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Yingluck says government can pay farmers, not broke


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I see elsewhere this morning that she has said she didn't want to avoid the farmers by not going to the meeting, it was just that others were "better placed" to talk to them.

After all they are scruffy, they do smell and they might ask me a question.

She also said she wont ignore then and besides they have been well looked after for the last 2 years.

They should be grateful, so there.

Wasn't Ms. Yingluck the chairwoman of the National Rice Committee (or some such)? Didn't she know anything at that time? Is she preparing for the NACC investigation?

Those are cute titles, to dress up cute and pose in different clothes, silly. You didn't know you get respect by looking smart and being in the camera lens. The work? Oh, you have others do it for you. If you look good, we must conclude you are good, right? Haha.

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She dismissed speculation that her government was broke and was unable to pay farmers.

"On the contrary, all members of my government have amassed fortunes and continue to prosper nicely."

However, she did not specify the time for the payment, saying rice payments were being delayed by legal limitations and processing

, as opposed to bribes and graft payments which are being paid on schedule.

She also dismissed report that her government was broke and also that she refused to meet farmers.

"I am not refusing to meet farmers, I just have no time, and they have no manners."

Instead, she said, she has directed relevant ministers to clarify the farmers as they have all information and know better.

"I don't know anything about this, because I am just the rice woman chair, uhm...director of rice affairs, uhm...cheer leader of all things rice...I guess."

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Shut up and pay them then.

That was my first thought when reading the headline. I suspect, however, that it is not as easy as it sounds, and that perhaps there are forces at work in which the PM has no power over, nor to compel to do what she is saying.

Additionally, I understand that Thais will not (generally speaking) come right out and say what the obstruction is to a problem, as it leads to uncomfortable and inconvenient circumstances, which in turn create further chaos and obstructions to the original problem at hand.

My point being that I suspect she is really saying that she is aware that paying them is not the problem, but that the problem is forces at work which are deliberately withholding payments in order to further other causes at the expense of these people... and she really has no control over that matter.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Come on, her hands are tied. Banks loans at high interest rates due to the speculation (None substantiated) of impropriety. Dems threaten banks to not issue loans. Finance Dept hands are being frozen due to "Investigations" that are obviously politically motivated.

Her now bloody hands were not tied when she contributed to the creation of this giant FUBAR !

Why do even bother to defend this pathetic, poor excuse for a PM ?

Cannot believe you tools always seem to find a way to blame the Democrats for all PTP wrongdoings - "Dems threaten banks to not issue loans".........

Oxygen thieves, the lot of you !

Eloquent, but it seems more logical to me to see it as nothing more than a bunch of greedy, mixed up adults, who have proven the Peter Principle does indeed work hand in hand with the Darwinian theory.

It's simply a matter of time until this is proven. Time irons out every present day problem and either moves us onwards or places us right back in front of the same issue we hadn't the cajones to get past the first time.

In over 100 years only 3 or 4 PMs have managed to make it through even one 4 year term.

Does that say anything about the PM, or does it say more about the constituents and people who set up their own little system?

There is more at work here than meets the eye, and I'll wager that being a PM only allows one to see it all, and to be empowered with very little for the worth of being a PM.

Point being... you don't have to be PM to run the country, and those who surreptitiously endeavor to deceive us into thinking that the "buck" stops at the PM's desk... well... they are deluded.

The PM sees a lot, but the job ain't all that!

I don't know the lady, myself, but I certainly don't give her all the credit you have given her, and I certainly do know that there are others out there who spend their entire terms endeavoring to hurt her instead of doing their jobs.

Politics these days need a new definition for the meaning, because it sure is not politics anymore.

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If a lien holder threatens to seize my property because I haven't paid my bill, can I say to him, "I can pay" and avoid the seizure, based on a totally, as yet, unsupported supposition that somebody is going to lend me the money? Of course not. "I can pay" means "I can pay" - I HAVE the money and I can pay There's really nothing to discuss here. It was a supremely ridiculous thing to say and simply a deception on a needy public for an executive official to have said it.

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If the Government isn't broke why haven't they paid out the tax refunds on new cars also????

My partner was due for the refund on 3rd February and nothing has been received. Other people he knows did receive their refunds on time in previous months so why have payments stopped now????

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Why all this concern all of a sudden for farmers from the yellow side of politics?

Simple really. They think that it may be beneficial to them. Pretty much the same reason the caretaker government are suddenly concerned. There may be some genuine concern as well but don't think that either has more than the other.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Shut up and pay them then.

That was my first thought when reading the headline. I suspect, however, that it is not as easy as it sounds, and that perhaps there are forces at work in which the PM has no power over, nor to compel to do what she is saying.

Additionally, I understand that Thais will not (generally speaking) come right out and say what the obstruction is to a problem, as it leads to uncomfortable and inconvenient circumstances, which in turn create further chaos and obstructions to the original problem at hand.

My point being that I suspect she is really saying that she is aware that paying them is not the problem, but that the problem is forces at work which are deliberately withholding payments in order to further other causes at the expense of these people... and she really has no control over that matter.

I prefer playing with open cards, 'cause it ain't a game.

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this gov is liable to pay the outstanding with interest(interest rates same as credit cards companies are charging, over 20%) and then some other ways need to be found to support the farmers.

Thinking of some Western countries where they pay farmers not to grow certain crops or animals. Now that would come in handy for Thai people ... I think they will be good at that.

Encourage sufficiency policy and no overgrowing with mono cultures. Landscaping could be another additional theme to work out. There're so many ways to solve these problems in the right way ...

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