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Google Earth: how much has global warming raised temperatures near you?

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Bangladesh will be fine,

It depends on your definition of 'fine'

The majority of folks there are just eking out an existence on permanently soggy terrain. Good for ducks and frogs, but not so suited for people. Currently and future projections look pretty grim. I guess a person could say Palestinians or East Congolese or South Sudanese will be fine, but again, it's far away. For us in comfy farang Pensionland, the most those types of countries will be for us, is; items which blip on and off the newscasts, depending on how severe their catastrophes are at any given time.

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200 to 1000 years..maybe move to Alpha Xenturi..or do like Holland in older times.. Free Energy+ Concrete printers.. Moondust Seawall..

up on the worlds deepest mountain M.Kea..scientists make water a and rocket fuel out of gray, dense, volcanic rock..outta charge..later ..

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climate change means chaos..not warming.. remember me now.. I'm changing sides..

but don't be a catastrophist..

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I guess a person could say Palestinians or East Congolese or South Sudanese will be fine, but again, it's far away.

I doubt that the South Sudanese will be fine.

There is a well-established link between solar activity and rainfall in East Africa -- solar activity is currently weak, and so rainfall is low (the drought was especially bad in 2011-12). When times get tough, as is well known, any ethnic tensions are likely to be exacerbated.

Scientists expect low solar activity for the next 30+ years, and among their predictions from the current solar minimum (Solar Cycles 24 and 25) are:

* Long drought in East Africa
* Long drought in central South America
* Paraguay and Brazil having severe power shortages.
* Canadian agricultural to see a severe downturn from a shortened growing season and unseasonal frosts.
If only there was a way to blame it on Western capitalism.

Here is some real bad news for the hoaxers.

But let me say I have met a few of these doomsday chicken little types wearing tin foil hats & yellow slickers suits on a sunny day.

Their minds are made up & no amount of facts are gonna convince them that we are NOT doomed.

The IPCC scandal of a few years ago where "scientists" are faking data to support their EOW theories was not enough to discredit the hoaxers.

They are doubling down. All you GW weenies go & have fun but leave the rest of us out of it.

I could suggest a solution but it might not see the light of day. It involves going down to Pattaya Beach, renting a room in a high rise & a swan dive.

Al Gore said that by 2013 Los Angeles would be underwater & polar bears would be extinct. #LOL@HOAXERS

Leave us debunkers alone.



Enjoy but don't let facts get in the way of your delusions.


Ethanol..Brazil runs cars on...sugar! they like our corn also..good stuff above blame it on the sun and us..a fair choice..aloha.

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Esst Antarctic glacier is 'slumping' into ocean..

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Here is some real bad news for the hoaxers.

But let me say I have met a few of these doomsday chicken little types wearing tin foil hats & yellow slickers suits on a sunny day.

Their minds are made up & no amount of facts are gonna convince them that we are NOT doomed.

The IPCC scandal of a few years ago where "scientists" are faking data to support their EOW theories was not enough to discredit the hoaxers.

They are doubling down. All you GW weenies go & have fun but leave the rest of us out of it.

I could suggest a solution but it might not see the light of day. It involves going down to Pattaya Beach, renting a room in a high rise & a swan dive.

Al Gore said that by 2013 Los Angeles would be underwater & polar bears would be extinct. #LOL@HOAXERS

Leave us debunkers alone.



Enjoy but don't let facts get in the way of your delusions.

Snarky, those are good links, but I think you are being too harsh with your attitude towards the average believers. You have to understand that most of these people really think this is all real and they are not bad people, In fact their motives are good. They are just unaware of the level of deception involved here.

Anyhow here are a couple of snips from snarky's second link:

The mainstream media and climate-alarmist blogosphere uncritically accepted the Cook study and trumpeted the consensus claims as gospel. We reported on May 21 ("Global Warming 'Consensus': Cooking the Books") on the critiques of the Cook study by experts who show that Cook cooked the data. Out of the nearly 12,000 scientific papers Cook’s team evaluated, only 65 endorsed Cook’s alarmist position. That’s less than one percent, not 97 percent. Moreover, as we reported, the Cook study was flawed from the beginning, using selection parameters designed to weight the outcome in favor of the alarmist position.

and another

In a May 22 follow-up article ("Climate 'Consensus' Con Game: Desperate Effort Before Release of UN Report") The New American reported on additional problems with the Cook study and cited a large and growing list of eminent climate scientists — including Nobel Prize recipients and scientists who served on the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — who challenge the claim that there is any “scientific consensus” on climate change, or that “the science is settled” in favor of the Al Gore alarmist position
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Wilco, I think you are a great example of this effect, in how you overestimate your ability to debate any topic. Your premise seems to always be. "You're stupid and you're too stupid to know it". Although most of the other people are actually bringing up topics and sharing their thoughts.


Wilco, I think you are a great example of this effect, in how you overestimate your ability to debate any topic. Your premise seems to always be. "You're stupid and you're too stupid to know it". Although most of the other people are actually bringing up topics and sharing their thoughts.

I was hoping you might really like that - you realise that the " no you are" repost is classic Dunning Kruger?
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Wilco, I think you are a great example of this effect, in how you overestimate your ability to debate any topic. Your premise seems to always be. "You're stupid and you're too stupid to know it". Although most of the other people are actually bringing up topics and sharing their thoughts.

- you realise that the " no you are" repost is classic Dunning Kruger?
I don't get into deep scientific debates because I know my limits, which it would appear you don't... Hence my speculation.
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If you don't bleive in AGW, then you probably don't believe in the Dunning Kruger effect either........but they are both demonstrably real

But I do believe in the tooth fairy

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Wilco, I think you are a great example of this effect, in how you overestimate your ability to debate any topic. Your premise seems to always be. "You're stupid and you're too stupid to know it". Although most of the other people are actually bringing up topics and sharing their thoughts.

- you realise that the " no you are" repost is classic Dunning Kruger?
I don't get into deep scientific debates because I know my limits, which it would appear you don't... Hence my speculation.

Yes we are all aware of your limits

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Wilcopops, some advice: don't get in to a booger slinging contest with deniers, they'll beat you every time.

That's only because we have the facts on our side, like:

* No global warming for almost 18 years

* Alarmist CO2 computer models all bust to pieces

* Alarmist predictions have all failed to come true (We have seen that in the last years and decades that winters have become much milder than before and that there isn’t nearly as much snowfall. All simulations show this trend will continue in the future ” - Leibnitz Institute for Oceanography, February 17, 2005)

All the hand-wringing and wailing in the world can't overcome reality, hard and gallantly though the Green/Left tries.


RB, you've already made it very clear, in many posts, that you will refute any scientific evidence that comes forth - which shows a warming trend for this planet. You are cemented in fixatedly denying any and all warming data, particularly if there's a mention of human influence. May I ask, do you have any ties or financial involvement with fossil fuel industries?

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I heard the glacier scientist yesterday..for stories in a row made me think of you guys.. I'll go get the link..

audio..I get convinced my well spoken, experts that speak to us all.

He did say 'warming' once..

I surrender..

As You know, I like the long term stuff..

the glacier slumps into the sea.. links to follow... good morning Thailand..!

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RB, you've already made it very clear, in many posts, that you will refute any scientific evidence that comes forth

BRU, you've already made it very clear, in many posts, that you will do anything to avoid discussing scientific evidence, so the idea of me 'refuting' it simply doesn't come into play.

I point out that the meticulously collected satellite data shows no global warming in almost 18 years; you offer advice about 'booger slinging' -- who's the one talking more about the scientific evidence?

As for the rest of your hand-waving, I have stated on many occasions that I accept the planet has been warming gradually since 1850, and that human influence probably plays some part in that warming.

You are cemented in fixatedly denying the scientific basis of anyone's views which contradict your own.

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If you don't bleive in AGW, then you probably don't believe in the Dunning Kruger effect either........but they are both demonstrably real

But I do believe in the tooth fairy

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That would be self-evident.

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Wilco, I think you are a great example of this effect, in how you overestimate your ability to debate any topic. Your premise seems to always be. "You're stupid and you're too stupid to know it". Although most of the other people are actually bringing up topics and sharing their thoughts.

- you realise that the " no you are" repost is classic Dunning Kruger?
I don't get into deep scientific debates because I know my limits, which it would appear you don't... Hence my speculation.

Yes we are all aware of your limits

As I said the overwhelming evidence is to the contrary.

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Thanks for printing Snarkeys link..but listen to the glacier guy on my npr link for perspective..

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


If you can find it, watch the Nat Geo documentary "Chasing Ice". Very interesting and concerning evidence of the retreat of the glaciers.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If you can find it, watch the Nat Geo documentary "Chasing Ice". Very interesting and concerning evidence of the retreat of the glaciers.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I forgot to add: Is global warming real? Is it natural or has mankind had an influence? Watch Chasing Ice and make up your own mind.


I am so offended. The tooth fairy is just as real as AGW.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


If you can find it, watch the Nat Geo documentary "Chasing Ice". Very interesting and concerning evidence of the retreat of the glaciers.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I forgot to add: Is global warming real? Is it natural or has mankind had an influence? Watch Chasing Ice and make up your own mind.

Chasing Ice is about some researchers, one in particular who was given a huge budget to document some specifically chosen, rapidly retreating glaciers. The footage is dramatic and unique, mostly because no one has ever done that before. The entire premise of the show is, "wow these glaciers are melting fast, therefore humans are to blame". They do not connect the dots however, the movie just assumes that fast melt equals human blame.

But can you imagine how fast the glaciers were moving at any of multiple warming trends in the last 12,000 years? How about when North America was nearly buried in Ice miles high. Do you think ice was melting pretty quick then? I think so.


Of course we were not to blame for any other warming cycle, even though several times in the last 10,000 years it has been much warmer than this. Yes that was all natural, but if it happens today, it's because we did it. Something we need to realize is, ice is not an endangered species. It melts, it freezes, it makes your drink a little nicer. We have warmed up quite a bit in the last 200 years, but we have quite a ways to go before we are somewhere the earth hasn't been before.

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If you can find it, watch the Nat Geo documentary "Chasing Ice". Very interesting and concerning evidence of the retreat of the glaciers.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I forgot to add: Is global warming real? Is it natural or has mankind had an influence? Watch Chasing Ice and make up your own mind.

Chasing Ice is about some researchers, one in particular who was given a huge budget to document some specifically chosen, rapidly retreating glaciers. The footage is dramatic and unique, mostly because no one has ever done that before. The entire premise of the show is, "wow these glaciers are melting fast, therefore humans are to blame". They do not connect the dots however, the movie just assumes that fast melt equals human blame.

But can you imagine how fast the glaciers were moving at any of multiple warming trends in the last 12,000 years? How about when North America was nearly buried in Ice miles high. Do you think ice was melting pretty quick then? I think so.


Of course we were not to blame for any other warming cycle, even though several times in the last 10,000 years it has been much warmer than this. Yes that was all natural, but if it happens today, it's because we did it. Something we need to realize is, ice is not an endangered species. It melts, it freezes, it makes your drink a little nicer. We have warmed up quite a bit in the last 200 years, but we have quite a ways to go before we are somewhere the earth hasn't been before.

I agree with you that at the end of the last ice age the ice was melting pretty rapidly and that was without the influence of humans. There are so many factors that effect our climate that it is difficult to prove any one thing is having a greater effect than another.

The majority of scientists are in agreement on "climate change" but that does not mean they are correct. Many theories have been accepted by the majority only to be proved wrong when further evidence is uncovered and many theories have been dismissed by the majority only to be proven correct. The human race could spend a lot of money and a lot of time reducing green house gasses only to find that the sun decides to throw a spanner in the works and go into a period of low activity which could send us into an ice age. It could also erupt and send a massive wave of particles at us that could rip our atmosphere apart and end all life on earth. Who knows?

The scientists may be wrong on this but over a period of time and after gathering more and more data they are making the best conclusions they can. I know that I would put more faith in the scientific community before I would trust a politician, business man or religious man and their theories.

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