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Emerging and growing tourism segment in Thailand -- gays taking a holiday from oppression


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I don't like people being overly affectionate in public, be they homosexual, heterosexual, trysexual, monosexual, whatever.

Well said.

In general, I wish people would check in their bigotries and prejudices at the airport, they can pick them up when they leave.

A same sex couple just holding hands where it might be seen by children is illegal in Russia.

Holding a sign saying, gay love is equal to straight love is illegal in Russia.

Perhaps some of you are unaware of what happened in Russia.

Russia gay youth is being targeted, stalked and ACTIVELY HUNTED by Russian neo-Nazis, attacked violently and sometimes murdered, videos posted to the internet ruining the lives of these kids (who are mostly in situations where it is IMPOSSIBLE to be "out").

Russia is treating their gays like they used to treat their Jews. Most of the Jews left (after they were allowed to, which wasn't easy).

Russia's laws are MILD compared to Nigeria.

Edited by Jingthing
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Is being straight a choice? Is being straight a lifestyle?

Yes and yes.

That's absurd. But if you want to own that view, be my guest.

So these Russian gay youth today, growing up in the current extremely hostile environment, according to you they "chose" this "lifestyle" -- one which puts them out there as targets of Russian fascist hunters? Are you serious?

Edited by Jingthing
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Is being straight a choice? Is being straight a lifestyle?

Yes and yes.

That's absurd. But if you want to own that view, be my guest.

If you already knew, why did you ask?

As usual, anyone that does not agree with you is wrong. Pretty narrow minded on your part.

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All opinions deserve to be heard but not all opinions are correct. Bigotry and ignorance are rarely correct.

So when i say I believe being heterosexual is a choice, you call me a bigot and say I'm intolerant.

What doe that make you, open-minded and tolerant?

That's why the homosexual board gets so little action, so many of the people there are absolutely intolerant of anyone that has an opinion that differs from their own.

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All opinions deserve to be heard but not all opinions are correct. Bigotry and ignorance are rarely correct.

So when i say I believe being heterosexual is a choice, you call me a bigot and say I'm intolerant.

What doe that make you, open-minded and tolerant?

That's why the homosexual board gets so little action, so many of the people there are absolutely intolerant of anyone that has an opinion that differs from their own.

Not all of us are like that:) but it is the most unfriendly sub forum.

Let's hope these oppressed tourists in Pattaya with lots of money to travel, don't read what's on there, they may not even know they're oppressed but they'll be told they are 555555

As for PDA's not a fan at all ........

Edited by ToddWeston
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we really should not argue about whether being straight or gay is a choice or just the way we are made ,i am sure guys who fancy little girls do not do it out of "choice" its just the way they are made, but its still illegal , and there is the rub ,in some countrys it is illegal to have sex with the same sex no good arguing about it ,i have no problem with Russians ect coming to Pattaya to have sex with other men ,but please just keep it private and no public displays of affection , it scares the horses.w00t.gif .

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The Pattaya connection was that it was about a newer emerging growing market for PATTAYA tourism. It was never intended to be a topic about every controversy about homosexuality in the world.

I guess it was unreasonable to hope folks could focus on that part of it in the Pattaya forum, so no problem with the move back. Anytime any topic with any connection to "gay" appears outside the gay forum, I guess it's inevitable anti-gay people will see that as a chance to vent about their feelings even if they have nothing to do with specific aspect of the world of "gay" being targeted for discussion.

Edited by Jingthing
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All opinions deserve to be heard but not all opinions are correct. Bigotry and ignorance are rarely correct.

So when i say I believe being heterosexual is a choice, you call me a bigot and say I'm intolerant.

What doe that make you, open-minded and tolerant?

That's why the homosexual board gets so little action, so many of the people there are absolutely intolerant of anyone that has an opinion that differs from their own.

Not all of us are like that:) but it is the most unfriendly sub forum.

Let's hope these oppressed tourists in Pattaya with lots of money to travel, don't read what's on there, they may not even know they're oppressed but they'll be told they are 555555

As for PDA's not a fan at all ........

Everyone is welcome to post on the gay forum as long as they are respectful to gay people. That includes gay people of course. So it's friendly enough. Either people post here or they don't, and they mostly don't. This is hardly the only forum in the world with weak participation.

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Everyone is welcome, however they don't post because they are only given the leftist poor me, I'm gay & oppressed agenda, if the don't use the correct terminology they are labelled homophobes.

You don't know why more people don't post here.

It's rich that you harp about this forum being so unfriendly. Perhaps look in a mirror. I hope you are not presenting yourself as a beacon of friendliness, especially after the comment above.

A "gay forum" where people advocating for gay civil rights globally are insulted by other gay people, what do you call that?

Also if you want this thread to be about the politics of this forum, perhaps a new thread for that? I won't start that (it would just be a flame fest) but I'm sure this noise doesn't fit here on this thread.

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Everyone is welcome, however they don't post because they are only given the leftist poor me, I'm gay & oppressed agenda, if the don't use the correct terminology they are labelled homophobes.

You don't know why more people don't post here.

It's rich that you harp about this forum being so unfriendly. Perhaps look in a mirror. I hope you are not presenting yourself as a beacon of friendliness, especially after the comment above.

A "gay forum" where people advocating for gay civil rights globally are insulted by other gay people, what do you call that?

Also if you want this thread to be about the politics of this forum, perhaps a new thread for that? I won't start that (it would just be a flame fest) but I'm sure this noise doesn't fit here on this thread.

Whatever Dude.

Back on topic do these "oppressed" gays in Pattaya at least look happy on holiday ?

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Everyone is welcome, however they don't post because they are only given the leftist poor me, I'm gay & oppressed agenda, if the don't use the correct terminology they are labelled homophobes.

You don't know why more people don't post here.

I know I posted here a few times and was called any number of names by you and others of a similar mindset. I gave up after being reported and getting a few nasty-grams and threatened with being banned by the moderators.

That's the way the left works. They are unable to formulate any real argument, so they have to shut the discussion down.

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All opinions deserve to be heard but not all opinions are correct. Bigotry and ignorance are rarely correct.

So when i say I believe being heterosexual is a choice, you call me a bigot and say I'm intolerant.

What doe that make you, open-minded and tolerant?

That's why the homosexual board gets so little action, so many of the people there are absolutely intolerant of anyone that has an opinion that differs from their own.

Not all of us are like that:) but it is the most unfriendly sub forum.

Let's hope these oppressed tourists in Pattaya with lots of money to travel, don't read what's on there, they may not even know they're oppressed but they'll be told they are 555555

As for PDA's not a fan at all ........

I know, but to be clear, I said so many of the people there, I did not say all, and I did not say gays.

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Are you gay by any chance Jingthing?biggrin.png anyway ,while not careing what two men ,or women get up to in private ,i myself do not want to see men ,making open displays of affection to other men in public ,i personally find it offensive ,i am also sick of hearing about gay rights ,gay pride marches and the like (what would be the reaction if we had hetrosexual pride marches?).

There's nothing to stop you organising one if you're really interested.

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It seems odd that one week we're all about bashing the Ruskies in pats, t the next week we are promoting them, as long as they're homosexual.

I don't like people being overly affectionate in public, be they homosexual, heterosexual, trysexual

That'll be me. I've been trying to get a shag for years but nobody's interested... laugh.png

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I don't post on here as often as I might because I'm tired of having my posts turned into a pissing match by those who can't bear dissenting opinions.

Totally understand, i was the same for a while, but back Posting again... but for how long not sure...

Its 2014 live and let live....

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It seems odd that one week we're all about bashing the Ruskies in pats, t the next week we are promoting them, as long as they're homosexual.

I don't like people being overly affectionate in public, be they homosexual, heterosexual, trysexual

That'll be me. I've been trying to get a shag for years but nobody's interested... laugh.png

Class.. love your comment..

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Are you gay by any chance Jingthing?biggrin.png anyway ,while not careing what two men ,or women get up to in private ,i myself do not want to see men ,making open displays of affection to other men in public ,i personally find it offensive ,i am also sick of hearing about gay rights ,gay pride marches and the like (what would be the reaction if we had hetrosexual pride marches?).

There's nothing to stop you organising one if you're really interested.
What do you mean? All the Columbus Day, st. Patricks Day, etc. parades around the world are basically straight-pride parades. Up until recently, they were basically groups of straight people marching to commentate or celebrate something important or significant to their culture. Various groups within that culture (churches, lodges, etc.) take part to celebrate. So basically there already are many many "straight pride" parades but they're just not called that. In fact, the NYC St. Patricks Day Parade is still a bigated Straight Pride parade as it refuses to allow Irish Catholic gay groups/organizations to take part.

You see, people like Claudius who say things like "we straights don't have straight-pride parades so I don't understand why the gays have them and shove it in our faces" don't realize is that they live in a hetero-immersed public space and culture and when gays claim a small part of the public square as their own they are vilified for it.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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The heteros can have a hetero-pride parade if they want. I doubt that anyone would object. I doubt they would be denied a permit. I doubt that many people would go, though, since heteros don't have the refined sense of taste that gays do!clap2.gif

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The heteros can have a hetero-pride parade if they want. I doubt that anyone would object. I doubt they would be denied a permit. I doubt that many people would go, though, since heteros don't have the refined sense of taste that gays do!clap2.gif

Funny how that works. Like in most major cities, the most hip neighborhoods, restos, stores, and nite clubs are the gay ones. Most straights are so boring, even other heteros can't stand to be around them. I was floored when I learned that the long-standing hetero pick-up niteclub in Phnom Penh, The Heart of Darkness, was gay owned. I gather it's the same with the nearby Pontoon as well.

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Are you gay by any chance Jingthing?biggrin.png anyway ,while not careing what two men ,or women get up to in private ,i myself do not want to see men ,making open displays of affection to other men in public ,i personally find it offensive ,i am also sick of hearing about gay rights ,gay pride marches and the like (what would be the reaction if we had hetrosexual pride marches?).

There's nothing to stop you organising one if you're really interested.
What do you mean? All the Columbus Day, st. Patricks Day, etc. parades around the world are basically straight-pride parades.

That is just not true and that whole line of thinking is weak. Columbus Day, St. Patrick's Day etc. have nothing to do with anyone's sexuality, and homosexuals have been enjoying and participating in them, and all parades and public celebrations since the start of civilization.

I don't care if homosexuals (or anyone) want's to have a parade and I would support their right to do so. I'll either go and watch or stay home, It makes me no never-mind. That said, I would not support a public parade with a lot of people of any sexual persuasion walking down the street half naked groping each other.

A heterosexual pride parade would be poorly attended because heterosexuals are generally not defined by, nor does their whole world rotate around their sexuality.

I would like to say more, but if said anything more, the name calling would start and the mod would delete my post. Isn't it funny the way it is always the people that fancy themselves openminded that ultimately have to resort to stifling discussion? Not ha-ha funny, funny-funny.

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