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Rumour about Obama-Beyonce relations spread


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Well, I hear that Bill O'Reilly performed a, uh, I can't print it, but it rhymes with "slow slob" on the president right before that interview last week, said he wanted the president to be in a good mood.

Maybe this is where the gay rumours are coming from.

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I've got some news for you folks.

It is well known Obama was a pothead as a youth. Big time pothead. Other drugs as well.

He publicly came out with that before he got into politics. Not news.

I could see it is possible for a young man like that to become involved in sex exchange for drugs with men.

Here's the news.

That does NOT mean the young man is a gay man.

That is called men having sex with men. Not always about preference.

There is also common youth experimentation with males. There is fluidity with young men and then later, generally much less fluidity of orientation preference.

With women, there is more potential fluidity through life.

Again, Obama is a not a gay man, even if he did sell his bootie when young. Which is hardly proven.

If you're going to label every American president who engaged in same sex exploration when young a gay man, then probably over half of all American presidents have been gay. But that's obviously not the case.


Gay dude, you are wrong. No amount of evidence will convince you. Remember the "down low" club at Rev. Wright's church? Here is the link. Oh, and by the way, WND is not a "fringe" publication. Jerome Corsi happens to be a well-respected, veteran reporter. But he is conservative - maybe even a dreaded Christian! One last thing - being called GAY is still the worst insult a normal male can ever give or receive. It's like saying <deleted> You!

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Well, I hear that Bill O'Reilly performed a, uh, I can't print it, but it rhymes with "slow slob" on the president right before that interview last week, said he wanted the president to be in a good mood.

Maybe this is where the gay rumours are coming from.

that was a real intellengent statement! your mother should be proud of your third grade education!

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Pascal Rostain said revelations of any kind of affair between Obama, 52, and Beyonce, 32, would send shockwaves around the world. It would? Only for those who have an insatiable interest in the lives of politicians and entertainers, I would suggest. Personally, I would wonder about it, then forget about it.

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The proliferation, sensationalism and shallowness of rumors about heterosexual affairs are just about as cheap and plentiful as "a gay (or m2m sex) under every rock" theory/rumor. (e.g. "How many gay presidents can the conspirator theorists fit into one history book?" ...the joke goes...)

Thankfully, we have now uncovered the latent customer market for the world's tabloids right here on good ole' TV, where EVERYONE can publicly, anonymously, and most importantly--vicariously--express their own wet-dream aspirations. wub.png

Keep it up (in both senses of the phrase), dreamers. rolleyes.gifcoffee1.gif

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No worries. Our beloved President Obama is a wonderful family man who would never cheat on She Who Must Be Obeyed!

?? I thought Yaowapa Shinawatra was She Who Must Be Obeyed ...... Maybe there is more than one. :-) In a cage fight between Yaowapa and Michelle,

I would definitely put my money on Yaowapa.......

Michelle's brains versus Yaowapa's brawn?

I'd back Michelle myself, unless Tarit was the 'neutral' referee. wai2.gif

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I look forward to reading about Obama's DNA being found on Beyonce's dress and what constitutes as sexual intercourse to this president. laugh.png

not likely, obama is into boys, not girls!

Where do you people get this rubbish from ? has he touched you up or something ? Don't you think that before he became nominated he would have been vetted down to his under pants ? First black president,isn't that enough ? do you think his party would go the whole way.....first black gay president !!! yeah right that will keep the democrat party going strong. You people should improve your reading material.

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Oh, and by the way, WND is not a "fringe" publication. Jerome Corsi happens to be a well-respected, veteran reporter. But he is conservative - maybe even a dreaded Christian!

Who are you trying to kid? It's a truthers/birthers rant site and Corsi is the same sort of obsessed right wing nutjob as Alex Jones (he's even appeared on his show).

"well-respected" by Preppers and loonies maybe.

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It was well known about his heavy drug use as a youth before he ran for president. That was progress I thought that voters didn't reject him based on that. People are more adventurous in youth especially passionate people who sometimes make great leaders. One ironic thing though is that if Obama had been arrested during that time like so many other young black men, he could easily been sent to prison, been a felon, and then definitely ineligible for politics. Probably 10 years before Obama the heavy youthful drug use would have been disqualifying.

Currently, the USA is ready for a woman president (VERY READY) or a Latino president (a right wing one only).

It is not yet ready for an out gay president, a Muslim president, and probably not an Asian or Jewish president (though those are closer).

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I look forward to reading about Obama's DNA being found on Beyonce's dress and what constitutes as sexual intercourse to this president. laugh.png

not likely, obama is into boys, not girls!

Where do you people get this rubbish from ? has he touched you up or something ? Don't you think that before he became nominated he would have been vetted down to his under pants ? First black president,isn't that enough ? do you think his party would go the whole way.....first black gay president !!! yeah right that will keep the democrat party going strong. You people should improve your reading material.

While they were looking at his underpants, they forgot to look for his school records.

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Currently, the USA....is not yet ready for an out gay president, a Muslim president, and probably not an Asian or Jewish president (though those are closer).

Twenty-five Jewish state governors (including the south) and five governors of Asian descent have set a pretty good stage for it....

And if more people read your posts about James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, and Obama...perhaps the benchmarks may move further! wink.png

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On the Obama is gay BS.

Think about this.

It comes from the same wingnuts who pushed the birther lies.

Among ACTUAL gay Americans, Obama has become to be seen as our Abraham Lincoln ("freed the slaves"), in that this one great man has done more to move gay civil rights forward than ALL other presidents combined.

Was Lincoln a black slave? I think not.

IF Obama REALLY was a gay man, ACTUAL gay Americans would be all over that.

ACTUAL gay Americans KNOW from ACTUAL gay people.

Obama is so NOT gay.
Please stop spreading such ridiculousness.

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Wow! Go Barry go!

JFK and Marilyn Monroe,

Barrack and Beyonce..

Probably not true, but you can be sure the Republicans will run with it as far as they can, true or not.

Don't forget, the impeached Clinton for getting a blower!

I guess republicans never have sex with women.

Maybe that's why they are so uptight?

I say go for it Mr. President.

I doubt I could say no to a woman like Beyonce!attachicon.gifimages.jpg

Looks like presidential quality to me!

Yes, Beyonce is some kind of hottie. Better for the President to be caught with her than, say, a pudgy intern....oops!

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On the Obama is gay BS.


Obama is so NOT gay.

Please stop spreading such ridiculousness.

Your titillating posts about Obama's possible m2m sex escapades already do enough. Next.... whistling.gif

I've got some news for you folks.

It is well known Obama was a pothead as a youth. Big time pothead. Other drugs as well.....I could see it is possible for a young man like that to become involved in sex exchange for drugs with men....That is called men having sex with men. Not always about preference. There is also common youth experimentation with males. There is fluidity with young men and then later, generally much less fluidity of orientation preference......Again, Obama is a not a gay man, even if he did sell his bootie when young. Which is hardly proven.....
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On the Obama is gay BS.


Obama is so NOT gay.

Please stop spreading such ridiculousness.

Your titillating posts about Obama's possible m2m sex escapades already do enough. Next.... whistling.gif

I've got some news for you folks.

It is well known Obama was a pothead as a youth. Big time pothead. Other drugs as well.....I could see it is possible for a young man like that to become involved in sex exchange for drugs with men....That is called men having sex with men. Not always about preference. There is also common youth experimentation with males. There is fluidity with young men and then later, generally much less fluidity of orientation preference......Again, Obama is a not a gay man, even if he did sell his bootie when young. Which is hardly proven.....

You're probably right. I probably shouldn't have dignified the rumors about Obama being a rentboy for drugs at all. However, still, even if true that doesn't mean he is a gay man. Also, when he was young I'm sure he wasn't thinking, I'm gonna be president. He was a young druggie doing what young druggies do and yes some young druggies (and non-druggies as well) do unconventional sex things. As a phase. For actual gay men, it is NOT a phase. Got it?

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So really, apart from the fact that the French bloke that concocted the story is now desperately backtracking and claiming he never said it, and the Post saying they were never going to print anything of the kind, this story has really got legs hasn't it?


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I think the french media are trying to spread their leaders don juan culture around.

They're trying to say "all ze world leaders do it, not only ze french!"

If I take what these guys say seriously I might as well believe Elvis is still alive and rockin to the jailhouse rock.

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