you're there to entertain and not so much being a "teacher teacher." There are schools which would hire you if you are a NES (you may need to look outside the city center though due to your age and no prior experience).

Edited by Korat28
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Ouch... you may need to go back the the US and find something for a while until you social security kicks in. I know plenty of people that get Government Contracting jobs ..outside of Thailand... They just need boots on the ground. I had a family in the Philippines and had to bite the bullet and work in a Lake Tahoe Casino. You have that experience, and good land a job quick, if you get in before the College kids get out on the streets in May.

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Once again, thank you for all the replies.

When I go to KK to live and have money or go to KK to visit, I need to meet all of you and buy dinner at a nice buffet or a drink somewhere to show my appreciation.

Or maybe invite you to my English class when I am a teacher :)

Let me address the latest replies-

notable-thanks for the heads up on Groupon

cdmtdm-thanks for the advice and comment to swissie




korat28-what did the initials NES mean? Also, teaching is an option if you read my later posts and not just the OP

noi657-thanks for the comment to bender

swissie-I should not reply to your comment and I won't except to say I am a very lucky man for 10 years to have a great wife and a great mother for our child-rich or poor, happy or sad, cry or laugh WE ARE A FAMILY !

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18 years, wow that's a big chunk of life experience to leave behind. Did you try teaching? I know that area very well and if you're a native speak, white and can stand up straight you'll get a teaching job.

Time to go anyway. Kids needed better schools.

Got a house for sale if anyone wants it.

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I think the OP has struck a cord here ie here but for the grace of .....
He has my sympathy as in the past I also have struggled to see how I was ever going to get back on my feet.
To offer some encouragement teaching most certainly does offer a solution. It may well be a struggle at first but like anything it becomes easy with a bit of practice.
I had a friend who took it very very seriously and didn't settle for just a few hours a day at a school or university
but sold his students on taking pivate lessons with him as well. He also went out of his way to contact some large companies
with offers to teach their management staff business english which paid well. It took him a while and he really devoted all his time to it but over a period of a couple of years he had a very good biz earning over 100k/month.
This was in Bangkok. It shows what is possible if you really go for it.Also note that he started with no qualifications and was Japanese!!! Having said that his grammar was better than mine but he didn't have a great accent.
I wish you all the best - where there's a will there's a way

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KK is a great city , i moved out of Phuket and never looked back now its a holiday destination for me ... Isaan has it all , KK is a major university city and Udon is one hour away by car with many towns between , your age is a bonus when it comes to teaching english , so i think the Teaching idea is absolutely the best idea, go for it mate .... dont give up ... with both of you working things will be fine ... funny, i correct my daughters english homework to make sure she is learning , never fails to have some problems , so we get a back and forth from the teacher , guess what ?? i got offered a teaching job lol ... english only , easy hours , but not for me at this point ..its a privately run school which u will see many in Isaan ...

Swissie .... why do u bother ? u troll forums making negative comments , we all know you got shafted but wont admit to it ... if you bother to read all the posts, you will see that his Thai family situation has been addressed !!! F#@tard ...

I make no negative comments, I only make comments related to "real-life" concerning life and legality of Farangs living in Thailand. "Farang-Dreamers" in the early stages may not welcome such comments.

No. I myself have not been "shafted", but about 15 of my "Farang-Buddies" have been "shafted" over a period of 12 years.

I rest my case.


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KK is a great city , i moved out of Phuket and never looked back now its a holiday destination for me ... Isaan has it all , KK is a major university city and Udon is one hour away by car with many towns between , your age is a bonus when it comes to teaching english , so i think the Teaching idea is absolutely the best idea, go for it mate .... dont give up ... with both of you working things will be fine ... funny, i correct my daughters english homework to make sure she is learning , never fails to have some problems , so we get a back and forth from the teacher , guess what ?? i got offered a teaching job lol ... english only , easy hours , but not for me at this point ..its a privately run school which u will see many in Isaan ...

Swissie .... why do u bother ? u troll forums making negative comments , we all know you got shafted but wont admit to it ... if you bother to read all the posts, you will see that his Thai family situation has been addressed !!! F#@tard ...

I make no negative comments, I only make comments related to "real-life" concerning life and legality of Farangs living in Thailand. "Farang-Dreamers" in the early stages may not welcome such comments.

No. I myself have not been "shafted", but about 15 of my "Farang-Buddies" have been "shafted" over a period of 12 years.

I rest my case.


your comment had nothing to do with the OP post , like i said if you read the whole topic then you may understand , you must have some choice buddies i see they took your advice , i guess if you stay alone because you could not find anyone miserable enough to live with you ... Swissie i have an idea , change your user name to the Grim Reaper it suits .... i get such a buzz from guys like the OP , he loves his family and tells the world ...perhaps your negative posts stem from jealousy , a Katoey broke your heart ?..( well you are Swiss i imagine) ... anyway go back to the Pattaya forum ...

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