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NACC set to charge PM Yingluck over rice scheme late Feb


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@publicus, you must be tired. Let's try again: "Suthep started with two plots of land. Suthep sold three of them."

What has the rest of the paragraph to do with it? You start with 2. Then you sold 3 of them. What does "them" refer to if not the 2?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Well nice to see someone is as sharp as a sausage! I have two plots of land, so I see three of them. The PTP book of accounting. Well done Pubicus.

Yours truly will be busy today into the evening and consequently away from TVF for most of Wednesday, so I use this post to advise you gents you've been in Thailand either too long or not long enough.

My post to which you refer is a parody of how Thais do business, and also a poke at how certain posters post to these threads in what amounts to a parody of themselves.

The long and the short of my post is that I invented the Suthep story to illustrate an approximate truth of how business is done in Thailand. I invented the story of Suthep to also illustrate how any poster can - and several do - essentially create their own story of how awful the PT government is as far as they are concerned.

Equally, I invented my Suthep post to also show how TVF members who read these excruciatingly detailed pseudo tomes can be taken in by them. There are several such posts that are full of supposed facts, have figures that don't add up, and which have other seemingly impressive numbers that in reality are grabbed out of the air. Each of such pretentious posts purport to reveal the true crime for all of us to see. The fact is such posts are garble and nothing more than garble.

As some other level headed posters have accurately pointed out, the array of horror stories about the government are stories and at this point nothing more than stories in the media. Maybe the NACC will issue a finding against YS, but maybe it won't. We will know when the NACC does this or finally states it will not issue such a finding.

The exact line quoted above purposefully and intentionally used the cardinal numbers, 1-8 in this instance, to show how with each action and transaction, the invented two plots of land increase in number, quantity, each time one of the corrupt elites executes an action in the scenario. In other words, as soon as two plots of land are committed to a transaction, the transaction itself creates a new single plot of land, then, soon enough, palm oil derived from the land.

Thus my invented scenario of Suthep is intended to be informative, insightful, illustrative, revealing, educative. It is intended to call to the attention of TVF members, posters, the folly and the dangers inherent to giving undue attention to media and to posters who play with numbers, purported facts, and other people's reputations and careers.

People are free to post and free they should remain, so it's up to us to refocus our attention to be increasingly careful and selective in what we read and accept as truth or reality, or both.

Thank Buddha you explained as my calculator battery is flat trying to work it out.

Maybe this subject will still be going when you next sit down at your keyboard.

Can't wait.

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The NACC’s action goes to show that there are legal ways to deal with government officials who are suspected of wrongdoing. It should not be necessary to block traffic, to deny people access to government offices and polling station, to assault and murder people, and to commit other illegal acts.

The operative words being, "it should not be necessary".

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So if you can't beat them legally in an election, trump up charges and run them out of office if not the country.

She may have been a supporter of this stupid rice pledging, but I seriously doubt (with everyone looking) she had her hand in the cookie jar. As someone else said, this is just a judicial "coup".

You don't think so. Read Forbes, where in an article her criminal brother freely admits to receiving money.

No doubt true. However, Yingluck is not her brother. Guilt by association is a completely invalid argument. Yingluck may not be very politically astute nor even bright for that matter, but I doubt she is stupid enough to put HER hand in the cookie jar with everyone watching. That doesn't mean there wasn't corruption by other's in the Puea Thai party all the way down the food-chain of corrupt officials and probably a number of yellows in there as well. You bring people up on charges for what they did, not what others did. And coming up with the rice scheme and backing it is not a criminal offense.

Why do you think the charges are "trumped" up? Massive amounts of money seems unaccounted for, inventory records seem lapse at best and only a small % of the cost of the scheme has reached the farmers, The finance lady Supa who spoke out against this was removed from her post, investigated and treated like shit rather than being thanked for her diligence. Very Stalin like behavior. Why do you think PTP acted like this rather than thanking her and urgently investigating.

Not disputed. I'm sorry, where did you say there was direct evidence Yingluck stole money?

How much money has gone to overseas bank accounts? Why are 20 PTP seniors supposedly partying with Thaksin in Myamar at time of national crisis (his sister declared it an SOE)?

Probably true. I'm sorry, where did you say there was direct evidence Yingluck stole money?

Judicial coup - <deleted>. That's just the PTP supporters' lame attempt at trying to smear an investigation into their corrupt activities which may find things they'd rather keep secret.

Again, I'm not disputing there was corruption. It's a way of life here. ...and the direct evidence Yingluck stole money?

Arrogance and a belief they are above the law and can do what ever they want makes people not care about who sees them. The forged export documents, linked to a company owned by certain PTP married members, should prove interesting.

All completely true of both sides. ...and the direct evidence Yingluck stole money was...?

This is going to be an interesting case - but to dismiss it as a political judicial coup is plain <deleted>. If they are innocent then no charges will be brought. But if guilty they should be punished - not allowed to bugger off with their ill gotten gains like their boss.

Well if you believe the headline of this post then charges are going to be brought and your statement gets relegated to the category of "naive".

Let me be clear. Both parties have done despicable things and feel they are above the law and are corrupt to the core. Both parties are guilty of the same crimes they accuse each other of. Of that I have no doubt. The vast majority of powerful departments in the government are either run mostly by one party or the other and are completely biased and would do anything to help their party. NACC - yellow shirts?

However, what the PDRC is doing now is completely in the wrong by going against an elected government in the manner they are. They don't have a legal leg to stand on for what they have done and are doing. There is no doubt THEY HAVE committed criminal offenses. Right now they are the lawless thugs in this fight as they were when they took over the airport. It's obvious they are the minority and know no other way to get in power other than to run the legitimate government out of office by one means or another. And why? So they can be in charge to do the same corrupt things.

So what do I stand for? I stand for a government by the people for FOR the people, which is something we are not likely to see in our lifetime.

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At last, she will have to explain herself......Hopefully!

Excuses are like <deleted>, everyone has one.......

And the PM is no exception to the rule......

Farmers, stand against this heist of revenue...

Here in America, try to find Thai rice??????

When it sounds to good to be true...

It usually is......

You can thank her brother, "pimp" for this....

Don't be a coward Thaksin........

You can run, but you can never hide....

As PM you raped your country and their heritage.....

For your own self-serving goals......

Just my two bits....


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Even a child can guess how these G2G deals go down.


Right now the amount of rice that should be in storage according to the govt is 10m tons (based on sales of 8.5m in 2013). Actual sales in 2013 were more like 6.5m, so the real number using THEIR calculation should be 12m tons in storage. Other critics claim it should be as high as 17m tons, because the govt have been misrepresenting the sales for 2 years now. Amount appearing in physical stock is more like (let's assume) 10m, maybe less. but since they have pledged 27m tons in 2 years approx., and they have sold about 12m, you'd guess it should be closer to 14-20m tons. So for 4.5m tons to be missing, that's around 20-25%!! Well, the people skimming are nothing if not consistent, people did not call the old TRT govt the 40% partner for nothing. Once we factor in the reality that the rice left is ultra lousy grade, then we should be back to where we think it should be - 40% of the scheme money/assets are missing.


Suthep started out with two plots of land. Suthep sold three of them to his publicly-listed company, using letters of credit opened by his brother-in-law at the bank, then executed a debt / equity swap with an unpublished general offer so that he got all four plots of land back, with a tax deduction for maintaining five plots of land. The palm oil rights of six plots of land were transferred via a Brunei intermediary to a Russian company secretly owned by the majority shareholder, who sold the rights to all seven plots of land back to the listed company. The annual report said that the company owned eight plots of land, with an option on one more. So Suthep sold the two plots of land because the spirit house lady said the karma was bad

I must say steveromagnino I thought my story was better. smile.png

I'm willing to open this up to a TVF poll of members to vote on who created the better story. biggrin.png (What ever happened to TVF polls anyway???) You know, in the spirit of things, ol' buddy. Let's go for it! laugh.png


Let me first add a oft-repeated Thai lovestory. Famous expat slash business man slash MI5 operative moonlighting as an English teacher visits Nana Plaza. He casts his eyes on the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, with the dim lighting concealing the stretch marks from 2 children, as she wore her soul and little else, with a plaster hiding the tattoo saying "Mike Forever".

he beckoned her over, with a fetching and tantilising offer of forbidden delights, comprising a watered down coke and 20 baht. using all of his linguistic skills, he said with his eyes, "My darling, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen." and yet his mouth said "you you. Suay. Sit please."

blah blah blah

"you pay bar?"

The end.

Ok, let's have that poll. My love story, my Arisaman story up against your Suthep story. After all, no vote should be ever entered into, without first some blatant cheating.

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Suthep started out with two plots of land. Suthep sold three of them to his publicly-listed company

I think this says all we need to know about your IQ. Sad.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You chopped out the rest of my post about Suthep's land and palm oil scheme that toppled the DP government in 1995, so in case anyone missed it, here's the whole of it

Suthep started out with two plots of land. Suthep sold three of them to his publicly-listed company, using letters of credit opened by his brother-in-law at the bank, then executed a debt / equity swap with an unpublished general offer so that he got all four plots of land back, with a tax deduction for maintaining five plots of land. The palm oil rights of six plots of land were transferred via a Brunei intermediary to a Russian company secretly owned by the majority shareholder, who sold the rights to all seven plots of land back to the listed company. The annual report said that the company owned eight plots of land, with an option on one more. So Suthep sold the two plots of land because the spirit house lady said the karma was bad.


What was that again about obfuscation and changing the subject.

Just in case you missed it the sbuject is all about rep[lying to the NACC set to charge PM Yingluck over the rice scheme in late February.

It is NOT what Suthep did or not do 19 years ago.

Please try to stick to the thread in question.

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Even a child can guess how these G2G deals go down.


Right now the amount of rice that should be in storage according to the govt is 10m tons (based on sales of 8.5m in 2013). Actual sales in 2013 were more like 6.5m, so the real number using THEIR calculation should be 12m tons in storage. Other critics claim it should be as high as 17m tons, because the govt have been misrepresenting the sales for 2 years now. Amount appearing in physical stock is more like (let's assume) 10m, maybe less. but since they have pledged 27m tons in 2 years approx., and they have sold about 12m, you'd guess it should be closer to 14-20m tons. So for 4.5m tons to be missing, that's around 20-25%!! Well, the people skimming are nothing if not consistent, people did not call the old TRT govt the 40% partner for nothing. Once we factor in the reality that the rice left is ultra lousy grade, then we should be back to where we think it should be - 40% of the scheme money/assets are missing.


Suthep started out with two plots of land. Suthep sold three of them to his publicly-listed company, using letters of credit opened by his brother-in-law at the bank, then executed a debt / equity swap with an unpublished general offer so that he got all four plots of land back, with a tax deduction for maintaining five plots of land. The palm oil rights of six plots of land were transferred via a Brunei intermediary to a Russian company secretly owned by the majority shareholder, who sold the rights to all seven plots of land back to the listed company. The annual report said that the company owned eight plots of land, with an option on one more. So Suthep sold the two plots of land because the spirit house lady said the karma was bad

I must say steveromagnino I thought my story was better. smile.png

I'm willing to open this up to a TVF poll of members to vote on who created the better story. biggrin.png (What ever happened to TVF polls anyway???) You know, in the spirit of things, ol' buddy. Let's go for it! laugh.png


Let me first add a oft-repeated Thai lovestory. Famous expat slash business man slash MI5 operative moonlighting as an English teacher visits Nana Plaza. He casts his eyes on the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, with the dim lighting concealing the stretch marks from 2 children, as she wore her soul and little else, with a plaster hiding the tattoo saying "Mike Forever".

he beckoned her over, with a fetching and tantilising offer of forbidden delights, comprising a watered down coke and 20 baht. using all of his linguistic skills, he said with his eyes, "My darling, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen." and yet his mouth said "you you. Suay. Sit please."

blah blah blah

"you pay bar?"

The end.

Ok, let's have that poll. My love story, my Arisaman story up against your Suthep story. After all, no vote should be ever entered into, without first some blatant cheating.

It's agreed then - never enter a fair fight thumbsup.gif

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'Judicial coup' is only a rhetoric of the red shirts, for actually being 'caught in the act and dealt with under the law'..... whilst both sides conveniently forget many home-truths

Spot on. Fryslan boppe and fab4, the propaganda preachers, might not like you comment.

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