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How much is enough for the wife's monthly allowance?


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I send my Thai wife about 15k baht a month. Is this enough? She always spends it quickly and always needs more for something such as for her family back home. I don't want to be a lousy provider but I'm also not made out of money. How much is enough? FYI, she was never a bar girl if that's what you're thinking. Just a normal Thai lady.

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We do not know enough about the OPs position here, is he separated from his wife? If so, does he want to be with his wife? Is it the case that he does not want to be with his wife? Or maybe he does and he wants to look after her hoping she will come back so he keeps sending her money.

Is he working away from home with the wifes blessing? Did they talk about the finances between them before he left? In any case. 15.000 Baht per month is enough to keep her. He is not responsible for the wifes mother, that is her responsibility along with any brothers or sisters he may have.

I think to give the OP any help or advice, he will need to tell us more.

We're not separated. We're married. I'm just sending money to her while I'm away. I currently work for a living and hope to move to Thailand permanently in the future though.

I was hoping 15k a month would keep her happy but I don't know if it's enough. She says I at least *partially* support her whole family? blink.png I have no idea how an entire family could survive on that small amount I sent her. Seemed like a joke to me.

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Never really understood the whole salaried wife thing.

Stop paying and she's gone, yeah, sounds like real love. :rolleyes:

Totally know where you coming from but let's not assume that his wife is a gold digger before op says so.

Sent from the Appie Tappie

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The only advice i can give is tell her TO GO OUT TO WORK ,just like millions of other Thai women ,my wife was working when i met her and now 20 years later she works from home ,but just to give you an idea ,our son is in uni and rents a room we give him about13k a month and lives ok ,

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I give 75,000 per month, I wanted her to give up work so I pay her instead.

She gave me a good deal, considering what she used to earn being the number one superstar in Baby GoGo, she has taken a cut in pay.

I tried that with an x gf from Thailand. Though I was smart AND caring! Turns out that she's gets a double income! :'( well one learns from one's mistake and now im married to a uni graduate with her own income. :-D

Sent from the Appie Tappie

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OMG! Have you seen how much things cost in Thailand? The rent, the food, the beauty products, the night out with a friend, the transportation, the family needs, etc. 15,000 baht wont cut it, she needs at least 45,000baht to get by per month.

Come ... declare your hand now!

... written by a nice Thai Lady ... rolleyes.gif

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