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Thai Police in position to retake Bangkok rally sites


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The first stage of the war on the shutdown of Bangkok has begun.

Yes, you reds do like your violence, don't you?

Seems a rather odd statement to make given the different approaches for clearing the city centre in 2010 and now.The former if you recall involved the army shooting innocent victims.The latter involves internationally praised patience and restraint.

The former also included armed terrorists shooting at and firing grenades at innocents, as you well know.

The current patience and restraint has more to do with worrying about the consequential backlash, from the military, the large cross section of the populace originally inflamed by the attempted whitewash of a crook and his pals, as much as any concern for human rights, public safety and international opinion. The current regime has played the patience / waiting game, hoping the threat of legal and financial actions, coupled with sporadic shootings and bombings would encourage the protesters to go home. This was working until the farmers woke up to the lies and bullshit and threaten to march on Bangkok and throw the caretaker regime out. Now they have no option - they can't risk the farmers and myriad of other protesters joining forces. Also, some world press are now waking up to the corruption and losses associated with the rice scheme and reporting accordingly (even the usually pro PTP AFP).

They have to do something. The farmers, the possibility of increased protesters over the holiday weekend, the snowballing corruption probes, the increasingly bad world press, etc etc. Very importantly they have to do something before 1st April. Otherwise they will be out of office when the Amnesty Bill comes back.

They will have been encouraged by the US comments against military intervention and maybe feel the military will stay out of things.

Sadly, it seems they have decided it's "do or die" - and it won't be any of the clan or its cronies doing the dying.

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You seem to forget the first people killed in 2010 were the soldiers that were killed by the reds including a high ranking Colonel. Your selective memory must be very convenient for you.

Actually the first person to die on April 10th 2010 was a UDD supporter who was shot by the army in the afternoon.
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A flaming post has been removed.

Either ignore posts you do not like or reply to them in a calm and civil fashion.

Believe it or not, you have much more chance of making your point effectively if you refrain from personal insults. Just explain your view and the reasoning behind it, nicely.

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Very nice of them to wait until most of the protestors had gone home. May have a tussle with vendors, as they seem to be in the majority at the sites. Action is like taking over a football stadium four hours after match is finished. Such bravery is commendable.

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Very nice of them to wait until most of the protestors had gone home. May have a tussle with vendors, as they seem to be in the majority at the sites. Action is like taking over a football stadium four hours after match is finished. Such bravery is commendable.

Alternatively, a way of implementing law and order with a minimum of violence and bloodshed. Commendable refrain from the authorities to wait and be patient.

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More weapons uncovered as the Thai police FINALLY clear out the sites of the "peaceful protester" thug mob:


Plainly, you have not been watching Thai news. The peaceful protesters are peaceful, not like the Red bomb throwing Arsonists thugs.Try going back over related stories on TV, and you will see, that where ever you got your information from is arse about face.

How many bomb throwing arsonists where there when the red convoi roamed Bangkok. The day where Suthep could not stop them and lost face to the world. The day when they declared the emergency decree. And between there and the first shootings by army? None. The history is here on Thaivisa, and it was not a news source siding with the red demonstrators. In 2010 the red protests where just as peaceful, forget that, more peaceful since they did not occupy anything but streets. It was when a too eager leader went into a public building that things escalated. There was nothing even close to the laksi-shootout before troops started their crackdown.

Not that I think you will ever wrap your head around facts. The Shining Suthep is your god afterall.

Wow the red sheeple did a very good job of brainwashing you then. thumbsup.gif

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About time. Any Democratically elected Govt around the world (as this one is), would have taken control weeks ago from thugs holding a country to ransom. Whether you like it or not this Govt was elected. Suthep nd his colleagues do not want an election because they know they cannot win. Simple as that. Mind you the only protestors left are those being paid.

And whether you like it or not, this caretaker government have been caught lying, cheating and acting illegally. Being elected doesn't mean you are above the law, although they have tried very hard to put themselves in that position. They dissolved parliament and face numerous corruption charges, as well as still refusing to answer questions on illegal behavior.

No country in the world would tolerate a government openly cavorting, influenced and even instructed by a fugitive convicted criminal fraudster with such massive amounts of money being unaccounted.

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Police launch multi-pronged raids on anti-govt rally sites

By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Feb 14 – Tempers flared at several anti-government rally sites in Thailand’s capital beginning early today as Thai police launched multi-pronged operations to retake occupied areas from anti-government protesters.

Police and demonstrators were in close confrontation risk-prone Chaeng Wattana Road where revered monk Phra Buddha Issara has been leading the protest to shut down Government Complex for almost a month.

Demonstrators sat on the road, blocking the entrance to Chaeng Wattna Soi 14, chanting Buddhist prayers on this Buddhist holy day as police, brought in mainly from nearby Ayutthaya province, formed a shield wall a few metres away on the opposite side of the road.

Shortly after dawn, Phra Buddha Isara led a group of Buddhist monks to receive alms from people, many of whom were dressed in white to mark the religious Makha Bucha day today amid reports since last night that police would storm the rally site.

Phra Buddha Issara calmed the protesters and reiterated non-violence in response to possible police force. Tyres were piled up on both sides of Chaeng Wattana Road to protect demonstrators.

On Rajdamnoen Avenue near Government House which has been occupied by protesters of the Network of Students and People for Reform of Thailand (NSPRT) for the last three months, Metropolitan Police Commander Kamronwit Thoopkrachang led 20 companies of police to Miksakawan and Makkawan intersections near one of the entrances to Government House to retake the area.

Police demolished the protesters’ shelters, tents and obstruction materials before penetrating the area without any clash or violence. Protesters had earlier collected their belongings and departed the scene.

Police said they found home-made grenades, urea-mixed fertilizer, iron pellets, and other bomb-making components as well as the mildly-narcotic kratom (mitragynine) leaves.

Police said the protesters had violated the Emergency Decree – an offence liable to two years prison and a maximum fine of Bt40,000.

Protesters of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) who had sealed off the Interior Ministry for several months had been on alert overnight following a warning of a police raid early this morning.

The protesters vowed to continue keeping control of the area and said they believed PDRC members from Pathumwan rally site would move to the Interior Ministry as reinforcements.

The protesters were been on special alert since last night as supporters from other rally sites flowed in following repeated announcements on Bluesky Channel. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2014-02-14


''Protesters had earlier collected their belongings and departed the scene........Police said they found home-made grenades, urea-mixed fertilizer, iron pellets, and other bomb-making components as well as the mildly-narcotic kratom (mitragynine) leaves.''

Since the protestors had already collected all their belongings and left, surely they would have taken all the aforementioned things the police supposedly 'found' with them ? They cost somebody money, it just doesn't make sense that they would leave those things laying about to be so easily discredited by their opponents, the protestors would not be that stupid ( despite the bs from the red sheeple saying they are )...Methinks some funny business going on with the evidence here....Wouldn't be the first time CMPO and the idiots at the helm have lied to try and make the protestors look bad would it. If they 'find' weapons then they think it somehow justifies the removal so they must be found there whether true or not. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the protestors are angels and I am not denying that some of them were armed, but this just seems way too convenient and judging by past actions.... bah.gif

Make your own conclusions people.

Maybe they were concerned that the coppers had set up check points and didn't want to be found in possession of these items.

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The Army needs to come in to protect peaceful protesters against the evil arm of fascist Thaksin regime!

Let's liberate Thailand from the fascist Red Shirts!

And no more rice subsidy please.

A waste of my tax money.

Just how much tax did you pay last year? Tax receipt or it did not happen...

Are you trying to claim that no Expat here on TV pays Thai tax?

Get real!

Many of us have jobs and pay income tax.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It makes no difference whether an expat pays any tax or how much. You have no say in how that money can or cannot be used. If you're not happy about that, then don't pay any taxes.

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Explain to me, again, exactly who forced the PM to dissolve Parliament and how did they do it. Where is that person/group now and why don't they have the power to cause the caretaker government to resign?

Idiot move on the part of the PM to give up her power in uncertain times. Did she do it so she could claim she wasn't responsible for the inability to honor the Rice Pledging contracts? Just because a few hundred people protest and march, this government just folded?

The courts have decided that the protests are legal so how does the government legally shut down legal protests. Real democracies are not going to like all the bloodshed and civil rights violations that will come with a police crackdown. Maybe it's more bluff and bluster (code names for Surapong and Chalerm.)

No "real democracy" would allow protestors to shut down the commercial heart of the capital city - for months!

What do you mean 'shut down the capital city? I've been able to go anywhere I want. I've also been reading for days from government supporters on this forum that there are only 40 people at each stage and there are only 7 stages at most. The court has already ruled the protests are legal and only a propagandist would claim they are not peaceful. Abhisit let Thaksin's paid army barricade the entire CBD with tires and fire M80 grenades at Skytrain stations, invade a hospital, and on and on before declaring the people had suffered enough when he had already acquiesced to early elections. All the protesters demand had been met and still they stayed. 18 words; you really don't have much of an argument do you?

The Constitution Court ruled that it was constitutional to protest. It however, said criminal activities are not under its jurisdiction. It means law enforcement agencies must enforce the rule of law on criminal activities.

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About time. Any Democratically elected Govt around the world (as this one is), would have taken control weeks ago from thugs holding a country to ransom. Whether you like it or not this Govt was elected. Suthep nd his colleagues do not want an election because they know they cannot win. Simple as that. Mind you the only protestors left are those being paid.

And whether you like it or not, this caretaker government have been caught lying, cheating and acting illegally. Being elected doesn't mean you are above the law, although they have tried very hard to put themselves in that position. They dissolved parliament and face numerous corruption charges, as well as still refusing to answer questions on illegal behavior.

No country in the world would tolerate a government openly cavorting, influenced and even instructed by a fugitive convicted criminal fraudster with such massive amounts of money being unaccounted.

And no country in the world would replace then with equally corrupt morons like Suthep. Both as bad as each other.

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You seem to forget the first people killed in 2010 were the soldiers that were killed by the reds including a high ranking Colonel. Your selective memory must be very convenient for you.

Actually the first person to die on April 10th 2010 was a UDD supporter who was shot by the army in the afternoon.

Please cite a source to aid my poor memory. Would like to know the circumstances surrounding the incident.

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just take away all aspects of comfort and the protest will die out

lock toilets

dismantle the big karaoke stage during the day when its empty

stop people making shops in the protest areas by not letting them in with their stock

confiscate tents and sleeping bags during the day so there is no place to sleep except outside on concrete

deny access to food and drink vendors so they will have nothing to eat or drink by blocking the roads inwards

see how long it lasts when peolpe are cold ,tired ,sore and hungry and thirsty ......they will leave one by one without

the police having to use violence on them

Like the title says - the Royal Thai Police are in a position to retake the rally sites. Your suggestion is quite sensible. The Royal Thai Police is in a position to enforce many many aspects of the law in Thailand.

But whether they will be bothered is another question...

Edited by bangon04
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About time. Any Democratically elected Govt around the world (as this one is), would have taken control weeks ago from thugs holding a country to ransom. Whether you like it or not this Govt was elected. Suthep nd his colleagues do not want an election because they know they cannot win. Simple as that. Mind you the only protestors left are those being paid.

And whether you like it or not, this caretaker government have been caught lying, cheating and acting illegally. Being elected doesn't mean you are above the law, although they have tried very hard to put themselves in that position. They dissolved parliament and face numerous corruption charges, as well as still refusing to answer questions on illegal behavior.

No country in the world would tolerate a government openly cavorting, influenced and even instructed by a fugitive convicted criminal fraudster with such massive amounts of money being unaccounted.

And no country in the world would replace then with equally corrupt morons like Suthep. Both as bad as each other.

No one want to replace the government with Suthep....Suthep told appox. 1000 times that he won't take a position in the new government.

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The first stage of the war on the shutdown of Bangkok has begun.

Yes, you reds do like your violence, don't you?

Seems a rather odd statement to make given the different approaches for clearing the city centre in 2010 and now.The former if you recall involved the army shooting innocent victims.The latter involves internationally praised patience and restraint.

The former also included armed terrorists shooting at and firing grenades at innocents, as you well know.

The current patience and restraint has more to do with worrying about the consequential backlash, from the military, the large cross section of the populace originally inflamed by the attempted whitewash of a crook and his pals, as much as any concern for human rights, public safety and international opinion. The current regime has played the patience / waiting game, hoping the threat of legal and financial actions, coupled with sporadic shootings and bombings would encourage the protesters to go home. This was working until the farmers woke up to the lies and bullshit and threaten to march on Bangkok and throw the caretaker regime out. Now they have no option - they can't risk the farmers and myriad of other protesters joining forces. Also, some world press are now waking up to the corruption and losses associated with the rice scheme and reporting accordingly (even the usually pro PTP AFP).

They have to do something. The farmers, the possibility of increased protesters over the holiday weekend, the snowballing corruption probes, the increasingly bad world press, etc etc. Very importantly they have to do something before 1st April. Otherwise they will be out of office when the Amnesty Bill comes back.

They will have been encouraged by the US comments against military intervention and maybe feel the military will stay out of things.

Sadly, it seems they have decided it's "do or die" - and it won't be any of the clan or its cronies doing the dying.


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Clear out the protest sites if you want...

its not going to make an iota of difference, it risks restarting the protest movement (you think they are gunna go home and stay there when the Farmers are begining thier protest movement??) and the courts are all preparing cases against YL and her henchmen... not to mention the failed election where the EC is planning by-elections for the time after the care taker governemnt 'expires'

this is a last ditch effort, guess the order is to kill a few protestors (or the leaders) on the way down... burn in hell

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The police claimed they would only be armed with batons and shields but you can clearly see on TV that many have pistols and some are carrying automatic weapons.

Doesn't bode well.

They have the right to defend themselves should there be live fire.

I anticipate that should the decision be made to carry out the removal of the illegal squatter camps. it will be done quickly and with a minimum of violence at several of the sites. The squatters/protestors are few in number at several sites, which will make it easier to swarm them and discourage those who wish to engage in violence. If there is bloodshed it will come courtesy of the squatters.

They have the right to defend themselves should there be live fire.

So glad you clarified that. And I assume that statement also applies to the Army who were confronted with "live fire" and lots of it in 2010, and the anti-government protesters who had the redshirts sicked on to them by their boss in Dubai ?

If there is bloodshed it will come courtesy of the squatters.

Heard many logical TV members say the same thing back in 2010. Thanks again. It seems we do think alike after all. whistling.gif

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maybe time for this topic to be put to bed, followed shortly by the chalarm suprise disguise for protesters topic. it's just gone predictably to the he said, she said 2010 v 2014 arguments that seem to derail just about every news topic related to this protest.

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About time. Any Democratically elected Govt around the world (as this one is), would have taken control weeks ago from thugs holding a country to ransom. Whether you like it or not this Govt was elected. Suthep nd his colleagues do not want an election because they know they cannot win. Simple as that. Mind you the only protestors left are those being paid.

actually, the current government is not an elected government (although it initially was), it is a caretaker government which just happens to be made up of the previously elected government. a technicality i know, but coincidentally (or not) exactly the same situation as was the case during the last coup.

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''Protesters had earlier collected their belongings and departed the scene........Police said they found home-made grenades, urea-mixed fertilizer, iron pellets, and other bomb-making components as well as the mildly-narcotic kratom (mitragynine) leaves.''

Since the protestors had already collected all their belongings and left, surely they would have taken all the aforementioned things the police supposedly 'found' with them ? They cost somebody money, it just doesn't make sense that they would leave those things laying about to be so easily discredited by their opponents, the protestors would not be that stupid ( despite the bs from the red sheeple saying they are )...Methinks some funny business going on with the evidence here....Wouldn't be the first time CMPO and the idiots at the helm have lied to try and make the protestors look bad would it. If they 'find' weapons then they think it somehow justifies the removal so they must be found there whether true or not. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the protestors are angels and I am not denying that some of them were armed, but this just seems way too convenient and judging by past actions.... bah.gif

Make your own conclusions people.

what, no WMDs? cheesy.gif

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About time. Any Democratically elected Govt around the world (as this one is), would have taken control weeks ago from thugs holding a country to ransom. Whether you like it or not this Govt was elected. Suthep nd his colleagues do not want an election because they know they cannot win. Simple as that. Mind you the only protestors left are those being paid.

And whether you like it or not, this caretaker government have been caught lying, cheating and acting illegally. Being elected doesn't mean you are above the law, although they have tried very hard to put themselves in that position. They dissolved parliament and face numerous corruption charges, as well as still refusing to answer questions on illegal behavior.

No country in the world would tolerate a government openly cavorting, influenced and even instructed by a fugitive convicted criminal fraudster with such massive amounts of money being unaccounted.

And no country in the world would replace then with equally corrupt morons like Suthep. Both as bad as each other.

Equally corrupt ?

Well, call me crazy but I don't remember the Democrat party ever :

appointing terrorists as MP's ( Nuttawat, Jatuporn, Arisman )

any reports of them getting their sons off of murder charges ( Chalerm )

or welcoming 200+ convicted electoral fraudsters into their party.

I do not remember them openly cavorting with a fugitive ex member on the run or allowing him to run the party

Giving a diplomatic passport to a convicted fugitive on the run.

or pissing away ( stealing a large sum of ) 800 billion baht on some crazy hairbrained populist scam to buy votes.

Not to mention Taksin's litany of wrongdoings including failing to bribe the judge and running away.

etc. etc. etc.

To call anyone else 'equally corrupt' is a very specious argument at best without lots of evidence. Land deal, palm oil blah blah blah whatever. By far the lesser of two evils and Suteb HAS STATED MANY TIMES that he will have no further role in government. So can we stop with the specious hyperbolic crap and stick to facts please ? Thank you.

By the way, correct me if I am wrong, please, go ahead, try and justify the PT criminals actions.

Kasit the Foreign Minister - important full ministerial post. BTW, none of the PTP MPs you mentioned was convicted of Terrorism. However, they were jailed and now on bail. Many of the RS/UDD demonstrators are still in jails without trials. None of the PAD leaders with terrorism charges ever step in a jail on the crimes they committed. They cases have been postponing almost for six/seven years now.

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