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Thai farmers protest in new challenge to PM


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Thai farmers protest in new challenge to PM

BANGKOK, February 6, 2014 (AFP) - Dozens of Thai rice farmers mounted a protest in Bangkok on Thursday in the latest show of public anger against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's embattled government.

A controversial scheme to guarantee farmers above-market rates for rice has become a lightning rod for anger among Yingluck's critics, who say it has encouraged corruption, drained the public coffers and left the country with a mountain of unsold stock.

About 200 rice farmers, accompanied by trucks and combine harvesters, massed outside the commerce ministry in protest at the lack of payment under the scheme, which knocked the kingdom from its position as the world's top rice exporter in 2012.

"I want the government to help because I have no money to use now. We have suffered a lot otherwise we would not come," said farmer Sunan Poompuang.

"If they cannot solve the problem, then let other people do the job."

Farmers also blocked two highways leading into Bangkok, according to police.

The government blames three months of demonstrations on Bangkok's streets for derailing the scheme, with Yingluck saying her administration's powers have been limited after the dissolution of parliament in December.

Her opponents -- who have besieged a number of state buildings to stop civil servants going to work -- insist the problems began before the government took a caretaker role.

A controversial election held on Sunday failed to resolve the crisis with opposition protesters disrupting the polls in parts of the country, in an attempt to stop Yingluck's Puea Thai party returning to power.

Government critics say the rice subsidies are a wasteful use of taxpayers' money to buy the loyalty of voters in Puea Thai strongholds in the kingdom's north and northeast.

Yingluck's older brother Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted as prime minister by the military in 2006 and lives in Dubai to avoid jail for a corruption conviction, is hugely popular in rural northern Thailand thanks to his populist policies while in power.

Concerns surrounding the rice scheme grew this week after the commerce ministry announced that a Chinese firm had cancelled a one million tonne order for stockpiled rice.

The deal broke down after a Thai anti-corruption panel announced graft charges against several officials in relation to the price guarantee programme.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission last month also opened a probe into possible negligence of duty by Yingluck in connection with the scheme.

The government has been reluctant to reveal the full cost of the scheme or the exact size of its rice stockpile.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-02-06

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Farmers may rally at Commerce Ministry until they get rice payments
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Feb 6 – Farmers from various provinces started pouring to the Commerce Ministry today to demand overdue payments for the rice they have sold under the government’s subsidy scheme.

Farmers in Nonthaburi, led by Rachane Trakulviang, demonstrated at the ministry, awaiting compatriots from other provinces.

Prasit Bunchouy, leader of the Thai Farmers Association, confirmed that farmers would join the protest, saying they have given the government enough time to help them but no concrete action was taken.

Farmers in Thailand’s southwestern provinces who have blockaded Rama II Road at Wang Manao intersection in Ratchburi since Saturday have announced that they would demonstrate at the Commerce Ministry in Bangkok.

Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Puangrach said in a meeting with representatives from the Thai Rice Mills Association that the ministry would ask rice millers to partially pay for the delivered rice.

Farmers who have delivered rice to rice mills are given receipts to be cashed with the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC).

The BAAC is, however, exhausted its reserves of cash and is unable to make payment.

Mr Yanyong said rice millers would be asked to lend 50-60 per cent of the total payment in a receipt, after which full payment will be given by the BAAC.

Once a farmer gets money from the BAAC, he has to pay back to the rice mill, free of interest, the deputy minister said, adding that the ministry would seek a permission from the Election Commission to withdraw Bt1.2 billion from the central fund to pay for the interest on farmers’ behalf.

The assistance measure which involves 500-600 rice mills under the subsidy programme is voluntary, he said.

Mr Yanyong pacified farmers by assuring that the government was trying to find whatever measures it could to help farmers, similar to the way BAAC did in extending debt payments to farmers for six months and offering low interest borrowing.

He said the Foreign Trade Department will launch auctions in February and March to release nearly one million tonnes of rice from the state stockpiles to earn money to pay farmers, after having sold over one million tonnes of rice last month.

Manas Kitprasert, president of the Thai Rice Mills Association, said rice millers would have to discuss the government’s new option to help farmers.

Meanwhile, farmers from three rice-planting provinces of Singburi, Chai Nat and Ang Thong, submitted a letter to the National Anti-Corruption Commission, asking it to investigate the government's payments for rice from the latest crop.

They said farmers had been waiting in vain for the last 8-9 months for the overdue payments, impeding them from paying their debts to the BAAC and other lenders.

The government had promised to pay farmers after the general election, they said. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-02-06

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BANGKOK: -- Thai Rice Millers Association said today that the government of caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has owed rice millers in warehouse rentals for over a year.


And they are going to ask the rice millers to pay the farmers.

Perhaps they could ask the farmers to pay the millers rent while they are at it.

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Do not worry you poor unpaid rice farmers, Yingluck and the PTP on on your side. They will pay you soon. just go read Yinglucks facebook page, apparently she just posted that she has instructed the finance and commerce ministries to secure the money to pay you. I am sure you will be paid soon .... oh wait ... they have no money to pay you and no one will lend them the money ....

Hey Yngluck tell your family and friends to give back the money then you can pay the farmers ....

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So ridiculous.... posting policy on your Facebook page! And as we all know, no one REALLY knows who posted on Yingluck's Facebook page... for all we know, it is Thaksin's Facebook page and he is just using her pictures - which is probably true. I'm also blown away with the farmers protests, although I am happy they are making noise to flush the government out. Eventually their cries will be the straw that broke Yingluck's back... all her support from upcountry is vanishing... she is really in trouble. It is just a matter of time before she is thrown out... it is all timing now, not whether or not...

Next time around, the farmers should smarten up and not be so greedy themselves...

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And the RED SHIRT TV posters from CHANG MAI are silent ......why ????? Because the SHIN Government has taken care of them .....BUT NOT THE REST !!!......... Democracy is a LOT MORE then just sticking a piece of voting paper in the box !! ..... It's about taking care of ALL the population !!!! ..... To the REST of the FARMERS In Thailand ..... CHOKDEE !!!!! ........

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the millers have been waiting a year for money but not a peep until now they have stolen shed loads or they would have been crying as long as the farmers..suffer you greedy vermin..bah.gif equally corrupt as the yingluck government...any red boys here wana join in...and defend them..

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^ #11 '...Democracy is a LOT MORE then just sticking a piece of voting paper in the box !! ..... It's about taking care of ALL the population !!!!'

I bet the Democrats are kicking themselves for not having given one iota of consideration to the rest of the nation especially during their first years of their golden years of power. They will find it more and more difficult to recapture Thai hearts and minds as the years go by, regardless of what opposition is in power, in righting the grievous wrong of dismissing out of hand the Isaan people, especially.

Edited by jingjoke
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What took you so long fella's, if you are going to stay until you get paid, better join up with Suthep's crowd ,they've got all the bases covered , you wont go hungry , not like being on the land, as if the PTP would care if you go hungry.coffee1.gif

The tragedy is the no one give a d_amn is they are hungry, not only Yingluck... :/

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and the usual meaningless platitudes from Ms. Yingluck.

The BP has an article in local news with Yingluck promising help and lots of "government working hard to help', 'facebook message on MoC and MoF trying to find the funds', 'caretaker has limited authority', 'foreign governments have similar problems', 'special situation with protests', and lots more meaningless words and sentences.

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<The National Anti-Corruption Commission last month also opened a probe into possible negligence of duty by Yingluck in connection with the scheme.>

How reliable are they? Thaksin probably bought them to shut up.

<The government has been reluctant to reveal the full cost of the scheme or the exact size of its rice stockpile.>

No surprise. Nothing is transparent here. Some of the large foreign companies are seriously considering leaving some of their operations from Thailand after seeing this type of corruption. Thailand already lost face in the international communities.

Criminals can't tell who the criminals are. We have not heard any names of the suspect yet. Just amazing the way it is handled.

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And the RED SHIRT TV posters from CHANG MAI are silent ......why ????? Because the SHIN Government has taken care of them .....BUT NOT THE REST !!!......... Democracy is a LOT MORE then just sticking a piece of voting paper in the box !! ..... It's about taking care of ALL the population !!!! ..... To the REST of the FARMERS In Thailand ..... CHOKDEE !!!!! ........

I would love to embrace your post, if only the other side (Democrats) are same rats with different face. No bright future for Thailand, and a dark one for farmers. sad.png

This is NOT about " The Other Side " ..... This is about THIS Government that has been RUNNING this Country !!!! What part of that FACT Dont you understand ????? ......

To you and the posters who liked your previous post: (facepalm.gif)

Where did I write this government is doing good? This government is a shame to the Country, and who is trying to seize the power is nothing better than them. Democrats, I would not comment about them because their last disgraceful choices.

And could you try to use bold, underlined and caps lock in a less bothering way?

So: who is the one WHO have to understand? <----- (Isn't this freaking bothering?)

Edited by newcomer71
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And the RED SHIRT TV posters from CHANG MAI are silent ......why ????? Because the SHIN Government has taken care of them .....BUT NOT THE REST !!!......... Democracy is a LOT MORE then just sticking a piece of voting paper in the box !! ..... It's about taking care of ALL the population !!!! ..... To the REST of the FARMERS In Thailand ..... CHOKDEE !!!!! ........

I would love to embrace your post, if only the other side (Democrats) are same rats with different face. No bright future for Thailand, and a dark one for farmers. sad.png

This is NOT about " The Other Side " ..... This is about THIS Government that has been RUNNING this Country !!!! What part of that FACT Dont you understand ????? ......

Do us a favour and stop writing like people need every other word highlighted or underlined it dosnt make it any more real and really just makes you post less credible to bother reading

Its always about the other side here but most of all its about themselves. You'll see in years to come if all parties and class demographics are not included then more unrest will follow.

There is nothing special about here its just a country that has been little bit by little bit, tearing itself to pieces coup by coup, corrupt governing and selfish elites for decades.

Nothing is going to change much here and certainly not for the poor farmer, ysee the only ones who can affect a change are the same ones who have kept it where it is today. This latest episode is just another chapter in the mismanagement of a country that has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past 80 or so years. Thailand has had everything and every opportunity not afforded other nations in Asia in terms of support, finance, fertility and resources. They have wasted and squandered it always but for the few to benefit, it runs deeper than just this gov.

Thailand in the next decade if it dosnt wake up will become the real failed state people fear, its well on the way but its taken decades to get here. Ousting PTP or whoever will not do much other than forestall it a few years unless things change, which having known the Thais for a good couple of decades now it wont.

Sometimes people cant see the wood for the trees in front of them.

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Do not worry you poor unpaid rice farmers, Yingluck and the PTP on on your side. They will pay you soon. just go read Yinglucks facebook page, apparently she just posted that she has instructed the finance and commerce ministries to secure the money to pay you. I am sure you will be paid soon .... oh wait ... they have no money to pay you and no one will lend them the money ....

Hey Yngluck tell your family and friends to give back the money then you can pay the farmers ....

Who does she think she is fooling?

The government blames three months of demonstrations on Bangkok's streets for derailing the scheme, with Yingluck saying her administration's powers have been limited after the dissolution of parliament in December.

Between her and Chalerm this government will be remembered for it's stupidity.

She really is between a rock and a hard place. If she appears in public they have no idea what kind of nonsense she will come up with and if she doesn't appear in public she will be accused of doing nothing. Which would probably be a step up from what she is doing.

Edited by northernjohn
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And the RED SHIRT TV posters from CHANG MAI are silent ......why ????? Because the SHIN Government has taken care of them .....BUT NOT THE REST !!!......... Democracy is a LOT MORE then just sticking a piece of voting paper in the box !! ..... It's about taking care of ALL the population !!!! ..... To the REST of the FARMERS In Thailand ..... CHOKDEE !!!!! ........

I would love to embrace your post, if only the other side (Democrats) are same rats with different face. No bright future for Thailand, and a dark one for farmers. sad.png

This is NOT about " The Other Side " ..... This is about THIS Government that has been RUNNING this Country !!!! What part of that FACT Dont you understand ????? ......

Do us a favour and stop writing like people need every other word highlighted or underlined it dosnt make it any more real and really just makes you post less credible to bother reading

Its always about the other side here but most of all its about themselves. You'll see in years to come if all parties and class demographics are not included then more unrest will follow.

There is nothing special about here its just a country that has been little bit by little bit, tearing itself to pieces coup by coup, corrupt governing and selfish elites for decades.

Nothing is going to change much here and certainly not for the poor farmer, ysee the only ones who can affect a change are the same ones who have kept it where it is today. This latest episode is just another chapter in the mismanagement of a country that has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past 80 or so years. Thailand has had everything and every opportunity not afforded other nations in Asia in terms of support, finance, fertility and resources. They have wasted and squandered it always but for the few to benefit, it runs deeper than just this gov.

Thailand in the next decade if it dosnt wake up will become the real failed state people fear, its well on the way but its taken decades to get here. Ousting PTP or whoever will not do much other than forestall it a few years unless things change, which having known the Thais for a good couple of decades now it wont.

Sometimes people cant see the wood for the trees in front of them.

Yes it is hard to read his posts. You are right some times the people can not see the forest because the tree's are in the way.

Also some times they can't see the tree's either because they have there eye's shut. Suthep is proposing a way to bring unity to the country. Even a mindless idiot can see that having an election is not going to do it. There needs to be some changes made. Like it or not like Suthep or not makes no difference he at least has a plan. I personally think it is a good one. But he is not the one to chair it and neither is Yingluck both are to set in their ways.

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The Commerce Ministry is in Nonthaburi, the territory of the red shirt gangster leader, Ko Tee. Wonder if he will drop by with his motor cycle gang and fire a few grenade launchers and shot gun blasts to teach these imposters a lesson.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Posts pulling members up for their use of the English language have been removed.

It is a not a requirement to post perfect spelling and grammar on the forum, however, using the spell checker etc. in your browser is considered good netiquette.

To the member using bold font on every second or third word. Stop doing it. It is annoying and hard to read. If you persist, your posts will be arbitrarily removed from view.

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Seems to me instead of protesting at the Commerce ministry the farmers should all be opening up the rice warehouses in their areas and doing an inventory of what is there.

At least then there will be some idea of how much rice is in storage and what condition its in, something authority either don't know or are not telling.

Once that is known then there can be some idea of how much can be recovered by sales.

That should only take a few days or a couple of weeks ate the most if farmers in all parts of the country work together.

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Do us a favour and stop writing like people need every other word highlighted or underlined it dosnt make it any more real and really just makes you post less credible to bother reading

Its always about the other side here but most of all its about themselves. You'll see in years to come if all parties and class demographics are not included then more unrest will follow.

There is nothing special about here its just a country that has been little bit by little bit, tearing itself to pieces coup by coup, corrupt governing and selfish elites for decades.

Nothing is going to change much here and certainly not for the poor farmer, ysee the only ones who can affect a change are the same ones who have kept it where it is today. This latest episode is just another chapter in the mismanagement of a country that has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past 80 or so years. Thailand has had everything and every opportunity not afforded other nations in Asia in terms of support, finance, fertility and resources. They have wasted and squandered it always but for the few to benefit, it runs deeper than just this gov.

Thailand in the next decade if it dosnt wake up will become the real failed state people fear, its well on the way but its taken decades to get here. Ousting PTP or whoever will not do much other than forestall it a few years unless things change, which having known the Thais for a good couple of decades now it wont.

Sometimes people cant see the wood for the trees in front of them.

Yes it is hard to read his posts. You are right some times the people can not see the forest because the tree's are in the way.

Also some times they can't see the tree's either because they have there eye's shut. Suthep is proposing a way to bring unity to the country. Even a mindless idiot can see that having an election is not going to do it. There needs to be some changes made. Like it or not like Suthep or not makes no difference he at least has a plan. I personally think it is a good one. But he is not the one to chair it and neither is Yingluck both are to set in their ways.

Would you mind to tell me which is the clear Suthep plan? Maybe I wasn't too much focused and I lost that part in every of his nightly speeches.

I listen him about reforms, delete corruption, destroy Shinawatras but... How? Putting up a People's Council... Who will compose the council? Good people? Yes, ok. Who? Will this people only related to Dems or anyone that must be not PTP?

Who will choose those people? And how reform could be made? Any ideas about that? I think he does not have a clue.

He said: 12-18 months to make reforms and then will have elections... It sound so similar to 2006, but nothing changed. And since 2009 Dems had more than 18 months to make any reform to counter the PTP disaster, but... Nothing has been done.

This country needs real changes, not another wanna be dictator, an elite's council, a military coup. This country needs to believe in democracy. Needs real independent courts and offices to do the necessary checks. Needs to overcome divisions and hatred.

I see reforms are needed, but think reforms done but just one side will necessarily make division harsher. Khun Suthep and Khun Yingluck should think about Thailand, not their ego. Negotiate, sit and find an agreement. Make a government together during which put reforms in action. The point is both sides needs power, money and advantages, and not keen to share the cake...

I not foresee any change with Suthep reform, I see a disaster. Because the other side will have a violent reaction... They spoken about reconciliation since 2010, but what I see is just a bunch of hungry money/powermongers... No future for Thailand: not under PTP, not under Dems, not under People's Councils...

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Do us a favour and stop writing like people need every other word highlighted or underlined it dosnt make it any more real and really just makes you post less credible to bother reading

Its always about the other side here but most of all its about themselves. You'll see in years to come if all parties and class demographics are not included then more unrest will follow.

There is nothing special about here its just a country that has been little bit by little bit, tearing itself to pieces coup by coup, corrupt governing and selfish elites for decades.

Nothing is going to change much here and certainly not for the poor farmer, ysee the only ones who can affect a change are the same ones who have kept it where it is today. This latest episode is just another chapter in the mismanagement of a country that has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past 80 or so years. Thailand has had everything and every opportunity not afforded other nations in Asia in terms of support, finance, fertility and resources. They have wasted and squandered it always but for the few to benefit, it runs deeper than just this gov.

Thailand in the next decade if it dosnt wake up will become the real failed state people fear, its well on the way but its taken decades to get here. Ousting PTP or whoever will not do much other than forestall it a few years unless things change, which having known the Thais for a good couple of decades now it wont.

Sometimes people cant see the wood for the trees in front of them.

Yes it is hard to read his posts. You are right some times the people can not see the forest because the tree's are in the way.

Also some times they can't see the tree's either because they have there eye's shut. Suthep is proposing a way to bring unity to the country. Even a mindless idiot can see that having an election is not going to do it. There needs to be some changes made. Like it or not like Suthep or not makes no difference he at least has a plan. I personally think it is a good one. But he is not the one to chair it and neither is Yingluck both are to set in their ways.

Would you mind to tell me which is the clear Suthep plan? Maybe I wasn't too much focused and I lost that part in every of his nightly speeches.

I listen him about reforms, delete corruption, destroy Shinawatras but... How? Putting up a People's Council... Who will compose the council? Good people? Yes, ok. Who? Will this people only related to Dems or anyone that must be not PTP?

Who will choose those people? And how reform could be made? Any ideas about that? I think he does not have a clue.

He said: 12-18 months to make reforms and then will have elections... It sound so similar to 2006, but nothing changed. And since 2009 Dems had more than 18 months to make any reform to counter the PTP disaster, but... Nothing has been done.

This country needs real changes, not another wanna be dictator, an elite's council, a military coup. This country needs to believe in democracy. Needs real independent courts and offices to do the necessary checks. Needs to overcome divisions and hatred.

I see reforms are needed, but think reforms done but just one side will necessarily make division harsher. Khun Suthep and Khun Yingluck should think about Thailand, not their ego. Negotiate, sit and find an agreement. Make a government together during which put reforms in action. The point is both sides needs power, money and advantages, and not keen to share the cake...

I not foresee any change with Suthep reform, I see a disaster. Because the other side will have a violent reaction... They spoken about reconciliation since 2010, but what I see is just a bunch of hungry money/powermongers... No future for Thailand: not under PTP, not under Dems, not under People's Councils...

Are you really that conversant with Thai to understand his speeches. Or are you just picking and choosing the points you want to and them challenging them by filling in your view of what would be negative and ignoring any possibility of some thing positive.

Now instead of seeing how negative you can make a positive suggestion let us here your idea. Probably just like a red shirt have an election never mind the fact it didn't help.

Explain to all of us how the commission is going to make Suthep or you or me a dictator. I don't want the job. But I could do a better job than you or Suthep or Yingluck. Remember I said he was too closed minded to chair the commission. Yingluck also

Are you saying that out of 66,000,000 Thais there is not enough suitable people to form the council. Sounds like Thai bashing also.

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