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Emergency Phone Number: What is it?


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And don't get a gun. You can't legally have one.

That's actually not true, you can have a gun licence here under certain conditions.

But, its still good advice, don't get a gun....................wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

Under what conditions?

That you do not have a criminal record, that you are 20 years old or more, that you have a permanent address in Thailand and have your name listed in the house registration specifically in the area where you are applying for a license, for at least six months and you must be employed and receive income.

Licenses for gun possession will not be granted to individuals who are disabled or handicapped and incapable of using a gun, unless possession is only for keepsake purposes. Persons who are incompetent, quasi-incompetent, mentally insane or deranged will not be permitted a license.


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"There must be more to this story..." Actually, judging by the OP, rcox81, hasn't come back to see or answer questions asked of him, there is probably less to this story. Classic plum pie send-up. Someone, in a corner, with a plum fixed to his thumb, runs in his head the mantra loop: "What a good boy am I!" The story, and your pie slices are plum-less.

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And don't get a gun. You can't legally have one.

That's actually not true, you can have a gun licence here under certain conditions.

But, its still good advice, don't get a gun....................wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

Under what conditions?

That you do not have a criminal record, that you are 20 years old or more, that you have a permanent address in Thailand and have your name listed in the house registration specifically in the area where you are applying for a license, for at least six months and you must be employed and receive income.

Licenses for gun possession will not be granted to individuals who are disabled or handicapped and incapable of using a gun, unless possession is only for keepsake purposes. Persons who are incompetent, quasi-incompetent, mentally insane or deranged will not be permitted a license.


cheesy.gif and then you read about 'revenge' shootings over losing face in front of GF. Hell, I even remember the one over the chicken sauce!!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Anyway, perhaps you could try calling the cops and tell them that someone's thrown a million baht into your yard in a bag and you don't know what to do with it. My guess is they'll turn up fairly quickly wink.png

I wonder how much tea money it will cost you to get off a "wasting police time" charge???

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I am sorry about your problem with this very nasty "HEISTER". However there is no need to use the term "faggot" which is a really insulting term for gay people. A faggot is a piece of firewood that you burn and that is what often happened to gays a long time ago - hence the reason sexists call them by that term.

Faggot means many things but I understand what you say in the UK for example I used to go buy myself a packet of faggot every week it is like a meatball in a sauce the scots love them .

Everybody understands the intended meaning in this case. If you get held up by some thug you are unlikely to call him "a bowl of meatballs".

I can understand and sympathise with crazykopite re this occurrence. I am merely drawing attention to the fact that it is not necessary to denigrate one section of the community. There are many other colourful and vicious adjectives that I can think of to call this standover man.

Same logic Trentham, If you get held up by some thug you are unlikely to call him "a homosexual"

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"There must be more to this story..." Actually, judging by the OP, rcox81, hasn't come back to see or answer questions asked of him, there is probably less to this story. Classic plum pie send-up. Someone, in a corner, with a plum fixed to his thumb, runs in his head the mantra loop: "What a good boy am I!" The story, and your pie slices are plum-less.

As earlier mentioned by someone, the OP is likely in a fragile emotional state. It could be that there's more, but it could simply be that he's had time to reflect and hates himself for not doing more. And taking a lot of these comments to heart. He might also be out there trying to establish his options and fix it...?

Any which way, from the posted description it does astound me that so many get all 'macho' in what 'they' would've done. I'm no slouch, but there has been a couple of incidents in the past that have taken me by surprise, and left me acting, or NOT reacting, in the way I would expect to, or even having done in similar prior events. It's true to say that you have to be faced with it, at that particular time, you cannot guarantee what you WOULD do.

As for his name-calling and 'words' of macho-ism after the event, we've all heard people 'growing a set' after the event, over the years; egos are fragile.

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You guys do what you want. Some guy with a potential entourage waiting in the car barges in to my home and demands money here in Thailand, I'm handing him 3000 just to get it over with no bloodshed- his or mine.

That's the first time.

I'll have a lot more information and a plan the second time.

$100 isn't a lot to hand over to avoid getting shot, stabbed or (if you play the Rambo Jack Reacher card and win) jailed.

Edit: Freshened it up for the 21st Century.

Edited by impulse
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Its funny how most of the post's have been calling the guy a weakling and a coward describing how they would have dealt with the situation. The OP also saying what he should have done or would do if it happened again.

I bet 90% of the people in here making those comments would have ended up face down in the dirt.

You guys do what you want. Some guy with a potential entourage waiting in the car barges in to my home and demands money here in Thailand, I'm handing him 3000 just to get it over with no bloodshed- his or mine.

That's the first time.

I'll have a lot more information and a plan the second time.

$100 isn't a lot to hand over to avoid getting shot, stabbed or (if you play the Rambo card and win) jailed.

Egos buddy, harder to control than the bladder!

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I have to agree with wilgoster (post # 94).

This story is now starting to smell of BS.

The OP asked for advise at 05:15 this morning, then logged off straight after the post and has not been back on the board since.

Judging by the time of his last activity, I would hazard a guess that he is not even in Thailand (bed time in farang land).

Besides this, i would guess that the posters on this tread have over 200 collective years of experience in Thailand and no-one seems to have even heard of anything like this happening in Thailand before.

Maybe I'm being a bit sceptical here but we do seem to attracting a lot more posters recently who post a story where the details do not match reality.

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I have to agree with wilgoster (post # 94).

This story is now starting to smell of BS.

The OP asked for advise at 05:15 this morning, then logged off straight after the post and has not been back on the board since.

Judging by the time of his last activity, I would hazard a guess that he is not even in Thailand (bed time in farang land).

Besides this, i would guess that the posters on this tread have over 200 collective years of experience in Thailand and no-one seems to have even heard of anything like this happening in Thailand before.

Maybe I'm being a bit sceptical here but we do seem to attracting a lot more posters recently who post a story where the details do not match reality.

Or possibly he read all the he-man comments and decided it wasn't worth it to post back.

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I suffered a similar unsavoury incident at my home in UK. At 2 in the morning there was an almighty hammering on my front door. If the door hadn't been substantial it would surely have caved in

Being pitch dark I couldn't see the criminals that were attempting to break into my home so I shouted through the door 'go away or I'll call the police!'

'We are the police' they shouted back

(Of course I knew that, but I just wanted to aggravate them a little bit more)

It's not only in Thailand that the police do not measure up to one's expectations

On gaining entry they demanded that I drag my Thai wife out of bed because they'd received a report (at 4 that afternoon) that I'd mudered her.

This was but one of several late night visits from the BiB because I'd taken them to court for negligence over an unrelated matter

Ciminals/Police? - Police/Criminals?

Sometimes the lines become blurred

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If I were you, I would enquire why the pusher-man came to your place first.

not only that....! facepalm.gif

why you give money to a creasy one you don't know ?

why you let him enter to your place or kick him out of your place ?

why you don't have in your cellphone the tel number of your next immigration office in case of an emergency ?

why you don't make a photo of the car and its number and a quick photo of that people to give to the police later on?

why your girl friend did not run to your neibours for help ?

by surprised everybody can react a diferent way, but aparently he had no gun only a cell phone ....so

i hope you have been to the police station and reported it because these people are in the future going to do it again with foreigners


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How this would happen at my house. Guy comes to the sliding car gate. He is met by my dog. The gate is 5 feet tall and the dog can jump about 6 feet. She tries to bite anyone who comes by jumping over the gate. She looks like a shark with her head and lots of teeth popping up above the gate. So people ring the bell. I come to the gate. People usually ask me if she bites. I tell them in Thai that she likes to bite people very much and is not a friendly dog. The people say, really? I tell them she is a very dangerous dog. Then the people usually leave.

Many times I have wondered if I should have socialized my dog more when she was a pup as she can be a problem when we have company. I bought her a big cage out back with a roof. It's her house when we have guests.

She frightens most Thai people. When her vet comes for her yearly shots I have to muzzle and cage her.

The dog has not figured out the difference between give and take. She reacts negatively if a stranger tries to give her something or take something. It is her house and she wants no additions or subtractions and no visitors, period.

Sounds like you trained your dog "PNG Style"

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OP: Putting aside the why's, for the future obtain the mobile number for a senior local Thai police volunteer, invite some to your house for a few beers & intro yourself, as well they will know your location. They carry police radios and respond very quickly, some are licensed to carry a weapon, RTP arrive later if needs be. In my area, just outside of Pattaya, they are often the first responders and quite effective for handling local crime, gaining intelligence etc

Are you for real? No volunteer is licences to carry a firearm in Thailand. I agree they are good at arriving quick but none are permitted to be armed.

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I have to agree with wilgoster (post # 94).

This story is now starting to smell of BS.

The OP asked for advise at 05:15 this morning, then logged off straight after the post and has not been back on the board since.

Judging by the time of his last activity, I would hazard a guess that he is not even in Thailand (bed time in farang land).

Besides this, i would guess that the posters on this tread have over 200 collective years of experience in Thailand and no-one seems to have even heard of anything like this happening in Thailand before.

Maybe I'm being a bit sceptical here but we do seem to attracting a lot more posters recently who post a story where the details do not match reality.

Or possibly he read all the he-man comments and decided it wasn't worth it to post back.

He has not read any of the comments, his last activity on this board was at 05:15 this morning, the same tima as he made his post.

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Security cam, 9.900 Bath for 4 cameras and recorder.

Hide them if you like to have evidedence.

Show them if you like to scare him away.

Also a Pit bull Terrier will do ;-)

Please let us all know what happens next!

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