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Thai girls ranked Asia's top for unplanned pregnancies


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I wonder how many of these pregnancies are results of the sex trade?

I know a teacher that told me that when asked what would the students like

to change, it was revealed that many of them, high school kids were

moonlighting as prostitutes. That just blew my mind.

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This is a difficult subject, and the circumstances vary hugely from one indiividual to another. Better sex education on the merits of contraception is essential. This is an urgent priority, not only for preventing unwanted pregnancy, but also to prevent STD's.

Cultural factors such as the submissive role of women in Asia, which is a very alpha-male region, also play a huge part in my opinion. Women do not feel empowered to say "no" or to demand contraception be used. But as I said, it also varies from person to person, some don't care or simply don't know better. It is fundamentally none of my business too, absolutely miles away from my business what other people do in their private lives. But I would still suggest that more robust contraception education and media promotion of the fact that taking precautions is "cool", would be healthy for society as a whole.


Edited by Yunla
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Teenage girls are often desperate to feel accepted and especially if they come from a poor family role model they crave someone who will love them and a baby and/or boyfriend will do just fine, some of them think. I have it in my own family here and have friends in an unhappy marriage where the 17yo daughter/step daughter talks constantly about getting a boyfriend & having a baby. In my own home country the problem is the same and the dynamics and motivations also the same. It all comes down to a lack of encouraging self respect responsibility and consequences in both the home and the schooling situation. They can also see the lack of the qualities championed by their teen idols in the media, not to mention their national leaders. Self respect, responsibility & consequences! Hopefully more than a few object lessons coming up among cheating politicians of all shades very soon.

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this is a subject i have so much to say about......this is the village mentality...i see loads of little muts(boys)cruising around on thier scooters,they find young vulnerable(bored) young girls and say a few nice words a few promises and...bang...another pregnancy...this is why i have no respect for thai men.....thai girls are raised to please the thai man...the men take advantage of that,when was the last time you met an honourable thai male,or a woman from isan over 25 who didnt have a child....i wont rant...but i will say this....this does not happen in vietnam,it is not oncommon to meet a 30-40 year old beautyful vietnamize woman,who has no children...why...because they honour their bodies,familly and future......we have this problem in the usa... in the black community...80%of black babies are born out of wedlock....15% of usa is black,90% of the crime is comittted by blacks....1 out of 4 woman under the age of 18 have been raped in africa....do we see the pattern....uneducated,poor,lonley....dont blame the woman...they are just looking for a future....look at the BUCK...and by that i mean the males,who spin a story,use too much hair gel and, need to prey on young uneducated woman....and the world thinks the foriengers come here and abuse the woman......hahah....the thais need to man up...the end......wow that felt good....thanks

And a lot of them believe that 'pert sing' taking a young girls virginity will give power and vitality to the male. True in many Asian cultures. The experience is sometimes sold for the price of an iphone.

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Simple, nobody uses condoms except sex workers. Seriously, in a relationship, if one partner tries to use a condom, the other will accuse them of having cheated, "why else would they use the condom"? You're only "supposed to" use condoms with sex workers (and many don't wear them then, as well).

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"The youngest are 9 years-old, while 30 per cent of the girls are in grades 8 and 9. Some girls aged 11 to 12 are already pregnant with their second child."

This can't be true.

Means that you do not live in an Isaan village when you say that! I can assure you that it is true! It is total anarki in many aspects.Not only scores of pregnant children,also many other things,e.g. small children driving motorbikes.Today I saw one,about 7 years old.At first I saw only the bike,then a small face between the handlebars...And a boom in fat children.I mean,really fat,like their mothers! To the questions,why then do I live here.Nothing to do with me.IF I could do something to change things to the better,I would.But nobody would even listen to me,so it has to remain just some observations.

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This is a Thai "problem"

.It will not be resolved until Thais perceive teen pregnancy to be undesirable.

Most Western nations have struggled with this issue and no one has yet found a fool proof solution.

Social status and education play a part as does the availability of contraception and easily accessible abortion services.

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"The youngest are 9 years-old, while 30 per cent of the girls are in grades 8 and 9. Some girls aged 11 to 12 are already pregnant with their second child."

This can't be true.

And of course, no one but no one arrested or jailed remotely scared of the law concerning this issue.

No.. I know a Hmong girl who was impregnated by the local BIB at 15 yr old

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"The youngest are 9 years-old, while 30 per cent of the girls are in grades 8 and 9. Some girls aged 11 to 12 are already pregnant with their second child."

This can't be true.

And of course, no one but no one arrested or jailed remotely scared of the law concerning this issue.

I overheard a discussion between members of my wife's family about another who had come home drunk and raped his daughter, again. Everybody agreed it was bad, but no-one suggested reporting it.

I also recall a newspaper report of the family of an under-age girl recording her baby's birth and a clerk picking up that the mother's and baby's father were the same name. You have to wonder if they knew they were confessing to a serious crime when filling in the paperwork.

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Have I misread this article?

Why does he want young girls to visit the Homes for Disabled Babies ?

There is no evidence of a link between early or unplanned pregnancy and disability in the offspring.

However, there may be some linking of disabilites in the child with poverty and lack of education in the young mother.

If sex education and cultural changes are too difficult to contemplate, then high standards of post-natal health care are essential.

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In a country where young people are told to abstain from intercourse instead of being educated about using protection, there can be no other result.

In a country where just talk about sex is a tabu in most families, but the Government is given free tablets for kids to "learn" about sex watching free explicit porno movies on asiantuber......, the results can be a lot more damaging than an unplanned pregnacy....that plus HIV.

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Maybe this should be a new topic.

Do Thai girls masturbate? My Thai wife of 42 years tells me that she never masturbated and as far as she knew, none of her friends did either. When she started getting urges she went out and got laid. She was 14 at the time. I know that sex toys are illegal in the Kingdom. I remember reading about a sex shop in Pattaya that got shut down for selling vibrators and the like.

My wife never got preggers. Her aunt took care of her. (And found a willing buyer when she wanted to get her V card punched)

But if young Thai Women don't masturbate when they get the urge and are going out and having sex, might that affect the number of pregnancies in their age range?

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It also doesn't help when families are "pimping" out their underaged girls, or outright "selling" them. I used to take bike trips around Northern & Central Thailand before my stroke. On one trip I stopped at a small village off the main highway going to KK from CNX. Pulled into a small family run restaurant. Husband spoke a little English, he son spoke more. Long story short, he offered to sell his 12yr old daughter to me, claiming she was virgin. 50k and I could put her on the bike and take her home. I left without finishing my meal before I beat him to a pulp, which would have been easy.

In another case, a woman selling flowers at one of the intersections of the Outer Ring Road tried to pimp her 13 yr old daughter to me for 1,500 baht for an hour, or 3,000 baht for all night, and even told me where a nearby short time hotel was that I could take her to.

Those are the two that stick out in my mind, but I've seen countless examples of similar things in the 7 years I've been here. The parents have no shame, and the poor kids have no say-so in the matter.

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As you can see most of Thailand's leaders who are supposed to make decisions and implement policies that should have tackled these kind of issues still have their heads stuck in their asses trying to make money off rice.

Have you ever seen girls who are 12-15, pregnant with HIV?

Its a very sad scenario. Not only has their future been cut short but what becomes of their unwanted children?

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In a country where young people are told to abstain from intercourse instead of being educated about using protection, there can be no other result.

Of course, teach 9 year old girls how to slap a condom on a cucumber. That'll fix the problem.

What ever happened to teaching good morals?

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it will be interesting to see where in Thailand there are the most juvenile pregnancy

I will not surprise if its in Issan coffee1.gif

when you know that all girl work in nightlife entertainment comes from there

ํYou don't really believe that, do you? If so, you show your ignorance far too blatantly. A huge number of the women in the sex industry come from Central Thailand, as well as the North. The only area of the country not represented in the sex industry in Bangkok (I assume you're talking about Bangkok here, probably the only place in Thailand you've been besides Pattaya) in significant numbers is the South.

Also, in recent years, a growing number of sex workers in Bangkok are actually FROM Bangkok, as in, they were born there, and so were their parents...

Edited by Ajaan
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