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Whats with Thais Feeding and Caring For Vicious Packs of Stray Dogs ?

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One effective way would be of the authorities to collect stray dogs that it finds and if noone claims them within a few days they are destroyed, again not what we used to but who wants to be bitten by a dog that might have rabies? Its not going to tell you is it?

<deleted>! Do you realise Thaland is a Buddhist country and simply "destroying" dogs is totally against the core principles of Buddhism ?

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One effective way would be of the authorities to collect stray dogs that it finds and if noone claims them within a few days they are destroyed, again not what we used to but who wants to be bitten by a dog that might have rabies? Its not going to tell you is it?

<deleted>! Do you realise Thaland is a Buddhist country and simply "destroying" dogs is totally against the core principles of Buddhism ?

Yes, but it is for the dogs own good, don't you see that? What are you, some king of right-winger that hates dogs? Kill them, they will be much happier when they're dead, and they won't be out frightening the bejesus out of bicyclists.


Look up "Pariah".

One one extreme you have domesticated pet dogs. Only relatively wealthy Thais adopt this pattern, but it's pretty much the only one allowed in our countries, with the exception of outback Oz, where in some communities dingos are still permitted.

On the other is truly feral or wild dogs, some parts of American have these.

The soi dog is in between, lives on garbage and food scraps so no one individual or family has to take responsibility for them, but still serve a protective function, not much use anymore I suppose.

Cultural holdover from more primitive times.

Live and let live.

I could not have said better, i completely agree.thumbsup.gif

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pariah dogs/aka prmitive dogs are not wild dogs. there are no wild dogs. all dogs have dna of domestic dogs. pariah dogs are the closest thing to dna that goes straight back a couple thousand years.what u call domestic dogs are just dogs. lhasa apso, thai ridgeback, canaan , caralina pariah dog, and there are others, all are standard pariah/or primitive dogs. all other breeds are developed breeds of the same domesticated dog jsut with more genetically plastic twisted genes like border collies or boxers, or malinois.

the original thai village dogs were pariah dogs. they can climb some, hunt a lot, are physically built as an ideal dog. a boxer with a squished in nose would have a hard time holding his own as a village dog. soi dogs are a more mixed crew of developed dogs mixed with the village dogs.

rabies is rampant in thailand. people are bitten all the time and the clinics are well equipped with rabie vaccines for humans.

thais do walk with big sticks in teh villages to protect from the loosely formed packs of dogs.

thais feed the dogs for merit.

the shirts are to keep the dogs clean, and as long as they shirts arent tight on the dog probably doesnt bother too much, the same as fur, and since they clip the fur, same same. you wear clothes also right? dogs dont sweat from their skin, they pant, so will for the most part cool themselves off anyhow. here in the worst of heat many of us still wear long sleaves and long clothes for religious reasons and surprisingly enough we survive, our bodies get used to it.

my husband is constantly feeding strays that show up near us but has no compunction to take a frying pan as a weapon to go after one that goes for our chickens at night.

nong: many shelters in teh states round up dogs and kill them, so u arent used to that or u just dont know?

and if u, the OP are truely concerned about the plight of dogs in thaialnd im sure that dog organizations in thailand would welcome your help or philanthropy


The term pariah dog has several meanings. I'm not talking about genetics.

There are indeed populations of truly feral or wild dogs around the world, that have no contact with human populations.

Dingos are apparently descendant from Asian pariah breeds, and could be fully wild or adjunct to more-or-less traditional aboriginal settlements.

Can't say they serve any useful function anymore. ​As for philosophical ethical arguments, do Buddhists actively protest mozzie spraying? I think it's just an historical cultural attachment. . .

Spaying all soi dogs might be a compromise right?


I have a soi dog and my wife has 20 of them. She uses them at her place of employment as guard dogs along with 4 night watchmen. My dog guards our home. So all in all we have given 21 soi dogs a home. If everyone did this there would not be a problem. Our vet makes house calls and the dogs are healthy and happy. My wife is Mrs Average Thai BTW. biggrin.png

Thats interesting, so your "average Thai" has a business that requires 21 dogs, I'd love to be the neighbour

If she neutered 21 one of them I might be impressed. Face facts your "average Thai" couldnt care less unless it benefits them by merit making nonsense.

How many people have died from dogs aimlessly wandering the streets, motorcycles trying to avoid them and cars,.its gross stupidity.


I have a soi dog and my wife has 20 of them. She uses them at her place of employment as guard dogs along with 4 night watchmen. My dog guards our home. So all in all we have given 21 soi dogs a home. If everyone did this there would not be a problem. Our vet makes house calls and the dogs are healthy and happy. My wife is Mrs Average Thai BTW. biggrin.png

Thats interesting, so your "average Thai" has a business that requires 21 dogs, I'd love to be the neighbour

If she neutered 21 one of them I might be impressed. Face facts your "average Thai" couldnt care less unless it benefits them by merit making nonsense.

How many people have died from dogs aimlessly wandering the streets, motorcycles trying to avoid them and cars,.its gross stupidity.

OK lets be honest. I know many Thais that feed and give health care to and neuter stray dogs and you don't. You have crappy friends I don't. Unless you want to play the semantic, pedantic TV game I never said the average Thai needs 21 soi dogs. I said my wife is an average Thai and we care for 21 soi dogs. I fit in my surroundings and try to make them better you don't. Simple really.


I have a soi dog and my wife has 20 of them. She uses them at her place of employment as guard dogs along with 4 night watchmen. My dog guards our home. So all in all we have given 21 soi dogs a home. If everyone did this there would not be a problem. Our vet makes house calls and the dogs are healthy and happy. My wife is Mrs Average Thai BTW. biggrin.png

Thats interesting, so your "average Thai" has a business that requires 21 dogs, I'd love to be the neighbour

If she neutered 21 one of them I might be impressed. Face facts your "average Thai" couldnt care less unless it benefits them by merit making nonsense.

How many people have died from dogs aimlessly wandering the streets, motorcycles trying to avoid them and cars,.its gross stupidity.

OK lets be honest. I know many Thais that feed and give health care to and neuter stray dogs and you don't. You have crappy friends I don't. Unless you want to play the semantic, pedantic TV game I never said the average Thai needs 21 soi dogs. I said my wife is an average Thai and we care for 21 soi dogs. I fit in my surroundings and try to make them better you don't. Simple really.

I hope you shovel their shit up and will pay for shots when they bite people. This semi owned dog is nonsense, either they are your dogs or they are not. 21 dogs? absolute madness. of course none of them bark all day I expect?

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One effective way would be of the authorities to collect stray dogs that it finds and if noone claims them within a few days they are destroyed, again not what we used to but who wants to be bitten by a dog that might have rabies? Its not going to tell you is it?

<deleted>! Do you realise Thaland is a Buddhist country and simply "destroying" dogs is totally against the core principles of Buddhism ?

Against the core principal of Buddhism, but plenty of Thais poison nusiance dogs, as they have done in my Moo Baan.

It used to be that dogs were killed, but some years back, cannot remember the date, after animal rights people undertook a lobbying campaign it was forbidden by law. Some report that as consequence the street dog population has since risen dramatically. After the law was passed the Thai government and Amphur have not sufficiently funded dog shelters and it is estimated that up to 70 percent of dogs in shelters die from disease and so on.

As an alternative example, although the numbers are declining, in the USA, it is estimated between 3 to 4 million cats & dogs p.a. are euthanised at animal welfare shelters.



I have a soi dog and my wife has 20 of them. She uses them at her place of employment as guard dogs along with 4 night watchmen. My dog guards our home. So all in all we have given 21 soi dogs a home. If everyone did this there would not be a problem. Our vet makes house calls and the dogs are healthy and happy. My wife is Mrs Average Thai BTW. biggrin.png

Thats interesting, so your "average Thai" has a business that requires 21 dogs, I'd love to be the neighbour

If she neutered 21 one of them I might be impressed. Face facts your "average Thai" couldnt care less unless it benefits them by merit making nonsense.

How many people have died from dogs aimlessly wandering the streets, motorcycles trying to avoid them and cars,.its gross stupidity.

OK lets be honest. I know many Thais that feed and give health care to and neuter stray dogs and you don't. You have crappy friends I don't. Unless you want to play the semantic, pedantic TV game I never said the average Thai needs 21 soi dogs. I said my wife is an average Thai and we care for 21 soi dogs. I fit in my surroundings and try to make them better you don't. Simple really.

I hope you shovel their shit up and will pay for shots when they bite people. This semi owned dog is nonsense, either they are your dogs or they are not. 21 dogs? absolute madness. of course none of them bark all day I expect?

Who said anything about semi owned? They are owned by me and the company period. They have collars on that indicate rabies shots up to date. They poop in the jungle, (if you read my posts). They are like junkyard dogs in the West. They guard the junk yard (similar situation.) They don't run loose and they don't bark all day. If a prowler comes to steal some copper wire they bark and bite. They sleep in the day time and at night prowl around looking for thieves. They don't ask for much and appreciate what they get. I never much trusted cops or night watchmen but the dogs are on the job rain or shine every day for a pork chop or two.


Who said anything about semi owned? They are owned by me and the company period. They have collars on that indicate rabies shots up to date. They poop in the jungle, (if you read my posts). They are like junkyard dogs in the West. They guard the junk yard (similar situation.) They don't run loose and they don't bark all day. If a prowler comes to steal some copper wire they bark and bite. They sleep in the day time and at night prowl around looking for thieves. They don't ask for much and appreciate what they get. I never much trusted cops or night watchmen but the dogs are on the job rain or shine every day for a pork chop or two.

So they are not soi dogs but your dogs, but this thread is specifically about idiots feeding vicious soi dogs who are a health and sociall problem, so why bring your own dogs into it? It sounds like they bark all night, nice.


Who said anything about semi owned? They are owned by me and the company period. They have collars on that indicate rabies shots up to date. They poop in the jungle, (if you read my posts). They are like junkyard dogs in the West. They guard the junk yard (similar situation.) They don't run loose and they don't bark all day. If a prowler comes to steal some copper wire they bark and bite. They sleep in the day time and at night prowl around looking for thieves. They don't ask for much and appreciate what they get. I never much trusted cops or night watchmen but the dogs are on the job rain or shine every day for a pork chop or two.

So they are not soi dogs but your dogs, but this thread is specifically about idiots feeding vicious soi dogs who are a health and sociall problem, so why bring your own dogs into it? It sounds like they bark all night, nice.

They are soi dogs, as in the breed of dogs. Their momma and poppa were soi dogs and the pups were rescued from the soi and brought to the factory and some just showed up and were fed. We have three different families and they don't much mix. Each has it's own area. I think it is the answer to the vicious soi dog problem. Dogs, including vicious soi dogs like something to do. Give them a job and feed them and neuter them and the vicious soi dog problem will be lessened.

For your information, doing something about a problem works better than just complaining about the problem. I realize most of the threads here are meant to be pure complaining threads but actually solving instead of only complaining about problems may be of some value to Thailand and humanity.


Ok I got a solve for you-put the pests down, as many as you can and where ever you can. There is no such breed as soi dogs, they are just flea ridden diseased strays. The only good thing about them is that they have not as yet had the more vicious dog genes introduced into them and when they do that will make them even more dangerous and a nuisance than they are now. Soppy sentimental fools that feed and therefore make the problem worse are certainly not solving anything are they.


Ok I got a solve for you-put the pests down, as many as you can and where ever you can. There is no such breed as soi dogs, they are just flea ridden diseased strays. The only good thing about them is that they have not as yet had the more vicious dog genes introduced into them and when they do that will make them even more dangerous and a nuisance than they are now. Soppy sentimental fools that feed and therefore make the problem worse are certainly not solving anything are they.

Showing your ignorance there fellow. Soi dogs are a Pariah Morph. Not all but a lot and definitely all of mine. They have been around for 14,000 years. Dingos came from Soi dogs or you may want to call them village dogs or Carolina dogs. Google, "Thongdaeng" to see what they look like. Some important people and not just myself keep them as pets.wai2.gif

Killing the dogs will not work as more will take their place because you can't kill them all. That's what's wrong with your idea. That and important Thai people might get angry. Neutering and caring for the dogs will eventually lower the population.

Go ahead Mr. SMS adopt a Soi Dog today. Be part of the answer not the problem.


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You can kill enough to make a difference on your moo bann, and soi mongrels are certainly not pariah, but so what if they were, they would still present the same health and environmental problems. Killing is the quickest and most cost effective action.


Ok I got a solve for you-put the pests down, as many as you can and where ever you can. There is no such breed as soi dogs, they are just flea ridden diseased strays. The only good thing about them is that they have not as yet had the more vicious dog genes introduced into them and when they do that will make them even more dangerous and a nuisance than they are now. Soppy sentimental fools that feed and therefore make the problem worse are certainly not solving anything are they.

Bottom line is to the people that matter here, there is no "problem".

And the dogs have a greater right to live here than we do.


You can kill enough to make a difference on your moo bann, and soi mongrels are certainly not pariah, but so what if they were, they would still present the same health and environmental problems. Killing is the quickest and most cost effective action.

In a big city, with many dogs, mass-killing is rarely effective. The more dogs you kill, the more space and food there is for new dogs. The World Health Organisation backs this up. As long as people dump dogs on the street and let dogs loose on the street to breed, there will be more dogs. When dogs disappear, other dogs appear.

Bucharest tried mass-murder. As Mayor of Bucharest, Traian Basescu ordered the killing of around 100,000 dogs between 2001 and 2003. It failed.


Ok I got a solve for you-put the pests down, as many as you can and where ever you can. There is no such breed as soi dogs, they are just flea ridden diseased strays. The only good thing about them is that they have not as yet had the more vicious dog genes introduced into them and when they do that will make them even more dangerous and a nuisance than they are now. Soppy sentimental fools that feed and therefore make the problem worse are certainly not solving anything are they.

Bottom line is to the people that matter here, there is no "problem".

And the dogs have a greater right to live here than we do.

Stray dogs have more 'rights' than humans, your not serious are you? Apart from the diseased shit they spread around for kids to pick up, the constant barking and pissing, biting people and fighting each other, the fleas and the rabies risk, er no problem at all!

As you are concerned about animal rights what about the rights of all the animals killed for you to eat on a regular basis, that's different though right?

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They probably think that the hungry, homeless, mistreated dogs are the real victims. The thoughtless morons who get cute little puppys and then abandon them when they get older are the ones that deserve the blame. bah.gif

Really? And all those street dogs humping all day long actually have nothing to do with it? Learn something new every day....NOT.


They probably think that the hungry, homeless, mistreated dogs are the real victims. The thoughtless morons who get cute little puppys and then abandon them when they get older are the ones that deserve the blame. bah.gif

Really? And all those street dogs humping all day long actually have nothing to do with it? Learn something new every day....NOT.

The Indian Pariah dogs breed once a year


I have met many Thai ladies with scars from dog bites.

It's just amazing the nonsense people make up to promote some lame thesis. Assuming you met 5 people with dog bite scars, which is probably 5 x anything realistic, that hardly justifies some rant about Thais who foster vicious packs of dogs ... another "statistic" which would be laughable. Utter make believe here at the Farang Fantasy Factory.

Of all the people I know, Thai or farang, friend or acquaintance, I have never made them undergo an inspection for scars. In a few cases when something was obvious, it was usually attributed to some childhood event or motorcy accident.


I've started spreading the rumour that if Thai males eat stray dogs they will have lots of luck and it will also increase their virility and the size of their pecker. Once they all fall for it, there goes the stray dog problem.

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Yes, in the US we gather up the stray dogs and kill them, much more compassionate.

I have been here a while, and I do not know anyone that told me they were bit by a dog, nor have I seen anyone bitten by a dog. I know a number of people in the US that were bit.

I have not heard of anyone that has gotten rabies here. I know two people in the US that were infected with rabies.

I've seen a lot of attractive young legs with bite marks, but most all were from motorcycle exhaust pipes, and the few that weren't were from me...

I know from several people who were bitten by soi dogs. But they aren't rottweiler, they make a quick bite and run away. if you wear a trouser, max. you get is a small blue spot.

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Due to this being a Buddhist country and the belief in reincarnation, that stray dog that hangs around your street could be your dead relative reborn so you should be nice to it. Crazy I know but that is the belief. Personally I think there should be a pound and they should be rounded up and taken there. Not a dog hater but I hate being attacked at night for no reason...

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One effective way would be of the authorities to collect stray dogs that it finds and if noone claims them within a few days they are destroyed, again not what we used to but who wants to be bitten by a dog that might have rabies? Its not going to tell you is it?

<deleted>! Do you realise Thaland is a Buddhist country and simply "destroying" dogs is totally against the core principles of Buddhism ?

Yes, but it is for the dogs own good, don't you see that? What are you, some king of right-winger that hates dogs? Kill them, they will be much happier when they're dead, and they won't be out frightening the bejesus out of bicyclists.

The point is that Buddhists won't buy that! That's why there is no neutering or spaying, they don't want to "hurt" the animal.

That is for the animal's best interest is irrelevant to the point being made. It's 'wrong" from a western point of view but....


I wonder how many Thai children could use some "compassion" and a little food. While Thai people are busy feeding dogs and sheltering them. It is a hypocracy of the highest order, in my opinion.

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