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Thai girls ranked Asia's top for unplanned pregnancies


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Thai girls ranked Asia's top for unplanned pregnancies
By English News


BANGKOK, Feb 11 - Thailand's Ministry of Social Development and Human Security disclosed that Thai girls are ranked as Asia's top for unready pregnancies, with 9-year-old girls found as the youngest child-bearers.

Wichien Chawalit, the ministry's permanent-secretary, presided over an event for the campaign against unready pregnancies, held Tuesday at Nonthaburi province's Home for Disabled Babies (Bann Fuengfah), which is under the ministry's care.

He said he wants youngsters to see abandoned children and those disabled ones born from unplanned pregnancies. There are about 400 of such at Bann Fuengfah.

Meanwhile, Kanchana Sombatsirinand from Thammasat University Hospital said children under 15 years old have increasingly been found in their student uniforms leaving their pregnancies under the hospital's care.

The youngest are 9 years-old, while 30 per cent of the girls are in grades 8 and 9. Some girls aged 11 to 12 are already pregnant with their second child. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-02-11

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What credible organization or NGO did this survey? Totally unsubstantiated allegations.

How do you know that the information provided by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (the first sentence of the report if you read it) is unsubstantiated?

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The parents and grandparents and extended family members care for the babies. That's how it is in Thailand.

Contraception is not really a concern or priority yet, neither is sex education. Thai people generally just let nature take its course, and everybody loves babies and small children.

Where I come from these children would have to bear the stigma of being bastards. That concept is a foreign one in Thailand.

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What credible organization or NGO did this survey? Totally unsubstantiated allegations.

How do you know that the information provided by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (the first sentence of the report if you read it) is unsubstantiated?

Yes, one really has to question the 9yo claim. Who is the father? And is he in jail? Most likely some idiot just made it up.

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What a surprise! not really. One has to be staying in Thailand long enough to been around would have noticed the little kids and babies appearing on every corner.

It's funny to see 7-11's and pharmacy's full of condoms on sale, but I have yet to see a Thai buy one. Only farangs seems to buy them AND use them. Most of the unplanned pregnancies must be from the lower class echelon of Thai society. The majority of this class striggles to surive on the minimum wages and pays. Even so, humans are humans and we have our primal desires. Why even waste money on condoms or contraception. A pack of condoms in general costs almost a day's work, it varies from person to person, but in generality of this class.

Take care of the responsibilities as a father? What's that? Is there even a concept of ''responsibility'' in the minds of Thais? They will just wham bam thank you madam.

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What credible organization or NGO did this survey? Totally unsubstantiated allegations.

How do you know that the information provided by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (the first sentence of the report if you read it) is unsubstantiated?

Yes, one really has to question the 9yo claim. Who is the father? And is he in jail? Most likely some idiot just made it up.

it happens and is not made up. I know a girl aged 14 who has 3 children and 4 abortions. And another case a 13 and 14 year old getting married in a village because of their child.

Edited by dinom
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this is a subject i have so much to say about......this is the village mentality...i see loads of little muts(boys)cruising around on thier scooters,they find young vulnerable(bored) young girls and say a few nice words a few promises and...bang...another pregnancy...this is why i have no respect for thai men.....thai girls are raised to please the thai man...the men take advantage of that,when was the last time you met an honourable thai male,or a woman from isan over 25 who didnt have a child....i wont rant...but i will say this....this does not happen in vietnam,it is not oncommon to meet a 30-40 year old beautyful vietnamize woman,who has no children...why...because they honour their bodies,familly and future......we have this problem in the usa... in the black community...80%of black babies are born out of wedlock....15% of usa is black,90% of the crime is comittted by blacks....1 out of 4 woman under the age of 18 have been raped in africa....do we see the pattern....uneducated,poor,lonley....dont blame the woman...they are just looking for a future....look at the BUCK...and by that i mean the males,who spin a story,use too much hair gel and, need to prey on young uneducated woman....and the world thinks the foriengers come here and abuse the woman......hahah....the thais need to man up...the end......wow that felt good....thanks

Spot on, mostly in villages and rural areas but even in big urban cities like kon khaen and korat etc. actually all throughout Thailand. I've been travelling around Thailand and have seen the same shit going on everywhere. Youngsters with their ''pak waan'' and the girls fall for it everytime! I know a girl who is 25 and has 3 little kids. She told me from 3 different (Thai) fathers and all one night stands.

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